Judicial nominee faces Senate scrutiny over Knights of Columbus membership

Why would the political party jonesing for Sharia Law want to have any Christian Judges?

Let's just be realistic here......
Why would the political party jonesing for Sharia Law want to have any Christian Judges?

Let's just be realistic here......

Isn't it odd that they defend a religion that has already killed thousands of Americans and would do so again given half a chance, and would start by throwing the homosexuals in the Democratic Party off the tallest roof they can find.
The problem is that we have to ascertain that a judicial nominee will be fair and impartial if appointed to the bench.

We have had judges and other officials who have attempted to exercise the powers of their offices to advance their personal religious agendas instead of abiding by the rule of law. How do we guarantee that a person given power will not do this? This is an assurance that all Americans deserve to have.
Y mean like appointing a female Latino who openly said her decisions would be based on her race and personal opinions as a LATINO FEMALE? Like that?

Now that is different


We have already had a white Catholic boy, Scalia, who made no secret that he would decide according to his race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. This was out in the open and totally shameless.

What does "decide according to his race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation" even mean? It , of course, means nothing, it's simply more mumbo jumbo uttered by idiots such as yourself.

That Scalia made rulings YOU disagree with doesn't mean he did things illegally.

He dragged his personal feelings all over town. He made no secret of them. He wrote his opinions according to his personal views on these issues, rather than sitting as an impartial judge.
As opposed to Sotomyer who openly STATED her decisions would be based on her sex and race.
Who told you I hated truth, decency, and sanity? :rolleyes:

It's obvious. You defend homosexuality. You defend transgenderism. You defend the sick homosxual mockery of marriage, and insist that it is comparable to genuine marriage. These positions are direct, hateful attacks on decency, sanity, and truthfulness.

You cannot take these positions, and still credible claim anything other than extreme contempt and hatred toward decency, sanity, and truthfulness.
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And the Dims go further and further into the fever swamps of leftwing extremism.

Dems challenge Trump judicial nominee over Knights of Columbus membership

Two Democratic senators are scrutinizing a federal judicial nominee over his membership in the Knights of Columbus, drawing a stern rebuke from the Catholic organization.

Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, raised concerns about Omaha-based lawyer Brian Buescher's membership as part of the Senate Judiciary Committee's review of his nomination by President Trump to sit on the U.S. District Court in Nebraska, as first reported by the Catholic News Agency.

In a series of questions sent to Buescher, Hirono asked whether his membership in the Knights of Columbus would prevent him from hearing cases “fairly and impartially” and, if confirmed, whether he would end his membership in the Roman Catholic charitable organization.

“The Knights of Columbus has taken a number of extreme positions,” Hirono said in the questionnaire. “For example, it was reportedly one of the top contributors to California’s Proposition 8 campaign to ban same-sex marriage.”​
Anyone right of Stalin or Mao are extremist to the loons now.
Thats [sic] a bunch of bullshit. I can have my private opinion that marriage is between a man and a woman no matter what a law says. :rolleyes:

Private opinions cannot change reality. Even passing a law cannot change reality.

There is no such thing, and never can be, as a marriage between two men or between two women. That's not what marriage is, that's not what marriage has ever been, and that's not what marriage will ever be.
I disagree but my point has nothing to do with what you just said. My point is it doesnt matter what you accept or dont accept. It has no effect on your life unless you are forced to marry another man. No matter what the law says its not going to change what you personally accept. We know this because you dont accept gay people getting married because you are a homophobe. No law can change that about you.

They said the same thing about divorce. Thats a fallacy. Divorce affects all of us.

Yeah its really weird that someone would think anti abortionists and anti gay marriage people were extremists. :rolleyes:

Margaret Sanger would love you but at least no one will call you an extremist.


The prevalence of abortion facilities within minority communities serves as a major contributor to the rate in which black women obtain abortions. Accordingly, black women are 5 times more likely to have an abortion than white women. A recent study released by Protecting Black Life, an outreach of Life Issues Institute concluded that,and/“79% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are strategically located within walking distance of African or Hispanic communities.” vivii This study coincides with historical revelations that eugenicists dating to the mid-1900s, “[argued] that the most effective way they could advance their agenda would be to concentrate population control facilities within targeted communities.”viii Historically, blacks have been the unwitting vi
Sharia law implemented by a State would be unconstitutional via the 1st amendment (establishment clause) and the 14th (incorporation of said amendment to the States)

Yet funny that you are OK with "bake that fucking cake, peasant"

But you are okay with the establishment of religion so long as it is some fundie crap. You also are against the 14th Amendment when you find out that it protects all Americans.

That stupid bimbo in Colorado put himself under the rule of law when he took out a business license, and (perhaps, I don't know for sure) incorporated.

What about legislators in places like Texas that try to force Christian sharia law on women? You are the one arguing that it is permissible for a state to force religious law on its citizens.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia law. You're complaining about something that doesn't exist.

Bullshit. We see it all over the country. Texas, the Dakotas, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and many other places. All Christian sharia. All pushed by "Christian" bibble-thumpers. Sharia is here in our midst. Pigpence comes to mind, and he is playing at being vice president of the entire country. They have even spread sharia law in our executive-branch departments. This dirt is all over the place.

Sorry, no Sharia. Your paranoia is causing you to hyperventilate.

Face it, your sole complaint is abortion, and you think no one can oppose it for any reason other than religious belief.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia.

What about scum like graham and jeffress and their voodoo? Yes, there IS Christian sharia, call it what you will. They want to run the U.S. and take away our individual liberties. Ain't gonna happen.

Name some "Sharia laws" that have you terrified.
You have no problem getting vetted for a judicial position with the DemonRATS if you are a Satan worshiper a Communist, or an active atheist!

The ugly specter of religious bigotry reared its disgusting head during Senate confirmation of the nomination of Brian Buescher for a federal judgeship. The Constitution’s Article VI, Clause 3 clearly specifies that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States,” but that must be news to Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris.

Ed Condon of the Catholic News Agency reports:

A judicial nominee faced questions from Senators this month about whether membership in the Knights of Columbus might impede his ability to judge federal cases fairly. The Knights of Columbus say that no candidate for public office should have to defend his membership in a Catholic service organization.

Senators Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Kamala Harris (D-CA) raised concerns about membership in the Knights of Columbus while Senate Judiciary Committee reviewed the candidacy of Brian C. Buescher, an Omaha-based lawyer nominated by President Trump to sit on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.

Senators also asked whether belonging to the Catholic charitable organization could prevent judges from hearing cases “fairly and impartially.”

In written questions sent to Buescher by committee members Dec. 5, Sen. Hirono stated that “the Knights of Columbus has taken a number of extreme positions. For example, it was reportedly one of the top contributors to California’s Proposition 8 campaign to ban same-sex marriage.”

Hirono then asked Buescher if he would quit the group if he was confirmed “to avoid any appearance of bias.”

“The Knights of Columbus does not have the authority to take personal political positions on behalf of all of its approximately two million members,” Buescher responded.

“If confirmed, I will apply all provisions of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges

Read more at americanthinker.com .

There's a never ending supply of mindless morons on that side of the aisle. Hirono found out to rise in the Dem Party during the Kavanaugh affair. Now she's on pace to be Chief Moron. But there's a LOT of competition...
But you are okay with the establishment of religion so long as it is some fundie crap. You also are against the 14th Amendment when you find out that it protects all Americans.

That stupid bimbo in Colorado put himself under the rule of law when he took out a business license, and (perhaps, I don't know for sure) incorporated.

What about legislators in places like Texas that try to force Christian sharia law on women? You are the one arguing that it is permissible for a state to force religious law on its citizens.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia law. You're complaining about something that doesn't exist.

Bullshit. We see it all over the country. Texas, the Dakotas, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and many other places. All Christian sharia. All pushed by "Christian" bibble-thumpers. Sharia is here in our midst. Pigpence comes to mind, and he is playing at being vice president of the entire country. They have even spread sharia law in our executive-branch departments. This dirt is all over the place.

Sorry, no Sharia. Your paranoia is causing you to hyperventilate.

Face it, your sole complaint is abortion, and you think no one can oppose it for any reason other than religious belief.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia.

What about scum like graham and jeffress and their voodoo? Yes, there IS Christian sharia, call it what you will. They want to run the U.S. and take away our individual liberties. Ain't gonna happen.

Name some "Sharia laws" that have you terrified.

Nobody has anyone terrified. But, as I get older, I realize that we must protect the reproductive and religious freedoms of our women and girls, as well as the freedoms of our LGBT family, friends, and neighbors, which are all under attack by supporters of Christian sharia. Evangelicals and some Catholics support Christian sharia, so we must draw the line to protect the freedoms of those who come after us.

BTW: please explain the actions of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, timmy dolan, etc., who seek to control the lives of other Americans.
Nobody has anyone terrified. But, as I get older, I realize that we must protect the reproductive and religious freedoms of our women and girls, as well as the freedoms of our LGBT family, friends, and neighbors, which are all under attack by supporters of Christian sharia. Evangelicals and some Catholics support Christian sharia, so we must draw the line to protect the freedoms of those who come after us.

How about protecting Christians from persecution & judicial fascism on behalf of the cult of LGBT?

You are OK with a US Supreme Court Justice declaring that gay marriage is something all 50 states are ready for, despite that most of them just said they weren’t... in a press interview weeks BEFORE she sat on the facts of the gay marriage case?

If a Catholic judge went to the media weeks before a case on planned parenthood & said he thinks the dissolving of planned parenthood is a thing all 50 states are ready for, your cult would come unglued & have his resignation by force before the sun went down that day. Yet here we are almost four years out on Ginsburg’s impeachable offense while she still Sits...having a conversation about nixing people of faith sitting on the bench based on your cult leaders’ hunches that their agenda might not be as greased as it was under Rainbow-Whitehouse display Obama era USSC...

In short: fuck you.
There is no such thing as Christian Sharia law. You're complaining about something that doesn't exist.

Bullshit. We see it all over the country. Texas, the Dakotas, Kansas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and many other places. All Christian sharia. All pushed by "Christian" bibble-thumpers. Sharia is here in our midst. Pigpence comes to mind, and he is playing at being vice president of the entire country. They have even spread sharia law in our executive-branch departments. This dirt is all over the place.

Sorry, no Sharia. Your paranoia is causing you to hyperventilate.

Face it, your sole complaint is abortion, and you think no one can oppose it for any reason other than religious belief.

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia.

What about scum like graham and jeffress and their voodoo? Yes, there IS Christian sharia, call it what you will. They want to run the U.S. and take away our individual liberties. Ain't gonna happen.

Name some "Sharia laws" that have you terrified.

Nobody has anyone terrified. But, as I get older, I realize that we must protect the reproductive and religious freedoms of our women and girls, as well as the freedoms of our LGBT family, friends, and neighbors, which are all under attack by supporters of Christian sharia. Evangelicals and some Catholics support Christian sharia, so we must draw the line to protect the freedoms of those who come after us.

BTW: please explain the actions of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, timmy dolan, etc., who seek to control the lives of other Americans.

So you're proving my point, which is that you're terrified someone might be prevented from getting an abortion, but you can't point to any laws being passed that force anyone into religious servitude. Your paranoia is overblown. There is no such thing as Christian Sharia, no matter how many times you repeat the phrase.
The problem is that we have to ascertain that a judicial nominee will be fair and impartial if appointed to the bench.

We have had judges and other officials who have attempted to exercise the powers of their offices to advance their personal religious agendas instead of abiding by the rule of law. How do we guarantee that a person given power will not do this? This is an assurance that all Americans deserve to have.

Funny coming from a progressive, who's entire political platform often requires activist judges who ignore the Constitution when they see fit.

Where has this occurred? What is an "activist judge"?
Are you fucking stupid? Everytime the President issues a constitutional order with his Presidential authority, there is an activist judge in Hawaii who puts in injunction on it. Trump, wanting to follow the law, lets the Supreme Court slap down that fucking judge. But that only delays implementation of an order that will protect American citizens.

Personally, I would tell the President to ignore these judges in the future. Everyone knows they are just being an obstructionist and have no legal standing to interfere with the duties of our President.
Hmmm, so all that retarded Republican blustering about Oblama being a Muslim was just for shitz and giggles?

No one opposed B. Hussein O just because, according to Sharia Law, he was a muslim.

The opposition to O was due to the fact he was extremist, hardcore socialist.
Hardcore socialist, what socialist policies did Oblama create and implement as president..

Obamacare, aka the ACA, was hardcore socialist as well as fascist.
Nope it wasn't socialist in the least bit the private companies ran the program which means it isn't socialist...Fascism is not the same thing as socialism. But do continue to throw out pejoratives you don't understand.Is that the only item you claim that a socialist president has done? Where is the hardcore socialism?
The government determined what medical coverage was forced onto purchasers who were mandated to buy the insurance. It violated the Constitution and just calling it a Tax by an idiot judge didn't change it from being unconstitutional.
The problem is that we have to ascertain that a judicial nominee will be fair and impartial if appointed to the bench.

We have had judges and other officials who have attempted to exercise the powers of their offices to advance their personal religious agendas instead of abiding by the rule of law. How do we guarantee that a person given power will not do this? This is an assurance that all Americans deserve to have.

Funny coming from a progressive, who's entire political platform often requires activist judges who ignore the Constitution when they see fit.

Where has this occurred? What is an "activist judge"?

Plessey and Roe come to mind.

How was Roe "activist"?
Because it was based on a "right" that was never mentioned in the Constitution. And I'm not talking about a right to abort.
No one opposed B. Hussein O just because, according to Sharia Law, he was a muslim.


You're portrayal of B.Hussein O is a Sikh get up is the kind of insanity that ls hurting our country. The number of Sikhs who are mistakenly attacked because people think they are islamonazis is growing. We really need to educate the people about the Sikh faith to eliminate hate crimes against them.
These people need to start dressing like the Americans they claim to be and quit wearing those ridiculous towels in public. I don't wear lederhosen so don't wear your stupid country costumes.
Hmmm, so all that retarded Republican blustering about Oblama being a Muslim was just for shitz and giggles?

Nope it was for exposing his lie that he was Christian.


Duh , he was and is.

Or maybe he's both.


I don't really care what he believes, he will go down as one of the best Potus and Trump the worst.
A President who is supposed to be the "best" wouldn't have his entire legacy dismantled before his eyes. LOL. Obama is a loser.
Hmmm, so all that retarded Republican blustering about Oblama being a Muslim was just for shitz and giggles?

Nope it was for exposing his lie that he was Christian.


Duh , he was and is.

Or maybe he's both.


I don't really care what he believes, he will go down as one of the best Potus and Trump the worst.
A President who is supposed to be the "best" wouldn't have his entire legacy dismantled before his eyes. LOL. Obama is a loser.
Nobody has anyone terrified. But, as I get older, I realize that we must protect the reproductive and religious freedoms of our women and girls, as well as the freedoms of our LGBT family, friends, and neighbors, which are all under attack by supporters of Christian sharia. Evangelicals and some Catholics support Christian sharia, so we must draw the line to protect the freedoms of those who come after us.

How about protecting Christians from persecution & judicial fascism on behalf of the cult of LGBT?

You are OK with a US Supreme Court Justice declaring that gay marriage is something all 50 states are ready for, despite that most of them just said they weren’t... in a press interview weeks BEFORE she sat on the facts of the gay marriage case?

If a Catholic judge went to the media weeks before a case on planned parenthood & said he thinks the dissolving of planned parenthood is a thing all 50 states are ready for, your cult would come unglued & have his resignation by force before the sun went down that day. Yet here we are almost four years out on Ginsburg’s impeachable offense while she still Sits...having a conversation about nixing people of faith sitting on the bench based on your cult leaders’ hunches that their agenda might not be as greased as it was under Rainbow-Whitehouse display Obama era USSC...

Lysistrata? Under your "concerns about judicial fitness", should Ginsburg be impeached for declaring in a media interview how she would cast, in defiance of the 50 states' stated wishes, WEEKS before Obergefell?

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