Judge Tosses Sidney ("The Cracken") Powell's Against Dominon Voting Systems.

Lol, tissues? We don't need tissues. It is fun to watch the trumptards lose in court. Lol, biggest lovers in history. Hilarious
A. Wasn’t talking to you.
B. You weren’t the one bemoaning your fate.
C. You’re almost as bad, nipple.
D. I don’t know any Trumptards. And it’s difficult to “lose” in court when the judges won’t even accept the cases.
E. Don’t try coming on to us now.
F. F u.
4,675 time this lie has been parroted. Evidence was presented. It was determined to be bullshit. :)

Your reply is the lie. I Said no evidentiary hearings. And there weren’t. None. Zip. Zilch. Squat. Like your skull. A complete void.
DOJ Pushes Back Against Trump's Claim That FBI Planted Evidence At Shit-A-Lago, As He Comes Under Pressure To Provide Evidence.

Special Master Asks Trump Team Back Up Claim of Planted Evidence

The Traitor's "Planted Evidence" Claim Unlikely To Standup In Court.

Dude, never make a statement that can so easily be disproven.
If it can be disproved, you have yet to do so.

Go ahead. Try it. Quote exactly what you claim he said and where and what the context was. I note that your Stars and Stripes piece carefully evaded the claim that Trump ever said that evidence had been planted during the raid.

You libtards hear bullshit and seem to imagine that mere repetition of that bullshit means it must be true.

You’re a bunch of lightweights.
A. Wasn’t talking to you.
B. You weren’t the one bemoaning your fate.
C. You’re almost as bad, nipple.
D. I don’t know any Trumptards. And it’s difficult to “lose” in court when the judges won’t even accept the cases.
E. Don’t try coming on to us now.
F. F u.
Lol, the kraken sinks. Once again and loses big. Lol, need a tissue?

Your cult captains talk a BIG GAME for you, until they get into court, where it all turns to shit. Time after time after time.

And you people STILL haven't figured this out.
So would I. Dominion will not release their sources codes. That means they cannot prove it is a lie.
Dominion has nothing to hide
If they didn't? They would release all the data of the elections. But they have not. This is why folks have been getting in trouble for trying to illegally steal, "proprietary," dominion information since the election.

This is why Lindell's phone was seized by the FBI, b/c he had a copy of some of it on his phone.

You really are not keeping up on things.

Lindell and Powell will be forced to admit they have no evidence of their claims
This can be true, while your previous statement can be false at the same time.

Agreed. That is why none of this has gone anywhere, and people are still aguring to this day. . .

If the STATE really cared about the integrity of the elections, more than the stock value of Dominion, they could put this whole controversy to bed overnight. But the DNC is as corrupt an organization as the GOP.

If they didn't? They would release all the data of the elections. But they have not. This is why folks have been getting in trouble for trying to illegally steal, "proprietary," dominion information since the election.

This is why Lindell's phone was seized by the FBI, b/c he had a copy of some of it on his phone.

You really are not keeping up on things.

This can be true, while your previous statement can be false at the same time.

Agreed. That is why none of this has gone anywhere, and people are still aguring to this day. . .

If the STATE really cared about the integrity of the elections, more than the stock value of Dominion, they could put this whole controversy to bed overnight. But the DNC is as corrupt an organization as the GOP.

You have nothing but wild theories about Dominion

Unfounded theories presented as fact by Lindell, GiulianI and Powell

They will all pay Bigly
You don't care when Republicans waste taxpayer money. You applaud it.
Sure. Show me one time I applauded that.

You make shit up and think you’ll never get bullshit called on you.

You may literally be retarded.
When do the discovery phases of this and Lindell's trials begin?

Betting the farm that Dominion wants no part of that, and will pull out all the stops to try to get a settlement.

I will take that bet
Dominion has to prove it did not cheat. They won't do that, will they?

In our country one is innocent till proven guilty, not the other way around. Dominion has to prove nothing, you morons have to prove they did since it is your claim.
In our country one is innocent till proven guilty, not the other way around. Dominion has to prove nothing, you morons have to prove they did since it is your claim.
Really? Are you going to stand by that? Are you going to tell the FBI, the DOJ and our Congress? Let us know when you do.

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