Just how desperate are today's Democrats about getting re-elected in 2014?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
There's no truth to the rumor that some of them are getting out their old T-shirts that said "He's not MY President!" that they wore so proudly in 2000.....

.....erasing the picture of George W. Bush, and replacing it with a picture of Barack Obama.

The bloodbath for Democrats in the next two election cycles will be enormous. If they were smart, they would pull the plug immediately on the ACA and apologize repeatedly to the American People. That might help to limit the damage.

But we know they are not smart. They will hold on to the piece of crap known as Obamacare and let it drag them down for a generation. I have never seen such bone stupid political moves in my lifetime. They backed a debonair con-man and got burnt very badly.

We are seeing generational shifts in polling right now....shifts you do not see in decades. For example, the shift in opinion that America's do not deserve and are not entitled to free healthcare. That has changed for the first time in 15 years.

The damage to Democrats is incalculable, and it is only just beginning.
How desperate are the Democrats?

As desperate as the Republicans.

The bloodbath for Democrats in the next two election cycles will be enormous. If they were smart, they would pull the plug immediately on the ACA and apologize repeatedly to the American People. That might help to limit the damage.

But we know they are not smart. They will hold on to the piece of crap known as Obamacare and let it drag them down for a generation. I have never seen such bone stupid political moves in my lifetime. They backed a debonair con-man and got burnt very badly.

We are seeing generational shifts in polling right now....shifts you do not see in decades. For example, the shift in opinion that America's do not deserve and are not entitled to free healthcare. That has changed for the first time in 15 years.

The damage to Democrats is incalculable, and it is only just beginning.

Some are saying this disaster will be the death of liberalism for the next 50 years. We'll see. Americans will not tolerate being lied too by anyone-- including Obama. Democrats rode on his popularity for so long--it will be interesting to see if they join Republicans in calling for a repeal of Obamacare. That's the only way they're going to be able to save themselves.

Obama's credibility is down the john he will never regain a foothold with the trust of the American public again.
Some are saying this disaster will be the death of liberalism for the next 50 years.

When Reagan swept 49 states, it was said that was the death of the Left, period.

The same was said when the USSR collapsed.
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Some are saying this disaster will be the death of liberalism for the next 50 years.

When Reagan swept 49 states, it was said that was the death of the Left, period.

The same was said when the USSR collapsed.

After Jimmy Carter the Dems lost the White House for the next 12 years. Close to a generation. Obama and the ACA make Carter's fuck ups look like child's play.
Some are saying this disaster will be the death of liberalism for the next 50 years.

When Reagan swept 49 states, it was said that was the death of the Left, period.

The same was said when the USSR collapsed.

After Jimmy Carter the Dems lost the White House for the next 12 years. Close to a generation. Obama and the ACA make Carter's fuck ups look like child's play.

Not really. I was there. The country was in a much deeper malaise after Carter. Stagflation, Three Mile Island, Iranian hostage crisis, USSR invasion of Afghanistan, post defeatism over Vietnam, oil embargoes.

But the other big difference is that today's GOP is a pack of whiny, paranoid mental defects. Vastly different from Reagan's optimism and powerful rhetoric. And he had his priorities straight and was not afraid to put big ideas on the table.

He swept 49 states, remember. You won't be seeing any GOP candidates who can do that these days. Not when we have a parade of pessimistic tards from which to choose.
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When Reagan swept 49 states, it was said that was the death of the Left, period.

The same was said when the USSR collapsed.

After Jimmy Carter the Dems lost the White House for the next 12 years. Close to a generation. Obama and the ACA make Carter's fuck ups look like child's play.

Not really. I was there. The country was in a much deeper malaise after Carter. Stagflation, Three Mile Island, Iranian hostage crisis, USSR invasion of Afghanistan, post defeatism over Vietnam, oil embargoes.

But the other big difference is that today's GOP is a pack of whiny, paranoid mental defects. Vastly different from Reagan's optimism and powerful rhetoric. And he had his priorities straight and was not afraid to put big ideas on the table.

He swept 49 states, remember. You won't be seeing any GOP candidates who can do that these days. Not when we have a parade of pessimistic tards from which to choose.

Obamacare....IRS scandal...Benghazi...Syria...Fast & Furious....NSA....AP scandal.....Obonzo is the gift that keeps right on giving. :lol:
After Jimmy Carter the Dems lost the White House for the next 12 years. Close to a generation. Obama and the ACA make Carter's fuck ups look like child's play.

Not really. I was there. The country was in a much deeper malaise after Carter. Stagflation, Three Mile Island, Iranian hostage crisis, USSR invasion of Afghanistan, post defeatism over Vietnam, oil embargoes.

But the other big difference is that today's GOP is a pack of whiny, paranoid mental defects. Vastly different from Reagan's optimism and powerful rhetoric. And he had his priorities straight and was not afraid to put big ideas on the table.

He swept 49 states, remember. You won't be seeing any GOP candidates who can do that these days. Not when we have a parade of pessimistic tards from which to choose.

Obamacare....IRS scandal...Benghazi...Syria...Fast & Furious....NSA....AP scandal.....Obonzo is the gift that keeps right on giving. :lol:

When I said Three Mile Island, stagnation, Iranian hostage crisis, and USSR invasion of Afghanistan, everyone knows what those are. Even if they weren't alive at the time.

In a few years, no one will know that all your labels were about, except ObamaCare. And that will be very popular in a few years.

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