Jussie Smollett charged with 16 felonies by grand jury

They didn't do anything wrong.

You’re joking right? They helped him commit the crime and were compensated to do it.
No. The crime was making the false report. The Nigerians made no false report. They didn't even lie. They were up front from the very first.

From the very first? It took the police 47 hours to get the truth out of them.
You don't know that. You don't know what happened. All you know is what the police let you know.

Here’s what I know- Smellet and his cronies stage this attack. Smellet reports the phony attack to cops. The story is all over the news. His cronies are obviously aware he has made the phony report. They do not come forward which makes them accessories of the crime and after the fact. They could be charged, they committed at least 2 crimes.
As soon as the Nigerians were exposed they came clean with everything and never once lied to the police. No one is charged with a crime for failing to come forward unless they are asked to come forward.

They are not accessories after the fact because they did nothing to assist Smollett.

Accessory After The Fact
Could the DOJ step in and do Chicago's job for them by charging Smollett with federal hate crimes?
Hate Crimes — FBI

I don't see why not. By the way, mail fraud, a federal crime is still in the mix.
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You’re joking right? They helped him commit the crime and were compensated to do it.
No. The crime was making the false report. The Nigerians made no false report. They didn't even lie. They were up front from the very first.

From the very first? It took the police 47 hours to get the truth out of them.
You don't know that. You don't know what happened. All you know is what the police let you know.

Here’s what I know- Smellet and his cronies stage this attack. Smellet reports the phony attack to cops. The story is all over the news. His cronies are obviously aware he has made the phony report. They do not come forward which makes them accessories of the crime and after the fact. They could be charged, they committed at least 2 crimes.
As soon as the Nigerians were exposed they came clean with everything and never once lied to the police. No one is charged with a crime for failing to come forward unless they are asked to come forward.

They are not accessories after the fact because they did nothing to assist Smollett.

Accessory After The Fact

Well it’s all moot now- in spite of overwhelming evidence against Smollett, all charges have been dropped. Being among the elite on the left or the right has its privileges. It doesn’t hurt to know the former black president, does it.

Jussie Smollett and Michelle Obama once danced on stage, and he performed musically at the Obama White House in honor of Ray Charles (he also donated money to the campaign of Hillary Clinton).

All charges against the hate crime hoaxer have now been dropped, and his record is being expunged, even though prosecutors say it's "not an exoneration" and they "stand behind the charges." The mayor is furious and the police chief stridently maintains that the evidence is rock solid and there is no honest reason to let Smollett walk. Indeed, the state's attorney can't articulate a coherent reason for making the decision they made. This is the best they could offer:

“After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett’s volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case.”

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