Judge upholds tough Pa. voter ID law

Since the higher court sent it back to him, people have been coming foward who have testified as to the effects it has on their ability to vote.

I know people like you who don't follow the case like to just make shit up as you go, and feed into your biases with imaginary threats and whatnot. That's easier than actually looking into what REALLY happened.


I do follow it, I live here, your assumptions make you look stupid. Most of those testimonies are bullshit and bogus, all a show put on. Why are they disenfranchised this year, but not next? The law has been in effect long enough for everyone who needed ID to get it, it's a horse and pony show, but by all means, celebrate fraud, it's what you guys are best at. ;)

By "bullshit and bogus", you mean your feelings are hurt that Voter ID was proven to be an unjustifiable hurdle to citizen voters. You were walking around in a haze believing everyone had the necessary approved ID and any evidence to the contrary could not penetrate that haze.


You seem to keep missing the fact that it goes into effect next year, just not for this year's presidential election. So, apparently it's not an 'unjustifiable hurdle' is it? Only for this year's presidential election. What a coincidence, huh? And I'm guessing that next year you won't give on damn about voter id requirements in PA either. :thup:
The instructions the judge was given was to make a determination whether or not the law was so restrictive that it would disenfranchise voters. If that turned out to be the case, then he was to halt it.

They did not order him to halt it. They ordered him to make a determination himself.

He did, it does, he made the call.

That takes integrity and courage to reverse himself. He could easily have decided it does not disenfranchise voters and uphold the law. But he proved to be an honest man.


Right, cause he completely looked over that determination the first time around. Politics in play, ya gotta love it. And that's why it's going to start next year, right? Once the presidential election is over. :lol:

you as an american should be embarrassed this is even an issue and that one would need an ID to vote. Of course your not so why bother right?
Freedom and liberty so long as you have an ID.
I do follow it, I live here, your assumptions make you look stupid. Most of those testimonies are bullshit and bogus, all a show put on. Why are they disenfranchised this year, but not next? The law has been in effect long enough for everyone who needed ID to get it, it's a horse and pony show, but by all means, celebrate fraud, it's what you guys are best at. ;)

By "bullshit and bogus", you mean your feelings are hurt that Voter ID was proven to be an unjustifiable hurdle to citizen voters. You were walking around in a haze believing everyone had the necessary approved ID and any evidence to the contrary could not penetrate that haze.


You seem to keep missing the fact that it goes into effect next year, just not for this year's presidential election. So, apparently it's not an 'unjustifiable hurdle' is it? Only for this year's presidential election. What a coincidence, huh? And I'm guessing that next year you won't give on damn about voter id requirements in PA either. :thup:

I believe Voter ID is a "solution" in search of a problem, as other judges have put it. Its necessity has never been proven. Not a single case of voter fraud which only Voter ID could have prevented or caught. Most voter problems and voter fraud occur long before Election Day. In person fraud is negligible.

As for why the law does not take effect until later is for the same reason most laws have a long lead time to take effect. The populace has to be informed of the new rules, and the bureacratic infrastructure has to be put in place.

That's what you want, right? More government bureaucracy between you and the exercising of your constitutional rights. I know how much you UnConservatives love big government, you want so much more of it.

Over 220 years of voting without ID, and suddenly we have this Big Cause for a hurdle which affects more people in one particular demographic than others. Hmmm...

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Right, cause he completely looked over that determination the first time around. Politics in play, ya gotta love it. And that's why it's going to start next year, right? Once the presidential election is over. :lol:

Since the higher court sent it back to him, people have been coming foward who have testified as to the effects it has on their ability to vote.

I know people like you who don't follow the case like to just make shit up as you go, and feed into your biases with imaginary threats and whatnot. That's easier than actually looking into what REALLY happened.


I do follow it, I live here, your assumptions make you look stupid. Most of those testimonies are bullshit and bogus, all a show put on. Why are they disenfranchised this year, but not next? The law has been in effect long enough for everyone who needed ID to get it, it's a horse and pony show, but by all means, celebrate fraud, it's what you guys are best at. ;)

A horse and pony show? Cool.

You overlook the fact that no in-person voter fraud exists. Why?
Since the higher court sent it back to him, people have been coming foward who have testified as to the effects it has on their ability to vote.

I know people like you who don't follow the case like to just make shit up as you go, and feed into your biases with imaginary threats and whatnot. That's easier than actually looking into what REALLY happened.


I do follow it, I live here, your assumptions make you look stupid. Most of those testimonies are bullshit and bogus, all a show put on. Why are they disenfranchised this year, but not next? The law has been in effect long enough for everyone who needed ID to get it, it's a horse and pony show, but by all means, celebrate fraud, it's what you guys are best at. ;)

By "bullshit and bogus", you mean your feelings are hurt that Voter ID was proven to be an unjustifiable hurdle to citizen voters.


"Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh....and, Philadelphia....with ALABAMA in-between." - James Carville

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true!!!

They got a GOOD SMACKIN', TODAY!!!!!!


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
just another racist law white people want, just like the voter tax laws and test laws in 1960's.

this is just white being racist, nothing new in America.
just another racist law white people want, just like the voter tax laws and test laws in 1960's.

this is just white being racist, nothing new in America.

I'm white, I'm Republican, and I am a Conservative. I oppose Voter ID.

Just so you don't walk around thinking all whites are racist. I did not see a disqualifier in your post.

I think most supporters of Voter ID are just ignorant bongwater drinking sheep, not racists.

I do follow it, I live here, your assumptions make you look stupid. Most of those testimonies are bullshit and bogus, all a show put on. Why are they disenfranchised this year, but not next? The law has been in effect long enough for everyone who needed ID to get it, it's a horse and pony show, but by all means, celebrate fraud, it's what you guys are best at. ;)

By "bullshit and bogus", you mean your feelings are hurt that Voter ID was proven to be an unjustifiable hurdle to citizen voters. You were walking around in a haze believing everyone had the necessary approved ID and any evidence to the contrary could not penetrate that haze.


You seem to keep missing the fact that it goes into effect next year, just not for this year's presidential election. So, apparently it's not an 'unjustifiable hurdle' is it? Only for this year's presidential election. What a coincidence, huh? And I'm guessing that next year you won't give on damn about voter id requirements in PA either. :thup:

It's funny, really. When Bush was President, liberals were conjuring up imaginary armies of operatives rigging voting machines in Florida and Ohio and Arizona, fixing the election.

Now that Obama is President, unconservatives are conjuring up imaginary armies of illegal aliens re-electing Obama.

I'm tellin' ya. Orwellian. "We have always been at war with Eastasia."

just another racist law white people want....
Easy, there!!

I'M WHITE......and, a JACK LAMBERT FAN!!!!


I'm gettin' a


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
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There is NO good reason NOT to have a good, solid Voter ID Law in place that should apply to the act of registering to vote as well as to actually voting.

But such a law does have to be a good and solid law and cannot merely be some pretext to suppress the vote of one group or the other.

Thee is no reason it cannot be fashioned WELL before any future elections.

But I suspect that there IS a reason the current laws get challenged in a way that more or less compels that injunctions against their use be granted JUST before these elections this time.
just another racist law white people want, just like the voter tax laws and test laws in 1960's.

this is just white being racist, nothing new in America.

How is it racist when it would affect people of ALL colors??

What's your excuse going to be when this comes into affect next year? Of course by then it won't matter anymore....they just don't want it NOW because it might hurt their leader and he won't win. Lol!

Well, when Romney win, what's you're excuse going to be then? You won't be able to say the voter ID laws were the cause!
just another racist law white people want, just like the voter tax laws and test laws in 1960's.

this is just white being racist, nothing new in America.

How is it racist when it would affect people of ALL colors??


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuOT1bRYdK8]Turzai: Voter ID Will Allow Romney to Win Pa. - YouTube[/ame]​
just another racist law white people want, just like the voter tax laws and test laws in 1960's.

this is just white being racist, nothing new in America.

How is it racist when it would affect people of ALL colors??

What's your excuse going to be when this comes into affect next year? Of course by then it won't matter anymore....they just don't want it NOW because it might hurt their leader and he won't win. Lol!

Well, when Romney win, what's you're excuse going to be then? You won't be able to say the voter ID laws were the cause!

you can't be this stupid
There is NO good reason NOT to have a good, solid Voter ID Law in place that should apply to the act of registering to vote as well as to actually voting.

But such a law does have to be a good and solid law and cannot merely be some pretext to suppress the vote of one group or the other.

Thee is no reason it cannot be fashioned WELL before any future elections.

But I suspect that there IS a reason the current laws get challenged in a way that more or less compels that injunctions against their use be granted JUST before these elections this time.

Holy shit, I completely agree with you. I knew it would happen at some point but didn't think it would be so soon.

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