Just Curious. When Was Last Time You Saw Anyone In KKK Attire?So Now We're All White Nationalists?

Yep, if you voted for Trump, you are a white nationalist....including Ben Carson....that fucking racist.
i wonder if i can get a good deal on a white hood and torch on amazon

You missed Prime Day!
i wonder if "Lassie" was a white supremesist

When Jessie Jackson gave Trump and Ali those awards for their work with black people, Trump was a white supremacist!

Look at what a White Supremacist Trump is!!! Look at him being all racist!!!!
Yep, if you voted for Trump, you are a white nationalist....including Ben Carson....that fucking racist.
i wonder if i can get a good deal on a white hood and torch on amazon

You missed Prime Day!
i wonder if "Lassie" was a white supremesist

When Jessie Jackson gave Trump and Ali those awards for their work with black people, Trump was a white supremacist!

Look at what a White Supremacist Trump is!!! Look at him being all racist!!!!
well Lassie only rescued white people in dire straights,,,,i guess then, Lassie is a racist white dog
The thread is about white nationalists, so now the Left is conflating white nationalists and white supremacists.
So where I'm at, both term are way overused so call anyone anything, racist, supremacist, nazi, nationalist, it doesn't matter, they are all meaningless.
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modern day Klansmen dont have the sack to wear hooded robes - if they did they couldnt blame their bullshit on ANTIFA

i can picture al sharpton dressed up in a white hoody outfit holding a torch
Is there something wrong with being white? With loving your country?
There is if it is at the expense of other citizens. There is nothing wrong with being white..nothing right about it either..it's just a data point.
As for loving our country..you have no monopoly on that either.
Just calling Trump a racist wasn't working so now Dems are calling half the country racists.
Well, you see, liberals now label as "white nationalist" anyone who supports the rule of law and law and order, anyone who supports detaining or deporting people who try to enter our country illegally, anyone who dares to point out the miserable condition of major cities long run by Democrats, anyone who dares to call out the Democratic politicians who have wrecked those cities (especially if they happen to be black), anyone who believes we should follow the U.S. Constitution, anyone who believes that disarming law-abiding citizens is not a solution for mass shootings, etc., etc.
Nope..wrong..again. The whole 'white victim-hood thing' is for some very weak people.
so this is the next plan coming from the left? that all white people are white nationalists and they all secretly dress up in those white hoody outfits and hold those ceremonies in their back yards all over America?
They can't be serious. Really? we are back in the days of the 50's and 60's again?
WHITE POWER !! WHITE POWER !! :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :FIREdevil:
No one is saying all white people are white nationalists and dress up in white hoodies. Some of my best friends are white and they are all racist and say they are not.
so this is the next plan coming from the left? that all white people are white nationalists and they all secretly dress up in those white hoody outfits and hold those ceremonies in their back yards all over America?
They can't be serious. Really? we are back in the days of the 50's and 60's again?
WHITE POWER !! WHITE POWER !! :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :FIREdevil:

Its sheer insanity.

Prior to 2016, Trump was a New York guy, loved by all races, friends with Sharpton and Jackson... ...he was an NBC tv star, and black people LOVED him for his "bling". Every rich Lefty wanted him at their parties.

After becoming a Republican president he morphed into a white supremacist, Klansman, Nazi....

......you have to be the dumbest stupidest fucker on the planet to buy that crap.
Uh...not really....once he started..or jumped on..the Birther train in 2011----people had serious issues. For some of us..his total lack of morals..as demonstrated by his very public adulteries..made him scum. Long before he was a candidate for President.
even if there were no mass shootings, white nationalism is a racist ideology that needs to stop in america!
so this is the next plan coming from the left? that all white people are white nationalists and they all secretly dress up in those white hoody outfits and hold those ceremonies in their back yards all over America?
They can't be serious. Really? we are back in the days of the 50's and 60's again?
WHITE POWER !! WHITE POWER !! :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :aargh: :FIREdevil:
Jamaicans playing soccor.
Is there something wrong with being white? With loving your country?
But it is something wrong when white people don't believe other people than white deserve to live in the country peacefully. Blacks, Browns, Reds, Yellow, Green people love this country also and do not need to kill white people to prove it.
The thread is about white nationalists, so now the Left is conflating white nationalists and white supremacists.
So where I'm at, both term are way overused so call anyone anything, racist, supremacist, nazi, nationalist, it doesn't matter, they are all meaningless.
News for you..the FBI is doing some conflating of their own..right now. You keep focusing on the Left..while ignoring the real facts..that the US is getting ready to lay the smack down on White _____________ fill in the blank.

Shootings Renew Debate Over How to Combat Domestic Terrorism
The KKK are wrong terrorists who at most killed 3,000 something Blacks in Lynchings assuming that all Lynchings were done by the KKK.

In steep contrast since WW2 the USA Democrats & Republicans have killed up to 30,000,000 something Koreans, Vietnamese, Japanese, Arabs ect.

Yeah sure...The KKK are our biggest problem.
(Rolls eyes)
Sadly, the Democrats inspired this killing and likely more to come. As everyone knows, Democrats are the original white racist. Hillary Clinton kissing the grand dragon of the KKK comes to mind. In 2010, not so long ago the Democrats admired the kkk leader who was the Democrats most respected leader.

Now the Democrats try so hard to hide who they are. Democrats are so dumb the only thing they can think of doing is to falsely accuse other people of what they are.

Democrats, they really do hate, and it is that hate the becomes violence.

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