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Just going to say, being a Christian in 2018 is very difficult.

Religious beliefs are not the inception of moral foundations. You seem to be implying moral beliefs and religion go hand in hand, they don't. Religion is not needed for morals, and sometimes unfortunately is used for an excuse for poor morals "I prayed and Jesus said all is forgiven".

A religion adopting morals is a good thing, they have nothing to do with it though as they are adopting them. You don't need religion for morals, humans had morals before they invented religions.

No you don't need to have a religion to adhere to morals, that's true. However you will have a very difficult time justifying your moral beliefs if you don't believe in God. Really, good luck with that.
I do believe in God, I'm a Deist. If you need religion some imperfect humans came up with to believe in God, good luck with that.

What religion does God endorse in your mind? All? Some? Tell me about it.

I needn't tell you--you're already a perfect god in your own mind. Your deist god is not perfect, he made stuff and left. Religion is not perfect. Humans are not perfect, except for you, of course--you've got it all figured out, and can tell the rest of us about it.

Idolatry, as old as humanity. You just gave it a new name.
I don't have a Deist God, I just believe there is God. I also don't think God "made stuff and left".

You are free to think I am "God in my own mind" for expressing my opinion; I hope you hold this standard to religions that preach their version of beliefs and try to convert people to their way as well.

Of course that's what a deist god did. He created and left--he is unconcerned with the world and you in it, so you are free to be your own little god or big god, whatever kind of god you want to be for yourself.

And I don't think you're your own god for professing an opinion; I think you are your own god for essentially telling everyone else they're stupid for having theirs. It's the arrogance of your opinion that's the idolatry.
So tell me about how "Deist God" is different than your version, and which religion best represents your God. Why do you think we believe in a different God when we both believe in one God?

I'm not saying religion or yours is bad, just that it is some humans interpretation of what God thinks is best that you like to believe in. Sorry for being condescending.
That is not going to fly because this country was established in definite opposition to mixing church and state.
The establishment clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the national government from establishing a national religion for the express purpose of preventing them from interfering with state established religions of which half of the state had at the time the constitution was ratified.

I bet you didn't know that.
No you don't need to have a religion to adhere to morals, that's true. However you will have a very difficult time justifying your moral beliefs if you don't believe in God. Really, good luck with that.
I do believe in God, I'm a Deist. If you need religion some imperfect humans came up with to believe in God, good luck with that.

What religion does God endorse in your mind? All? Some? Tell me about it.

I needn't tell you--you're already a perfect god in your own mind. Your deist god is not perfect, he made stuff and left. Religion is not perfect. Humans are not perfect, except for you, of course--you've got it all figured out, and can tell the rest of us about it.

Idolatry, as old as humanity. You just gave it a new name.
I don't have a Deist God, I just believe there is God. I also don't think God "made stuff and left".

You are free to think I am "God in my own mind" for expressing my opinion; I hope you hold this standard to religions that preach their version of beliefs and try to convert people to their way as well.

Of course that's what a deist god did. He created and left--he is unconcerned with the world and you in it, so you are free to be your own little god or big god, whatever kind of god you want to be for yourself.

And I don't think you're your own god for professing an opinion; I think you are your own god for essentially telling everyone else they're stupid for having theirs. It's the arrogance of your opinion that's the idolatry.
So tell me about how "Deist God" is different than your version, and which religion best represents your God. Why do you think we believe in a different God when we both believe in one God?

I'm not saying religion or yours is bad, just that it is some humans interpretation of what God thinks is best that you like to believe in. Sorry for being condescending.

If you believe humans invented god--and you said so, since you said they invented 'religion'--than your deist god is no stronger, more intelligent or more potent than humanity. I don't see that as someone to be worshipped, do you?

Or wait, is yours the only religion that was NOT invented?
How does that have anything to do with my comment?

The very message of the Cross offends and people will hate us for proclaiming it.

"For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."--1 Corinthians 1:18

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first."--John 15:18
NO! Believe what you want but leave me out of it.

Okay I don't believe taking all the stuff in your house is wrong. I will take it, but I won't force you to believe what I believe while I make off with all your stuff.

Gee, that was easy.

PS While you're at it, will you clean out your 401K? all right thanks
You're kinda the poster child for this unlikeability thing huh.

Poor baby when your arguments fail you have just sad ad hominems eh? Kinda like when you and Jakey didn't like my syntax and ganged up to decide I was a foreigner. Those were good times.
Lol, I'm.just stating an opinion. Don't like it? Use the ignore feature.
All this IQ talk and no proof. We do know religious people are lower IQ because of the belief in fallacy and fairy tales that impede common sense. Most conservatives are religious so therefore they are more likely stupid.
Avoid the tax man oh yeah it's the tax man. The tax ma an.
If so many of your fellow christians weren't working so hard at making normal people despise them it might get a little easier for you.
Police your own.

Poor thing....you are blind.

Just as liberals and Democrats register as Republicans (RINOs), then if elected, vote for everything Left wing, there are millions of evil people who seek to smear Christianity.
They are CINO's and call themselves Christian or wear the Cross specifically to smear the name of Christianity. Surely you already knew that?

Why do so many gang members and especially porn stars seen in the news wear the Cross or have the Cross symbol tattooed on them?

It's to make a statement to confuse mostly the young and impressionable. It's pure evil.

That said, REAL Christians aren't "perfect" and can stray and sometimes do bad things. Christianity isn't about BEING perfect, it's about STRIVING to live their lives as good Christians.
If so many of your fellow christians weren't working so hard at making normal people despise them it might get a little easier for you.
Police your own.

Poor thing....you are blind.

Just as liberals and Democrats register as Republicans (RINOs), then if elected, vote for everything Left wing, there are millions of evil people who seek to smear Christianity.
They are CINO's and call themselves Christian or wear the Cross specifically to smear the name of Christianity. Surely you already knew that?

Why do so many gang members and especially porn stars seen in the news wear the Cross or have the Cross symbol tattooed on them?

It's to make a statement to confuse mostly the young and impressionable. It's pure evil.

That said, REAL Christians aren't "perfect" and can stray and sometimes do bad things. Christianity isn't about BEING perfect, it's about STRIVING to live their lives as good Christians.
Wow, just wow.

That is some wild conspiracy theory crap right there.
Feeding Christians to the lions was probably the best idea in 2000 years.
The two faced politics of the world with so many focusing on harming America and Western liberty (many in positions of power within my own country!). It's turning the other cheek, avoiding mean words to describe certain people and trying NOT to despise them that I am finding increasingly difficult at times.

Thank you for your time.

That is all. As you were.
Try Deism.

It's guaranteed.
That is not going to fly because this country was established in definite opposition to mixing church and state.
The establishment clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the national government from establishing a national religion for the express purpose of preventing them from interfering with state established religions of which half of the state had at the time the constitution was ratified.

I bet you didn't know that.
No, I didn't!

As long as the Supreme Court has been interpreting it, the Court has been promoting the separation of church and state. At least that is what I've heard.
That is not going to fly because this country was established in definite opposition to mixing church and state.
The establishment clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the national government from establishing a national religion for the express purpose of preventing them from interfering with state established religions of which half of the state had at the time the constitution was ratified.

I bet you didn't know that.
No, I didn't!

As long as the Supreme Court has been interpreting it, the Court has been promoting the separation of church and state. At least that is what I've heard.
That's not correct either.

They used the 14th Amendment as a trojan horse.

That was wrong too. The 14th amendment was never intended to be anything more than it was.

First link explains the establishment clause. 2nd link confirms Jefferson agreed that it rests with the states. 3rd link explains how the people who wrote the 14th amendment never intended it to apply to the establishment clause.

Understanding the First Amendment’s Religion Clauses

Amendment I (Religion): Thomas Jefferson to Rev. Samuel Miller

The 14th Amendment and the Bill of Rights | Tenth Amendment Center
The two faced politics of the world with so many focusing on harming America and Western liberty (many in positions of power within my own country!). It's turning the other cheek, avoiding mean words to describe certain people and trying NOT to despise them that I am finding increasingly difficult at times.

Thank you for your time.

That is all. As you were.
Turning the other cheek does not mean you have to ignore the natural inclination to describe what you are observing. Jesus called the self righteous hypocrites of the day vipers. To turn the other cheek actually means to become more obstinate or firm for that which is in your heart which you know is choosing what is good and correct. If you have given the right side perhaps the one(s) creating the disturbing issues need to see the leftt side.
The two faced politics of the world with so many focusing on harming America and Western liberty (many in positions of power within my own country!). It's turning the other cheek, avoiding mean words to describe certain people and trying NOT to despise them that I am finding increasingly difficult at times.

Thank you for your time.

That is all. As you were.

You had me worried there for a second. I was afraid you were going to say it was difficult in the sense of external hardships, such as persecution. In which case, obviously, modern-day Christians in civilized countries have it ridiculously easy.

But the internal achievement of actually behaving like a Christian? Yeah, I can see a case for its difficulty these days. Not sure if you and I are seeing the SAME case for it, but I can see one.
The two faced politics of the world with so many focusing on harming America and Western liberty (many in positions of power within my own country!). It's turning the other cheek, avoiding mean words to describe certain people and trying NOT to despise them that I am finding increasingly difficult at times.

Thank you for your time.

That is all. As you were.

You must choose between your politics and the teachings that Jesus delivered in the Sermon on the Mount, then all becomes clear. Believing in Jesus and his teachings is different than your politics. Your notions of "harming America and Western liberty" have absolutely nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus. Sometimes they are glaringly inconsistent.

No, they are not. Because you think Jesus said give all your money to the government and then the government will redistribute the money to the poor.

Um no, Jesus did not say that. It was a terrible idea then and it's a terrible idea now.

Nobody said "give all your money to the government." And this is not what has been done in the U.S. But helping people who need help is definitely consistent with the teachings of Jesus. Keeping to all to yourself is not.

The people today who loudly advertise that they are Christians, are not Christians.

Show of hands, everyone who was desperately panting after Reverend Loserstrata's guidance on Christianity. Anyone?

Nice showing today by Exhibit 1 of the trials and difficulties of being a Christian. The Apostle Paul would have already smacked her one.
The two faced politics of the world with so many focusing on harming America and Western liberty (many in positions of power within my own country!). It's turning the other cheek, avoiding mean words to describe certain people and trying NOT to despise them that I am finding increasingly difficult at times.

Thank you for your time.

That is all. As you were.

You must choose between your politics and the teachings that Jesus delivered in the Sermon on the Mount, then all becomes clear. Believing in Jesus and his teachings is different than your politics. Your notions of "harming America and Western liberty" have absolutely nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus. Sometimes they are glaringly inconsistent.

They aren’t inconsistent in the slightest

They are totally inconsistent with the beliefs of the cult that I perceive you to belong to. There have been a lot of cults arising particularly in the southern U.S. states that are not Christian but call themselves that even though they do not follow the teachings of Jesus. Their leaders are people like graham and jeffress and hagee, who are not Christians.

The bible is already written, I've read both Testaments and listen to them on audiobook now and again. I don't "follow" anyone but what's written. Even when in church, I am there to celebrate my love of God with others, it doesn't mean I follow anyone.

Priests are humans, they can only recite the bible they can't add to it.

True that. My rule number one is STILL "Humans suck". The only thing they're perfect at is being imperfect. That's why the Bible tells us not to look to other people, but to Him.
That is not going to fly because this country was established in definite opposition to mixing church and state.
The establishment clause of the 1st Amendment was written to prevent the national government from establishing a national religion for the express purpose of preventing them from interfering with state established religions of which half of the state had at the time the constitution was ratified.

I bet you didn't know that.
No, I didn't!

As long as the Supreme Court has been interpreting it, the Court has been promoting the separation of church and state. At least that is what I've heard.

Nope, not in the sense it's meant today. The (incorrect) modern-day interpretation started building up in the mid-twentieth century.
I imagine it would be somewhat hard to be a religious nutball of any religious stripe, in our modern, enlightened society. This, obviously,is softened by the fact that religious nuts are numerous, thus causing the major religions to get a pass they do not deserve in our enlightened society.

But...can you imagine some freak at the party insisting that he is the son of a god, or some freak at work insisting that his pet gerbil is a god and we all must worship it, lest we burn in eternal fire? Naturally, we would all at least roll our eyes at this freak, at worst laugh him out of the room.

Remember this, the next time a person insists you must bow to a zombie god who lives in the sky, lest you suffer for eternity. Take a step back and imagine how you would field such bizarre, laughable claims, if that person were not endorsed by a major religion...itself an artifact of ignorant, iron age people.
I imagine it would be somewhat hard to be a religious nutball of any religious stripe, in our modern, enlightened society. This, obviously,is softened by the fact that religious nuts are numerous, thus causing the major religions to get a pass they do not deserve in our enlightened society.

But...can you imagine some freak at the party insisting that he is the son of a god, or some freak at work insisting that his pet gerbil is a god and we all must worship it, lest we burn in eternal fire? Naturally, we would all at least roll our eyes at this freak, at worst laugh him out of the room.

Remember this, the next time a person insists you must bow to a zombie god who lives in the sky, lest you suffer for eternity. Take a step back and imagine how you would field such bizarre, laughable claims, if that person were not endorsed by a major religion...itself an artifact of ignorant, iron age people.
Enlightened like denying humanity of our most innocent and defenseless members of our society?

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