Judge Ken Starr just sank Nancy's "Impeachment of Trump"

Ken Starr's testimony was outstanding. He very carefully explained how the House's Articles had no constitutional basis.
The president has the authority to conduct foreign policy, period. The "Rodino Rule" was violated in that for an impeachment to be justified it MUST be bi-partisan. Nixon's was, and Clinton's was, but Trump's was not.

Article-2 is simply void because the subpoenas issued before Resolution 660, the impeachment by the full House are not constitutional. Nancy has no authority to start an impeachment inquiry without the full House vote. Further, Trump has every legal right to "due process" and can have the courts evaluate subpoenas and executive privilege claims.

The defense could have rested right after Ken Starr's summary. It was fantastic.
Starr advised that a crime is essential based on the Constitution in order for the senate to remove a president, and Trump committed no crime.

Bolton's testimony is irrelevant, because it would not allege a crime. No witnesses are needed. The fat lady just sang.
Trump is a lying fat ass windbag that sings BS to you constantly and you eat it up in gobs. Same with his defense.

Starr believes that for removal of a president by the senate a serious "high" crime must have been committed by the president.
The House can impeach for non-crimes, as an abuse of their power, but for removal by the senate it needs to be both bi-partisan and a serious crime.
If the House impeachment process isn't bi-partisan and fair, the impeachment should fail.
Trumps entire defense is to say how everyone is lying but him, then refuse to present any exculpatory evidence ..
Trumps entire defense is to say how everyone is lying but him, then refuse to present any exculpatory evidence ..

I believe his defense is the:

  1. Verbiage in the Transcript
  2. Zelensky saying no QPQ
Trombies see and hear what they wish to see and hear.

Starr was boring and professorial as he laid out no defense of Trump whatsoever.

The idea that we should not have impeachment as a check on a corrupt president
is grade A level stupid. And that is what he just claimed.

Morons eat that shit up.

What part of both fucking Articles are bullshit, constitutionally and legally don't you comprehend?

No. They aren't. The evidence is clear. he abused his power for personal gain and then obstructed justice.

Impeachment is the remedy.


1. You don't have any evidence of an impeachable "high" crime, idiot.
2. He may have abused his power, so what, that is not a crime, idiot.
3. Trump did NOT obstruct justice, Trump does have due process rights, idiot.
4. The House can do a partisan impeachment, but the senate will acquit, so the House is just playing partisan politics.
Repubs must impeach the next Prog president as soon as they can. All of this because Progs are pizzed off about the 2016 election. If Repubs do not give them push back, we will end up a banana republic.
I think it would be better if we just jailed the silly shits responsible for the silly shit. The list begins with Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler in the least. Or maybe Pelosi and all of dumbass impeachment managers.

Welcome tin-pot dictator supporter, would you also like to see Trumpybear call out and publicly hang a few Democrat legislators for daring to vote for the Constitutional remedy to rid our country of a corrupt con man like ol Trumpybear?
Repubs must impeach the next Prog president as soon as they can. All of this because Progs are pizzed off about the 2016 election. If Repubs do not give them push back, we will end up a banana republic.
They already impeached Clinton

Their claims of outrage ring shallow
I believe Clinton was impeached because Nixon was impeached. Repubs may have felt bamboozled as Progs will clearly never impeach one of their own as it is known now. Repubs are followers. Or have been for decades. They learn from the other side. In fact if they took full advantage of the situation it would be a war zone in D.C. The judges issue is a thorn in Progs sides. But to soothe you, they still have many extremists who can declare voters decisions null and void and remove executive orders at will
Ken Starr's testimony was outstanding. He very carefully explained how the House's Articles had no constitutional basis.
The president has the authority to conduct foreign policy, period. The "Rodino Rule" was violated in that for an impeachment to be justified it MUST be bi-partisan. Nixon's was, and Clinton's was, but Trump's was not.

Article-2 is simply void because the subpoenas issued before Resolution 660, the impeachment by the full House are not constitutional. Nancy has no authority to start an impeachment inquiry without the full House vote. Further, Trump has every legal right to "due process" and can have the courts evaluate subpoenas and executive privilege claims.

The defense could have rested right after Ken Starr's summary. It was fantastic.
Starr advised that a crime is essential based on the Constitution in order for the senate to remove a president, and Trump committed no crime.

Bolton's testimony is irrelevant, because it would not allege a crime. No witnesses are needed. The fat lady just sang.
Trump is a lying fat ass windbag that sings BS to you constantly and you eat it up in gobs. Same with his defense.

Starr believes that for removal of a president by the senate a serious "high" crime must have been committed by the president.
The House can impeach for non-crimes, as an abuse of their power, but for removal by the senate it needs to be both bi-partisan and a serious crime.
If the House impeachment process isn't bi-partisan and fair, the impeachment should fail.
Abuse of power.
Trombies see and hear what they wish to see and hear.

Starr was boring and professorial as he laid out no defense of Trump whatsoever.

The idea that we should not have impeachment as a check on a corrupt president
is grade A level stupid. And that is what he just claimed.

Morons eat that shit up.
I love it when a message hits home.
Ken Starr's testimony was outstanding. He very carefully explained how the House's Articles had no constitutional basis.
The president has the authority to conduct foreign policy, period. The "Rodino Rule" was violated in that for an impeachment to be justified it MUST be bi-partisan. Nixon's was, and Clinton's was, but Trump's was not.

Article-2 is simply void because the subpoenas issued before Resolution 660, the impeachment by the full House are not constitutional. Nancy has no authority to start an impeachment inquiry without the full House vote. Further, Trump has every legal right to "due process" and can have the courts evaluate subpoenas and executive privilege claims.

The defense could have rested right after Ken Starr's summary. It was fantastic.
Starr advised that a crime is essential based on the Constitution in order for the senate to remove a president, and Trump committed no crime.

Bolton's testimony is irrelevant, because it would not allege a crime. No witnesses are needed. The fat lady just sang.
None of it matters with the constant fake news yammering and the dumbfickistan losers crying in ignorant agreement that Trump is a criminal regardless of any facts.
As was explained during the opening statements, by the very rules of the House voted on by the full House at the beginning of the term, rules passed and used by Republicans to investigate Obama, the Chairs of most of the committees have standing subpoena power. So there was never a need for a special vote to make the House's subpoena power legal before the Impeachment vote.

The Porn Publisher Kenny Star is incorrect. The committees already had subpoena power. Republicans just don't want to honor their own rules. But what do you expect from that corrupt bunch of turds.

Starr's point was that in order to obtain the Constitution's "sole power of impeachment" it took passage of resolution 660 by the whole House first. Duh.

They already had the sole power of impeachment by virtue of the Constitution itself. Unless of course you can cite in the Constitution where it states that they shall vote themselves the sole power before they can actually have it. The Houses subpoenas are all completely legal and neither the Executive nor the Senate, nor the Courts can invalidate their Constitutional sole power of impeachment.
Trumps entire defense is to say how everyone is lying but him, then refuse to present any exculpatory evidence ..

Actually, if you were even paying attention to the defense, you'd know that the defense is to point out that
all of the witnesses (Taylor, Morrison, and Volker) testified that they got their info about the link between the aid and the investigation directly from Sonland.

Sonland, in turn, testified only that he "presumed" there was a link. He used the word "presumed" numerous times during his testimony. When finally pressed by Schiff as to whether Trump told him the aid was linked to an investigation, Sonland testified that Trump told him as follows:

"I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelinsky to do the right thing."

Here's the video of that testimony:

So please stop with the false narrative Trump's entire defense is to say everyone is lying. The defense is simply pointing out that nobody has provided any evidence that supports the claims. That is the exact definition of exculpatory from a defense perspective. If you're interested in the truth, do yourself a favor and watch the impeachment trial, which is on TV right now, as all of that is being made clear.
Ken Starr's testimony was outstanding. He very carefully explained how the House's Articles had no constitutional basis.
The president has the authority to conduct foreign policy, period. The "Rodino Rule" was violated in that for an impeachment to be justified it MUST be bi-partisan. Nixon's was, and Clinton's was, but Trump's was not.

Article-2 is simply void because the subpoenas issued before Resolution 660, the impeachment by the full House are not constitutional. Nancy has no authority to start an impeachment inquiry without the full House vote. Further, Trump has every legal right to "due process" and can have the courts evaluate subpoenas and executive privilege claims.

The defense could have rested right after Ken Starr's summary. It was fantastic.
Starr advised that a crime is essential based on the Constitution in order for the senate to remove a president, and Trump committed no crime.
It was a most excellent talk and a pretty good history lesson too.
It brought the notion to my mind that those responsible for this farce should be punished so this kind of silly shit isn't repeated in the future.

I couldn’t agree more. The problem is that Republicans refuse to punish this President for any of these illegal actions meaning that Trump will be further emboldened.

Trump needs to be taken out now so that further assholishness is completely discouraged.
The man persecuted a blowjob

Shows his credibility

He prosecuted perjury.

For sake of completeness, Clinton was prosecuted for perjury (18 U.S. Code § 1621), suborning perjury (18 U.S. Code § 1622) and obstruction of justice (18 U.S. Code § 1503)

Yep he was impeached for lying about an extra-marital blowjob. Democrats in the Senate own the corruption of lying about a blowjob. Republicans on the other hand, will own Trumpybears corruption of shaking down foreign governments by leveraging bipartisan foreign-aid to gin up announced investigations into his political rivals.
Ken Starr's testimony was outstanding. He very carefully explained how the House's Articles had no constitutional basis.
The president has the authority to conduct foreign policy, period. The "Rodino Rule" was violated in that for an impeachment to be justified it MUST be bi-partisan. Nixon's was, and Clinton's was, but Trump's was not.

Article-2 is simply void because the subpoenas issued before Resolution 660, the impeachment by the full House are not constitutional. Nancy has no authority to start an impeachment inquiry without the full House vote. Further, Trump has every legal right to "due process" and can have the courts evaluate subpoenas and executive privilege claims.

The defense could have rested right after Ken Starr's summary. It was fantastic.
Starr advised that a crime is essential based on the Constitution in order for the senate to remove a president, and Trump committed no crime.
It was a most excellent talk and a pretty good history lesson too.
It brought the notion to my mind that those responsible for this farce should be punished so this kind of silly shit isn't repeated in the future.

I couldn’t agree more. The problem is that Republicans refuse to punish this President for any of these illegal actions meaning that Trump will be further emboldened.

Trump needs to be taken out now so that further assholishness is completely discouraged.

I ask for the 20th time. Why do you care? You are not an American. You do not live in America. Funny how you avoid this question all the time.
Poor Schiff, he and Nadler look like morons in comparison to Trump's legal team. Probably why neither has a job at a real law firm.
The man persecuted a blowjob

Shows his credibility
No he persecuted a lying perverted asshole for lying to Congress. Plus the very same dispicable asshole looked straight into the camera and lied to the entire nation en mass. Other than being a lying, cowardly, gutless and spineless dispicably crooked piece of shit, he was a hell of a guy.
What do you think his motivation was for having Epstein suicided? To cover his own ass or for the overall good of mankind?
Trombies see and hear what they wish to see and hear.

Starr was boring and professorial as he laid out no defense of Trump whatsoever.

The idea that we should not have impeachment as a check on a corrupt president
is grade A level stupid. And that is what he just claimed.

Morons eat that shit up.

What part of both fucking Articles are bullshit, constitutionally and legally don't you comprehend?

No. They aren't. The evidence is clear. he abused his power for personal gain and then obstructed justice.

Impeachment is the remedy.

You're the idiot. There was and is no personal gain and there was no crime of any kind.

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