Juan Williams Loses Job At NPR For Telling The Truth

You stupid assholes.

My understanding is they receive "420 MILLION" dollars FROM Uncle Obama. That means EWE pay for a government sponsored hate site.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Well, yes the "republican agenda". Actions of those elected to government office after Reagan has not been much different then that of those in the Democratic party overall. But proto-Tea Partiers did rail against such expansion of our government during GW's administration also. They were ignored because most of the public has been conditioned to the small but incremental advance, year after year (from T. Roosevelt and W. Wilson onward) of the left in U.S. government. NCLB (no child left behind) and Medicare Part D are viewed just as badly as Obamacare by true conservatives.

However, placing the entire blame on a 'Bush era' Republican party is woefully inadequate finger pointing, at best. The financial downturn of recent years has its roots firmly entangled amongst many factors. Starting with the Carter era CRA (Community Reinvestment Act 1977) its use as an extortion tool by community groups such as ACORN during the Clinton administration through Alan Greenspan's Fed policy of cheap money and the resultant "irrational exuberance" as a contributing factor to the housing bubble through Barney Franks willingness to eschew the G.W. Bush administration's efforts to pare back Fannie and Freddie so he could "roll the dice" and have the U.S. taxpayer underwrite the future failure of those GSE's to a present day Rep. Frank who now admits he was in an 'ideological fog' of sorts when he set the stage for the housing debacle that continues to be one of the main causes of the present state of our financial affairs. The common thread that runs through all the above is central government meddling, is it not? Further, given past evidence, would it be too much to note that forgoing future government meddling (and eliminating much of that of the present) in the private economy might be just the ticket to pull us out of our present financial funk?

This brings us to your observation that "Change does not happen over night...". Indeed, given the subject, it does not. But given your hope for an Obama solution, and the fact President Obama has governed for the better part of two years at what point are we to consider the "night" to be over? When are we to notice the Obama magic taking effect?

Except for Cape and Trade ("...the rise of the oceans began to slow...") he has already established two out of three of his Main goals; health care and financial reform. “Two out of three ain't bad" rightly says Meatloaf. Problem is none of this is what the majority of our citizens really want which is...jobs and an economy that actually looks like its coming back.

Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive
Not if you believe everything he stands for is wrong and, more importantly, everything he has done so far has been woefully unsuccessful in bringing this country back from the financial abyss. As for the "nasty division" you observed, get used to it. The country has reached a turning point. People have been self educating as to their rights and power as citizens. They have seen Greece and, now, France implode. They have witnessed Angela Merkel state that the PC multiculturalism in Europe is just not working. They have seen an apologetic Obama agenda that will soon give us the biggest sponsor of state terrorism, Iran, a nuclear bomb. They are not going to tolerate an Obama administration or its leftist enablers whose goal is increasing statism in America. The mindset is now to fight back. Compromise just means more of the same. Really, how good are one’s principles if they are whittled away by ‘compromise’?

The question really is: At what point will you reach Thelma Hart's position where you, too, are "... exhausted. Exhausted of defending [Obama], defending [Obama's] administration...]? When will your dark "night" end?


Just to emphasize one of the major flaws in this analogy: Nowhere in the Community Reinvestment Act 1977 did it force banks to make bad loans...it "requested" that banks make the SAME type of loans available to minorities that it makes to the majority.

I defy anyone to show me the language in the Act that stated otherwise. Not someone's opinion, but the actual language.

It was the BANKS that made the bad loans, then bundle them with good loans and parlayed that on the open market, selling the "packages" to other banks.

Eventually this caused the problem we have today.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.

Well, yes the "republican agenda". Actions of those elected to government office after Reagan has not been much different then that of those in the Democratic party overall. But proto-Tea Partiers did rail against such expansion of our government during GW's administration also. They were ignored because most of the public has been conditioned to the small but incremental advance, year after year (from T. Roosevelt and W. Wilson onward) of the left in U.S. government. NCLB (no child left behind) and Medicare Part D are viewed just as badly as Obamacare by true conservatives.

However, placing the entire blame on a 'Bush era' Republican party is woefully inadequate finger pointing, at best. The financial downturn of recent years has its roots firmly entangled amongst many factors. Starting with the Carter era CRA (Community Reinvestment Act 1977) its use as an extortion tool by community groups such as ACORN during the Clinton administration through Alan Greenspan's Fed policy of cheap money and the resultant "irrational exuberance" as a contributing factor to the housing bubble through Barney Franks willingness to eschew the G.W. Bush administration's efforts to pare back Fannie and Freddie so he could "roll the dice" and have the U.S. taxpayer underwrite the future failure of those GSE's to a present day Rep. Frank who now admits he was in an 'ideological fog' of sorts when he set the stage for the housing debacle that continues to be one of the main causes of the present state of our financial affairs. The common thread that runs through all the above is central government meddling, is it not? Further, given past evidence, would it be too much to note that forgoing future government meddling (and eliminating much of that of the present) in the private economy might be just the ticket to pull us out of our present financial funk?

This brings us to your observation that "Change does not happen over night...". Indeed, given the subject, it does not. But given your hope for an Obama solution, and the fact President Obama has governed for the better part of two years at what point are we to consider the "night" to be over? When are we to notice the Obama magic taking effect?

Except for Cape and Trade ("...the rise of the oceans began to slow...") he has already established two out of three of his Main goals; health care and financial reform. “Two out of three ain't bad" rightly says Meatloaf. Problem is none of this is what the majority of our citizens really want which is...jobs and an economy that actually looks like its coming back.

Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive
Not if you believe everything he stands for is wrong and, more importantly, everything he has done so far has been woefully unsuccessful in bringing this country back from the financial abyss. As for the "nasty division" you observed, get used to it. The country has reached a turning point. People have been self educating as to their rights and power as citizens. They have seen Greece and, now, France implode. They have witnessed Angela Merkel state that the PC multiculturalism in Europe is just not working. They have seen an apologetic Obama agenda that will soon give us the biggest sponsor of state terrorism, Iran, a nuclear bomb. They are not going to tolerate an Obama administration or its leftist enablers whose goal is increasing statism in America. The mindset is now to fight back. Compromise just means more of the same. Really, how good are one’s principles if they are whittled away by ‘compromise’?

The question really is: At what point will you reach Thelma Hart's position where you, too, are "... exhausted. Exhausted of defending [Obama], defending [Obama's] administration...]? When will your dark "night" end?


Just to emphasize one of the major flaws in this analogy: Nowhere in the Community Reinvestment Act 1977 did it force banks to make bad loans...it "requested" that banks make the SAME type of loans available to minorities that it makes to the majority.

I defy anyone to show me the language in the Act that stated otherwise. Not someone's opinion, but the actual language.

It was the BANKS that made the bad loans, then bundle them with good loans and parlayed that on the open market, selling the "packages" to other banks.

Eventually this caused the problem we have today.

The CRA was amended in subsequent years so it's not in it's original form. You're arguing about something that doesn't exist. If you want to know the new form of the law maybe you might want to look at it's current form.

The law encourages loans in poorer communities but would be huge risk for banks if not for government subsidies.

Community Reinvestment Act of 1977: Definition from Answers.com

Community Development Banking and Financial Institutions Act o...: Information from Answers.com
It started with Clinton regulations and forcing banks where lenders could lend, so they didn't have a choice but to lower lending standards or face gov't penalties. Clinton put well-intended Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 on steroids and with that he created market for subprime loans that he and Dems now decry as predatory and blaming Reps for it.

Only thing that Bush had to do with this is that he, McCain and few others tried to overhaul and regulate how Fannie and Freddie were run, but Dodd and Frank blocked the measure.

My wife used to work with Citi. The only way bank could decline the loan is based debt/income ratio or collateral. Anything else is against the law. To illustrate, you could be 99 years old and meet this criteria, you can get 30 year loan.

This could help understanding. "Bank Affirmative Action"

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NPR claims to reach 34 million listeners. More than 10% of America? I doubt that.

First interview with NPR CEO Vivian Schiller on Juan Williams firing | Radio & TV Talk

It was posting here I think, months ago. The top 4 talk radio programs in America are:

1. Rush Limbaugh
2. "All Things Considered" (NPR)
3. "Morning Edition" (NPR)
4. Sean Hannity

Rush has 25 million so the 34 million claim is an outright lie.

NPR must be counting listeners SAVED or Created. Each time the same listener tunes in, they count him or her as a SAVED listener.
Why would you want to go back to the Bush Administration's way of doing things? The republican agenda of the Bush Era is the reason our country is in such dier straits right now. Change does not happen over night and you surely see that you must give Obama a chance to accomplish his goals.
Being opposed to everything he stands for is counterproductive. The two parties have, at times, worked across party lines, but I have never seen the nasty division that I am seeing now. Obama is a good man and deserves to be heard. He has accomplished so much in his two years in office and I don't believe that the republicans are going to be as victorious as they think come November. The people paying for all the negative ads this time around are the wealthiest people on the planet and they don't care about the common person...only themselves and assuming more power and control over you, and me. Time for all to wake up and take back our power.
Free speech rights are not an issue here. That is a perfect example of what I just mentioned, i.e., the right having to take every episode and turn it into idiocy.
And Juan was fired for speaking unapproved opinions. Do keep up.

Which even if true, is not a free speech issue. He might have indeed been wrongfully terminated in violation of his contract, but that is still not a free speech issue.
I agree. The issue is leftist intolerance for ideas that don't adhere to their narrow worldview.
I thought their might be adults posting on this site. I was wrong. Obviously, from your lack of the ability to carry on a civil conversation, you aren't even old enough to vote. Either that or you are missing some vital brain cells. Either way, I'm out. Dog help us if people like Christine O'Donnell are ever in political power. America is filled with uneducated, fear-based ignorant people such as yourselves. Maybe there are interesting people who have communication skils....none to be found here.

Bitch is too nice of a word to use on you. The "C" word is more appropriate. What a sad and miserable person you present yourself to be. You deserve what you get...and no doubt that is "not much." No doubt in my mind that you are trailer trash.
Is that some of the "civil, adult conversation" you were looking for?

And Juan was fired for speaking unapproved opinions. Do keep up.

Which even if true, is not a free speech issue. He might have indeed been wrongfully terminated in violation of his contract, but that is still not a free speech issue.
I agree. The issue is leftist intolerance for ideas that don't adhere to their narrow worldview.

NPR has conservative opinion on their news shows on a regular basis.
Which even if true, is not a free speech issue. He might have indeed been wrongfully terminated in violation of his contract, but that is still not a free speech issue.
I agree. The issue is leftist intolerance for ideas that don't adhere to their narrow worldview.

NPR has conservative opinion on their news shows on a regular basis.

Where they can control it. They can't control what their folks say in other venues...except by firing them.
NPR claims to reach 34 million listeners. More than 10% of America? I doubt that.

First interview with NPR CEO Vivian Schiller on Juan Williams firing | Radio & TV Talk

It was posting here I think, months ago. The top 4 talk radio programs in America are:

1. Rush Limbaugh
2. "All Things Considered" (NPR)
3. "Morning Edition" (NPR)
4. Sean Hannity

Rush has 25 million so the 34 million claim is an outright lie.
Not only are you stupid enough to parrot Stuttering LimpTard's 25 million lie, but also you are stupid enough to think NPR is only one radio program when you list 2 NPR programs in your top 4. :cuckoo:
NPR claims to reach 34 million listeners. More than 10% of America? I doubt that.

First interview with NPR CEO Vivian Schiller on Juan Williams firing | Radio & TV Talk

It was posting here I think, months ago. The top 4 talk radio programs in America are:

1. Rush Limbaugh
2. "All Things Considered" (NPR)
3. "Morning Edition" (NPR)
4. Sean Hannity

Rush has 25 million so the 34 million claim is an outright lie.

Rush is on 3 hours a day. NPR is on 24 hours a day.
NPR claims to reach 34 million listeners. More than 10% of America? I doubt that.

First interview with NPR CEO Vivian Schiller on Juan Williams firing | Radio & TV Talk

It was posting here I think, months ago. The top 4 talk radio programs in America are:

1. Rush Limbaugh
2. "All Things Considered" (NPR)
3. "Morning Edition" (NPR)
4. Sean Hannity

Rush has 25 million so the 34 million claim is an outright lie.

According to Wiki, nothng on NPR makes the top list:

The Rush Limbaugh Show – 15+ million
The Sean Hannity Show – 14+ million
Glenn Beck Program – 10+ million
The Mark Levin Show – 8.5+ million
The Savage Nation – 8.5+ million
The Dave Ramsey Show – 8+ million
The Dr. Laura Program – 8+ million
The Neal Boortz Show – 6+ million
The Laura Ingraham Show – 6+ million

And among television news casts, the NEWS HOUR is the only PBS program that made the list up to 2004. I'm still looking for something more recent:


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