Judicial nominee faces Senate scrutiny over Knights of Columbus membership

I don't really care what he believes, he will go down as one of the best Potus and Trump the worst.

I am trying to be objective, and open minded here Penelope, really I am. What did Obama do, or accomplish in eight years that would make him one of the best Presidents?

Trump has done a heck of a lot more in less than two years than Obama did in eight.
I don't really care what he believes, he will go down as one of the best Potus and Trump the worst.

I am trying to be objective, and open minded here Penelope, really I am. What did Obama do, or accomplish in eight years that would make him one of the best Presidents?

Trump has done a heck of a lot more in less than two years than Obama did in eight.
Good point! Obama never had the UN laughing at him and he didn`t shutdown the government for the Ku Kluxxers.
You have no problem getting vetted for a judicial position with the DemonRATS if you are a Satan worshiper a Communist, or an active atheist!

The ugly specter of religious bigotry reared its disgusting head during Senate confirmation of the nomination of Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship. The Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3 clearly specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,” but that must be news to Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris.

Ed Condon of the Catholic News Agency reports:

A judicial nominee faced questions from Senators this month about whether membership in the Knights of Columbus might impede his ability to judge federal cases fairly. The Knights of Columbus say that no candidate for public office should have to defend his membership in a Catholic service organization.

Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) raised concerns about membership in the Knights of Columbus while Senate Judiciary Committee reviewed the candidacy of Brian C. Buescher, an Omaha-based lawyer nominated by President Trump to sit on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.

Senators also asked whether belonging to the Catholic charitable organization could prevent judges from hearing cases “fairly and impartially.”

In written questions sent to Buescher by committee members Dec. 5, Sen. Hirono stated that “the Knights of Columbus has taken a number of extreme positions. For example, it was reportedly one of the top contributors to California’s Proposition 8 campaign to ban same-sex marriage.”

Hirono then asked Buescher if he would quit the group if he was confirmed “to avoid any appearance of bias.”

“The Knights of Columbus does not have the authority to take personal political positions on behalf of all of its approximately two million members,” Buescher responded.

“If confirmed, I will apply all provisions of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges

Read more at americanthinker.com .
Roe legalized Abortion on Demand across the fruited plain, bypassing the legislative process entirely.

And that's , BTW, why it still isn't accepted as legitimate by many millions of Americans.

The Civil Rights Act, on the other hand, was opposed by large segments of the Far Left- guys like Gore Sr., Byrd and Fulbright who wanted to maintain Jim Crow. However, it was passed by Congress, and even those who disagreed with it understood it was legitimate and accepted it as a valid law.

Every medical procedure is "on demand" unless one is out cold in an ER.

Nobody cares whether something is "accepted as legitimate" by someone else. The "legislative process" has nothing to do with the right of a person to rule on what she wants done with her body and what her choice of beliefs happens to be. Do you want to order someone in the U.S. to submit to the most extreme forms of Islamic Sharia law, Jewish law, Hindu law, for instance? By legislative fiat?

Sharia law implemented by a State would be unconstitutional via the 1st amendment (establishment clause) and the 14th (incorporation of said amendment to the States)

Yet funny that you are OK with "bake that fucking cake, peasant"

But you are okay with the establishment of religion so long as it is some fundie crap. You also are against the 14th Amendment when you find out that it protects all Americans.

That stupid bimbo in Colorado put himself under the rule of law when he took out a business license, and (perhaps, I don't know for sure) incorporated.

What about legislators in places like Texas that try to force Christian sharia law on women? You are the one arguing that it is permissible for a state to force religious law on its citizens.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia law. You're complaining about something that doesn't exist.

Bullshit. We see it all over the country. Texas, the Dakotas, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and many other places. All Christian sharia. All pushed by "Christian" bibble-thumpers. Sharia is here in our midst. Pigpence comes to mind, and he is playing at being vice president of the entire country. They have even spread sharia law in our executive-branch departments. This dirt is all over the place.
We hear that you did not go to Sunday School last week. The Ladie's Bible Class is sending their husbands to your home where they will take you to a nearby high rise. You will be tossed off. If you survive, you are innocent.
Sharia law implemented by a State would be unconstitutional via the 1st amendment (establishment clause) and the 14th (incorporation of said amendment to the States)

Yet funny that you are OK with "bake that fucking cake, peasant"

But you are okay with the establishment of religion so long as it is some fundie crap. You also are against the 14th Amendment when you find out that it protects all Americans.

That stupid bimbo in Colorado put himself under the rule of law when he took out a business license, and (perhaps, I don't know for sure) incorporated.

What about legislators in places like Texas that try to force Christian sharia law on women? You are the one arguing that it is permissible for a state to force religious law on its citizens.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia law. You're complaining about something that doesn't exist.

Bullshit. We see it all over the country. Texas, the Dakotas, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and many other places. All Christian sharia. All pushed by "Christian" bibble-thumpers. Sharia is here in our midst. Pigpence comes to mind, and he is playing at being vice president of the entire country. They have even spread sharia law in our executive-branch departments. This dirt is all over the place.

Being opposed to abortion on demand does not equate Sharia. having political opinions due to one's religion does not negate one's right to them.

Sharia involves even familial relations under the law, it is a separate legal system.

Opposition to abortion IS sharia when it is imposed on other citizens through the abuse of the legislative process. Your "on demand" thing remains ridiculous as all treatment is "on demand" absent unconsciousness.

The people who wish to terminate a pregnancy are no less entitled to their views and freedom of religion, as well as to a right to sovereignty over their own bodies. You are trying to invade the rights to freedom of religion and the right to freedom of one's own body. Very anti-American. No one is being forced to terminate a pregnancy. Have you not even thought about people who adhere to religions other than yours, or who do not wish to practice a religion?

I notice that a lot of those seeking to impose sharia law on Americans are people who are male and can't get pregnant in the first place. Are we all supposed to bow down to their sharia views? I select my own religion, thank you very much.
Being opposed to abortion is the same as being opposed to murdering anybody. It is a moral stance. Your blood thrist to kill every unborn baby isn't and proves you are a racist by perpetuating Sanger's legacy.
Every medical procedure is "on demand" unless one is out cold in an ER.

Nobody cares whether something is "accepted as legitimate" by someone else. The "legislative process" has nothing to do with the right of a person to rule on what she wants done with her body and what her choice of beliefs happens to be. Do you want to order someone in the U.S. to submit to the most extreme forms of Islamic Sharia law, Jewish law, Hindu law, for instance? By legislative fiat?

Sharia law implemented by a State would be unconstitutional via the 1st amendment (establishment clause) and the 14th (incorporation of said amendment to the States)

Yet funny that you are OK with "bake that fucking cake, peasant"

But you are okay with the establishment of religion so long as it is some fundie crap. You also are against the 14th Amendment when you find out that it protects all Americans.

That stupid bimbo in Colorado put himself under the rule of law when he took out a business license, and (perhaps, I don't know for sure) incorporated.

What about legislators in places like Texas that try to force Christian sharia law on women? You are the one arguing that it is permissible for a state to force religious law on its citizens.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia law. You're complaining about something that doesn't exist.

Bullshit. We see it all over the country. Texas, the Dakotas, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and many other places. All Christian sharia. All pushed by "Christian" bibble-thumpers. Sharia is here in our midst. Pigpence comes to mind, and he is playing at being vice president of the entire country. They have even spread sharia law in our executive-branch departments. This dirt is all over the place.
We hear that you did not go to Sunday School last week. The Ladie's Bible Class is sending their husbands to your home where they will take you to a nearby high rise. You will be tossed off. If you survive, you are innocent.

Jerk. Why in the hell would I ever want to attend something called "Ladies' Bible Class." That shit is for fundie morons, like betsy-bitch at the department of education or sick-chick huber at HHS and all women taught to spread their legs when their husbands click their fingers. I don't bleach my hair blond, and I don't deal in fundie dirt, even if these pigs are trying to spread it.

Your lovers graham, jeffress, and abbot are waiting for you.
I’m sure my opinion is not popular, but it makes sense to me that a legal judge should be completely impartial and only consider evidence, including scientific. NOT ANY faith-based arguments.
Therefore, if a judge nominee has a strong religious preference (not agnostic), then they should be eliminated from consideration.
That is stupid. Then a non religious judge with a preference for abortion should be disqualified too.
I’m sure my opinion is not popular, but it makes sense to me that a legal judge should be completely impartial and only consider evidence, including scientific. NOT ANY faith-based arguments.
Therefore, if a judge nominee has a strong religious preference (not agnostic), then they should be eliminated from consideration.

Moron, you have freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion, and I don't care if a judge is Muslim, if the follows US law, what God he worships is none of your business and certainly isn't something the government should be dictating. In fact , moron, this was the entire reasoning behind freedom of religion, it wasn't so that you wouldn't have to see that scary nativity scene on public ground it was so the government couldn't say " you don't believe the same as us, so therefor you can't participate"

I swear , how did you liberals get so stupid?
How did you get so stupid?
Would you want an illogical person judging your case?
A judge who believes in imaginary beings, ghosts, tooth fairies ... instead of logical evidence?
. You just lost your voice in these forums for that bigoted remark. Consider ourself banished and ignored.
I’m sure my opinion is not popular, but it makes sense to me that a legal judge should be completely impartial and only consider evidence, including scientific. NOT ANY faith-based arguments.
Therefore, if a judge nominee has a strong religious preference (not agnostic), then they should be eliminated from consideration.
That is stupid. Then a non religious judge with a preference for abortion should be disqualified too.

I don't know what a "preference for abortion" would be (perhaps just a person who respects the rights of others to own their own bodies and select their own beliefs without interference by the government) but perhaps a "non-religious judge" would lessen the chance that Americans would be subject to someone else's religious bias when they seek justice under the law. Some of these religious groups have been very aggressive in obtaining powerful office so that they can shove their shit on the American public.
But you are okay with the establishment of religion so long as it is some fundie crap. You also are against the 14th Amendment when you find out that it protects all Americans.

That stupid bimbo in Colorado put himself under the rule of law when he took out a business license, and (perhaps, I don't know for sure) incorporated.

What about legislators in places like Texas that try to force Christian sharia law on women? You are the one arguing that it is permissible for a state to force religious law on its citizens.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia law. You're complaining about something that doesn't exist.

Bullshit. We see it all over the country. Texas, the Dakotas, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and many other places. All Christian sharia. All pushed by "Christian" bibble-thumpers. Sharia is here in our midst. Pigpence comes to mind, and he is playing at being vice president of the entire country. They have even spread sharia law in our executive-branch departments. This dirt is all over the place.

Being opposed to abortion on demand does not equate Sharia. having political opinions due to one's religion does not negate one's right to them.

Sharia involves even familial relations under the law, it is a separate legal system.

Opposition to abortion IS sharia when it is imposed on other citizens through the abuse of the legislative process. Your "on demand" thing remains ridiculous as all treatment is "on demand" absent unconsciousness.

The people who wish to terminate a pregnancy are no less entitled to their views and freedom of religion, as well as to a right to sovereignty over their own bodies. You are trying to invade the rights to freedom of religion and the right to freedom of one's own body. Very anti-American. No one is being forced to terminate a pregnancy. Have you not even thought about people who adhere to religions other than yours, or who do not wish to practice a religion?

I notice that a lot of those seeking to impose sharia law on Americans are people who are male and can't get pregnant in the first place. Are we all supposed to bow down to their sharia views? I select my own religion, thank you very much.
Being opposed to abortion is the same as being opposed to murdering anybody. It is a moral stance. Your blood thrist to kill every unborn baby isn't and proves you are a racist by perpetuating Sanger's legacy.

Next time you want to put down Sager read the facts about her.
The problem is that we have to ascertain that a judicial nominee will be fair and impartial if appointed to the bench.

We have had judges and other officials who have attempted to exercise the powers of their offices to advance their personal religious agendas instead of abiding by the rule of law. How do we guarantee that a person given power will not do this? This is an assurance that all Americans deserve to have.

Funny coming from a progressive, who's entire political platform often requires activist judges who ignore the Constitution when they see fit.

Where has this occurred? What is an "activist judge"?
Are you fucking stupid? Everytime the President issues a constitutional order with his Presidential authority, there is an activist judge in Hawaii who puts in injunction on it. Trump, wanting to follow the law, lets the Supreme Court slap down that fucking judge. But that only delays implementation of an order that will protect American citizens.

Personally, I would tell the President to ignore these judges in the future. Everyone knows they are just being an obstructionist and have no legal standing to interfere with the duties of our President.

We can't do that though, because that would put us on the same plane as the opposition, who ignores the law when it's inconvenient. We don't want to do that.
there is no such thing as a "liberal religion." This is all made-up hyperbole.

Keep your fat nose out of other people's business.


Rev. Sharpton and Rev. Wallis are two that I cited, but the Religious Left is insidious in this country. Some of these religious institutions were promoting Gay Marriage for decades and their support for legalized abortion is legendary.

I'd love to see conservatives gain a little bit of cachet in the field of religion, although I don't think we ever will in my lifetime.
They just did not long ago in the Colorado baker case. That gain for a moral code will be expanded soon since the cult & Colorado are ignoring the warning & pushing it with a tranny guy now. So your lifetime goal has already been achieved & happily there will be more to come.
The Dems only consider the most amoral sycophants qualified for judicial posts. Killing babies is a sacrament for Dems. Being willing to impose Reston freedom of speech and thought is also of paramount importance.
If the Knights of Columbus and their potluck dinners are radical
You are missing the point entirely. It's not that they are radical, but that they are politically active. It's a fair question, and one that would also be asked if the judge candidate worked for a political party, or a PAC, or a pitically active group like the fake news Beltway Pundit.

I sense the only problem here is that someone DARED to touch on the taboo subject of religion, as this is a catholic group . This taboo is long past its expiration date.
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“We were extremely disappointed to see that one’s commitment to Catholic principles through membership in the Knights of Columbus—a charitable organization that adheres to and promotes Catholic teachings—would be viewed as a disqualifier from public service in this day and age.”

Democrats attempting to set precedence that one's religious faith and choice of charity organization is a disqualifier for being a judge?

After what they despicably attempted to do to Kavanaugh - while sacrificing his accuser in an attempt to do it, this should not come as a surprise.

Democrats continue to demonstrate their is no 'LOW' too low for them to stoop to destroy / deny anyone who does not embrace and parrot their own radical ideology and agenda.

These are the same people who claimed the Boy Scouts were a paramilitary organization and then demanded that the group open its memberships to not only girls but LGBT individuals.
Boy Scouts cave, chooses left-wing advocacy over values

How a liberal blitzkrieg from Hollywood and the press got the Boy Scouts to surrender
Mazie Hirono is a good reason to cut Hawaii loose and give it back its sovereignty. If the Knights of Columbus and their potluck dinners are radical then I am not sure what the meaning of that word is anymore.
So stupid. The Knights of Columbus are an amazing organization.
I've got a feeling this is just the way it's gonna be from now on.

You'd better be pristine, or the other side will get you.

We've pretty much lost our shit.

Actually, the more pristine you are, the harder they'll dig and the more extreme they'll get, until they'll try to block someone because he broke a window placing sandlot baseball when he was a kid.
Mazie Hirono is a good reason to cut Hawaii loose and give it back its sovereignty. If the Knights of Columbus and their potluck dinners are radical then I am not sure what the meaning of that word is anymore.
So stupid. The Knights of Columbus are an amazing organization.
I've got a feeling this is just the way it's gonna be from now on.

You'd better be pristine, or the other side will get you.

We've pretty much lost our shit.

Actually, the more pristine you are, the harder they'll dig and the more extreme they'll get, until they'll try to block someone because he broke a window placing sandlot baseball when he was a kid.
Why don't you guys cry me a river....we elected a man who bragged about sexual assault and teamed up with Putin to lie to Americans during the campaign. So clearly this sort of mudslinging is not an obstacle
Mazie Hirono is a good reason to cut Hawaii loose and give it back its sovereignty. If the Knights of Columbus and their potluck dinners are radical then I am not sure what the meaning of that word is anymore.
So stupid. The Knights of Columbus are an amazing organization.
I've got a feeling this is just the way it's gonna be from now on.

You'd better be pristine, or the other side will get you.

We've pretty much lost our shit.

Actually, the more pristine you are, the harder they'll dig and the more extreme they'll get, until they'll try to block someone because he broke a window placing sandlot baseball when he was a kid.
Why don't you guys cry me a river....we elected a man who bragged about sexual assault and teamed up with Putin to lie to Americans during the campaign. So clearly this sort of mudslinging is not an obstacle

Each election cycle gets worse. The democrats have clearly lost their minds.

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