Judge refuses Maine request to quarantine nurse

Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.

Fear and ignorance do not overrule facts and the right to due process.

And what most fail to understand is that no one is opposed to appropriate, warranted quarantine, provided those subject to quarantine are afforded due process of law. The state is not at liberty to deny someone's freedom solely because of fear, or because of an ignorant, fearful population, or because an elected official is afraid of negative political backlash during an election year, as is likely the case in Maine.
Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."

Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Why now?
Because there is no unity from the Government over how to handle it, like it has been in the past.
Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."

Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Why now?
Because there is no unity from the Government over how to handle it, like it has been in the past.

Okay, let's see how you answer this question. You beg for unity "over how to handle it", yet when the CDC comes out with guidelines, you look the other way. Oh wait, maybe each state should come up with their criteria for handling it? No, wait....it is a national problem so the CDC should....no wait..

So what do you think?

Pots going to SAVE her life? lol
Bullshit on the unity play.

The POTUS has been clear from day one. Asshole governors are trying to earn points........fucking up the unity.

Because governors are seeing it, not as a medical issue, but as a political issue. What happened to the "let the Doctors make the call" argument that the GOP used while the ACA was being debated? Doctors are being replaced by state troopers parked outside someone's house. RIDICULOUS!
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
No one got sick. It just isn't that contagious. Even when he "came down with positive ebola test" he wasn't contagious.

he got sick... he could have spread the virus puking on the nyc city subway if not for sheer luck.

Weird, ZERO deaths from ANYONE contacting Ebola in the US

2 total cases of contacting Ebola IN the US, AND it was 2 nurses dealing with a SEVERELY ill man who later died


Why do you think there have been zero deaths you idiot? Oh yeah that's right, because of our stringent measures.

You mean quarantine AFTER they are systematic?

How many people have died in the US from contracting this thing again? IN THE USA? Without the quarantine conservatives are pushing for? lol
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
No one got sick. It just isn't that contagious. Even when he "came down with positive ebola test" he wasn't contagious.

he got sick... he could have spread the virus puking on the nyc city subway if not for sheer luck.

He quarantined himself when he got symptoms. Pretty simple.

he began to feel run down yet went out in public places anyway...

wasn't 'simple' for nyc to drain resources to retrace his steps, etc...

why should the burden be on the state when it could easily fall on an individual to be prudent?

i don't blame the nurse for wanting to go home since self quarantine seemed like a rational outcome after she wound up in the wrong place at the wrong time as the states grappled for answers toward implementing better public policy...but then she chose to make a spectacle of herself arrogantly mocking her rationally concerned community. medical professionals like her who act like victims of the state are a real shame imo..they force the hand of the state to act unnecessarily.
Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.
So we can add this one to the list of Democrat polices:

  1. Democrats support open borders leaving us open to invasion
  2. Democrats support giving illegals the right to a driver's license and thus the right to vote
  3. Democrats support the spread of infectious diseases among the American population
Well noted.
You left one out...

4. mudwhistle is a frigin idiot.

Just pointing out the facts.
Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.
So we can add this one to the list of Democrat polices:

  1. Democrats support open borders leaving us open to invasion
  2. Democrats support giving illegals the right to a driver's license and thus the right to vote
  3. Democrats support the spread of infectious diseases among the American population
Well noted.

1) Weird, after the GOP had Congress for the majority of the past 20 years, would've thought this would've been corrected?

2) Drivers licenses give someone the 'right to vote'? SERIOUSLY? Why would someone, who is NOT eligible to vote, risk a FELONY to vote again?

3) Is there an epidemic, besides gun violence, I'm unaware of?

Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.

Fear and ignorance do not overrule facts and the right to due process.

And what most fail to understand is that no one is opposed to appropriate, warranted quarantine, provided those subject to quarantine are afforded due process of law. The state is not at liberty to deny someone's freedom solely because of fear, or because of an ignorant, fearful population, or because an elected official is afraid of negative political backlash during an election year, as is likely the case in Maine.

I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty.

However, let's acknowledge that in fact NO rights are absolute, this one included.
Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.

Fear and ignorance do not overrule facts and the right to due process.

And what most fail to understand is that no one is opposed to appropriate, warranted quarantine, provided those subject to quarantine are afforded due process of law. The state is not at liberty to deny someone's freedom solely because of fear, or because of an ignorant, fearful population, or because an elected official is afraid of negative political backlash during an election year, as is likely the case in Maine.

I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty.

However, let's acknowledge that in fact NO rights are absolute, this one included.

"I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty."

No, in conservative 'reality' ONLY requiring registration of ones guns, and a waiting period is considered 'depriving them of 'liberty'

Subversives LoonyLaughter caught in a lie...again! Will these obumazombies never learn!

Nurse Breaks Voluntary Ebola Quarantine in Maine to Go for Bike Ride - Ebola Health People.com

That's not in town.

Next lie.

Is it on the way THROUGH town? Or is it coming back.... you are so fucking weak!

That is on the road in front of her house.

Do you know how far away from town she is in that picture?

Who cares where it is in Maine, she's CLOSE ENOUGH to the media to pass it on to them with a SNEEZE!
How do you manage day to day with that constant changing of your underwear?
Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."
Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Point out to me any epidemics like we're seeing now in the past. THEN prove to me that people weren't self isolating upon their return from these countries.

In other words show me a picture of some stupid bitch riding her bicycle around town or some asshole riding the subway through NYC during their possible incubation of ebola prior to this go round.

Ebola has been an outbreak or epidemic in Africa for decades. It has moved from one nation to another. Americans have been going there for decades to fight it. No one who returned was quarantined or faced having to hire a lawyer to protect their constitutional civil rights. There was never any cries from anyone to ban any travel to and from Africa. Until now. No one screamed that any president before Obama was trying to bring ebola to America. Even though they didn't ban any travel. They didn't have anyone quarantined.

Those who went to Africa and returned throughout the decades weren't under any quarantines. They went about their daily lives like everyone else. If they lived in an area that had a subway I'm sure they rode the subway. I'm sure they rode their bikes. I'm sure they went to work. Just like everyone else. Unlike everyone else, they monitored their temperature and looked for any symptoms of the disease for 21 days.

When the Sars disease was in China during the bush boy years I never heard of anyone screaming for any bans on travel to China. I don't know anyone who went to China who was quarantined when they returned. I never heard anyone saying that the bush boy was a bio terrorist and wanted to bring that disease to America. Same with the bird flu.

Yet now you have a problem. Out of the hundreds of people who have gone to Africa and returned since the 1970s, after millions of people went to China during those disease outbreaks, you're now "prudent."

I don't buy it.
Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.

Fear and ignorance do not overrule facts and the right to due process.

And what most fail to understand is that no one is opposed to appropriate, warranted quarantine, provided those subject to quarantine are afforded due process of law. The state is not at liberty to deny someone's freedom solely because of fear, or because of an ignorant, fearful population, or because an elected official is afraid of negative political backlash during an election year, as is likely the case in Maine.

I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty.

However, let's acknowledge that in fact NO rights are absolute, this one included.

"I'd hardly call asking people to stay home for 21 days depriving them of liberty."

No, in conservative 'reality' ONLY requiring registration of ones guns, and a waiting period is considered 'depriving them of 'liberty'

Just to prove what an idiot you are (as if any further proof was needed) I favor waiting periods for guns AND I favor background checks for ALL sales, not just in gun stores, but private sales as well.

I AM , however, against gun registration.
No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."
Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Point out to me any epidemics like we're seeing now in the past. THEN prove to me that people weren't self isolating upon their return from these countries.

In other words show me a picture of some stupid bitch riding her bicycle around town or some asshole riding the subway through NYC during their possible incubation of ebola prior to this go round.

Ebola has been an outbreak or epidemic in Africa for decades. It has moved from one nation to another. Americans have been going there for decades to fight it. No one who returned was quarantined or faced having to hire a lawyer to protect their constitutional civil rights. There was never any cries from anyone to ban any travel to and from Africa. Until now. No one screamed that any president before Obama was trying to bring ebola to America. Even though they didn't ban any travel. They didn't have anyone quarantined.

Those who went to Africa and returned throughout the decades weren't under any quarantines. They went about their daily lives like everyone else. If they lived in an area that had a subway I'm sure they rode the subway. I'm sure they rode their bikes. I'm sure they went to work. Just like everyone else. Unlike everyone else, they monitored their temperature and looked for any symptoms of the disease for 21 days.

When the Sars disease was in China during the bush boy years I never heard of anyone screaming for any bans on travel to China. I don't know anyone who went to China who was quarantined when they returned. I never heard anyone saying that the bush boy was a bio terrorist and wanted to bring that disease to America. Same with the bird flu.

Yet now you have a problem. Out of the hundreds of people who have gone to Africa and returned since the 1970s, after millions of people went to China during those disease outbreaks, you're now "prudent."

I don't buy it.
I am certainly not in that group of people who believe Obama has ANYTHING to do with Ebola .

Your having to make everything political is YOUR problem, not mine. I wasn't on this board then, if I were, and there had been threads about folks going to these places and then coming home and disregarding the suggested isolation period, I would have been against that then as well, I don't care who the POTUS is when it comes to this topic, apparently YOU do.
Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."

Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Why now?
Because there is no unity from the Government over how to handle it, like it has been in the past.


Let me see here.

An ebola patient goes to a private hospital in Texas with symptoms of ebola. He tells them that he's from Liberia. He has a 103 degree temperature. He also doesn't have insurance. So the private hospital put the safety of the community and possibly the nation at risk, diagnoses the man with a sinus infection and sends him out on the street.

The man returns days later in an ambulance. Does the hospital do the right thing? No. Does the hospital call the CDC? No. The patient's nephew called the CDC saying that the hospital wasn't treating him properly for his condition.

The CDC, that is owned and controlled by the government, takes over. However it's too late for that man and he dies.

Two nurses are diagnosed with ebola. The CDC and National Institute of Health, both government agencies, treat them. They both recover. No one else is infected from those women.

The nation is put through a couple weeks of ridiculous paranoia and screams that Obama is bringing ebola to America. Obama wants to kill Americans with ebola and a long list of other ridiculous claims.

The nurses get better and recover. No ebola outbreak. No ebola epidemic. People aren't dying in the streets.

A private hospital causes this mess. The government cleaned it up.
No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."

Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Why now?
Because there is no unity from the Government over how to handle it, like it has been in the past.


Let me see here.

An ebola patient goes to a private hospital in Texas with symptoms of ebola. He tells them that he's from Liberia. He has a 103 degree temperature. He also doesn't have insurance. So the private hospital put the safety of the community and possibly the nation at risk, diagnoses the man with a sinus infection and sends him out on the street.

The man returns days later in an ambulance. Does the hospital do the right thing? No. Does the hospital call the CDC? No. The patient's nephew called the CDC saying that the hospital wasn't treating him properly for his condition.

The CDC, that is owned and controlled by the government, takes over. However it's too late for that man and he dies.

Two nurses are diagnosed with ebola. The CDC and National Institute of Health, both government agencies, treat them. They both recover. No one else is infected from those women.

The nation is put through a couple weeks of ridiculous paranoia and screams that Obama is bringing ebola to America. Obama wants to kill Americans with ebola and a long list of other ridiculous claims.

The nurses get better and recover. No ebola outbreak. No ebola epidemic. People aren't dying in the streets.

A private hospital causes this mess.
The government cleaned it up.

Absolutely true

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