Judge in Floyd case opens door for an acquital.

Not me and that's the trouble I have with this. If you were an open-minded or undecided person who was summoned for jury duty in this case, you had every reason to fear because you don't know how you will feel or vote on the matter after hearing and seeing all the evidence. The only people willing to serve on this case are those who's minds are already made up thus no fear of retaliation because you already know how you're going to vote.

This hearing should have been conducted at least 100 miles away in some small town where the lowlifes won't go to if it's against their favor.

I would tell the judge that I fear for my safety.

That's what some did and they didn't have to serve. So they went out and found people that didn't fear serving.
Not me and that's the trouble I have with this. If you were an open-minded or undecided person who was summoned for jury duty in this case, you had every reason to fear because you don't know how you will feel or vote on the matter after hearing and seeing all the evidence. The only people willing to serve on this case are those who's minds are already made up thus no fear of retaliation because you already know how you're going to vote.

This hearing should have been conducted at least 100 miles away in some small town where the lowlifes won't go to if it's against their favor.

I would tell the judge that I fear for my safety.

That's what some did and they didn't have to serve. So they went out and found people that didn't fear serving.
You know these animals will go after anyone on that jusy if they don't like the decision. That includes the filthy MEDIA.,
They teach kneeling on the head of an out of control suspect.

Except he was kneeling on the guy's neck. that's why he died, dummy.

Of course not. Anybody can take three times the lethal amount of fentanyl and be just fine.

People do all the time... and the three times number is bullshit. As you say, 100,000 people die of drug overdoses, but we have 10% of the population who are addicts. Simple math tells you that if only 100K people die out of 300MM addicts, it's a fairly small risk factor.

You either have comprehension challenges or didn't understand the question. So I'll type it again, only slower: When did Trump ever tell the military to ATTACK the rioters?

When he called on them to do so and Esper said no. Esper eventually got fired for showing integrity.

Bullshit. I guess your memory is weak. It started in the early part of his first term, or don't you know what the Beer Summit was?

So let's review. You had the beer summit. No one died as a result of that issue. The other incidents- Tamir Rice, Laquan Mcdonald, etc. All happened later, and Obama worked with police departments on consent decrees to reform them. You see, that's what leadership is... you see a problem, YOU FIX IT.

Oh yeah. That was a recent picture of him. To me, that looks like a 5'9, 190lbs child.

You keep claiming that, but where's the more recent picture where he looks all scary. You'd have me believe that he was the only tween in America who didn't have a ton of pictures of himself in the last year of his life.

That's what he looked like. Clearly a child.

Living in that make believe world in your head. Show me the police taking the gun out of his pants.

Show me where they didn't. We don't have film of what happened in the hours after incident. We have pictures of Loehman driving up, popping out of the car and shooting him seconds later.

His girlfriend broke up with him. Quick! Take his gun and badge away. He's a normal emotional human!!!!

When his emotional problems go on for three months, and he looses it on a gun range to the point where the range officer had to TAKE HIS GUN AWAY FROM HIM, um, yeah. That's kind of a serious issue.
Not me and that's the trouble I have with this. If you were an open-minded or undecided person who was summoned for jury duty in this case, you had every reason to fear because you don't know how you will feel or vote on the matter after hearing and seeing all the evidence. The only people willing to serve on this case are those who's minds are already made up thus no fear of retaliation because you already know how you're going to vote.

This hearing should have been conducted at least 100 miles away in some small town where the lowlifes won't go to if it's against their favor.

Nope. He committed his crime against the people of that city, they are the ones who paid his salary, they are the ones who should judge him.
Which is why I fear the people they found already have their minds made up that the officer is guilty.

Um, yeah, when you have videotape of him doing EXACTLY WHAT HE IS ACCUSED OF, you are going to find most people have made up their minds.

So here's what this case will boil down to

The Tape and a bunch of horrified witnesses to the crime.


A bunch of "experts" making mealy-mouthed assertations about chemistry and how many milligrams is fatal.
Suicide is a homicide

Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide

The killing of oneself is a suicide, not a homicide. If a person kills another person in order to end the other person's pain or suffering, the killing is considered a homicide. It does not matter if the other person is about to die or is terminally ill just prior to being killed; the law generally views such a killing as criminal. Thus, a "mercy killing," or act of Euthanasia, is generally considered a criminal homicide.
Post #864
Then I suppose we have found a pair of dueling dictionaries.
You know these animals will go after anyone on that jusy if they don't like the decision. That includes the filthy MEDIA.,

Which is why I fear the people they found already have their minds made up that the officer is guilty.
It's a possibility, although the judge can declare a mistrial if he believes jurors are being coerced. Hopefully, he will if that becomes relevant.
Nope. He committed his crime against the people of that city, they are the ones who paid his salary, they are the ones who should judge him.

Agreed if we didn't have such uncivilized people in our society. But the fact is we do. Nobody should be allowed to judge a case before they even heard the evidence. The only people willing to serve on that jury are those that did.
Suicide is a homicide

Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide

The killing of oneself is a suicide, not a homicide. If a person kills another person in order to end the other person's pain or suffering, the killing is considered a homicide. It does not matter if the other person is about to die or is terminally ill just prior to being killed; the law generally views such a killing as criminal. Thus, a "mercy killing," or act of Euthanasia, is generally considered a criminal homicide.
Post #864
Then I suppose we have found a pair of dueling dictionaries.
Um, yeah, when you have videotape of him doing EXACTLY WHAT HE IS ACCUSED OF, you are going to find most people have made up their minds.

So here's what this case will boil down to

The Tape and a bunch of horrified witnesses to the crime.


A bunch of "experts" making mealy-mouthed assertations about chemistry and how many milligrams is fatal.

The only concern here is what actually killed the scum. How lowlife witnesses felt and what people seen on a video is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he had three times the fatal dose of fentanyl in his system, combined with meth, combined with a bad heart, and combined with a heart artery that was 70% blocked. When you have a jury willing to ignore those facts, what you have is a biased jury.
Except he was kneeling on the guy's neck. that's why he died, dummy.

When medical experts testify to that, then we can come to that conclusion. But given the fact police all across the country do the same thing thousands of times a year with nobody dying, it's apparent this officer doing the same thing was not the direct cause of his death.

People do all the time... and the three times number is bullshit. As you say, 100,000 people die of drug overdoses, but we have 10% of the population who are addicts. Simple math tells you that if only 100K people die out of 300MM addicts, it's a fairly small risk factor.

10% of our country does not use 3X the lethal dose of fentanyl. Those who have did die. That's kinda the point.

When he called on them to do so and Esper said no. Esper eventually got fired for showing integrity.

You must be stupid or something. Making a request for military aid is not instructing solders to attack lowlifes. I asked you for evidence of your claim and like always, you failed.

So let's review. You had the beer summit. No one died as a result of that issue. The other incidents- Tamir Rice, Laquan Mcdonald, etc. All happened later, and Obama worked with police departments on consent decrees to reform them. You see, that's what leadership is... you see a problem, YOU FIX IT.

And he didn't fix shit. Local police departments didn't comply to that bozo's idiocy. The few that did had no results, and a new president doesn't preclude them from continuing the suggestions of the Kenyan clown.

All these riots happened in commie cities ran by Communists; twice under Hussein and once under President Trump. A US President has ZERO authority to control these places.

You keep claiming that, but where's the more recent picture where he looks all scary. You'd have me believe that he was the only tween in America who didn't have a ton of pictures of himself in the last year of his life.

That's what he looked like. Clearly a child.

And that's why you are such a sap. Do you really think a lowlife mother is going to release a picture of what her 190 lbs 5'9" son actually looked like? Even the FBI agent that heard the call and rushed to the scene described him as a male in his late teens or early 20's. Is that what the picture you posted reveals?

Show me where they didn't. We don't have film of what happened in the hours after incident. We have pictures of Loehman driving up, popping out of the car and shooting him seconds later.

It was all on video. Because we don't have a clear video that disproves your conspiracy theory makes your conspiracy claim true? I can make up all kinds of bullshit in my head, and your job is to show me that I was wrong. How Fn stupid is that?

When his emotional problems go on for three months, and he looses it on a gun range to the point where the range officer had to TAKE HIS GUN AWAY FROM HIM, um, yeah. That's kind of a serious issue.

What did I tell you about using lies to make your point? You just don't listen or take advice. The breakup between him and his girlfriend was just before he broke down on the firing range.
Suicide is a homicide

Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide

The killing of oneself is a suicide, not a homicide. If a person kills another person in order to end the other person's pain or suffering, the killing is considered a homicide. It does not matter if the other person is about to die or is terminally ill just prior to being killed; the law generally views such a killing as criminal. Thus, a "mercy killing," or act of Euthanasia, is generally considered a criminal homicide.
Post #864
Then I suppose we have found a pair of dueling dictionaries.
In this case, we agree to disagree. I'm not Catholic. Suicide kills the killer. There's nobody to charge with homicide.
Um, yeah, when you have videotape of him doing EXACTLY WHAT HE IS ACCUSED OF, you are going to find most people have made up their minds.

So here's what this case will boil down to

The Tape and a bunch of horrified witnesses to the crime.


A bunch of "experts" making mealy-mouthed assertations about chemistry and how many milligrams is fatal.

The only concern here is what actually killed the scum. How lowlife witnesses felt and what people seen on a video is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he had three times the fatal dose of fentanyl in his system, combined with meth, combined with a bad heart, and combined with a heart artery that was 70% blocked. When you have a jury willing to ignore those facts, what you have is a biased jury.
To top it off ,his rotten life did NOT matter. But his DEATH sure mattered to his mooching family. 27 Million. Probably paid for by TAXPAYERS.
To top it off ,his rotten life did NOT matter. But his DEATH sure mattered to his mooching family. 27 Million. Probably paid for by TAXPAYERS.

That's who has to pay for it which is why they forked over the money before the trial date was set. It happened here with the Tamir Rice situation. I'm so glad I no longer pay taxes in Cleveland anymore.
Agreed if we didn't have such uncivilized people in our society. But the fact is we do. Nobody should be allowed to judge a case before they even heard the evidence. The only people willing to serve on that jury are those that did.

Actually, this jury is mostly white people... and they'll still convict Chauvin

Because he's guilty as a cat in a canary cage.

When medical experts testify to that, then we can come to that conclusion. But given the fact police all across the country do the same thing thousands of times a year with nobody dying, it's apparent this officer doing the same thing was not the direct cause of his death.

That's like saying that because some people survive gunshot wounds, it's okay that a cop shot a guy in the back while playing with a toy. Oh, wait, you make those kinds of arguments.

10% of our country does not use 3X the lethal dose of fentanyl. Those who have did die. That's kinda the point.

Except the average lethal does is 9.6. Not 3.6, which is at the LOW end of fatal doses. Floyd had 11.3, maybe slightly above the fatal average. Of course, we can only measure fatal doses because people who take that much and survive are not measured. Given Floyd's size and tolerance level, it's a stretch to say the drugs killed him. Now if he died an hour later, you MIGHT have a case. He died when Chauvin's knee was on his neck.

And he didn't fix shit. Local police departments didn't comply to that bozo's idiocy. The few that did had no results, and a new president doesn't preclude them from continuing the suggestions of the Kenyan clown.

All these riots happened in commie cities ran by Communists; twice under Hussein and once under President Trump. A US President has ZERO authority to control these places.

Actually, riots under Obama were limited to single cities and only lasted a few days because the government took action to make reforms. TRUMP RIOTS(TM) lasted the whole summer AND engulfed nearly every major city in the country.

That's the difference between calming things down and making them worse.

And that's why you are such a sap. Do you really think a lowlife mother is going to release a picture of what her 190 lbs 5'9" son actually looked like? Even the FBI agent that heard the call and rushed to the scene described him as a male in his late teens or early 20's. Is that what the picture you posted reveals?

You think his mother was the ONLY person who had pictures of him? What about his school? what about his friends? And yet you can't find a single picture of this kid where he looks like the menace you claim he was playing with a toy in a park.

It was all on video. Because we don't have a clear video that disproves your conspiracy theory makes your conspiracy claim true? I can make up all kinds of bullshit in my head, and your job is to show me that I was wrong. How Fn stupid is that?

It wasn't 'all on the video". The video ends right after Tamir is shot.

What did I tell you about using lies to make your point? You just don't listen or take advice. The breakup between him and his girlfriend was just before he broke down on the firing range.

Actually, he had ongoing problems with this girl, which is why his superiors realized he lack the emotional maturity to be a police office.

Connect the fucking dots, buddy.

The Independence Police Department hired Loehmann on July 11, 2012. Less than five months later, Deputy Chief Jim Polak said in an assessment that Loehmann was "distracted" and "weepy" during firearms qualification training. Loehmann later told a supervisor that he was having issues with a girlfriend, records show.

"He could not follow simple directions, could not communicate clear thoughts nor recollections, and his handgun performance was dismal," Polak wrote in a Nov. 29, 2012 letter.

Polak also disclosed that Loehmann had a similar breakdown three months earlier during training at the Cleveland Heights Police Academy. In that instance, an instructor calmed Loehmann and he completed the training.

Polak's letter also referenced three instances in which Loehmann failed to follow directions.

In one, Loehmann failed to obtain a lock for his personal locker, and left his gun in the unsecured locker overnight, records show.

In another, Loehmann was told to wear a bulletproof vest for a half-hour to "get used to it." He took it off a short time later because it was too warm, Polak wrote.

Loehmann was also told to remain in the dispatch center one day during his orientation. But he instead wandered off, Polak wrote.

So. Doesn't follow instructions. Dismal Gun performance. Emotionally unstable.

Let's totally hire THAT guy, Cleveland said. Oops. Five months on the job, and he kills a kid!

Suicide is a homicide

Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide

The killing of oneself is a suicide, not a homicide. If a person kills another person in order to end the other person's pain or suffering, the killing is considered a homicide. It does not matter if the other person is about to die or is terminally ill just prior to being killed; the law generally views such a killing as criminal. Thus, a "mercy killing," or act of Euthanasia, is generally considered a criminal homicide.
Post #864
Then I suppose we have found a pair of dueling dictionaries.
In this case, we agree to disagree. I'm not Catholic. Suicide kills the killer. There's nobody to charge with homicide.
Family doesn’t get life insurance money
Agreed if we didn't have such uncivilized people in our society. But the fact is we do. Nobody should be allowed to judge a case before they even heard the evidence. The only people willing to serve on that jury are those that did.

Actually, this jury is mostly white people... and they'll still convict Chauvin

Because he's guilty as a cat in a canary cage.

When medical experts testify to that, then we can come to that conclusion. But given the fact police all across the country do the same thing thousands of times a year with nobody dying, it's apparent this officer doing the same thing was not the direct cause of his death.

That's like saying that because some people survive gunshot wounds, it's okay that a cop shot a guy in the back while playing with a toy. Oh, wait, you make those kinds of arguments.

10% of our country does not use 3X the lethal dose of fentanyl. Those who have did die. That's kinda the point.

Except the average lethal does is 9.6. Not 3.6, which is at the LOW end of fatal doses. Floyd had 11.3, maybe slightly above the fatal average. Of course, we can only measure fatal doses because people who take that much and survive are not measured. Given Floyd's size and tolerance level, it's a stretch to say the drugs killed him. Now if he died an hour later, you MIGHT have a case. He died when Chauvin's knee was on his neck.

And he didn't fix shit. Local police departments didn't comply to that bozo's idiocy. The few that did had no results, and a new president doesn't preclude them from continuing the suggestions of the Kenyan clown.

All these riots happened in commie cities ran by Communists; twice under Hussein and once under President Trump. A US President has ZERO authority to control these places.

Actually, riots under Obama were limited to single cities and only lasted a few days because the government took action to make reforms. TRUMP RIOTS(TM) lasted the whole summer AND engulfed nearly every major city in the country.

That's the difference between calming things down and making them worse.

And that's why you are such a sap. Do you really think a lowlife mother is going to release a picture of what her 190 lbs 5'9" son actually looked like? Even the FBI agent that heard the call and rushed to the scene described him as a male in his late teens or early 20's. Is that what the picture you posted reveals?

You think his mother was the ONLY person who had pictures of him? What about his school? what about his friends? And yet you can't find a single picture of this kid where he looks like the menace you claim he was playing with a toy in a park.

It was all on video. Because we don't have a clear video that disproves your conspiracy theory makes your conspiracy claim true? I can make up all kinds of bullshit in my head, and your job is to show me that I was wrong. How Fn stupid is that?

It wasn't 'all on the video". The video ends right after Tamir is shot.

What did I tell you about using lies to make your point? You just don't listen or take advice. The breakup between him and his girlfriend was just before he broke down on the firing range.

Actually, he had ongoing problems with this girl, which is why his superiors realized he lack the emotional maturity to be a police office.

Connect the fucking dots, buddy.

The Independence Police Department hired Loehmann on July 11, 2012. Less than five months later, Deputy Chief Jim Polak said in an assessment that Loehmann was "distracted" and "weepy" during firearms qualification training. Loehmann later told a supervisor that he was having issues with a girlfriend, records show.

"He could not follow simple directions, could not communicate clear thoughts nor recollections, and his handgun performance was dismal," Polak wrote in a Nov. 29, 2012 letter.

Polak also disclosed that Loehmann had a similar breakdown three months earlier during training at the Cleveland Heights Police Academy. In that instance, an instructor calmed Loehmann and he completed the training.

Polak's letter also referenced three instances in which Loehmann failed to follow directions.

In one, Loehmann failed to obtain a lock for his personal locker, and left his gun in the unsecured locker overnight, records show.

In another, Loehmann was told to wear a bulletproof vest for a half-hour to "get used to it." He took it off a short time later because it was too warm, Polak wrote.

Loehmann was also told to remain in the dispatch center one day during his orientation. But he instead wandered off, Polak wrote.

So. Doesn't follow instructions. Dismal Gun performance. Emotionally unstable.

Let's totally hire THAT guy, Cleveland said. Oops. Five months on the job, and he kills a kid!
Looks like a department issue! You’re confused

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