Judge Denies Oregon Request to Stop Arrests by US Agents...Trump Wins!

Fucking communist pieces of shit wont protect federal buildings and dont want Federal LE to protect those buildings either?

The scum communists running Portland need to FUCK OFF.
Say what? Give me something of substance here. Why are you OK with shadow government agencies kidnapping ordinary citizens off our streets?
So..you support a fascist regime and a man who wants to be President for life??
Familiarize yourself with the Oregon created lawsuit alleging all sorts of bullshit like you are still spewing out.
In a court of law there was no finding of fact that would support such hyperbole.

You don't deal in facts so I don't see any reason to give you the time of day.

That's because at the end of the day, you support totalitarianism. And if that's the case, that's just un-American.
You right wingers are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

The only thing that's unAmerican is what those jobless losers are doing in the streets of Portland and other places. They've already defaced the building and attempted to burn it down. If the locals will not do anything about it, what do you expect the President to do, just let them destroy the building we taxpayers paid for? And then what, if everything is finally over, is the city going to pay for the reconstruction of that building given it's federal property? No, they're going to say it's the federal governments job to take care of their property.
Yep. And...another example of Trump supporters and right wingers being OK with living under a dictator.

Now you guys are back to not wanting Trump to be a dictator? I wish you all could make up your minds.

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