Judge rules against Qualified Immunity for police officer who violated man's 4th Amendment rights.

Why was that any of her business? She obviously wasn't a good enough friend of the owner to know what was going on in her house.

No she didn't because the owner recently passed away. She was being a good neighbor by calling the police. That's what I'd want somebody doing for me if I was gone and they seen a stranger in or around my apartment.

Crime is everybody's business. When you and your neighbors feel it's no longer your business, criminals celebrate.
Or that your town is a slum and no one wants to work there.

So here's another myth to bust.

According to federal data, those worries are unfounded. Last year, as the overall U.S. economy shed 6% of workers, local police departments lost just under 1% of employees after a decade of steady expansion, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s about 4,000 people out of nearly half a million employees in municipal police departments and sheriff’s offices nationwide. State and federal law enforcement departments actually saw a slight increase in the number of employees. 1

Law enforcement’s employment numbers tend not to fluctuate dramatically. Policing is a secure job, according to Peter Moskos, a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, which explains the relatively small increase in retirements and resignations over 2020. Police jobs are often last on the chopping block when cities are considering budget cuts. Pensions and relatively high pay make it appealing to stay. Many of the officers who retired in 2020 were probably going to retire in a couple of years anyway, says Moskos, who suspects very few police would quit outright. Morale may be low, but, in Moskos’s view, that’s always been the case.

Oh, a one year old article. Gee, thanks. :auiqs.jpg:
There was no potential crime is taking place, there was no reason to think there was a crime is taking place.

Why is it always the same people that whine all day long about authoritarianism are also the ones that think police are demigods and can do whatever they please?

A stranger person in a vacant home is reason to have police at least check the situation out. Nothing wrong with that. Again, our police force encourages it.
This is a lie.

As already correctly noted: the notion that ‘demoralized officers’ are quitting or that police departments are unable to hire recruits is false.

Right. Our Chief is making it all up. One of my closest friends I knew since I was 9 years old is making it up as well. His police officer son told him a different story. Only you know the truth, right?

Damn lying media. I should have known not to rely on them and ask drive-by Clayton for the truth.
The harm manifests when the state violates our Constitutional rights.

The harm manifests when the state subjects citizens to an unlawful, unwarranted, unreasonable searches.

Except for the fact there were no violations of rights here. Yes, this commie judge ruled it that way, but it will be overturned by a real American judge.
Getting police to do their jobs is now too hard on them?

Not hard, but who needs this bullshit? Police do their jobs and are castigated for it. I wouldn't want the job either if I were a young man today. Not long ago the police only had to worry about the bad guy. Today he has to worry about the good guys and the bad guys. Not worth it for 60K a year, especially when you have to work nights, holidays and weekends. You can make out better driving a truck which there are tens of thousands of openings for.
The judge cites a clear violation of the Constitution and that makes him.....a commie?

So, citing the Constitution now is communist?

No, it's because he's an Obama appointee and that makes him a commie. It's clear there were no rights violated, but he's likely just another anti-cop leftist just like you are.

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