Jury Can't Use Bible in Death Penalty Case?

ReillyT said:
Perhaps I am wrong, but I don't think that the decision would have come out differently if a juror had recited from the bible and then the bible passage had been discussed in deliberations. But, perhaps I am wrong.

That is why I supplied the actual text of their decision. They specifically stated it was the verse referenced that caused the problem, it would not have mattered if it had been from memory or not.
no1tovote4 said:
That is why I supplied the actual text of their decision. They specifically stated it was the verse referenced that caused the problem, it would not have mattered if it had been from memory or not.

Agreed. That is how I read it as well.
manu1959 said:
if the case is about bibles and or a bible was entered into evidence then it can go into the jury room

Every witness swore to tell the truth on a bible---it's time to settle this hypocritcal BS once and for all if anyone is going to maintain any respect for the law. Again--now wonder people are so angry at judges that they shoot them !
no1tovote4 said:
That is why I supplied the actual text of their decision. They specifically stated it was the verse referenced that caused the problem, it would not have mattered if it had been from memory or not.

LOL so now jurors must also leave their brains at home as well???
manu1959 said:
how did you recieve your summons?

In the mail. I already have a juror number and everything! I already got a delay once, they told me "no more" and if I don't show up, contempt of court.
Bonnie said:
LOL so now jurors must also leave their brains at home as well???

Clearly you can use what information you have in your head, however you cannot testify yourself by adding to the information presented at trial.
dilloduck said:
Every witness swore to tell the truth on a bible---it's time to settle this hypocritcal BS once and for all if anyone is going to maintain any respect for the law. Again--now wonder people are so angry at judges that they shoot them !

Swearing on the bible is optional. It is a matter of practice, but individual witnesses can choose not to.
freeandfun1 said:
In the mail. I already have a juror number and everything! I already got a delay once, they told me "no more" and if I don't show up, contempt of court.

Just use the words of Geroge Carlin to get out of it. "I can spot a guilty person just like that" and snap your fingers. I hear it works!! :cof:
ReillyT said:
Swearing on the bible is optional. It is a matter of practice, but individual witnesses can choose not to.

So if one chooses to use this form of proving the veracity of one's testimony then the very same book should be allowed for the jury to make it's determination.
no1tovote4 said:
Clearly you can use what information you have in your head, however you cannot testify yourself by adding to the information presented at trial.

LOL I know, I was being absurd........ :poke:
freeandfun1 said:
In the mail. I already have a juror number and everything! I already got a delay once, they told me "no more" and if I don't show up, contempt of court.

how can they prove you got it?
dilloduck said:
So if one chooses to use this form of proving the veracity of one's testimony then the very same book should be allowed for the jury to make it's determination.

I don't know how you jumped from A to B there.
Bonnie said:
Just use the words of Geroge Carlin to get out of it. "I can spot a guilty person just like that" and snap your fingers. I hear it works!! :cof:

:laugh: I'll have to try that. Or say I am a racist or worse yet even, declare I am a "born again Christian".
freeandfun1 said:
:laugh: I'll have to try that. Or say I am a racist or worse yet even, declare I am a "born again Christian".

If you want off, I'd go with the last one. Oh yeah, you might tell them that you regulary converse with God. That should do it.
ReillyT said:
I don't know how you jumped from A to B there.

simple---mans law recognized the Bible as a means to ascertain the truth of a witness--by this means it WAS entered into the procedings.
manu1959 said:
how can they prove you got it?

Well, this time they know cuz they told me on the phone when I called an got my last "excused" absence. I guess they can't, but.... I'm not sure. Last time I told them I didn't receive it until the day before because I had moved.

The letter says you have to call and confirm. So I guess if you don't call, they call you.
freeandfun1 said:
:laugh: I'll have to try that. Or say I am a racist or worse yet even, declare I am a "born again Christian".

Just tell them you have memorized Leviticus and believe that all of the Old Testament laws still apply to mankind.
dilloduck said:
simple---mans law recognized the Bible as a means to ascertain the proof of a witness--by this means it WAS entered into the procedings.

The bible is not entered into evidence because a witness chose to swear upon it before testimony. The glass of water that the witness drank from during examination is not evidence either.

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