Judge refuses Maine request to quarantine nurse

Throw the bitch in jail.

She has undone all the good work she did in Africa with her selfishness!
Your ignorance of, and contempt for, the right to due process is noted.

You are in fact the very sort of person the Framers had in mind when they ratified the Fifth Amendment, knowing that there would be those motivated by fear, ignorance, and partisanism to use the power and authority of the state to deny those with whom they disagree their liberty.
Interesting how, to many RWrs, this nurse who has probably done a hundred times more for her fellow man than they have is now a "bitch". Certainly says a lot more about them and their humanity.

Don't you know????...Bitch is the preferred conservative title of any female that do what the menfolk say...
Has it been 42 days yet as the World Health Organization claims to be the incubation period, or do we go with the CDC which has proved to be totally inadequate in this situation?

51 days according to your buddies with a little less bladder control.

Even better, quarantine the bitch longer! Apoparently PERSONAL RIGHTS TRUMPS concerns for the general populace..... Common sense has just been proven to be DEAD in this country!

Common sense has just been proven to be DEAD in this country

Hence your continued ability to post on forums...

ApeBoy, you are MY entertainment, now dance for the organ grinder!

Thanks...you made that easy...

It's fun playing with the disadvantaged!
Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.
So we can add this one to the list of Democrat polices:

  1. Democrats support open borders leaving us open to invasion
  2. Democrats support giving illegals the right to a driver's license and thus the right to vote
  3. Democrats support the spread of infectious diseases among the American population
Well noted.

1) Weird, after the GOP had Congress for the majority of the past 20 years, would've thought this would've been corrected?

2) Drivers licenses give someone the 'right to vote'? SERIOUSLY? Why would someone, who is NOT eligible to vote, risk a FELONY to vote again?

3) Is there an epidemic, besides gun violence, I'm unaware of?


Congress has been in the control of the Democrats for the last 8 years. During that time everything has gone to shit and it's only getting worse.

I get a little tired of the constant lies by liberals.

ONE bill Dems passed that changed Dubya/GOP policy 2007-Jan 2009? lol

December 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush Vanity Fair

FACTS on Dubya's great recession

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
51 days according to your buddies with a little less bladder control.

Even better, quarantine the bitch longer! Apoparently PERSONAL RIGHTS TRUMPS concerns for the general populace..... Common sense has just been proven to be DEAD in this country!

Common sense has just been proven to be DEAD in this country

Hence your continued ability to post on forums...

ApeBoy, you are MY entertainment, now dance for the organ grinder!

Thanks...you made that easy...

It's fun playing with the disadvantaged!

Really...we don't need to know your masturbatory habits...LOL!!!!
Needless to say this thread and others like it is very telling – it well-illustrates the authoritarianism common to most conservatives and their contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, allowing their fear and ignorance to jeopardize the civil liberties of their fellow Americans.
Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.

Fear and ignorance do not overrule facts and the right to due process.

And what most fail to understand is that no one is opposed to appropriate, warranted quarantine, provided those subject to quarantine are afforded due process of law. The state is not at liberty to deny someone's freedom solely because of fear, or because of an ignorant, fearful population, or because an elected official is afraid of negative political backlash during an election year, as is likely the case in Maine.

I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty.

However, let's acknowledge that in fact NO rights are absolute, this one included.

"I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty."

No, in conservative 'reality' ONLY requiring registration of ones guns, and a waiting period is considered 'depriving them of 'liberty'

Just to prove what an idiot you are (as if any further proof was needed) I favor waiting periods for guns AND I favor background checks for ALL sales, not just in gun stores, but private sales as well.

I AM , however, against gun registration.

Yes, because YOU being in favor of waiting periods and background checks refutes MY premise *shaking head*
Even better, quarantine the bitch longer! Apoparently PERSONAL RIGHTS TRUMPS concerns for the general populace..... Common sense has just been proven to be DEAD in this country!

Common sense has just been proven to be DEAD in this country

Hence your continued ability to post on forums...

ApeBoy, you are MY entertainment, now dance for the organ grinder!

Thanks...you made that easy...

It's fun playing with the disadvantaged!

Really...we don't need to know your masturbatory habits...LOL!!!!

I'm sorry, don't just let me shit on you, open your mouth! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Needless to say this thread and others like is very telling – it well-illustrates the authoritarianism common to most conservatives and their contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, allowing their fear and ignorance to jeopardize the civil liberties of their fellow Americans.

You want to now talk about Holders REFUSAL to enforce the laws?...Is that what you'd like shyster?
What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."

Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Why now?
Because there is no unity from the Government over how to handle it, like it has been in the past.


Let me see here.

An ebola patient goes to a private hospital in Texas with symptoms of ebola. He tells them that he's from Liberia. He has a 103 degree temperature. He also doesn't have insurance. So the private hospital put the safety of the community and possibly the nation at risk, diagnoses the man with a sinus infection and sends him out on the street.

The man returns days later in an ambulance. Does the hospital do the right thing? No. Does the hospital call the CDC? No. The patient's nephew called the CDC saying that the hospital wasn't treating him properly for his condition.

The CDC, that is owned and controlled by the government, takes over. However it's too late for that man and he dies.

Two nurses are diagnosed with ebola. The CDC and National Institute of Health, both government agencies, treat them. They both recover. No one else is infected from those women.

The nation is put through a couple weeks of ridiculous paranoia and screams that Obama is bringing ebola to America. Obama wants to kill Americans with ebola and a long list of other ridiculous claims.

The nurses get better and recover. No ebola outbreak. No ebola epidemic. People aren't dying in the streets.

A private hospital causes this mess. The government cleaned it up.

How about the inadequate video released to the private hospitals by the CDC that caused the two nurses to get Ebola in the first place?
It not just one or the other they both messed up.
If the government had quarantined him the first place, those nurses would not have gotten it.
'How about' you unwittingly provided evidence in support of the judge's ruling.

If 'the government' is so inept at addressing the issue, all the more reason to ensure citizens are afforded their right to due process when government seeks to restrict their liberties, given government's propensity to 'get it wrong.'

You and others on the right can't have it both ways, you can't advocate to deny citizens their right to due process while at the same time arguing that government is 'incompetent.'

What part are you not getting that both messed up?
Government containment for 21 days for the good of the country is not restricting their liberties.
It would not even be necessary if they had not broken their self containment orders.
Not taking personal responsibility is why government has to step in.
Needless to say this thread and others like is very telling – it well-illustrates the authoritarianism common to most conservatives and their contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, allowing their fear and ignorance to jeopardize the civil liberties of their fellow Americans.

You want to now talk about Holders REFUSAL to enforce the laws?...Is that what you'd like shyster?


Bush's Tactic of Refusing Laws Is Probed

A panel of legal scholars and lawyers assembled by the American Bar Association is sharply criticizing the use of "signing statements" by President Bush that assert his right to ignore or not enforce laws passed by Congress.

Bush s Tactic of Refusing Laws Is Probed
Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."

Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Why now?
Because there is no unity from the Government over how to handle it, like it has been in the past.


Let me see here.

An ebola patient goes to a private hospital in Texas with symptoms of ebola. He tells them that he's from Liberia. He has a 103 degree temperature. He also doesn't have insurance. So the private hospital put the safety of the community and possibly the nation at risk, diagnoses the man with a sinus infection and sends him out on the street.

The man returns days later in an ambulance. Does the hospital do the right thing? No. Does the hospital call the CDC? No. The patient's nephew called the CDC saying that the hospital wasn't treating him properly for his condition.

The CDC, that is owned and controlled by the government, takes over. However it's too late for that man and he dies.

Two nurses are diagnosed with ebola. The CDC and National Institute of Health, both government agencies, treat them. They both recover. No one else is infected from those women.

The nation is put through a couple weeks of ridiculous paranoia and screams that Obama is bringing ebola to America. Obama wants to kill Americans with ebola and a long list of other ridiculous claims.

The nurses get better and recover. No ebola outbreak. No ebola epidemic. People aren't dying in the streets.

A private hospital causes this mess. The government cleaned it up.

How about the inadequate video released to the private hospitals by the CDC that caused the two nurses to get Ebola in the first place?
It not just one or the other they both messed up.
If the government had quarantined him the first place, those nurses would not have gotten it.
'How about' you unwittingly provided evidence in support of the judge's ruling.

If 'the government' is so inept at addressing the issue, all the more reason to ensure citizens are afforded their right to due process when government seeks to restrict their liberties, given government's propensity to 'get it wrong.'

You and others on the right can't have it both ways, you can't advocate to deny citizens their right to due process while at the same time arguing that government is 'incompetent.'

What part are you not getting that both messed up?
Government containment for 21 days for the good of the country is not restricting their liberties.
It would not even be necessary if they had not broken their self containment orders.
Not taking personal responsibility is why government has to step in.

"Government containment for 21 days for the good of the country is not restricting their liberties."

Needless to say this thread and others like is very telling – it well-illustrates the authoritarianism common to most conservatives and their contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, allowing their fear and ignorance to jeopardize the civil liberties of their fellow Americans.

You want to now talk about Holders REFUSAL to enforce the laws?...Is that what you'd like shyster?


Bush's Tactic of Refusing Laws Is Probed

A panel of legal scholars and lawyers assembled by the American Bar Association is sharply criticizing the use of "signing statements" by President Bush that assert his right to ignore or not enforce laws passed by Congress.

Bush s Tactic of Refusing Laws Is Probed

As they should along with Obuma! What is right is right, for both parties! Don't you agree?...BUT it does seem that Obuma and Holder have taken it to NEW HEIGHTS!
Why now?
Because there is no unity from the Government over how to handle it, like it has been in the past.


Let me see here.

An ebola patient goes to a private hospital in Texas with symptoms of ebola. He tells them that he's from Liberia. He has a 103 degree temperature. He also doesn't have insurance. So the private hospital put the safety of the community and possibly the nation at risk, diagnoses the man with a sinus infection and sends him out on the street.

The man returns days later in an ambulance. Does the hospital do the right thing? No. Does the hospital call the CDC? No. The patient's nephew called the CDC saying that the hospital wasn't treating him properly for his condition.

The CDC, that is owned and controlled by the government, takes over. However it's too late for that man and he dies.

Two nurses are diagnosed with ebola. The CDC and National Institute of Health, both government agencies, treat them. They both recover. No one else is infected from those women.

The nation is put through a couple weeks of ridiculous paranoia and screams that Obama is bringing ebola to America. Obama wants to kill Americans with ebola and a long list of other ridiculous claims.

The nurses get better and recover. No ebola outbreak. No ebola epidemic. People aren't dying in the streets.

A private hospital causes this mess. The government cleaned it up.

How about the inadequate video released to the private hospitals by the CDC that caused the two nurses to get Ebola in the first place?
It not just one or the other they both messed up.
If the government had quarantined him the first place, those nurses would not have gotten it.
'How about' you unwittingly provided evidence in support of the judge's ruling.

If 'the government' is so inept at addressing the issue, all the more reason to ensure citizens are afforded their right to due process when government seeks to restrict their liberties, given government's propensity to 'get it wrong.'

You and others on the right can't have it both ways, you can't advocate to deny citizens their right to due process while at the same time arguing that government is 'incompetent.'

What part are you not getting that both messed up?
Government containment for 21 days for the good of the country is not restricting their liberties.
It would not even be necessary if they had not broken their self containment orders.
Not taking personal responsibility is why government has to step in.

"Government containment for 21 days for the good of the country is not restricting their liberties."


Unfortunately, you made NO POINT here! LOL!

Why now?
Because there is no unity from the Government over how to handle it, like it has been in the past.


Let me see here.

An ebola patient goes to a private hospital in Texas with symptoms of ebola. He tells them that he's from Liberia. He has a 103 degree temperature. He also doesn't have insurance. So the private hospital put the safety of the community and possibly the nation at risk, diagnoses the man with a sinus infection and sends him out on the street.

The man returns days later in an ambulance. Does the hospital do the right thing? No. Does the hospital call the CDC? No. The patient's nephew called the CDC saying that the hospital wasn't treating him properly for his condition.

The CDC, that is owned and controlled by the government, takes over. However it's too late for that man and he dies.

Two nurses are diagnosed with ebola. The CDC and National Institute of Health, both government agencies, treat them. They both recover. No one else is infected from those women.

The nation is put through a couple weeks of ridiculous paranoia and screams that Obama is bringing ebola to America. Obama wants to kill Americans with ebola and a long list of other ridiculous claims.

The nurses get better and recover. No ebola outbreak. No ebola epidemic. People aren't dying in the streets.

A private hospital causes this mess. The government cleaned it up.

How about the inadequate video released to the private hospitals by the CDC that caused the two nurses to get Ebola in the first place?
It not just one or the other they both messed up.
If the government had quarantined him the first place, those nurses would not have gotten it.
'How about' you unwittingly provided evidence in support of the judge's ruling.

If 'the government' is so inept at addressing the issue, all the more reason to ensure citizens are afforded their right to due process when government seeks to restrict their liberties, given government's propensity to 'get it wrong.'

You and others on the right can't have it both ways, you can't advocate to deny citizens their right to due process while at the same time arguing that government is 'incompetent.'

What part are you not getting that both messed up?
Government containment for 21 days for the good of the country is not restricting their liberties.
It would not even be necessary if they had not broken their self containment orders.
Not taking personal responsibility is why government has to step in.

"Government containment for 21 days for the good of the country is not restricting their liberties."


Insults rather than an intelligent argument
Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.

Fear and ignorance do not overrule facts and the right to due process.

And what most fail to understand is that no one is opposed to appropriate, warranted quarantine, provided those subject to quarantine are afforded due process of law. The state is not at liberty to deny someone's freedom solely because of fear, or because of an ignorant, fearful population, or because an elected official is afraid of negative political backlash during an election year, as is likely the case in Maine.

I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty.

However, let's acknowledge that in fact NO rights are absolute, this one included.

"I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty."

No, in conservative 'reality' ONLY requiring registration of ones guns, and a waiting period is considered 'depriving them of 'liberty'
Well, since it's in the Constitution, it is. Too bad you can't face reality.
When Obama was running for president, the left swore he wasn't going to try to re-distribute wealth.
Then you swore he wouldn't open up our borders.
Then you swore he wasn't out to take our guns away.
Then you swore he wasn't a Muslim.

This is the way these people do things. They swear on a stack of Korans they aren't up to what they plan on doing, and they start proposing it and next thing you know we're arguing over whether or not they should do it. Eventually they end up convincing the liberals in this country that the very thing they said they weren't going to do is beneficial for us and anyone who doesn't go along with it is a racist.

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