Judgement on the way for another lying Republican

They all lie probably, here or there white lies perhaps?

But this guy was different, this guy lied about EVERY THING....

He said his mom was a Jew, so to get favor from Jews in the district,

He said he went to and graduated from some prestigious University, to get the well educated in the district to vote for him... And he never graduated from any college....

He said he worked as a prestigious investment, wheeler dealer at one of the big firms, to get those on Wall Street and in finance to support him in his district.... But he never worked there....

Etc etc

Honestly, it's over the top.... there isn't anything he told the truth about.....

Do we now really accept this level of deceit as ok???

That's stomach turning, to me!!!

Doesn't all that sound a lot like Biden?

If someone wrote a book about the man's lies, it'd have to be a 5 volume set.
No its about lying politicians. I know you don't like videos showing the now president blatantly lying, but it's what he does. So if you call out a republican, we'll call out 3 democrats that do the same thing.
No, pretty sure this thread is about Santos. Nice try though.
Dude, he admitted it on camera that he lied. He said he worked for like Citigroup and JP Morgan, and he never worked for either one. He said "Well I'm not perfect, I fluffed my resume." No you scumbag, you fucking LIED.

Santos is a scumbag. But so are, Biden, Kumalot, Shitty Schiff, etc.

Here we have Biden lying TO THE VOTERS.

Lying alone is of course unethical. But it’s not a crime, usually, if it isn’t under oath.

So, ok. I’ll assume he lied. I can’t claim I respect him. I sure as fuck don’t respect Brandon.
Unless he lied on any NY state govt forms, I do not see what they could charge him with....?

The house ethics committee after January 3 is a Republican majority, and the Republicans in congress will let it slide. And McCarthy will let it slide with a promise of his vote for McCarthy as Speaker, which Kevin needs every vote he can get, to get elected.

The Long island citizen are simply screwed, for the next two years, with a CHRONIC, PATHOLOGICAL, PURPOSELY DECEITFUL, LIAR and con artist..... It is unfair to them, but if he doesn't resign in shame, he's their man ....for two years, like it or not!!!
I agree, the House is unlikely to pursue any sanctions or disciplinary actions against him.

But legally, misrepresenting yourself to get elected charged as fraud against the People of New York. I hope it is, too, even if he is a sitting Representative in DC. That's the law.

Remember when the GOP used to be the party of law and order?
Doesn't all that sound a lot like Biden?

If someone wrote a book about the man's lies, it'd have to be a 5 volume set.
No, it doesn't sound like Biden.... though Biden over 50 years has certainly had his fair share of bull shitting!

This guy is all liars in congress, on steroids. He also appears to be crooked, in the criminal sense, so peeps are saying.... Something about him barely making $50 thousand 3 years ago, to $1.5 million 2 years ago, and 1 year ago $3.5 million... And lending $700,000 to his own campaign and funny business with a PAC to do it crapola.... He's gonna be nothing but a target of investigations, by the State at this point!

Long Islanders can't be pleased....

I am tempted to say they are all under Divine Judgement, but maybe some unknown percentage of them are appointed to give the shaft to a nation, America, that worships the enemies of the King of kings.
Then I don't think you've paid a lot of attention

Even if half of that is true, it's pretty bad!!! :eek:

It's hard to know from the NYPost article, if any of it is true, because the article did not provide links to what they claimed he said. I'll have to do my own research....

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