Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

From your own link:

Second degree murder usually includes all intentional killings that are not premeditated, and some killings that resulted from conduct so reckless it showed a grave indifference to the sanctity of human life or the welfare of others.

When you kneel on a man's neck for 9 and 1/2 minutes, while it may not be premeditated murder one - But it's minimally a 2 or a 3. Particularly considering he was limp and lifeless with no pulse 4 and 1/2 minutes in. I just watched the video again and was DISGUSTED by one of them commanding him to "get up" - He couldn't get up and you damn well know it. And these assholes who didn't intervene at that point are accessory to murder 2 or 3.

Face it, if Mr Floyd had been white and the cop on his neck had been black - You'd be calling for the cops head and you KNOW it.

Absolutely wrong. Whites are not like blacks. If a white suspect dies in a police conflict, most of us white people say the asshole deserved it. That's why the media doesn't report on white people getting killed by the cops. They know we are civilized and won't riot. The media loves riots. Riots mean ratings, and ratings means they can increase their advertisement rates.

You are not allowed on my jury and you are not allowed on my police force after suggesting that blacks are not civilized. "WE are civilized"? You must have missed 1-6 - a CLASSIC case of uncivilized white assholes. What BULLSHIT you spew. Additionally, per capita blacks are killed by cops at TWICE the rate of whites.
Involuntary homicide (negligent manslaughter) appears to be the only charge that has a potential guilty verdict. It would turn on if the officer was negligent in remaining on Floyd's neck AFTER he stopped resisting arrest AND that the act had a significant impact upon the mechanism of his death. If other officers tried to get the cop to remove his knee and he refused, ignorance of the potential impact cannot be claimed - thus constituting implied consent to the potential outcome of his failure to release action.

First off the other officers were underlings. They didn't have the same or higher rank than the officer calling the shots who was kneeling on his neck. Nobody knew this drug addict was going to die or everybody would have reacted differently.

If a lesser ranked officer pulled a superior off of a suspect and the suspect lived, that officer would be disciplined and even be fired. He'd never get another job in police work again.

None of that changes the premise. If he refused to release, he owns the consequences without an ignorance defense.
You are not allowed on my jury and you are not allowed on my police force after suggesting that blacks are not civilized. "WE are civilized"? You must have missed 1-6 - a CLASSIC case of uncivilized white assholes. What BULLSHIT you spew. Additionally, per capita blacks are killed by cops at TWICE the rate of whites.

Blacks fight with cops three times the rate of whites.

Yes, riots are uncivilized. Civilized people let the system work the way we created it. If there is a conflict between police and a suspect where a death occurs, let it get thoroughly investigated. Let it go to court. Let the accused be properly judged by a jury of his or her peers. That's how civilized people do things.

This officer was arrested before an investigation even started, and the lowlifes started rioting at the same time. If the officer is found not guilty, they will riot even more instead of doing something half way intelligent like review the evidence and defense.
And yet again, you are full of crap.

Definition of homicide (Merriam-Webster)

1: a person who kills another
2: a killing of one human being by another detectives investigating a homicide

Synonyms for homicide


From your own link:

Second degree murder usually includes all intentional killings that are not premeditated, and some killings that resulted from conduct so reckless it showed a grave indifference to the sanctity of human life or the welfare of others.

When you kneel on a man's neck for 9 and 1/2 minutes, while it may not be premeditated murder one - But it's minimally a 2 or a 3. Particularly considering he was limp and lifeless with no pulse 4 and 1/2 minutes in. I just watched the video again and was DISGUSTED by one of them commanding him to "get up" - He couldn't get up and you damn well know it. And these assholes who didn't intervene at that point are accessory to murder 2 or 3.

Face it, if Mr Floyd had been white and the cop on his neck had been black - You'd be calling for the cops head and you KNOW it.
I have already stated that he should get manslaughter.

That has, literally, nothing to do with the fact that you are wholly incorrect in pointing at the declaration of homicide in the corners report as somehow meaning the incident was murder - one has very little to do with the other.

That you have to fall back on race is monumentally moronic. That says a lot about your character.
None of that changes the premise. If he refused to release, he owns the consequences without an ignorance defense.

It also doesn't change the fact that the only officer that should be held accountable is the one kneeling on his neck. The others were just trying to hold his legs and arms down, and didn't have the authority to order the officer to get off the suspect.
Ahhh - So as long as you are an "uncivilized" (per Ray) black animal who tried to pass a bad 20 and was under the influence of drugs, THAT is an excuse for an extra-judicial execution. Got it! :rolleyes:
Nope, you're wrong again.
I have already stated that he should get manslaughter.

That has, literally, nothing to do with the fact that you are wholly incorrect in pointing at the declaration of homicide in the corners report as somehow meaning the incident was murder - one has very little to do with the other.

That you have to fall back on race is monumentally moronic. That says a lot about your character.

So homicide and murder are entirely unrelated. Got it!

Ray is the one who brought up race - In fact, race has been brought up about a million times in this case in case you missed it.
You see, apparently whites are civilized and blacks are uncivilized savages.
Normal people know better.

All that said, I appreciate your hunch that Chauvin is guilty of M3/ Manslaughter.
Where did he commit violence in this situation
Resisting arrest
So, killing someone for resisting arrest is acceptable in your world. Not mine.
The cop used tactics taught in police academies in Minnesota, he also didn't inject floyd with a lethal dose of fentanyl! prove that didn't kill him. We know Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe before the confrontation with the cop. why? no one was touching him. why do you all of the sudden lose brain matter and fall into demofk land?
None of that changes the premise. If he refused to release, he owns the consequences without an ignorance defense.

It also doesn't change the fact that the only officer that should be held accountable is the one kneeling on his neck. The others were just trying to hold his legs and arms down, and didn't have the authority to order the officer to get off the suspect.

They were fired because they didn't intervene. Were it me, I'd have bum rushed and tackled the bitch 4 minutes in when it was obvious Floyd wasn't moving whether it would have cost me my job or not.
You probably believe Chauvin was a great cop huh? NOT
I have already stated that he should get manslaughter.

That has, literally, nothing to do with the fact that you are wholly incorrect in pointing at the declaration of homicide in the corners report as somehow meaning the incident was murder - one has very little to do with the other.

That you have to fall back on race is monumentally moronic. That says a lot about your character.

So homicide and murder are entirely unrelated. Got it!

Ray is the one who brought up race - In fact, race has been brought up about a million times in this case in case you missed it.
You see, apparently whites are civilized and blacks are uncivilized savages.
Normal people know better.

All that said, I appreciate your hunch that Chauvin is guilty of M3/ Manslaughter.
well homicide has many forms, one being killing one's ownself, did you know that?
They were fired because they didn't intervene. Were it me, I'd have bum rushed and tackled the bitch 4 minutes in when it was obvious Floyd wasn't moving whether it would have cost me my job or not.
You probably believe Chauvin was a great cop huh? NOT

No you would not have because none of the officers realized the criminal was dying, including the officer on his neck.
None of that changes the premise. If he refused to release, he owns the consequences without an ignorance defense.

It also doesn't change the fact that the only officer that should be held accountable is the one kneeling on his neck. The others were just trying to hold his legs and arms down, and didn't have the authority to order the officer to get off the suspect.

They were fired because they didn't intervene. Were it me, I'd have bum rushed and tackled the bitch 4 minutes in when it was obvious Floyd wasn't moving whether it would have cost me my job or not.
You probably believe Chauvin was a great cop huh? NOT
they weren't there when Floyd injected a lethal dose of fentanyl. strange, did they have that obligation written down somewhere?
They were fired because they didn't intervene. Were it me, I'd have bum rushed and tackled the bitch 4 minutes in when it was obvious Floyd wasn't moving whether it would have cost me my job or not.
You probably believe Chauvin was a great cop huh? NOT

No you would not have because none of the officers realized the criminal was dying, including the officer on his neck.
they didn't know floyd had injected himself with a lethal dose of fentanyl.

I agree. Mr Floyd was an idiot of the highest order. Almost all criminals are. That’s part of why they deserve to die.

He didn't necessary deserved to die. However, he was just another worthless street thug that bad shit happened to. Very common.

I've never had a cop sit on my neck. Maybe it is because I obey the law.
The cop used tactics taught in police academies in Minnesota, he also didn't inject floyd with a lethal dose of fentanyl! prove that didn't kill him. We know Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe before the confrontation with the cop. why? no one was touching him. why do you all of the sudden lose brain matter and fall into demofk land?

I'm sure that will be in his defense. Yes, when you have a deadly amount in fentanyl in your system, it can stop oxygen from getting into your blood stream which obviously was the case when Floyd was in back of the police car.
They were fired because they didn't intervene. Were it me, I'd have bum rushed and tackled the bitch 4 minutes in when it was obvious Floyd wasn't moving whether it would have cost me my job or not.
You probably believe Chauvin was a great cop huh? NOT

No you would not have because none of the officers realized the criminal was dying, including the officer on his neck.

Complete BULLSHIT. I can't help you with your problem Ray. Seek help on your own man.
The cop used tactics taught in police academies in Minnesota, he also didn't inject floyd with a lethal dose of fentanyl! prove that didn't kill him. We know Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe before the confrontation with the cop. why? no one was touching him. why do you all of the sudden lose brain matter and fall into demofk land?

I'm sure that will be in his defense. Yes, when you have a deadly amount in fentanyl in your system, it can stop oxygen from getting into your blood stream which obviously was the case when Floyd was in back of the police car.
and the prosecution will need to prove the cops knew he had injected himself with a lethal dose of fentanyl.

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