JUDGE: Those Allegedly Shot By Rittenhouse Can’t Be Called ‘Victims’ During Trial, ‘Rioters’ And ‘Arsonists’ Both More Accurate

Great that we dont have to endure another Mike Brown he be good boy bunch of bullshit over fears of BLM burning down the city unfettered if they don’t get the feelings tainted verdict they want
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That claim isn't part of this case. So what else do you have other than opinion? You said he had the gun illegally, then post CRT stuff.

I am confused.
You are absolutely correct…thought I deleted it. You have a right to be confused and I apologize…I thought I was in another thread and then realized not…:oops:
People keep assuming that Kyle killed decent human beings...


Not a one of them was not a felon.
Not a decent human being in the bunch.
Being a former felon doesn’t mean one isn’t a decent person, It means he made a mistake and PAID for it. I know plenty of church going self righteous people who are as bad as any felon.

Being a felon does mean you lose your rights. It doesn’t a right to kill them any more than any other person.

There is a video of Kyle punching out a girl who is being restrained by his friends. Is that a decent person?
Being a former felon doesn’t mean one isn’t a decent person, It means he made a mistake and PAID for it. I know plenty of church going self righteous people who are as bad as any felon.

Being a felon does mean you lose your rights. It doesn’t a right to kill them any more than any other person.

There is a video of Kyle punching out a girl who is being restrained by his friends. Is that a decent person?

No, a child rapist is a piece of shit.

Being a former felon doesn’t mean one isn’t a decent person, It means he made a mistake and PAID for it. I know plenty of church going self righteous people who are as bad as any felon.

Being a felon does mean you lose your rights. It doesn’t a right to kill them any more than any other person.

There is a video of Kyle punching out a girl who is being restrained by his friends. Is that a decent person?
Crybaby criminal shill crap
Supporters of criminals should not be moderators. Shows bias and predisposition.
Yes. He is. But that was only one, and dispicable as it is it is not a license to kill.

Yeah, but maybe it should be. Child rapists will ALWAYS repeat their crimes.

That harms the children for life.

And the other DOA raped and tortured his prior girlfriend over a weekend.

I will lay you long odds she can sleep better now.
I agree. But if he had not been there,

Kind of my point. I said this before. Why did the police allow curfew to be violated? Why did they allow a kid to come in armed like that, a situation he did mot have the experience or maturity to handle. Seriously?

More of this line. "If he had just foregone his right to walk on the street when the people I worship wanted to riot, they could have just burned down the city without getting hurt. How DARE he think he gets to go where my people are busy committing crimes?"

Once again, if your asshole buddies hadn't been there COMMITTING CRIMES, this wouldn't have happened.
The only reason the judge agreed to a trial was for the evidence be seen by everyone because he was going to be set free due to being innocent of the charges brought against him without reserve.
How fucking dumb. That might be the dumbest thing I have ever read.
He was there illegally. He chased AFTER he shot and killed an unarmed man. He was illegally armed. He did not have the maturity or experience to handle the situation that was real life and not some game. Notice that no one else had to shoot anyone. He had no business being there.

There was no dumpster fire they were involved in. Two of the guys only started chasing him after some yelled that he had shot and killed someone. At the moment the only illegal action by those three he shot was violating curfew. This is why we have police, not good ol boys and vigilante wannabes. But tbe police were grossly negligent here.

THEY were there far more illegally, but I notice in all your "outrage" about Rittenhouse "shouldn't have been there", you never have a word to say about whether THEY should have been there BURNING THINGS DOWN.

He did NOT chase after anyone. That's a flat-out lie disproven by watching the videos, which I realize you didn't do in your rush to believe whatever your masters told you to.

He was also not illegally armed, which is disproven by reading the actual law . . . which I realize lets you out, since you're incapable of reading and understanding anything but your talking points.

He had the maturity and experience to handle the situation just fine, since he didn't shoot anyone who wasn't threatening him. We all know that what YOU mean by "couldn't handle it" is "didn't handle it in a way that pleases me". He didn't care about that, we don't care about that, your asinine and evil worldview is relevant to nothing.

You can keep telling us "He had no business being there" until your idiot face turns blue, and no one's ever going to hear anything but "When my people want to riot, everyone should just let them." So by all means, keep saying something that makes you look like the shit you are.

There was a dumpster fire, as well as a burning car. You would know that, if you had listened to the PROSECUTION'S opening statement, rather than just the voices in your head telling you how right you are for defending rioters and attacking people who dare to oppose the crimes you like.
of that you are most certainly not.

I heard the pile was brown for you
Oh no, an attack poodle!

Yes. He is. But that was only one, and dispicable as it is it is not a license to kill.

Rittenhouse had seconds to judge Rosenbaum and find him to be a dangerous thug intent on harming him, based on his actions and presentation.

Further information, like the fact that he was a felon, and a child molester, provides further evidence that Rittenhouse's judgement, though "rushed" due to being during combat,

was very likely correct.

That is the value of this type of information.

IF all information on Rosenbaum after the fact, was that he was the most gentle of souls, who literally caught flies and carried them out side to be released into the wild, instead of killing them, who dedicated his life to rescuing one legged kittens, and planting flowers in orphanages,

then Rittenhouse's snap judgement would have been UNDERMINED.

Instead, we see it verified that Rosenbaum was a violent, dangerous thug.
Thank goodness. That would make me a mentally ill orange pile of shit.
You should also remember that I'm the one person who is A-political... meaning that I'm not interested in politics except to eradicate them.

Or.... maybe the things they say about you are correct...

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