Judge sets absurd trial date for Trump case

Laughing......so by your new standards of evidence, this statement is complete and meaningless pseudo-legal horseshit?

""But when President Trump loses a re-election bid after Crystal clear Evidence suggesting Massive Voting Fraud of various types, any claim of a Stolen Election is just kook “Conspiracy theory” and an insidious plot to undermine the people’s faith in our elections.""
Wrong again you sadly pathetic imbecile.

I stand by what I wrote.

I can’t help one as brainless as you clearly are. But the truth is still the truth. There is indeed clear evidence of massive voting fraud. Simpletons such as you can’t grasp that two things can be true at the same time.

It can be true (and is true) that there was a major amount of election fraud and yet it is also true that there is a lack of convincing proof that it altered even one electoral college vote.

Go have a good cry.
Where does it show Hillary had anything to do with change.org?
how do we know she wasn't? Did they get arrested? What is the difference between what they did and Trump's ask? please, i'm not as bright as you to tell the difference between green and green.

BTW, it shows that changing of an electoral vote isn't uncommon. So how can the ask be illegal exactly? explain it for me.
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What the fuck does that mean? Weren't you warned about not taking your meds? Thoughts and prayers... :itsok:
ahhhhh, the little things demofks ignore as usual. John jr is on Hitlery's hit list.
One of the guiding tenets of MAGA is infallibility and immunity from any law. Anything they do is legal. No matter how egregiously criminal.

These trials are an affront to that belief.
Yup, that and whining. These retards whine about everything.
how do we know she wasn't? Did they get arrested? What is the difference between what they did and Trump's ask? please, i'm not as bright as you to tell the difference between green and green.

You claimed she protested to have Trump electors flip. But the evidence you posted was that protest was on a website called, "change.org."

Don't you think the burden to prove Hillary was affiliated with that site is yours to bear?
It’s not. It only seems like whining to a pussy like you.

False. President Trump was NOT indicted for committing any crimes. He didn’t commit any crimes. He got indicted because incredibly biased persecutors are abusing our criminal Justice system for rabidly partisan purely political purposes. It is entirely about election interference.

Your schtick is very old.
Awww... are we still whining? Not done yet? Awww :itsok:
Yup, that and whining. These retards whine about everything.

Most definitely. The whining is a product of the dissonance between the real world and their MAGA fantasy of how things are supposed to be. They can't lose elections in their MAGA fantasy. Thus, any lost election must be 'stolen'. They can't be held accountable for any crime in their MAGA fantasy. Thus, any prosecution must be a 'witch hunt'.

Being a victim is a vital pillar of being MAGA.
She had him killed, did she?
it's on the list of probabilities yes

John F. Kennedy Jr.

John F. Kennedy Jr., who was, according to polls, the most popular Democrat in New York. According to friends, Kennedy considered seeking the seat of retiring Sen. Daniel Moynihan in the 2000 United States Senate election in New York[32] but died in a plane crash on July 16, 1999. Hillary Clinton was elected to Moynihan's vacated seat on November 7, 2000.[33][34]
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