Judge Schedules Hearing on Allegations of DA Fani Willis’ ‘Improper Use of Funds’ and ‘Scandalous’ Affair with Trump Prosecutor

The Conservatives or Loyalists of those days are very much the same. They still want a King. Only instead of a British King, they want one named Trump.
Yet your side wants a decree from the King on abortion.
So basically what you’re saying is that Trump and the rest of them are all as guilty as hell and none of them are up to fighting this these charges or defending themselves they’re just gonna try and destroy the prosecutor.
Not saying that at all. The prosecutor has created her own problems, she's destroyed herself and her credibility.

And that is funny as all hell.

Victor Davis Hanson:

And now Willis’s signature case is in shambles.

We learn, allegedly, that 1) Willis hired her stealth boyfriend Nathan Wade as a special counsel, the day before he filed for divorce (whose records were then mysteriously sealed by the court); 2) that Wade so far has received over $650,000 as special counsel, reportedly including a miraculous ability to charge for 24 hours of continuous legal service in a single day; 3) that Willis and Wade allegedly have used her greenlighted windfall to him to go on a number of pricey junkets and cruises; 4) that to try an ex-president and the leading candidate in the 2024 presidential election, Willis picked Wade who had never tried a single felony case and was previously a “personal injury/accident” lawyer; 5) that the supposedly apolitical Willis had consulted with the January 6 partisan congressional special committee, while Wade had met for marathon meetings with the Biden White House legal counsel (and apparently billed Georgia taxpayers for receiving such federal tutorials).

The legal community’s initial dismissal of this sordid prosecutor’s office is reminiscent of the immediate efforts to downplay Claudine Gay’s plagiarism. But the charade will eventually end the same way, in this case with the resignation and likely indictment of the prosecutor, along with her boyfriend, who concocted quite a scheme at the expense of the taxpayers. Both have made a mockery of their indictment of an ex-president and, if the allegations are true, will be disbarred and prosecuted.

Jonathon Turley sees the same outcome but thinks the trial would still go on.
Willis' shenanigans most likely will lead to a successful appeal for anyone, if convicted.
Because the Republicans want a Federal law outlawing abortion.
You're surprised with a polling question with that result in a highly evangelical state?
They do not speak for all republicans either. That's what you attempt to portray.
Republicans or democrats can't make a federal law regarding abortions, one way or the other.
Over turning RvW was all about federal over reach.
I guess that isn’t a Royal Decree. Right?
Like I said, Iowa doesn't speak for all republicans. Your side WANTS a federal decree allowing.
That’s it. That’s all that Biden is doing that you disagree with?

That is going to destroy the nation and is way worse than a king answering only to God?
What Joe Biden has done on our border is the worst thing any President has ever done against this country. Back to MAGA
What Joe Biden has done on our border is the worst thing any President has ever done against this country. Back to MAGA

Oh bullshit. The border crossings today are lower than most of my life.

In 1984, the Olympics were in Los Angeles. I lived in the area. The joke everyone told was that Mexico wasn’t sending a team because everyone who could run, jump, or swim was already here.

Shall I continue? Several times a day the illegals standing and sitting on a wall overlooking the border would suddenly bum rush the border. Hundreds of illegals would come running across. The couple dozen border patrol officers had no chance of stopping more than a handful.

This happened several times a day.

In 2000 I delivered a load of plywood from West Virginia to San Diego. The drop off was a concrete dock in the middle of a field. A guy comes and asks what I have. He drives off and is back in twenty minutes with a pick up truck load of illegals. They hand unloaded 40,000 lbs of plywood in less than two hours. He told me that it was cheaper than a fork lift.

This shit has been going on since Texas was a Republic. And this is something you don’t want to admit, but our economy pretty much depends on it.

We need the cheap labor at farms. At construction. At a hundred menial labor jobs everywhere. Think inflation is bad now? Wait until prices double trying to pay folks to do that kind of labor.

The border is nowhere near as porous as it was when I was a kid. And we need the laborers. So what are you whining about? Because if you ever got your wish you would be howling about inflation and rising prices.
Oh bullshit. The border crossings today are lower than most of my life.

Oh look, another leftard LIE !

Why don't you fuckers grow up and start taking responsibility for your bullshit?

My kids get whacked upside the head when they lie like leftards.

Maybe you could use a good smack on the noggin.
Oh look, another leftard LIE !

Why don't you fuckers grow up and start taking responsibility for your bullshit?

My kids get whacked upside the head when they lie like leftards.

Maybe you could use a good smack on the noggin.

I posted the link. You cut it out. There are things called facts. Proof is usually one of those things that establishes facts. Here is the graph you ignored.


And if you think you are big enough and tough enough to try and smack me, all I can advise is bring some friends. You are going to need the help Scooter.

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