Judge that granted TRO against trump was same judge who

Lol I hope Trump knows. I bet it's driving him nuts.
The Administration has sent an emergency appeal to the District level court of appeals. It would not surprise me the ruling is overturned by Monday or even tomorrow.
It wouldn't surprise me either. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if we nuked India tomorrow.
Get Neil Gorsuch confirmed (use the nuclear option if necessary), then take it to the SC. W's judge will be smacked down and we'll get the ban back in place. Libs are gonna keep obstructing in every way they can but ultimately they'll fail.

Well I know he never said
"Jewish lives Matter", because most all those countries on the ban list don't exactly allow Jews to live there in peace.
So much for his ability to judge properly.
He can't even judge what pair of glasses to pick out, I mean who decides the
John Hinkley Jr. Glasses as being a good look for a Distinguished Judge in this decade?

Well I know he never said
"Jewish lives Matter", because most all those countries on the ban list don't exactly allow Jews to live there in peace.
So much for his ability to judge properly.
He can't even judge what pair of glasses to pick out, I mean who decides the
John Hinkley Jr. Glasses as being a good look for a Distinguished Judge in this decade?
So the police were gunning down Jews without second thought.
Lol I hope Trump knows. I bet it's driving him nuts.
The Administration has sent an emergency appeal to the District level court of appeals. It would not surprise me the ruling is overturned by Monday or even tomorrow.
It wouldn't surprise me either. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if we nuked India tomorrow.

Not for a Kool Aid drinker like you. Rational thinking true Americans would be shocked and horrified.

Well I know he never said
"Jewish lives Matter", because most all those countries on the ban list don't exactly allow Jews to live there in peace.
So much for his ability to judge properly.
He can't even judge what pair of glasses to pick out, I mean who decides the
John Hinkley Jr. Glasses as being a good look for a Distinguished Judge in this decade?

is shooting down young unarmed jewish men now a thing?

if it is, please let me know and i will be out there with signs saying "jewish lives matter".

perhaps you should concern yourself more with the fact that the man now running the country, steve bannon, is an anti-semite.

Well I know he never said
"Jewish lives Matter", because most all those countries on the ban list don't exactly allow Jews to live there in peace.
So much for his ability to judge properly.
He can't even judge what pair of glasses to pick out, I mean who decides the
John Hinkley Jr. Glasses as being a good look for a Distinguished Judge in this decade?

is shooting down young unarmed jewish men now a thing?

if it is, please let me know and i will be out there with signs saying "jewish lives matter".

perhaps you should concern yourself more with the fact that the man now running the country, steve bannon, is an anti-semite.
Can you tell us how you came to that conclusion?

Sent from my LGLS991 using Tapatalk

Well I know he never said
"Jewish lives Matter", because most all those countries on the ban list don't exactly allow Jews to live there in peace.
So much for his ability to judge properly.
He can't even judge what pair of glasses to pick out, I mean who decides the
John Hinkley Jr. Glasses as being a good look for a Distinguished Judge in this decade?
I don't think the order the judge made will hold up once it reaches appellate court...If I read the 1952 law on the books correctly Trump is well within his rights to block anyone who he deems is a threat to the United States as president.. In other words President Trump holds the TRUMP card for any of you who play bridge and people should keep that in mind even if someone tries to ROB(art) him of it...

Well I know he never said
"Jewish lives Matter", because most all those countries on the ban list don't exactly allow Jews to live there in peace.
So much for his ability to judge properly.
He can't even judge what pair of glasses to pick out, I mean who decides the
John Hinkley Jr. Glasses as being a good look for a Distinguished Judge in this decade?
So the police were gunning down Jews without second thought.

RealDave and Jillian,
Hey Cop haters, the demonization of Police is the same kind of propaganda you see in politics. Incidences with police are selective recognition. To selectively say incidences occur with black communities, because you selectively ignore the percentage appropriate incidences on white criminals is called convenient blindness and selective recognition. Then you selectively ignore the many incidences that the Police are Black and still make it about race.
The Liberals are playing the race baiting for election sake therefore the liberal media seeking viewership and power are contributing to this race baiting and demonization of police because they think it makes them popular in doing so.
YES there will be over zealous or bad police officers, but in the same percentage you seecwe have a bad judge to stupid to not be played or dumbfounded by selective recognition. No more percentage are bad then you have a bad person in any field.
There will be a percentage like in all life
who make poor decisions and
or break down, like all humans, but to selectively recognize only those that do while disrespecting those who protect is wrong and in this case feeding into propaganda.
Then there is the issue of not recognizing when the Police did not do anything wrong but are framed as the propaganda portrays.
Congrats you fell for the Nazis liberals game that paints cops like Nazis Germany painted Jews.
Let's face it, people like you would be the first to cry for a cop when someone robs your house, steals your car, or harms your loved ones, so stop seeing things selectively and start noticing when people demonize things to get one over on you and use you like the media has been playing you like a fiddle.

Also note this propaganda adds to the problem since it creates a disparity of African Americans trusting or respecting Cops, making them more likely to resist or disrespect or cause any disparity you might feel exists between whites who might obey the "hands where I can see them" call out, as apposed to Black suspects acting out and disobeying a cops order. Hence even more dispairity can occur through influences of this propaganda to disrespect all officers for the acts of a few.
According to your logic and the logic of the Judge all school teachers should be viewed as the same for the acts of the few.
In that case this judge stinks because a few make poor choices or this judges choices now reflects on all judges.
=Epic fail in logic.

Now Jillian where did you get the Bannon is anti Semitic from=the Propaganda of the media. They admited demonizing these figures for political reasons and for sake of "giving them hell" for 4 years for sake of taking back elections.
You bought it and spread it as fact.
They made you a liar and fool, but worse, a soldier for their Gang affiliation.
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I don't think the order the judge made will hold up once it reaches appellate court...If I read the 1952 law on the books correctly Trump is well within his rights to block anyone who he deems is a threat to the United States as president.. In other words President Trump holds the TRUMP card for any of you who play bridge and people should keep that in mind even if someone tries to ROB(art) him of it...
The only "fly in the ointment" to your prognostication is that the particular appellate court is the 9th circuit court.

Did they go and find some sanity when I wasnt looking or what?

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