Jussie Smollett ruined his life and career. Such a shame

Feb 24, 2019
I did some further digging on Jussie Smollett. Apparently he has been acting since the 1980s when he was a child. Now it looks like his acting career is over, after being fired from Empire.
Also he faces felony charges, death threats, and is one of the most infamous and hated people in America.
And he spoke about having drug problems, this will surely be terrible for his mental health.

At first I was angry at him, but now that I look back I feel kind of sorry for the kid

what do you guys think of Jussie Smollett
Minimum, he gets a book deal out of this.

Possibly a reality-tv show.
I'm not ready to say his career is over.
I could see him in the near future doing an apology tour, late night shows, BET, etc.
He will say he got caught up in a cause that is so much bigger and important than he or anyone else is, and that he was trying to get as much publicity and focus on the race problems in America.
He'll say he has sacrificed himself for the well-being and equality for future generations of African-Americans. I can see the standing ovations now.

Martin Luther King...………………………….Muhhammed Ali...………………………………..Colin Kaepernick...………………………….Jusse Stolletts
I'm not ready to say his career is over.
I could see him in the near future doing an apology tour, late night shows, BET, etc.
He will say he got caught up in a cause that is so much bigger and important than he or anyone else is, and that he was trying to get as much publicity and focus on the race problems in America.
He'll say he has sacrificed himself for the well-being and equality for future generations of African-Americans. I can see the standing ovations now.

Martin Luther King...………………………….Muhhammed Ali...………………………………..Colin Kaepernick...………………………….Jusse Stolletts

Nowhere near MLK Jr.'s league.
He gave me a couple weeks of entertainment during a slow news cycle. For that I applaud him.
I did some further digging on Jussie Smollett. Apparently he has been acting since the 1980s when he was a child. Now it looks like his acting career is over, after being fired from Empire.
Also he faces felony charges, death threats, and is one of the most infamous and hated people in America.
And he spoke about having drug problems, this will surely be terrible for his mental health.

At first I was angry at him, but now that I look back I feel kind of sorry for the kid

what do you guys think of Jussie Smollett

I feel bad for him.......he obviously has things wrong with him if his logic process brought him to do what he did....it is too bad..... I know he hates Trump, and the things I believe in like truth, justice and the American way....but he is still a human being and it is sad to see someone destroy themselves in such a foolish, unnecessary way.
..PROVES everything I/we have been saying on USMB
...he/blacks are so obsessed with race/etc, it warps their minds--to the point they can't think correctly/fairly/etc

...Booker, Harris, etc--they see racists/rednecks EVERYWHERE-even liberal/Dem/sub-zero Chicongo [ I've said this so many times ]

...they could not add 1+ 1 !! [because their UNJUSTIFIED obsession warps their minds ] there are no WHITES who hate blacks so much watching Empire--much less knowing a third tier actor on it !!!!!!!!!
AND he used Empire in his hoax---so he should be fired immediately
..PROVES everything I/we have been saying on USMB
...he/blacks are so obsessed with race/etc, it warps their minds--to the point they can't think correctly/fairly/etc

...Booker, Harris, etc--they see racists/rednecks EVERYWHERE-even liberal/Dem/sub-zero Chicongo [ I've said this so many times ]

...they could not add 1+ 1 !! [because their UNJUSTIFIED obsession warps their minds ] there are no WHITES who hate blacks so much watching Empire--much less knowing a third tier actor on it !!!!!!!!!
AND he used Empire in his hoax---so he should be fired immediately

The democrat party is the party of racism......they profit from it, they use it as a weapon and a shield...
Smollett will say that he was pushed over the edge by Trump's racism. He was figuratively beaten every day by MAGA hat wearing racists. He is innocent. It happened. It happened every day.
Smollett will say that he was pushed over the edge by Trump's racism. He was figuratively beaten every day by MAGA hat wearing racists. He is innocent. It happened. It happened every day.
''if it wasn't for the evil Trump, I never would've done this'' :206::206::206:
....look at how Mike Brown's family/etc went crazy when the video of him stealing AND attacking the clerk came out!! how dare the media/cops show that!!
I did some further digging on Jussie Smollett. Apparently he has been acting since the 1980s when he was a child. Now it looks like his acting career is over, after being fired from Empire.
Also he faces felony charges, death threats, and is one of the most infamous and hated people in America.
And he spoke about having drug problems, this will surely be terrible for his mental health.

At first I was angry at him, but now that I look back I feel kind of sorry for the kid

what do you guys think of Jussie Smollett
The "kid" is 36 years old you idiot!
But then again he's a radical gay LIB. So that explains something.
He'll be fine. After he serves six months of his five year sentence he'll get his own show on MSNBC or CNN.
Six months in prison with all that 'BBC' will be like he's locked in a fucking liquor store for a drunk.
He sounds more like an idiot looking for his 15 minutes of fame. Now he's arrested.

What an idiot.
I did some further digging on Jussie Smollett. Apparently he has been acting since the 1980s when he was a child. Now it looks like his acting career is over, after being fired from Empire.
Also he faces felony charges, death threats, and is one of the most infamous and hated people in America.
And he spoke about having drug problems, this will surely be terrible for his mental health.

At first I was angry at him, but now that I look back I feel kind of sorry for the kid

what do you guys think of Jussie Smollett

His career is by no means over.

I expect to see him as a news contributor, maybe a host at CNN or MSNBC if he wants to go that way. He'll write books , become his generation's "Anita Hill", who enjoyed a lot of celebrity as well.

This episode has increased his celebrity many fold, I didn't know who he was a month ago and I'm not alone.

Other people who have achieved celebrity like this have been able to monetize it- why not Smollett?

Tonya Harding , Joey Buttafuoco, John Wayne Bobbitt all had questionable starts to their careers as celebrities. And the kingpin of them all is Al Freaking Sharpton, who first rose to prominence with the Tawanda Brawley Scamola.
Black people are not allowed to have mental illness -- obviously Jussie did what he did because he is black and that is what black people do....
By the way, Jussie Smollett is now more popular with conservatives than he ever was with anyone else -- he is the much needed water in the dessert for white supremacists, nothing more...

No one knew who Jussie was until he was on some show called Empire...I don't recall him getting major movie roles because of his time on Empire - and he damn sure wasn't popular before Empire -- even tho he is the brother of an already more established actress....Her..


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