Judge that granted TRO against trump was same judge who

I don't think the order the judge made will hold up once it reaches appellate court...If I read the 1952 law on the books correctly Trump is well within his rights to block anyone who he deems is a threat to the United States as president.. In other words President Trump holds the TRUMP card for any of you who play bridge and people should keep that in mind even if someone tries to ROB(art) him of it...
The only "fly in the ointment" to your prognostication is that the particular appellate court is the 9th circuit court.

Did they go and find some sanity when I wasnt looking or what?
The law is so clear even the hacktavisit 9th Circus appellate court has ruled that the executive has this right and power (in a ruling given to Obama just two years ago).

We will see just how deep and wide their partisan stain on the judiciary is with this one, given their precedent. It won't survive the SCOTUS appeal however, if they uphold the ban. The order will be reinstated by Friday.
Liberals support immigration so long as those coming into our country are not white.
Here is the pertinent law, Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182, courtesy of Cornell University Law’s website:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

I for the life of me don't know why this is so hard to understand, for either the Judge, or the 9th Circus....Seems pretty plain and simple to me....
Here is the pertinent law, Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182, courtesy of Cornell University Law’s website:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

I for the life of me don't know why this is so hard to understand, for either the Judge, or the 9th Circus....Seems pretty plain and simple to me....

Yup and Congress approved as well. Didn't see any Fed Judge protesting and banning when douchebag and Carter did the same thing.

Hope this Judge's ruling gets overturned damned quick.

Folks seem to have forgotten that every one of the perpetrators of 9-11 were in this country on visas.
Good point about those visas on the 911 perps. Interesting enough the Dems are running out of blame, so they circled back to the Russia rant even after it's admitted they did not corrupt our votes. However concerned about hacking to create Liberal propaganda & excuses they are not equally concerned about hacking that took place on their watch that stole everyones identity in everything from the many broker firms, to phone providers, to shopping marts, and the most disturbing and incompetant- the stolen info from our own IRS.
IF the Dems did not drop the ball in this aspect then the concern over fake i.d.-fake visas-fake history docs on those coming over would make this whole issue a non issue. THIS BAN to buy time to bring order to the chaos NECESSITY IS THROUGH THE INCOMPETANCE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.-Period!

Now back to the 911 perps.
1)THIS ADMITS they are claiming such bans valid and helpful.
2)It was Bill Clinton who admittedly could have captured or killed Bin Laden back in 1998 after his verbal threats to the US and other nations. His delay & decision not to act NOW KNOWING HE TOOK MONEY FROM SAUDIS for favors should disturb people who now realize the result of Bin Laden's threats and who admit themselves the Saudis problem back then before strict vetting and info exchanged with Saudis.
So what exactly were the favors Bill offered Saudis in pay to play? Visas for Saudis, Free let them be, let terrorists like Bin Laden be?
tmp_8293-bil sheikh mo payoff1830257860.jpg
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Yet another alt right jakass claiming black lives don't matter.

Black lives sure don't matter in Chicago. They are killing each other in the hundreds.

The only time BLM is when an LEO kills one. Then it matters all over the place.

Catch a clue jackass.

This is why you peopled are sofa stupid. You bitch & bitch & you don't understand shit. Get better informed.

Is stupidity that inbred into you people?

BLM is about cases like Trayvon, and those black men killed by police. Its about these people being killed with no repercussions, no real investigation, the killer tells their story & it is just accepted.
Zimmerman tell's a story to the police, they accept it & send him home without proper questioning or investigation.

This is what BLM is all about.

If you had a God damn brain, you would have figured it out. The protests in the Martin case ended when the feds had to force the proven racist local police to investigate.

I don't know, do you hate BLM because you are just as fucking moron or is it because you are a racist?

In the Trayvon case, Zimmerrmsan kills
Good point about those visas on the 911 perps. Interesting enough the Dems are running out of blame, so they circled back to the Russia rant even after it's admitted they did not corrupt our votes. However concerned about hacking to create Liberal propaganda & excuses they are not equally concerned about hacking that took place on their watch that stole everyones identity in everything from the many broker firms, to phone providers, to shopping marts, and the most disturbing and incompetant- the stolen info from our own IRS.
IF the Dems did not drop the ball in this aspect then the concern over fake i.d.-fake visas-fake history docs on those coming over would make this whole issue a non issue. THIS BAN to buy time to bring order to the chaos NECESSITY IS THROUGH THE INCOMPETANCE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.-Period!

Now back to the 911 perps.
1)THIS ADMITS they are claiming such bans valid and helpful.
2)It was Bill Clinton who admittedly could have captured or killed Bin Laden back in 1998 after his verbal threats to the US and other nations. His delay & decision not to act NOW KNOWING HE TOOK MONEY FROM SAUDIS for favors should disturb people who now realize the result of Bin Laden's threats and who admit themselves the Saudis problem back then before strict vetting and info exchanged with Saudis.
So what exactly were the favors Bill offered Saudis in play to pay? Visas for Saudis, Free let them be, let terrorists like Bin Laden be?
View attachment 110934
So much crap in that post.

No one admitted votes were not altered because of the Russian hacking. Their influence very well changed a lot of voter's minds. You think that because they did not somehow hack into the voting system & change votes that it had no influence. My God.

As for Saudi not being included, it in no way indicates that Democrats believe bans work. It says that Trump thinks they work & if he thinks they work, why didn't the orange dumbass include Saudi Arabia. Tell me why?

Bill Clinton said he had a shot at OBL but did not take it because of the risk of civilian casualties. As for any favors to Saudis, they were one of very few oil rich nations that were on our side.

I have to laugh at any Trump supporter making up these pay for play after you assholes elected Trump. Funny how Middle East countries that have a Trump golf course weren't included in the ban. Funny how Trump just made bif=g profits by his weekend vacation to his Florida resort.

Then there's Tillerson & Exxon & Russia & Trump. Yep, no money will be made there.

You people are just plain dumber than shit.
'You elected the pay to play king.
Here is the pertinent law, Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182, courtesy of Cornell University Law’s website:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

I for the life of me don't know why this is so hard to understand, for either the Judge, or the 9th Circus....Seems pretty plain and simple to me....

Yup and Congress approved as well. Didn't see any Fed Judge protesting and banning when douchebag and Carter did the same thing.

Hope this Judge's ruling gets overturned damned quick.

Folks seem to have forgotten that every one of the perpetrators of 9-11 were in this country on visas.
Certainly, you are not so stupid to be talking about Obama & Iraq as there was no ban.
Here is the pertinent law, Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182, courtesy of Cornell University Law’s website:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

I for the life of me don't know why this is so hard to understand, for either the Judge, or the 9th Circus....Seems pretty plain and simple to me....

Yup and Congress approved as well. Didn't see any Fed Judge protesting and banning when douchebag and Carter did the same thing.

Hope this Judge's ruling gets overturned damned quick.

Folks seem to have forgotten that every one of the perpetrators of 9-11 were in this country on visas.
Certainly, you are not so stupid to be talking about Obama & Iraq as there was no ban.

Although there is some validity to bringing up that President Obama used his executive powers to stall immigration from Iraq for a period of time, there is really little different from what President Trump wants to do here.

"David Smith, of the University of Sydney’S United States Studies Centre, said it was true that Mr Obama banned visas to Iraqis, but it was only for six months back in 2011.


But he said the statement about Mr Obama’s policy was not quite correct.

“The statement about Obama was misleading because Trump’s ban is much wider in scope — all seven countries are involved — but also because Trump’s ban included permanent residents of the United States, which is totally unprecedented,” he said.

“The Department of Homeland Security has now retracted that part.”

Dr Smith said it was also different because Islam wasn’t the basis for Mr Obama’s policy.

He also said the measure applied to green cards was also extreme given the amount of hoops holders had to go through to get their status approved in the first place.

Dr Smith said it was draconian and implied Americans needed to be wary of the enemy within and promoted Islamophobia.

US President said his executive order had been carried out before

So, if you want to term Obama's "ban" as a "slowdown" or whatever you'd call it, the bottom line is that at the time he halted the issuance of new Visa's and restricted travel from Iraq as a safety precaution, NO DIFFERENT from what President Trump is calling for now, in using a list of countries that were compiled by Congress, and the Obama security professionals as to what countries posed the greatest danger at the moment to the United States...So, while they are not exactly the same, they are similar, and as pointed out earlier, according to the law, the President is well within his pervue to issue such order...
Good point about those visas on the 911 perps. Interesting enough the Dems are running out of blame, so they circled back to the Russia rant even after it's admitted they did not corrupt our votes. However concerned about hacking to create Liberal propaganda & excuses they are not equally concerned about hacking that took place on their watch that stole everyones identity in everything from the many broker firms, to phone providers, to shopping marts, and the most disturbing and incompetant- the stolen info from our own IRS.
IF the Dems did not drop the ball in this aspect then the concern over fake i.d.-fake visas-fake history docs on those coming over would make this whole issue a non issue. THIS BAN to buy time to bring order to the chaos NECESSITY IS THROUGH THE INCOMPETANCE OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.-Period!

Now back to the 911 perps.
1)THIS ADMITS they are claiming such bans valid and helpful.
2)It was Bill Clinton who admittedly could have captured or killed Bin Laden back in 1998 after his verbal threats to the US and other nations. His delay & decision not to act NOW KNOWING HE TOOK MONEY FROM SAUDIS for favors should disturb people who now realize the result of Bin Laden's threats and who admit themselves the Saudis problem back then before strict vetting and info exchanged with Saudis.
So what exactly were the favors Bill offered Saudis in play to pay? Visas for Saudis, Free let them be, let terrorists like Bin Laden be?
View attachment 110934
So much crap in that post.

No one admitted votes were not altered because of the Russian hacking. Their influence very well changed a lot of voter's minds. You think that because they did not somehow hack into the voting system & change votes that it had no influence. My God.

As for Saudi not being included, it in no way indicates that Democrats believe bans work. It says that Trump thinks they work & if he thinks they work, why didn't the orange dumbass include Saudi Arabia. Tell me why?

Bill Clinton said he had a shot at OBL but did not take it because of the risk of civilian casualties. As for any favors to Saudis, they were one of very few oil rich nations that were on our side.

I have to laugh at any Trump supporter making up these pay for play after you assholes elected Trump. Funny how Middle East countries that have a Trump golf course weren't included in the ban. Funny how Trump just made bif=g profits by his weekend vacation to his Florida resort.

Then there's Tillerson & Exxon & Russia & Trump. Yep, no money will be made there.

You people are just plain dumber than shit.
'You elected the pay to play king.

Dem elect even keep saying no votes were tarnished-manipulated by the Russia hack.
It was the conclusion of the FBI as well.
See you lied, continued the proaganda and had not one concern over the fact Bill Clintons corruption went unpunished even though it might have killed over 4,000 people more if you blame the tolls of war on that one event that could have been prevented including perhaps other ripple events and tolls of bodies from ISis which would have never occured if Clinton didn't take $ over deed at hand.
The fact not 1 liberal media source cares to investigate what the favors to the Saudis were and you don't care and just displace blame and use ad hominem arguments says it all. YOU ARE ABOUT AFFILIATION PRIDE OVER COUNTRY AND OVER PEOPLE'S SAFETY AND WELL BEING.
Yet another alt right jakass claiming black lives don't matter.

Black lives sure don't matter in Chicago. They are killing each other in the hundreds.

The only time BLM is when an LEO kills one. Then it matters all over the place.

Catch a clue jackass.

This is why you peopled are sofa stupid. You bitch & bitch & you don't understand shit. Get better informed.

Is stupidity that inbred into you people?

BLM is about cases like Trayvon, and those black men killed by police. Its about these people being killed with no repercussions, no real investigation, the killer tells their story & it is just accepted.
Zimmerman tell's a story to the police, they accept it & send him home without proper questioning or investigation.

This is what BLM is all about.

If you had a God damn brain, you would have figured it out. The protests in the Martin case ended when the feds had to force the proven racist local police to investigate.

I don't know, do you hate BLM because you are just as fucking moron or is it because you are a racist?

In the Trayvon case, Zimmerrmsan kills

Speaking of soft and stupid. That's you
Here is the pertinent law, Title 8, Chapter 12, US Code 1182, courtesy of Cornell University Law’s website:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

I for the life of me don't know why this is so hard to understand, for either the Judge, or the 9th Circus....Seems pretty plain and simple to me....

Yup and Congress approved as well. Didn't see any Fed Judge protesting and banning when douchebag and Carter did the same thing.

Hope this Judge's ruling gets overturned damned quick.

Folks seem to have forgotten that every one of the perpetrators of 9-11 were in this country on visas.
Certainly, you are not so stupid to be talking about Obama & Iraq as there was no ban.

Not as stupid as you. You are a boat load of stupid.

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