Judaism 101

So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
There are 3 main denominations of Judaism:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The O's are the most dedicated and the Rs the least dedicated. I am a Cons, right in the middle. Judaism 101 is Orthodox but most of it applies to all Jews.
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
There are 3 main denominations of Judaism:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The O's are the most dedicated and the Rs the least dedicated. I am a Cons, right in the middle. Judaism 101 is Orthodox but most of it applies to all Jews.
Have you ever read Blood Passover by Professor Ariel Toaff? It explains in depth exactly why the blood libel isn't actually libel.
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
To a few people.

Me? I think the interesting part of their history is their transition from a priesthood to a parliament.

If you had even the slightest concept of the actual nature of that "priesthood" to which
you refer and the actual form of the government back in the day, you would not make the --sorry to say---the idiot comment above. The israeli parliament, today, is based
far more on the SANHEDRIN of the past----than on the "priests" of the Temple. Your
sunday school education is SHINING FORTH
You know the Jews once had a priesthood. Now their country has a parliament.

You know that, right?
The Jewish priests were not rulers, just clergy. Back then, Israel had a kin
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
To a few people.

Me? I think the interesting part of their history is their transition from a priesthood to a parliament.
The Jewish priests were not rulers, just clergy.
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
There are 3 main denominations of Judaism:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The O's are the most dedicated and the Rs the least dedicated. I am a Cons, right in the middle. Judaism 101 is Orthodox but most of it applies to all Jews.
Have you ever read Blood Passover by Professor Ariel Toaff? It explains in depth exactly why the blood libel isn't actually libel.

that book was discussed quite a bit-----something like more than ten years ago. In no way does it "explain in depth" why the blood libels of your world were not "actually
libel" Of course it IS a fact---that Jeffrey Dahmer was a true blue christian. Have you
ever visited the prison wards for the criminally insane in state hospitals? I have-----
lots of really fervent and pious christians there
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
There are 3 main denominations of Judaism:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The O's are the most dedicated and the Rs the least dedicated. I am a Cons, right in the middle. Judaism 101 is Orthodox but most of it applies to all Jews.
Have you ever read Blood Passover by Professor Ariel Toaff? It explains in depth exactly why the blood libel isn't actually libel.

that book was discussed quite a bit-----something like more than ten years ago. In no way does it "explain in depth" why the blood libels of your world were not "actually
libel" Of course it IS a fact---that Jeffrey Dahmer was a true blue christian. Have you
ever visited the prison wards for the criminally insane in state hospitals? I have-----
lots of really fervent and pious christians there
So, to keep this straight, your position is that his research is wrong because his book was published ten years ago and there are individual Christians who also kill people for ritual purposes? Is that a correct interpretation of your reply?
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
There are 3 main denominations of Judaism:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The O's are the most dedicated and the Rs the least dedicated. I am a Cons, right in the middle. Judaism 101 is Orthodox but most of it applies to all Jews.
Have you ever read Blood Passover by Professor Ariel Toaff? It explains in depth exactly why the blood libel isn't actually libel.

that book was discussed quite a bit-----something like more than ten years ago. In no way does it "explain in depth" why the blood libels of your world were not "actually
libel" Of course it IS a fact---that Jeffrey Dahmer was a true blue christian. Have you
ever visited the prison wards for the criminally insane in state hospitals? I have-----
lots of really fervent and pious christians there
So, to keep this straight, your position is that his research is wrong because his book was published ten years ago and there are individual Christians who also kill people for ritual purposes? Is that a correct interpretation of your reply?

why do you suggest his research is wrong? He may VERY WELL have uncovered some historic features of some bizarre cult in Italy. It is the misinterpretation of the historic
factoids that would render it something of a mainstream thing rather than a
weird phenomenon of a cult-----if the cult existed at all. There are more than "individual christians" who kill for ritual purposes. Historically there have been actual
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
There are 3 main denominations of Judaism:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The O's are the most dedicated and the Rs the least dedicated. I am a Cons, right in the middle. Judaism 101 is Orthodox but most of it applies to all Jews.
Have you ever read Blood Passover by Professor Ariel Toaff? It explains in depth exactly why the blood libel isn't actually libel.

that book was discussed quite a bit-----something like more than ten years ago. In no way does it "explain in depth" why the blood libels of your world were not "actually
libel" Of course it IS a fact---that Jeffrey Dahmer was a true blue christian. Have you
ever visited the prison wards for the criminally insane in state hospitals? I have-----
lots of really fervent and pious christians there
So, to keep this straight, your position is that his research is wrong because his book was published ten years ago and there are individual Christians who also kill people for ritual purposes? Is that a correct interpretation of your reply?

why do you suggest his research is wrong? He may VERY WELL have uncovered some historic features of some bizarre cult in Italy. It is the misinterpretation of the historic
factoids that would render it something of a mainstream thing rather than a
weird phenomenon of a cult-----if the cult existed at all. There are more than "individual christians" who kill for ritual purposes. Historically there have been actual
I have no problem admitting that there have been professing Christians who have murdered people for ritual purposes, such as your example of Jeffrey Dahmer (who was baptized while in prison for his actions, which weren't actually ritual in nature). That's the difference between us. I would never tell you that no Christian anywhere has ever done anything to anyone. I would never pretend your problems with my faith are the result of a mental disorder or delusion. This is exactly why I consciously reject my jewish heritage in favor of the healthier side.
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
There are 3 main denominations of Judaism:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The O's are the most dedicated and the Rs the least dedicated. I am a Cons, right in the middle. Judaism 101 is Orthodox but most of it applies to all Jews.
Have you ever read Blood Passover by Professor Ariel Toaff? It explains in depth exactly why the blood libel isn't actually libel.

that book was discussed quite a bit-----something like more than ten years ago. In no way does it "explain in depth" why the blood libels of your world were not "actually
libel" Of course it IS a fact---that Jeffrey Dahmer was a true blue christian. Have you
ever visited the prison wards for the criminally insane in state hospitals? I have-----
lots of really fervent and pious christians there
So, to keep this straight, your position is that his research is wrong because his book was published ten years ago and there are individual Christians who also kill people for ritual purposes? Is that a correct interpretation of your reply?

why do you suggest his research is wrong? He may VERY WELL have uncovered some historic features of some bizarre cult in Italy. It is the misinterpretation of the historic
factoids that would render it something of a mainstream thing rather than a
weird phenomenon of a cult-----if the cult existed at all. There are more than "individual christians" who kill for ritual purposes. Historically there have been actual
I have no problem admitting that there have been professing Christians who have murdered people for ritual purposes, such as your example of Jeffrey Dahmer (who was baptized while in prison for his actions, which weren't actually ritual in nature). That's the difference between us. I would never tell you that no Christian anywhere has ever done anything to anyone. I would never pretend your problems with my faith are the result of a mental disorder or delusion. This is exactly why I consciously reject my jewish heritage in favor of the healthier side.

your post makes no sense. When did I tell you that "your problems with my fairth are the result of a mental disorder or delusion" I have no idea that the "healthier side" means in your addled brain------tell me more----I might come up with a diagnosis
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

because the subject is remarkably interesting.
There are 3 main denominations of Judaism:Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. The O's are the most dedicated and the Rs the least dedicated. I am a Cons, right in the middle. Judaism 101 is Orthodox but most of it applies to all Jews.
Have you ever read Blood Passover by Professor Ariel Toaff? It explains in depth exactly why the blood libel isn't actually libel.

that book was discussed quite a bit-----something like more than ten years ago. In no way does it "explain in depth" why the blood libels of your world were not "actually
libel" Of course it IS a fact---that Jeffrey Dahmer was a true blue christian. Have you
ever visited the prison wards for the criminally insane in state hospitals? I have-----
lots of really fervent and pious christians there
So, to keep this straight, your position is that his research is wrong because his book was published ten years ago and there are individual Christians who also kill people for ritual purposes? Is that a correct interpretation of your reply?

why do you suggest his research is wrong? He may VERY WELL have uncovered some historic features of some bizarre cult in Italy. It is the misinterpretation of the historic
factoids that would render it something of a mainstream thing rather than a
weird phenomenon of a cult-----if the cult existed at all. There are more than "individual christians" who kill for ritual purposes. Historically there have been actual
I have no problem admitting that there have been professing Christians who have murdered people for ritual purposes, such as your example of Jeffrey Dahmer (who was baptized while in prison for his actions, which weren't actually ritual in nature). That's the difference between us. I would never tell you that no Christian anywhere has ever done anything to anyone. I would never pretend your problems with my faith are the result of a mental disorder or delusion. This is exactly why I consciously reject my jewish heritage in favor of the healthier side.

your post makes no sense. When did I tell you that "your problems with my fairth are the result of a mental disorder or delusion" I have no idea that the "healthier side" means in your addled brain------tell me more----I might come up with a diagnosis
If you've ever read Mein Kampf, and you haven't, then you'd understand the irony of this conversation. His problem came down almost entirely to how his jewish neighbors in Vienna debated politics.
Some priest positions in the 2nd Temple were inheritable by the nobility. By the 1st Century, the various tribes were no longer a semi-democratic confederacy, they were a gradually alienated by 'racial purity' laws and discriminated against by the Jews returning to Jerusalem and financed by Darius to set themselves up as a ruling class and allies of Persia. The 'Judaism' of the 1st Century bore scant resemblance to the 'Hebrewism' of the pre-exilic tribal federation.
Some priest positions in the 2nd Temple were inheritable by the nobility. By the 1st Century, the various tribes were no longer a semi-democratic confederacy, they were a gradually alienated by 'racial purity' laws and discriminated against by the Jews returning to Jerusalem and financed by Darius to set themselves up as a ruling class and allies of Persia. The 'Judaism' of the 1st Century bore scant resemblance to the 'Hebrewism' of the pre-exilic tribal federation.
It's almost like Jesus had to remind the people how God means for us to live and the rabbis killed him for it or something.
Some priest positions in the 2nd Temple were inheritable by the nobility. By the 1st Century, the various tribes were no longer a semi-democratic confederacy, they were a gradually alienated by 'racial purity' laws and discriminated against by the Jews returning to Jerusalem and financed by Darius to set themselves up as a ruling class and allies of Persia. The 'Judaism' of the 1st Century bore scant resemblance to the 'Hebrewism' of the pre-exilic tribal federation.
It's almost like Jesus had to remind the people how God means for us to live and the rabbis killed him for it or something.

Historically the tribes were always uncomfortable with central govts. run by kings, even David was an anomaly, not a good fit with the culture and biblical tenets. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for their obsession with legalisms and the laws while being 'blind' to the spirit pf the Torah, only one several dissident splinter groups of the time vying for influence in the temple state. The Babylon Jews drive off or alienated most of their own people from The Return onward; I can't think of a similar historical example comparable to the effects of the 'racial purity' drive imposed on Palestine on the Jewish people; it was a cultural and political genocide they never recovered from. Other such drives ended with the Warring States era in China re the Han Chinese, and Hitler in 20th Century Germany, a mutation of Bismarck's misguided 19th Century attempts at generating German nationalism and patriotism in the new Federation created in the 1870's gone wrong and ultimately destroying the country. Do that under the thumb of one of history's major military powers and watch your 'revolutions' fail.
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So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

You might think, since Jews seem to occupy the thoughts of so many on this board (given their small population), people might want to know something about them, other than what they read here.

Personally, I don't think it's so much of an issue that people are ignorant about the Jews. The bigger issue is why are people so keen to talk about a people about which they have almost no information?
So why is it incumbent on most people to know anything about so few people?

You might think, since Jews seem to occupy the thoughts of so many on this board (given their small population), people might want to know something about them, other than what they read here.

Personally, I don't think it's so much of an issue that people are ignorant about the Jews. The bigger issue is why are people so keen to talk about a people about which they have almost no information?

Well, obviously many here have more information than you would like them to have. They're important for a lot of historical reasons, good and bad, as their theology played a role in two of the largest world religions even as they themselves as a people are relatively unimportant, as with ancient Greek culture, Roman culture, Indian culture, etc. did; not that you personally are, despite your conceits. The Aryans, Spartans, and Anglo-Saxons were much smaller tribes, yet their influences are still around, too.
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the rabbis killed him for it or something.

And if he ever comes back, we'll totally do him again.

Why do you think he's stayed away for so long?
The NT says otherwise. Judas did just as Jesus planned and his fate was sealed the moment he made his choice. The same is true for Satan and the jews. You've just been given more time to enjoy your thirty shekels. After your antichrist "messiah" comes and gives you your "world to come" you'll see the true one return with a sword to destroy its fucked up system and the corrupt Jerusalem you'll establish.
Judas did just as Jesus planned and his fate was sealed the moment he made his choice
The Judas role in this story doesn't make sense at all.

What bothers you about Judas role? He's a common archtype.
What bothers me is that this story about Judas' kiss and treason couldn't really happen, at least how it is described in the Bible. Jesus didn't come to Jerusalem incognito and didn't hide himself all the time there. Quite the contrary. It is impossible to believe that 'secret service agents' weren't aware of his appearance and his personality long before they decided to catch him.

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