Judaeo-christianity Timeline

Has years the books and gospels were written, crusades happened, denominations were founded etc.

Events detailed span period from 4000BCE to 1991 CE
Interesting entry here,

1555 Sep. 25 Holy Roman Empire Formally Sanctions State Religions
The Diet of the Holy Roman Empire issues the Peace of Augsburg. Under its terms, each prince in the Empire is to choose an official religion for his territory—Catholicism or Lutheranism. Those who do not follow the state religion may peaceably sell their property and emigrate.

Sounds like what ISIS gets flack for doing.
1523 Tyndale Translates the New Testament into English
William Tyndale publishes his translation of the New Testament from Greek to English. Working and hiding in England and Germany to avoid arrest, he continues his work by publishing sections of the Old Testament, beginning in 1530. Tyndale's Bible was banned as soon as it was published, but it gained wide, unofficial distribution. His translation was used as the basis for most subsequent English Bibles, and many scholars recognize the quality of his translations.

Love to see that version.
Looking for an online version of the above Bible I found yet another timeline site. :) This one for Bibles themselves.

English Bible History Timeline of how we got the English Bible

Have some pics of the Tyndale original, kinda cool. Timeline itself is equally vast and impressive. Critical dates include:

315 AD: Athenasius, the Bishop of Alexandria, identifies the 27 books of the New Testament which are today recognized as the canon of scripture.

382 AD: Jerome's Latin Vulgate Manuscripts Produced which contain All 80 Books (39 Old Test. + 14 Apocrypha + 27 New Test).

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