Judgement on the way for another lying Republican

Good to know that once again you can’t distinguish between an allegation of wrongdoing and actual proof.

By the way, lots of fucking politicians lie to gain office. Sen. Blumenthal comes to mind. Stolen honor boi isn’t alone, either.

Funny that guys like you seem to focus only on Republicans.

Dude, he admitted it on camera that he lied. He said he worked for like Citigroup and JP Morgan, and he never worked for either one. He said "Well I'm not perfect, I fluffed my resume." No you scumbag, you fucking LIED.

Santos is a scumbag. But so are, Biden, Kumalot, Shitty Schiff, etc.

Here we have Biden lying TO THE VOTERS.

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Dude, he admitted it on camera that he lied. He said he worked for like Citigroup and JP Morgan, and he never worked for either one. He said "Well I'm not perfect, I fluffed my resume." No you scumbag, you fucking LIED.

Santos is a scumbag. But so are, Biden, Kumalot, Shitty Schiff, etc.

Here we have Biden lying TO THE VOTERS.

Your whataboutisms are stale.

This liar deserves severe retribution. He lied to gain access to the Congress of the United States.
Unless he lied on any NY state govt forms, I do not see what they could charge him with....?

The house ethics committee after January 3 is a Republican majority, and the Republicans in congress will let it slide. And McCarthy will let it slide with a promise of his vote for McCarthy as Speaker, which Kevin needs every vote he can get, to get elected.

The Long island citizen are simply screwed, for the next two years, with a CHRONIC, PATHOLOGICAL, PURPOSELY DECEITFUL, LIAR and con artist..... It is unfair to them, but if he doesn't resign in shame, he's their man ....for two years, like it or not!!!
Your whataboutisms are stale.

Translation: Democrats have been lying to get elected for decades but I choose to ignore it.

Santos was only elected to a state rep position on his lies. Biden managed to get selected to president.
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He embellished his resume?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Let me know when he rapes 6-year olds like most of your thought leaders do, or has a body count like the Satanic Shit Beast of Chappaqua....


The fucking nerve.
Probably the entire Congress is filled with liars, murderers, thieves etc. none of which will ever see anything after they kick their respective buckets.
That is all the respect they deserve for most or all of them.
They all lie probably, here or there white lies perhaps?

But this guy was different, this guy lied about EVERY THING....

He said his mom was a Jew, so to get favor from Jews in the district,

He said he went to and graduated from some prestigious University, to get the well educated in the district to vote for him... And he never graduated from any college....

He said he worked as a prestigious investment, wheeler dealer at one of the big firms, to get those on Wall Street and in finance to support him in his district.... But he never worked there....

Etc etc

Honestly, it's over the top.... there isn't anything he told the truth about.....

Do we now really accept this level of deceit as ok???

That's stomach turning, to me!!!
I thought this thread was about the lying Santos. What do you think about him? Agree with his tactics?

No its about lying politicians. I know you don't like videos showing the now president blatantly lying, but it's what he does. So if you call out a republican, we'll call out 3 democrats that do the same thing.
Hey congrats that you can admit Santos is a liar after Santos admitted he lied. See that wasnt so difficult now was it?

Not difficult for me at all. Much easier than it is for you to do the same with democrats.

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