Judeochristianity. A politically correct lie?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
How can we speak about Judeo - Christian 'values' when the entirely history Christianity has been persecuted by Judaism. Even today, see below.
Nowhere in the Holy Bible is remembered even slightest support of Christianity by Judaism. By no one Great Christian Father, no one Great Christian Writer, no one Great Christian Layman.
The concept of Judeo-Christianity is arisen only nowadays when Judaism badly needs money of Christians for Israel and its numerous wars.

the entirely history Christianity has been persecuted by Judaism

Ahhhh ... poor, baby.

We became a Judeo-Christian nation in 1950 shortly after Israel self declared themselves a state in 1948.

Map of portraits in the House Chamber. Click on the image above to enlarge.

The 11 profiles in the eastern half of the chamber face left and the eleven in the western half face right, so that all look towards the full-face relief of Moses in the center of the north wall.
About Relief Portrait Plaques of Lawgivers
Here's the Sculpture of Moses That Netanyahu Referenced
“Facing me right up there in the gallery, overlooking all of us … is the image of Moses,” he said. “Moses led our people from slavery to the gates of the Promised Land.”

He then quoted Deuteronomy 31:6, Moses’ parting words to the Israelites, in Hebrew: “Be strong and resolute, neither fear nor dread them.”

Netanyahu was referencing a marble relief that has hung in the House chamber since 1950, just two years after the modern state of Israel was founded. The bas relief was sculpted of white Vermont marble by artist Jean de Marco, according to the Architect of the Capitol.
Persecuted??? By Judaism??? When has this happened? Judaism and Christianity are two separate religions. Christianity just started out as a radical Jewish sect. I'm not Jewish, but why keep dragging Jews into your problems? I think that they would rather be left alone and you "Christian" folks sort out your own problems.

I was raised Christian, but I'm beginning to think that Christians are nuts.
Christians follow both the OT as well as the NT, i.e., the bible as a whole, hence the term 'Judeo-Christianity'. Christians are a Jewish sect; whether or not racist Jews and antisemitic Christians like that or not is pretty much irrelevant.
Christians follow both the OT as well as the NT, i.e., the bible as a whole, hence the term 'Judeo-Christianity'. Christians are a Jewish sect; whether or not racist Jews and antisemitic Christians like that or not is pretty much irrelevant.
I don't think that Jews are "racist." I think that they mind their own business and do their own thing. They have spent centuries being bullied, and killed, by "Christians." They don't have any religious relationship with Christians. They have somehow been pestered into a defensive role in the Christian narrative when they have just been minding their own business.

Those who call themselves "Christians" and "follow both the OT as well as the NT" should read the OT and follow it. This ain't happening. Go read Leviticus and Deuteronomy. How many Christians are living a similar life to ultra-Orthodox Jews? Put down that pork chop. Don't eat the shrimp or the lobster. Go take your bath. Get caught up on your sacrifices. Observe the Sabbath. Keep Kosher. Marry the widow of your childless brother. Be careful of your clothing.
Christians follow both the OT as well as the NT, i.e., the bible as a whole, hence the term 'Judeo-Christianity'. Christians are a Jewish sect; whether or not racist Jews and antisemitic Christians like that or not is pretty much irrelevant.
I don't think that Jews are "racist." I think that they mind their own business and do their own thing. They have spent centuries being bullied, and killed, by "Christians." They don't have any religious relationship with Christians. They have somehow been pestered into a defensive role in the Christian narrative when they have just been minding their own business.

Those who call themselves "Christians" and "follow both the OT as well as the NT" should read the OT and follow it. This ain't happening. Go read Leviticus and Deuteronomy. How many Christians are living a similar life to ultra-Orthodox Jews? Put down that pork chop. Don't eat the shrimp or the lobster. Go take your bath. Get caught up on your sacrifices. Observe the Sabbath. Keep Kosher. Marry the widow of your childless brother. Be careful of your clothing.

Christians follow both the OT as well as the NT, i.e., the bible as a whole, hence the term 'Judeo-Christianity'. Christians are a Jewish sect; whether or not racist Jews and antisemitic Christians like that or not is pretty much irrelevant.
I don't think that Jews are "racist." I think that they mind their own business and do their own thing. They have spent centuries being bullied, and killed, by "Christians." They don't have any religious relationship with Christians. They have somehow been pestered into a defensive role in the Christian narrative when they have just been minding their own business.

Those who call themselves "Christians" and "follow both the OT as well as the NT" should read the OT and follow it. This ain't happening. Go read Leviticus and Deuteronomy. How many Christians are living a similar life to ultra-Orthodox Jews? Put down that pork chop. Don't eat the shrimp or the lobster. Go take your bath. Get caught up on your sacrifices. Observe the Sabbath. Keep Kosher. Marry the widow of your childless brother. Be careful of your clothing.

Is this all that you can say? You who quote the OT and the NT and can't do either? The "evangelicals" are the ones who have been quoting Leviticus, but not doing it.
When asked about the Jews' mission in the world, one rabbi gave an answer - To follow the Tora law and by this affect the world's morality. Some Orthodoxes strictly follow this principle. Yeah..

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