Judge refuses Maine request to quarantine nurse

Judge put three requirement for Kaci to follow, and the next court will review it on Tuesday.
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
No one got sick. It just isn't that contagious. Even when he "came down with positive ebola test" he wasn't contagious.

he got sick... he could have spread the virus puking on the nyc city subway if not for sheer luck.

He quarantined himself when he got symptoms. Pretty simple.
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
No one got sick. It just isn't that contagious. Even when he "came down with positive ebola test" he wasn't contagious.

he got sick... he could have spread the virus puking on the nyc city subway if not for sheer luck.

He quarantined himself when he got symptoms. Pretty simple.

Ebola doctor 8216 lied 8217 about NYC travels New York Post

Yes the American people can TRUST THEM to tell the truth! LOLOL!!!
Christie's controversial Ebola quarantine now embraced by Nobel Prize-winning doctor“I favor it, because it’s not entirely clear that they can’t transmit the disease,” Beutler said, referring to asymptomatic healthcare workers like Kaci Hickox, a Doctors Without Borders nurse returning from treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone who was quarantined in New Jersey for 65 hours before being transported to her home state of Maine on Monday afternoon. Christie s controversial Ebola quarantine now embraced by Nobel Prize-winning doctor NJ.com
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
No one got sick. It just isn't that contagious. Even when he "came down with positive ebola test" he wasn't contagious.

he got sick... he could have spread the virus puking on the nyc city subway if not for sheer luck.
if he had been sick enough to puke he'd have already been getting medical treatment. No one he came into contact with got sick because he wasn't contagious. I did at first think he was irresponsible and in a way I still do but obviously he wasn't contagious so there was no reason for him to stay in a bubble.
this nurse is supposed to be a medical professional but she'd rather get her fifteen minutes of fame.

like i said, at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
If she were contagious, she'd be physically incapable of riding a bike. Riding a bike is actually probably the safest mode of transportation for her at this point as it exposes no one to her cooties.
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
No one got sick. It just isn't that contagious. Even when he "came down with positive ebola test" he wasn't contagious.

he got sick... he could have spread the virus puking on the nyc city subway if not for sheer luck.

if he had been sick enough to puke he'd have already been getting medical treatment. No one he came into contact with got sick because he wasn't contagious. I did at first think he was irresponsible and in a way I still do but obviously he wasn't contagious so there was no reason for him to stay in a bubble.

the ebola doctor who rode the nyc city subway had just got back from africa a week prior and was self monitoring but not isolating himself, as per cdc protocol he was not considered contagious unless and until he became symptomatic.

most everyone understands that simple fact...

that day he said he suddenly began to feel run down he was out and about in new york city, by sheer luck and circumstance he did not present with a fever until hours later. no one knows if he was contagious while he was 'run down' on the subway, although it is common knowledge the chance of contagious bodily fluids at that stage is very slim, unless he suddenly became nauseous and puked... (keep in mind this is not the flu we are talking about in that scenario.)

that incident was only nine days ago so if there had been contagion, the incubation period has not yet passed. you can call it a non incident since he did not puke or snarf on anyone as far as we know, but there is a fine line, which is the point...

his close contacts are currently under quarantine although they are not symptomatic...

many many others have quarantined themselves in an abundance of caution for the sake of the common good.

the medical community is afraid of forced quarantine of medical professionals for the unintended consequence of somehow impairing treatment at the source in africa, while our states rightfully grapple for a practical approach toward protecting the best interest of americans. preventive abundance of caution seems quite rational to the vast majority of the public.

this arrogant nurse and her apologists are being overly hysterical acting as if the public is just too stupid to understand a grandstanding bike ride is relatively harmless...
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this nurse is supposed to be a medical professional but she'd rather get her fifteen minutes of fame.

like i said, at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...

If she were contagious, she'd be physically incapable of riding a bike. Riding a bike is actually probably the safest mode of transportation for her at this point as it exposes no one to her cooties.

:lol: or maybe a snowmobile! i hope the local facilities in east osh kosh are prepared just in case!

CARIBOU, Maine — The National Weather Service issued a scary winter storm watch on Halloween night warning residents of the possibility for up to a foot of snow falling over parts of Maine this weekend.

Halloween forecast warns of up to a foot of snow over weekend in parts of Maine 8212 State 8212 Bangor Daily News 8212 BDN Maine
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
No one got sick. It just isn't that contagious. Even when he "came down with positive ebola test" he wasn't contagious.

he got sick... he could have spread the virus puking on the nyc city subway if not for sheer luck.

Weird, ZERO deaths from ANYONE contacting Ebola in the US

2 total cases of contacting Ebola IN the US, AND it was 2 nurses dealing with a SEVERELY ill man who later died


Why do you think there have been zero deaths you idiot? Oh yeah that's right, because of our stringent measures.
We are all going to die because of this nurse. Better just accept it. Doesn't mean we can't kill her for payback, just means accept the inevitable.

Dallas' screwup didn't kill us yet, I doubt that she will.

And what happens if just one other dies from it here, because of inadequate preparations?.... You, of course, being an absolute asshole and Obola suckup, wouldn't care, you simply spin it as it's only ONE more death...

What happened to your subversive mantra about ONE DEATH...
Let's see, how many people who contracted the disease in the US have died.....? THAT WOULD BE NONE. The only one that died is the guy who was allowed to go home with a 103 degree temperature and he did not contract it here, did he. He died cause a private hospital in Dallas screwed up. Should make you proud for your RED STATE!

And since we still don't know what the incubation period is, it's debated as to how it is spread, and because it INCINVENIENCES A DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVE NURSE, that is using it as a campaign ploy in Maine currently, all should be forgotten!

Yes the incubation period is known. It's 21 days.

There's no debate about how it's spread. At least according to the people who know what they're talking about. The medical and science community do know. Which is you must come in direct contact with body fluids of a person who has it. Not just standing by them but actually get some of their body fluids in your body.

This isn't a political situation. At least not with intelligent people. This is a health situation. How to you know that woman's political affiliation? How to you know she even is affiliated with any political party? Do you personally know her? If you knew about the people of Maine you would know a lot of them are Independents. You and those like you are only politically motivated because you don't like our president and anyone who doesn't agree with your views.

Do you know how many people have gone to west Africa to treat ebola patients and came back? There have been many people who have treated ebola patients and came back to America. No one threw fits when they returned. No one has been infected by someone returning from treating ebola patients in Africa. Health professionals know what to do and how to monitor themselves for the virus. All have done just that when they returned from Africa.

You and those like you are so absurd to intelligent people. When those American doctors came back to be treated for ebola you people went nuts. You all said we would be over run by ebola and that it would kill most Americans. Yet the outcome was totally the opposite. The patients were cured of the disease and no one else was infected. Your hysterics that those doctors would infect everyone was nothing but lies. Just like what we're hearing now. None of you have been right about any of this thus far.

People like you will make sure that no American goes to Africa to help battle the epidemic. No one in their right mind is going to go there only to know that they will be treated like criminals when they return home. If a person knows they're going to have to hire a lawyer to protect their basic constitutional civil rights from their own people and government, they're not going to go to Africa to help stop this disease.
Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to Africa and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.
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Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

She is self quarantining....actually.

Isn't that a BITCH?

How do you figure?

By the way, making this political at all is STUPID. This is one woman who decided on her own, that it would be okay to ride her bicycle around town risking infecting others.

The quarantine is political.

No, it's medical.

If it's medical then all those who went to Africa in the past to treat ebola patients would have been put under quarantine.

Guess what? Up until this one woman, none were put under quarantine. All returned with no incident and no one getting ebola.
Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.
Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."

Seems to me that you're full of garbage.
Hundreds of people have been in close contact with Ebola patients in the US over the past two months.

Two got sick.

None died.

This is not an epidemic.

No it's not. But how a health professional ignore the basic facts and refuse to self quarantine? I mean seriously.

Do you realize how many have gone to African and returned without any incident?

Do you know that no one has gotten ebola from an American who returned from treating ebola patients in Africa?

Do you realize that health care professionals know what to look for? Each and everyone one who has returned self monitored and no one has been infected by them.

You're hysterical over nothing.

What are you talking about hysterical? Show me where I have been "hysterical"

I"m PRUDENT. Isolating yourself for 21 days after POSSIBLE exposure to a deadly virus for which we have no cure is not hysterical, it is prudent. It is also not some great violation of your rights. No one is being arrested. Just go home and stay there.

This shouldn't be political at all, how it turned into a liberals defend her right to endanger others versus is beyond me, and just shows how stupid people can be. And don't worry, I'm more than happy to point out situations where conservatives have taken up a cause that should have nothing to do with politics and make it political, proving they can be stupid as well.

But in THIS case, you liberals are being idiots. If you were told before hand that if you didn't isolate yourself for 21 days a SINGLE person would die? I have to believe most of you would isolate yourselves to spare that life.

So, with there being a good chance that someone would lose their life if you don't isolate, why wouldn't you? Why risk someone elses life?

What's going to end up happening is that the self isolation gets turned into a quarantine, and then these people will have no choice.

Why now?

People have been going to Africa to treat ebola patients for a long time. No one had any problem with it until now.

If you're prudent then why weren't you prudent when all the other doctors and nurses who returned from treating ebola patients in the past?

Ebola has been around since the 1970s. Many doctors and nurses have gone to treat ebola patients through the years. Including during republican presidential terms. We didn't see you or anyone else having fits when they returned. Only now you're having problems and want to be "prudent." Did you hear anyone demand for travel restrictions from those African nations during the reagan or either bush years? Did you hear anyone demand quarantine for anyone who treated ebola patients during republican presidential terms? No you didn't.

Why were you so unconcerned for so many decades and all of a sudden now you're concerned and "prudent."
Seems to me that you're full of garbage.

Point out to me any epidemics like we're seeing now in the past. THEN prove to me that people weren't self isolating upon their return from these countries.

In other words show me a picture of some stupid bitch riding her bicycle around town or some asshole riding the subway through NYC during their possible incubation of ebola prior to this go round.
Let that left wing nutter nurse keep mouthing off. Keep doing it until after Tuesday dumbass. Right or wrong most people in this country would rather be safe than sorry and she isn't doing the democrats any favors.

Go ahead and bitch and whine and throw a tantrum moron.
Maine Judge Rejects State s Bid To Restrict Nurse s Movements KSMU Radio

Finally, someone uses reasoning and medicine instead hysteria and irrational fear.
So we can add this one to the list of Democrat polices:

  1. Democrats support open borders leaving us open to invasion
  2. Democrats support giving illegals the right to a driver's license and thus the right to vote
  3. Democrats support the spread of infectious diseases among the American population
Well noted.
You left one out...

4. mudwhistle is a frigin idiot.

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