Judge Orders Obama to Stop Hiding Global Warming "Proof"

So your solution is to simply stop paying researchers altogether? You're aware that Soon was already making an excellent salary for Harvard. This money from Exxon Mobil was above and beyond that money and gives every appearance of having been paid out in exchange for certain specific conclusions to be reached by Soon's "research" papers. That is a clear violation of scientific integrity and in many countries constitutes fraud for which Soon would have gone to prison. His violation of the editorial policies of the journals publishing his work will do him more damage in the American research environment. He is going to have a very difficult time getting anything published by anyone and, as I'm sure you've heard, the academic central maxim is "publish or die".

I'm not dictating a damn thing, bitch.
I strongly suspect, from my knowledge of physics and about 3 weeks period covering meteorological oceanography as part of another class, I know as much or more about the atmosphere than do you. .
3 weeks as part of a class, meaning 15 days, at less than a hour a day, are you telling us Crick, that you have a 12 hour education in ocean weather?

Now that is impressive, stand back folks, crick has spoken.
I strongly suspect, from my knowledge of physics and about 3 weeks period covering meteorological oceanography as part of another class, I know as much or more about the atmosphere than do you. .
3 weeks as part of a class, meaning 15 days, at less than a hour a day, are you telling us Crick, that you have a 12 hour education in ocean weather?

Now that is impressive, stand back folks, crick has spoken.

I am being honest here, unlike the fellow who claims to have degrees in physics but couldn't pass a ninth grade physical science exam, unlike the fellow, who claims to be an unspecified scientist with an IQ of 158 who unexplainedly acts like he almost made it out of high school.

I still firmly believe that is 15 days of meteorological oceanography has shown me more about the atmosphere than Billy Bob, who claims to be an atmospheric physicist and have a certificate in meteorology. You, Elektra, are not even part of the conversation.
Contending that increased global temperatures will increase the occurrence of Rossby waves isn't the least bit controversial. Neither is it an attempt to "prove" AGW.
You don't need to prove Jesus to a Christian either.

Are you saying that it is controversial or that it is an attempt to "prove" AGW?
If you don't feel the need to prove AGW then you are simply comfortable with your faith and it needs go no farther for you.
You apparently didn't read far enough back to see what the conversation is actually about.

And, I don't need faith. I have WG-I AR5 and the thousands of peer reviewed papers that support it's conclusions. You?
You apparently didn't read far enough back to see what the conversation is actually about.

And, I don't need faith. I have WG-I AR5 and the thousands of peer reviewed papers that support it's conclusions. You?
yep and in those conclusions is a 15 year pause, to which pushes your claim off the cliff.
The pause did not change the IPCC's conclusions. I thought you were familiar with AR5
The pause did not change the IPCC's conclusions. I thought you were familiar with AR5
i know they didn't, and why their document fails after they admit that. however, they admit 15 years of pause. which violates every CO2 claim made by warmers. I don't need anything more. you fail immediately or you deny the claim by IPCC. Which is it?
Contending that increased global temperatures will increase the occurrence of Rossby waves isn't the least bit controversial. Neither is it an attempt to "prove" AGW.

One of your priests got caught lying, again....

AGW, the religion of fucktards.

Where's the link fool? Nobody even knows what the fuck you're talking about. They are IMPRESSED!
Where's the link fool? Nobody even knows what the fuck you're talking about. They are IMPRESSED!

The link is in the OP, you drooling moron.

One of the priests of your idiotic religion was again caught lying,

No surprise, AGW is the religion of fucktards.

Who do you believe was one of the "priests" of our "religion" and what lie were they caught telling... fuckface?
You have to understand, Crick, ol' Unhinged is one of the really, really deranged denier cult trolls who always uses the Argument from Insanity fallacy.
Insanity is adopting the volcano god cult, yet again.
Which is all the AGW cult is.
You drooling retards get back to your worship of Giai now.
LOLOLOLOLOL......and there goes ol' Unhinged, conclusively demonstrating the truth of my statement.....and still too stupid and crazy to realize it.
I am being honest here, unlike the fellow who claims to have degrees in physics but couldn't pass a ninth grade physical science exam, unlike the fellow, who claims to be an unspecified scientist with an IQ of 158 who unexplainedly acts like he almost made it out of high school.

I still firmly believe that is 15 days of meteorological oceanography has shown me more about the atmosphere than Billy Bob, who claims to be an atmospheric physicist and have a certificate in meteorology. You, Elektra, are not even part of the conversation.
Then who did you direct this post to?
The last paragraph at least, was directed at Billy Boy, your self-declared atmospheric physicist and certified meteorologist.

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