Jubilant reaction to Trump defeat quickly soured by news of Biden win!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

CHICAGO—Seconds after the room had erupted into cheers, applause, and a few big sighs of relief, sources confirmed Tuesday that a local group of friend’s jubilant reaction to Donald Trump’s defeat had soured quickly upon the announcement of Joe Biden’s victory.​
“One moment we’re celebrating our nation’s repudiation of Trump, and the next Biden is declared the winner—what a buzzkill,” said 29-year-old Ryan Lopez, whose smile had visibly faded to weariness as the former vice president and retired six-term senator appeared on television to celebrate with his family.​
“The American people just ousted a transparently racist, misogynistic, and authoritarian president, but before we even have a chance to savor that triumph, we’re forced to deal with the fact that his replacement will be Joe Biden. Ugh, why does the single best piece of news this country has had in years have to be tainted immediately? For fuck’s sake.”​
At press time, Lopez had reportedly demanded the television be shut off after a news anchor observed that Trump would remain in power until January.​


CHICAGO—Seconds after the room had erupted into cheers, applause, and a few big sighs of relief, sources confirmed Tuesday that a local group of friend’s jubilant reaction to Donald Trump’s defeat had soured quickly upon the announcement of Joe Biden’s victory.​
“One moment we’re celebrating our nation’s repudiation of Trump, and the next Biden is declared the winner—what a buzzkill,” said 29-year-old Ryan Lopez, whose smile had visibly faded to weariness as the former vice president and retired six-term senator appeared on television to celebrate with his family.​
“The American people just ousted a transparently racist, misogynistic, and authoritarian president, but before we even have a chance to savor that triumph, we’re forced to deal with the fact that his replacement will be Joe Biden. Ugh, why does the single best piece of news this country has had in years have to be tainted immediately? For fuck’s sake.”​
At press time, Lopez had reportedly demanded the television be shut off after a news anchor observed that Trump would remain in power until January.​


Thanks, I've been meaning to check The Onion to see what they're up to.

Fun fact --- Doornail Rump actually threatened to sue The Onion once. Narcissists have no sense of humor. Fragile little snowflake.
Fun fact --- Doornail Rump actually threatened to sue The Onion once. Narcissists have no sense of humor. Fragile little snowflake.

That IS a fun fact of which I was unaware! He sicked Michael Cohen on them. LoL!! :laughing0301:
One moment we’re celebrating our nation’s repudiation of Trump
There was no "repudiation: of Trump, you clueless lying fuck! The guy GAINED 5 million votes! And he got more votes than any other president in history-- -- about 3.5 million more votes than the ROCK STAR of the democrat party, Barack Obumma in his first, best election!

The American people just ousted a transparently racist, misogynistic, and authoritarian president
The racism, misogyny and authoritarianism existed only in your deaf claims and sullied minds.

We’re forced to deal with the fact that his replacement will be Joe Biden. Ugh, why does the single best piece of news this country has had in years have to be tainted immediately? For fuck’s sake.”
Says it better than I ever could what STUPID FUCKS you all are. You all apparently tripped over your own feet couldn't rush fast enough to vote for a guy that you already regret and he isn't even in office yet / hasn't done a thing!!! Just wait until you have him for a while! :auiqs.jpg:
One moment we’re celebrating our nation’s repudiation of Trump
There was no "repudiation: of Trump, you clueless lying fuck! The guy GAINED 5 million votes! And he got more votes than any other president in history-- -- about 3.5 million more votes than the ROCK STAR of the democrat party, Barack Obumma in his first, best election!

It's kind of astounding that a wag sporting a gif of a triode in his sigline is this degree of stupid about math.

Here are a couple of fun facts: Biden's 78.6xx million votes has now surpassed Rump's total by over five and a half million. Roughly the population of the entire state of Minnesota.

Rump can thank Benjamin Harrison (1888. 1892) for his not being the first POTUS to lose the popular vote TWICE. Which he's done now by a collective margin of over eight million votes, more than the population of the entire Commonwealth of Virginia (Harrison's two-year shortfall was under half a million).

Put those numbers on your grid and modulate them, DeForest.
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