Judge rules against Qualified Immunity for police officer who violated man's 4th Amendment rights.

Asking the same question over again does not change my answer.

All have been afforded their rights. If you disagree it's up to you to show that.

Looks like you are wrong.

No reasonable person holds any brief for anyone who took part in the January 6th riot. Just the opposite. But that doesn’t mean the rioters shouldn’t get due process, as should every single American.

If the January 6th rioters are guilty, then properly prove it in a court of law with the tools the law provides. Denying them due process and violating their civil rights only proves some of their points on our system of government.
January 6th Defendants Deserve Due Process

Feb 10, 2022
As the author or co-sponsor of more than two dozen criminal justice reform bills, I have a long history of working with Democrats to correct injustice in our system, especially as it pertains to those accused of non-violent crimes such as drug possession.
The right to due process, enshrined in the Constitution, includes the right to a speedy trial by a jury of one’s peers. Those denied bail or unable to afford it can often be incarcerated for months awaiting trial, during which time they often lose their jobs, face eviction, and have their lives spiral downward -- all before ever being convicted of a crime.

I would add today that the Sixth Amendment should apply regardless of your political persuasion. It is disappointing that progressives today will not apply the same equal justice under the law to the people accused of entering the U.S. Capitol illegally on Jan. 6, 2021.

I worked with Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., to legislatively end solitary confinement for juveniles. I applauded President Obama when he stepped in to stop this cruelty. It disturbs me that the outrage from the left seems to be selective. Where is the ACLU when it comes to the prolonged and inhumane solitary detentions of people accused of crimes on Jan. 6, especially for those who are accused of no violence?

A federal judge stepped in to confirm the abusive jail conditions and yet those on the left fail to lift a finger or pen a word to condemn this injustice. Their hypocrisy indicates that either they hate these people so much that they now refuse to acknowledge the injustice of prolonged incarceration without trial, or they simply don’t care because these citizens are supporters of Donald Trump. Many on the right also sit silently in fear of being accused of supporting violence.

I condemned all violent acts on Jan. 6 and continue to do so. But that does not mean we should destroy the lives of non-violent protesters by deliberately conflating them with the acts of others, denying them bail, and incarcerating them for nearly a year with no trial. That is not justice. Our laws demand that even those accused of the most horrific crimes of mass murder are guaranteed due process. To abandon those principles for political purposes is to abandon the very bedrock of American jurisprudence.
Fox News Op-Ed: Dr. Rand Paul: "All Americans — including those arrested in the Jan. 6 riots — deserve due process" | Senator Rand Paul

They all have received due process.

Just because you didn't get bail doesn't mean you didn't get your day in court. Just the opposite.
They all have received due process.

Just because you didn't get bail doesn't mean you didn't get your day in court. Just the opposite.

The actions of the DOJ are excessive, especially for the level of 'crimes' many have been charged with.
The actions of the DOJ are excessive, especially for the level of 'crimes' many have been charged with.

Argue that If you wish. I believe many sentences are excessive. Anyone in jail because of pot would fall into that category.
Argue that If you wish. I believe many sentences are excessive. Anyone in jail because of pot would fall into that category.
True. That and current bail issues for excessively violent offenders being let go.

US attorneys have wide latitude in charging someone. Several rulings were made on the issue of charges and detaining, specifically regarding Jan 6th . Wording is the key, if the detainee is a threat to the community. Tweek the charge and bingo.
Not at all, I'm pro-police but that doesn't make me an authoritarian. I just believe as we keep weakening our police departments we end up with more problems. A 30% increase in violent crime between 2020 and 2021 is a pretty good indicator. And as I mentioned already we have a growing problem of getting new police recruits. The problem is not just in my city but nationwide. It was not that long ago when a position for a police officer came up in any city, hundreds of mostly males took the test to see if they could get the job. It was a glory position to be a police officer. Now putting on a cops uniform automatically comes with a target on the back.

Do you believe police can do no wrong? What if American police were arresting peaceful protesters like in Canada? Are the Canadian police wrong? I'm trying to establish whether there are any limits at all to your support of the police or do you believe the police are always right because they are the police.
The survey was not conducted by Breibart or Fox, it was conducted by ABC so you can't bitch. That's besides what's going on in my suburb plus the town one of my closest friends son works in about 50 miles outside of the city. It's happening whether you agree with it or not. Given my friends son trains all the new recruits, his claim is that they are getting the lowest quality of applicants and it's making his job very difficult.

The problem with our legal system is money, not cops. Somebody makes a claim for a few thousand or even a hundred thousand bucks and the city gives in, just like all these famous entertainers. It's cheaper just to pay them off. While that may be true, it also influences more lowlifes to try and cash in on that money cow. Since you love the Rice case so much, it's a perfect example. A justified police shooting because some idiot pulled out a realistic gun on a police officer, and they handed his fat pig mother 5 million bucks because she was too irresponsible to watch her own little hoodlum kid. That's the problem. It's not the Mayor's money, it's the taxpayers money. You anti-cop people created this problem and then bitch you can't get good quality cops.

The solution to all these ambulance chaser problems is a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you like, but if you lose the case, you are responsible for reimbursement of all the costs of the person or entity you tried to sue. Then you'd see how little your city would be paying out in claims, plus it would stop all these women from coming out of the woodwork with their phony claims against wealthy famous people.

Of course that will never happen in this country given most of our representatives were lawyers and they take care of their own.
The solution is to eliminate qualified immunity, and take misconduct awards from the police pension fund.
Look, we get it: you're absolutely fine with ignoring civil rights, as long as the "right" people are being abused.

As soon as you provide even one actual example of someone who has had their rights violated, we can discuss it. Not getting bail is not a violation of one's rights.
The judge is in the wrong. Police do have that right, it's called reasonable suspicion. This guy didn't live there previously and criminals often target homes of the deceased. When my neighbor passed away from lung cancer somebody broke into her home and stole all the copper pipes.

In any case they had a testimony from a neighbor that a stranger was in the house that shouldn't be there.

If he had of been there to rob or kill then a suit would have been filed the cops didn't do enough.
No way would I be a cop today. I do agree there are some bad cops but not so much as they want us to believe.
Look, we get it: you're absolutely fine with ignoring civil rights, as long as the "right" people are being abused.

According to facts so far the 'right' people are under suspicion.
Who is doing most of the looting,robbing and killing? That is who you want to go after,right? I do think mostly white ANTIFA and democrats are the main ones behind it all but the blacks have to take responsibility for listening to them. Dems will keep you on the democrat plantation long as your willing.Dems stay in power get richer off you and you keep voting for them while they replace you with foreigners.o_O
Thank goodness some of you are leaving but it may be too late for your nation to be saved now.
Just like if a KKK fool burns a cross on the lawn who will they look for a black man,no they will look for the KKK white man.
So far I don't see much positivity from the freedom given to the black race. And that is a shame.
As soon as you provide even one actual example of someone who has had their rights violated, we can discuss it. Not getting bail is not a violation of one's rights.
Right to a speedy and public trial. 2 years is not "speedy".
Right to a speedy and public trial. 2 years is not "speedy".

It's not been 2 years and it's up to the defendant to demand his right here. Do you have an example where that has happened?
As soon as you provide even one actual example of someone who has had their rights violated, we can discuss it. Not getting bail is not a violation of one's rights.
You're kidding, right? because we could easily provide documented cases of people's rights being violated and keep providing them all day long for days.
You're kidding, right? because we could easily provide documented cases of people's rights being violated and keep providing them all day long for days.

One can provide hundreds of cases where people have their rights violated. I post them quite regularly.

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