Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Not really. Conservatives have long supported lessening government interference in American's lives.

But it's amazing how you Obama bootlickers now believe the Executive Branch should have some oversight.

What a crock of shit, the size of Gov't has never gotten smaller when Republicans have been the majority. Republicans have been the main whiners of the Executive branch having oversight, now that Trump is in office and you all know he is crooked as hell you Trump Humpers want folks to turn a blind eye and deaf ear.
Pay attention, dumb-dumb: I said conservatives, not Republicans. The GOP is Dem Party Lite.

And dear Gaea, you're getting boring.

You pay attention shit for brains, conservatives vote and support Republicans.
Do you expect them to vote for Democrats, dumbass?

Until there's a real conservative party, we're stuck with the GOP. Dumbass.

So in other words you stupid ass idiots will follow anyone.
The most conservative candidates are best for America. The most liberal candidates are the worst.

In other words, you're irrationally pissed that you can't shame people into supporting your ideology.

Tough shit.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.
Did it ever occur to you that the reason these judges are overruling Trump's ideas is BECAUSE HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO BEHAVE THIS WAY? Not everyone is as politically biased as you. Trump either has really shitty lawyers advising him, or he refuses to listen to them.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.
Did it ever occur to you that the reason these judges are overruling Trump's ideas is BECAUSE HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO BEHAVE THIS WAY? Not everyone is as politically biased as you. Trump either has really shitty lawyers advising him, or he refuses to listen to them.

Or the judges are simply making arbitrary decisions based upon their own political bias.

No matter. It just moves things up the ladder.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.
Did it ever occur to you that the reason these judges are overruling Trump's ideas is BECAUSE HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO BEHAVE THIS WAY? Not everyone is as politically biased as you. Trump either has really shitty lawyers advising him, or he refuses to listen to them.

Or the judges are simply making arbitrary decisions based upon their own political bias.

No matter. It just moves things up the ladder.

Isn't that why Trump has been trying to put so many in place.

The call that started it all.

This is why I think Democrats should start impeachment proceedings. They have the power to stop a corrupt president. Even many Republicans are finally starting to admit how corrupt Trump is .

This is why I think Democrats should start impeachment proceedings. They have the power to stop a corrupt president. Even many Republicans are finally starting to admit how corrupt Trump is .

Congress has another way to deal with a wayword President. Don't fund him. Yes, it means that the Government shuts down but what's the difference. As it stands now, nothing at the Presidential level will be done when or if the Congress presents it. The Government is, in affect, shut down. The next time a budget needs to be voted on, don't fund it until Trump starts acting like a president instead of a 6 year old.

This is why I think Democrats should start impeachment proceedings. They have the power to stop a corrupt president. Even many Republicans are finally starting to admit how corrupt Trump is .

Congress has another way to deal with a wayword President. Don't fund him. Yes, it means that the Government shuts down but what's the difference. As it stands now, nothing at the Presidential level will be done when or if the Congress presents it. The Government is, in affect, shut down. The next time a budget needs to be voted on, don't fund it until Trump starts acting like a president instead of a 6 year old.
And then Democrat ass-lickers will blame Trump for their shutdown. Again.
You don't agree with me. The Constitution gives Congress the power to subpoena Trump's financial records. You only believe in the Constitution when it helps Trump and ignore it when it is convenient for you.
They can subpoena Pres.Trump all they want.

But there is No law requiring him to turn over his financial records to Congress. ... :cool:

There is the Constitution's mandated power of oversight that gives Congress their oversight powers. You don't need a law.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.

This judge followed the Constitution. The only way this is overturned is if a judge decides to legislate from the bench. The Congress has broad oversight powers.

Separation of powers, checks and balances, three branches of government.

Broad yes, absolute no.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.

Think about that for a few. This means no one in congress can withhold those documents either. I would love to see mad Maxine have to turn over her financial records. Same With Elija Cummings.

Every president since Tricky Dick has shown their tax returns, so tell me Trump Humper what does Trump have to hide that other presidents didn't?

Did they have to show their tax returns?

And since you're insisting, tell us why do you think they did it?
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.
Oh, look...yet another Obama appointee more loyal to Obama than to the law.

…...and you said that with a straight face. The AG is Trump's personal lawyer, but that is ok in the mind of a Trump Humper.

The judge is following the law. Good to see some in our government still do that.

And because YOU said it, it must be truth.

Based on your consistent record of being wrong, the chances that judge is following the law are still bigger than chances that you're not leftist shill.

I'm glad you again removed all the doubts. Not that there were any...
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge in Washington ruled Monday against President Donald Trump in a financial records dispute with Congress.

U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, said Trump cannot block a House subpoena of financial records. He said the Democratic-led House committee seeking the information has said it believes the documents would help lawmakers consider strengthening ethics and disclosure laws, among other things.

The committee's reasons were "valid legislative purposes," Mehta said, and it was not for him "to question whether the Committee's actions are truly motivated by political considerations."
Judge rules against Trump in records dispute with Congress

Does a higher court overturn this ruling?

How much longer can the Trump Administration stonewall the Congress.

Trump's accounting firm is not a part of the Gov't, so he can't use executive powers.

Think about that for a few. This means no one in congress can withhold those documents either. I would love to see mad Maxine have to turn over her financial records. Same With Elija Cummings.

Every president since Tricky Dick has shown their tax returns, so tell me Trump Humper what does Trump have to hide that other presidents didn't?

Did they have to show their tax returns?

And since you're insisting, tell us why do you think they did it?

It's called transparency, but I guess the most transparent president doesn't realize that.

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