July sea ice second lowest ever

Glad to see you are one of the really dumb asses, Dive. the studies have been done many times on many differant levels concerning the changing climate. If one bothers to read real science in such publications as Science, Nature, and the Publications of the National Academy of Sciences, you will find what real scientists are finding.

But folks like you prefer your information from Limpbaugh, Beck, and Coultier. You would take the lies of an undegreed ex-weatherman over that of better than 90 of the leading Climatologists.
project much?
Key words, how fucking dumb can you get, Dive?

Once again you demonstrate the idiocy of an ideologically driven veiw of reality. The ice goes, the climate will undergo a major change. One that will make the crop losses of this year appear minor.

Well, the price of beer is going up by as much as 40% because of the grain harvest damage. Now that might get your attention.

Dive will never approach your level of ignorance nor religious faith there old fraud. James Weddell, while captaining the sealer Jane, attained the most southerly point ever attained by ship in the year 1823 of 74 degrees 15 minutes South and 34 degrees 16 minutes 45 seconds West.

That is at least 200 miles further south than any other ship has been able to penetrate. The Antarctic was exceptionally warm in that year. I would hazard a guess that the Arctic was likewise absent ice that year as well. Sadly no one bothered to travel north that year so we don't know. So it is merely a supposition.

Doubtful that there was significant melt between 1822 and 1823

John Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1819: Franklin's First expedition
Main article: Coppermine Expedition of 1819–1822
Franklin was chosen to lead an expedition overland from Hudson Bay to chart the north coast of Canada eastwards from the mouth of the Coppermine River.[1] Between 1819 and 1822 he lost 11 of the 20 men in his party. Most died of starvation, but there was also at least one murder and suggestions of cannibalism. The survivors were forced to eat lichen and even attempted to eat their own leather boots. This gained Franklin the nickname of "the man who ate his boots".[2]
Glad to see you are one of the really dumb asses, Dive. the studies have been done many times on many differant levels concerning the changing climate. If one bothers to read real science in such publications as Science, Nature, and the Publications of the National Academy of Sciences, you will find what real scientists are finding.

But folks like you prefer your information from Limpbaugh, Beck, and Coultier. You would take the lies of an undegreed ex-weatherman over that of better than 90 of the leading Climatologists.

Yeah, well old fraud if what you say is true then why isn't the worlds temperature warmer? Why isn't it as warm now as it was back in the RWP and MWP which have been shown by ethical scientists to have been at least 5 degrees warmer than today and global in extent. Even showing up in the Vostock Ice Cores. How is it that we are still so much cooler than then?

Key words, how fucking dumb can you get, Dive?

Once again you demonstrate the idiocy of an ideologically driven veiw of reality. The ice goes, the climate will undergo a major change. One that will make the crop losses of this year appear minor.

Well, the price of beer is going up by as much as 40% because of the grain harvest damage. Now that might get your attention.

Dive will never approach your level of ignorance nor religious faith there old fraud. James Weddell, while captaining the sealer Jane, attained the most southerly point ever attained by ship in the year 1823 of 74 degrees 15 minutes South and 34 degrees 16 minutes 45 seconds West.

That is at least 200 miles further south than any other ship has been able to penetrate. The Antarctic was exceptionally warm in that year. I would hazard a guess that the Arctic was likewise absent ice that year as well. Sadly no one bothered to travel north that year so we don't know. So it is merely a supposition.

Doubtful that there was significant melt between 1822 and 1823

John Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1819: Franklin's First expedition
Main article: Coppermine Expedition of 1819–1822
Franklin was chosen to lead an expedition overland from Hudson Bay to chart the north coast of Canada eastwards from the mouth of the Coppermine River.[1] Between 1819 and 1822 he lost 11 of the 20 men in his party. Most died of starvation, but there was also at least one murder and suggestions of cannibalism. The survivors were forced to eat lichen and even attempted to eat their own leather boots. This gained Franklin the nickname of "the man who ate his boots".[2]

Then by all means explain how Weddell was able to sail so far further south than any one else?

Those whale farts again?
Dive will never approach your level of ignorance nor religious faith there old fraud. James Weddell, while captaining the sealer Jane, attained the most southerly point ever attained by ship in the year 1823 of 74 degrees 15 minutes South and 34 degrees 16 minutes 45 seconds West.

That is at least 200 miles further south than any other ship has been able to penetrate. The Antarctic was exceptionally warm in that year. I would hazard a guess that the Arctic was likewise absent ice that year as well. Sadly no one bothered to travel north that year so we don't know. So it is merely a supposition.

Doubtful that there was significant melt between 1822 and 1823

John Franklin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1819: Franklin's First expedition
Main article: Coppermine Expedition of 1819–1822
Franklin was chosen to lead an expedition overland from Hudson Bay to chart the north coast of Canada eastwards from the mouth of the Coppermine River.[1] Between 1819 and 1822 he lost 11 of the 20 men in his party. Most died of starvation, but there was also at least one murder and suggestions of cannibalism. The survivors were forced to eat lichen and even attempted to eat their own leather boots. This gained Franklin the nickname of "the man who ate his boots".[2]

Then by all means explain how Weddell was able to sail so far further south than any one else?

Those whale farts again?

The Weddell sea has strong winds that push the ice around, perhaps it had cleared the ice at the time Weddell sailed into it. For the year prior to that, the sea was not open, and ships that tried could not get any further south than has been the case since.

Weddell Sea (sea, Atlantic Ocean) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

The Weddell Sea is usually heavily iced, the pack generally extending north to about 60° S in the western and central sectors in early summer, a factor that severely hindered early ship exploration. On Feb. 23, 1820, the British brig “Williams,” on one of the first attempts at penetration, was stopped by ice off the coast of northeastern Graham Land. In the same year pack ice stopped the Russian ship “Vostok” just south of the South Sandwich Islands. On Feb. 20, 1823, a British explorer and sealer, James Weddell, on the brig “Jane,” found an unusually open route southeastward from the South Orkney Islands and reached a farthest south position of 74°15′ S, 34°17′ W. The name bestowed by Weddell, George IV Sea, was abandoned when, in 1900, it was proposed that the sea be named after its discoverer.

Few attempts to penetrate the pack’s fringes followed, until 1903 and 1904 when William S. Bruce in the ship “Scotia,” of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition (1902–04), undertook the first oceanographic exploration of the Weddell Sea. Luitpold Coast of western Coats Land was charted by the “Deutschland” on the German South Polar Expedition of 1910–12 under Wilhelm Filchner, and the ice shelf was seen that now bears his name. While attempting to leave a party off for a first crossing of Antarctica, the “Endurance” of the British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914–17) under Ernest Shackleton was trapped in pack ice off Luitpold Coast on Jan. 18, 1915, and eventually crushed. Although the ship was destroyed, its entire crew escaped to be later rescued from Elephant Island. During 1956–58, a number of bases for the International Geophysical Year were established along the southern and southeast coast.
Really? Then's whats with the penis fetish? Walks like a duck..............

No fetishes here, fuckstick. Pointing out the obvious. I think when Al Whore was at the massage parlor, he thought the masseuse was you wearing a wig and lost control.

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