Judge refuses Maine request to quarantine nurse


Subversives LoonyLaughter caught in a lie...again! Will these obumazombies never learn!

Nurse Breaks Voluntary Ebola Quarantine in Maine to Go for Bike Ride - Ebola Health People.com

That's not in town.

Next lie.

Is it on the way THROUGH town? Or is it coming back.... you are so fucking weak!

That is on the road in front of her house.

Do you know how far away from town she is in that picture?

Who cares where it is in Maine, she's CLOSE ENOUGH to the media to pass it on to them with a SNEEZE!
I guess we should quarantine all the media then.

If we did, perhaps we would start to get legitimate news, instead of left wing propaganda!
Actually the Judge left intact the original order telling her to quarantine herself.

Nice try to spin....

No, she will continue self monitoring, just as the CDC orders and which she has been doing. She can travel when coordinating with the state.

"Judge Charles C. LaVerdiere, the chief judge of the Maine District Courts, ruled Friday that Hickox should continue self-monitoring and coordinate her travels with state officials, but said since she's not showing any symptoms of the disease, she's not infectious."

The state wanted her restricted to her house for 21 days which was stupid.
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
the nurse is being an arrogant twit. she could get the fever any day now, or not at all.

no doubt she will act like she proved something if she doesn't, but she would be wrong again.

Val, why do you say the doc would have tested negative?

because that's how it goes... you test negative in the early stages until you are on the brink of showing symptoms, there is nothing to detect. dr brantly tested negative at first too, and he was already symptomatic that day...

..new arrivals could pass the strictest test and then still fall ill days later. Because they had tested negative once, they could easily assume that symptoms like fever, nausea and diarrhea were just a flu. They could then potentially spread Ebola until they became so ill that they were forced to go to an emergency room. Because early treatment is important, it could also endanger their lives.

The difficulty is that Ebola has a relatively long incubation period. Although most people show symptoms within four to seven days after infection, some do not show them for up to 21 days. Dr. Craig Spencer, the physician who arrived in New York on Oct. 17, might have been able to pass an Ebola test that day. He did not detect a fever — a classic, although imperfect, warning sign — until Oct. 23. Kaci Hickox, the nurse who was forced into quarantine at Newark airport on Oct. 24, despite having had a negative Ebola test, might still develop Ebola — or she might never.


A number of tests can be used to diagnose Ebola within a few days of the onset of symptoms, which can detect the virus's genetic material or the presence of antibodies against the pathogen.

The most accurate of these is likely the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, a technique that looks for genetic material from the virus and creates enough copies of it that it can be detected, Hirsch said. "PCR is a really definitive test," Hirsch said. It can pick up very small amounts of the virus.

However, this test can be negative during the first three days an infected person has symptoms, said Dr. Sandro Cinti, an infectious-disease specialist...

How Do Doctors Test for Ebola

The Ebola Heroes Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It's been longer than three days....
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
Listened to the local sports talk today...guy is a lib and wanders into current events that interest him on occasion......he was dismayed to say the least that a CDC employee gets to disregard CDC protocols
Throw the bitch in jail.

She has undone all the good work she did in Africa with her selfishness!
Listened to the local sports talk today...guy is a lib and wanders into current events that interest him on occasion......he was dismayed to say the least that a CDC employee gets to disregard CDC protocols

Explain....the CDC does not advocate quarantining someone who shows no symptoms.
Supposedly that nurse's roommate has Obola, back in Africa, as per Drudge!

Roommate in Africa Developed Virus?

In response to questions, Hickox denied a claim made by state officials in the petition that her roommate in Africa had contracted Ebola. The petition noted that any risk to Hickox from that incident had already passed.

“This is incorrect information. I guess that happens sometimes, incorrect information, but I don’t want to focus on that today

Hickox addresses media after judge rejects Maine s bid to restrict her movements - The Portland Press Herald Maine Sunday Telegram
the nurse is being an arrogant twit. she could get the fever any day now, or not at all.

no doubt she will act like she proved something if she doesn't, but she would be wrong again.

Val, why do you say the doc would have tested negative?

because that's how it goes... you test negative in the early stages until you are on the brink of showing symptoms, there is nothing to detect. dr brantly tested negative at first too, and he was already symptomatic that day...

..new arrivals could pass the strictest test and then still fall ill days later. Because they had tested negative once, they could easily assume that symptoms like fever, nausea and diarrhea were just a flu. They could then potentially spread Ebola until they became so ill that they were forced to go to an emergency room. Because early treatment is important, it could also endanger their lives.

The difficulty is that Ebola has a relatively long incubation period. Although most people show symptoms within four to seven days after infection, some do not show them for up to 21 days. Dr. Craig Spencer, the physician who arrived in New York on Oct. 17, might have been able to pass an Ebola test that day. He did not detect a fever — a classic, although imperfect, warning sign — until Oct. 23. Kaci Hickox, the nurse who was forced into quarantine at Newark airport on Oct. 24, despite having had a negative Ebola test, might still develop Ebola — or she might never.


A number of tests can be used to diagnose Ebola within a few days of the onset of symptoms, which can detect the virus's genetic material or the presence of antibodies against the pathogen.

The most accurate of these is likely the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, a technique that looks for genetic material from the virus and creates enough copies of it that it can be detected, Hirsch said. "PCR is a really definitive test," Hirsch said. It can pick up very small amounts of the virus.

However, this test can be negative during the first three days an infected person has symptoms, said Dr. Sandro Cinti, an infectious-disease specialist...

How Do Doctors Test for Ebola

The Ebola Heroes Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It's been longer than three days....

she is not considered out of the woods until after the 10th of November...
Supposedly that nurse's roommate has Obola, back in Africa, as per Drudge!

Roommate in Africa Developed Virus?

In response to questions, Hickox denied a claim made by state officials in the petition that her roommate in Africa had contracted Ebola. The petition noted that any risk to Hickox from that incident had already passed.

“This is incorrect information. I guess that happens sometimes, incorrect information, but I don’t want to focus on that today

Hickox addresses media after judge rejects Maine s bid to restrict her movements - The Portland Press Herald Maine Sunday Telegram

No chance the bitch lied. as Obuma does? And WHO says the incubation period is up to 42 days, perhaps more!

WHO quietly admits that 5 of Ebola patients incubate the virus beyond 21 days - NaturalNews.com
the nurse is being an arrogant twit. she could get the fever any day now, or not at all.

no doubt she will act like she proved something if she doesn't, but she would be wrong again.

Val, why do you say the doc would have tested negative?

because that's how it goes... you test negative in the early stages until you are on the brink of showing symptoms, there is nothing to detect. dr brantly tested negative at first too, and he was already symptomatic that day...

..new arrivals could pass the strictest test and then still fall ill days later. Because they had tested negative once, they could easily assume that symptoms like fever, nausea and diarrhea were just a flu. They could then potentially spread Ebola until they became so ill that they were forced to go to an emergency room. Because early treatment is important, it could also endanger their lives.

The difficulty is that Ebola has a relatively long incubation period. Although most people show symptoms within four to seven days after infection, some do not show them for up to 21 days. Dr. Craig Spencer, the physician who arrived in New York on Oct. 17, might have been able to pass an Ebola test that day. He did not detect a fever — a classic, although imperfect, warning sign — until Oct. 23. Kaci Hickox, the nurse who was forced into quarantine at Newark airport on Oct. 24, despite having had a negative Ebola test, might still develop Ebola — or she might never.


A number of tests can be used to diagnose Ebola within a few days of the onset of symptoms, which can detect the virus's genetic material or the presence of antibodies against the pathogen.

The most accurate of these is likely the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, a technique that looks for genetic material from the virus and creates enough copies of it that it can be detected, Hirsch said. "PCR is a really definitive test," Hirsch said. It can pick up very small amounts of the virus.

However, this test can be negative during the first three days an infected person has symptoms, said Dr. Sandro Cinti, an infectious-disease specialist...

How Do Doctors Test for Ebola

The Ebola Heroes Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
It's been longer than three days....

she is not considered out of the woods until after the 10th of November...
But the test apparently works after three days. So what is the purpose of this? She'd probably agree to yet another test.
at least coordinating her travels with state officials is rational progress in public policy ever since the nyc subway incident...
What incident?

where the dr who had just returned from treating ebola patients road the nyc subway a week later and came down with positive ebola test within hours afterward...
No one got sick. It just isn't that contagious. Even when he "came down with positive ebola test" he wasn't contagious.
Listened to the local sports talk today...guy is a lib and wanders into current events that interest him on occasion......he was dismayed to say the least that a CDC employee gets to disregard CDC protocols
Wow, sports talk! What an awesome place to get medical information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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