Just in case Hillary calls for a recount before next Friday.........

Is there a state being contested?

Jill Stein is calling for a recount and has raised 2 million dollars for it. You know there is really something screwy about the outcome of this election. In my state of Colorado, (Pueblo county) overwhelmingly an Hispanic--Democrat county went to Donald Trump. We have never seen that in this state.

I think a recount is good, especially in these states that showed her winning, PA, Mich, Florida, Ohio. We computer techs saying it could have been done, they have paper receipts just do it. Challenge it just to make certain Trump actually won.

The Kremilin sure broke out the champagne bottles fast when Trump won, just check it again to make certain. Clinton is now leading the popular vote by 2 million votes which is unheard of. These are overseas ballots that are coming in that haven't counted.

You would never accept the results of a recount if it proved Trump won and you know it!
The reason so many libs are in denial is b/c ALL the polls nationwide were fucking WRONG!
I posted a few months ago that traditional polling methodologies are now irrelevant.
When the cellphone took over polling models can't be trusted.
Even the fucking polling guru Nate Silver has said there's no way the electronic ballot machines could have been hacked.
You need to grow a pair and face your defeat like a man.

Right on, they don't accept the count now, why would we expect them to accept a recount? Unless they get the result they want.
You loons think Clinton would be doing this? Not a chance....

Donald J. TrumpVerified account‏@realDonaldTrump
I am working hard, even on Thanksgiving, trying to get Carrier A.C. Company to stay in the U.S. (Indiana). MAKING PROGRESS - Will know soon!

Will Carrier stay in Indianapolis? Donald Trump tweets he’s working on a plan, making progress

LOL...while his servants make his Thanksgiving dinner sitting on his million dollar Channel Chairs...what a sacrifice...lol

You know that I was neutral during this election and I can agree to things on both sides....As well as calling things as I see it...

I doubt that she will recount but I am getting really angry at all of the double standards that I have seen inthe last few weeks...

Sort of like I'm tired of the hypocrisy of the left...you think we don't see it and you don't do it but we do and you do
We don't use them here.
There are some open source designs that would be just fine but instead they got all these anonymous black boxes with highly suspicious proprietary software. Lowest bidder, made in China, opaque software development, what could possibly go wrong?

Well you elected the folks that bought them, demand a change or un-elect them.
Most of them were bought during the Bush administration when Americans demanded a better election process and instead got these things. The open source approach was rejected by the tech retards who bought these things. Really the best thing to do is to post the software online and let the hackers go at it for as long as it takes to develop something they cannot hack, then you build it for real and can actually trust it to give an accurate count.

You're forgetting that most precincts are on closed systems, they're not open to hacking, the only way to do anything is alter the software, but it would have to be done on each individual machine. Considering there are more than 3,000 individual precincts with varying numbers of machines. Everyone seems to think all these machines are connected to the internet and they're not.

And, which has been repeated umpteen million times, the ballots have to be loaded on to the machines using a file downloaded off the internet.
That's totally irrelevant!
That's like claiming you can download a PDF explaining how electronic door locks work and you'll be able to unlock my Maserati.
Apple/ Orange.
Wise up!
Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.

I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.

Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?

Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.
So you are claiming a massive nationwide recount wouldn't cost the Makers a dime?
IF a recall were to be held the SC would rule it must be nationwide to be fair to all parties.
They didn't allow Gore to only 'cherry pick' counties that traditionally had the highest LIB votes.
Remember that.
The fact is the negroes sat on the fucking porch. The DEMs should have opened their eyes when the negro 'firewall' stayed home in 2014.
'Educated' young white woman never showed up at Hillary's rallies. The DEMs should have noticed.
Latinos with jobs voted for Trump.
The blue collar working class turned out at Trump's rallies. The DEMs should have taken notice.
Every time some fucking MSNBC talking head sneered at the "fly over rednecks' Trump got another 50K votes.
The LIB controlled MSM attacked Trump and are still attacking him know matter what he does.
They are looking like assholes now!
The DEMs wrote a new the book titled: How To Lose What Should Have Been The easiest Election In US History In Ten Easy Steps'.
Fucking bunch of LIB 'man-bun metro-boys and young women who begin every sentence with "No you're right" and end it with a question mark.
I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.

Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?

Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.
So you are claiming a massive nationwide recount wouldn't cost the Makers a dime?
IF a recall were to be held the SC would rule it must be nationwide to be fair to all parties.
They didn't allow Gore to only 'cherry pick' counties that traditionally had the highest LIB votes.
Remember that.
The fact is the negroes sat on the fucking porch. The DEMs should have opened their eyes when the negro 'firewall' stayed home in 2014.
'Educated' young white woman never showed up at Hillary's rallies. The DEMs should have noticed.
Latinos with jobs voted for Trump.
The blue collar working class turned out at Trump's rallies. The DEMs should have taken notice.
Every time some fucking MSNBC talking head sneered at the "fly over rednecks' Trump got another 50K votes.
The LIB controlled MSM attacked Trump and are still attacking him know matter what he does.
They are looking like assholes now!
The DEMs wrote a new the book titled: How To Lose What Should Have Been The easiest Election In US History In Ten Easy Steps'.
Fucking bunch of LIB 'man-bun metro-boys and young women who begin every sentence with "No you're right" and end it with a question mark.

Why are there so many ignorant people on this board??? This isn't a national recount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there a state being contested?

Jill Stein is calling for a recount and has raised 2 million dollars for it. You know there is really something screwy about the outcome of this election. In my state of Colorado, (Pueblo county) overwhelmingly an Hispanic--Democrat county went to Donald Trump. We have never seen that in this state.

I think a recount is good, especially in these states that showed her winning, PA, Mich, Florida, Ohio. We computer techs saying it could have been done, they have paper receipts just do it. Challenge it just to make certain Trump actually won.

The Kremilin sure broke out the champagne bottles fast when Trump won, just check it again to make certain. Clinton is now leading the popular vote by 2 million votes which is unheard of. These are overseas ballots that are coming in that haven't counted.

You would never accept the results of a recount if it proved Trump won and you know it!
The reason so many libs are in denial is b/c ALL the polls nationwide were fucking WRONG!
I posted a few months ago that traditional polling methodologies are now irrelevant.
When the cellphone took over polling models can't be trusted.
Even the fucking polling guru Nate Silver has said there's no way the electronic ballot machines could have been hacked.
You need to grow a pair and face your defeat like a man.

If there were irregularities, I would. The entire point is--that we know that Russia was doing everything they could to get Trump elected. The point is that we had 17 different intelligence agencies, both government and private sources stating that these email leaks were coming from high above within the Kremlin.

Which brings the question, if they're capable of hacking into secure government servers, why wouldn't they also be capable of installing mal-ware into county election databases to count votes for Hillary Clinton to go to Donald Trump. If they find one single county were this was done, then the U.S. Supreme Court should step in and order that a nationwide recount be done.

Until they do a recount--we'll never be really assured that Donald Trump actually won this election. She is leading by 2 million popular votes, which is just way to much to ignore.

Another oddity for you Trump voters. There are millions of people that live in New York, and Trump only got 60K votes. Now doesn't that sound a little weird to you? Or is it just me? We're talking about Trump, born & raised in New York city, big well known developer in that State, and he can only come up with 60K votes in his home town State? Furthermore Trump won the closed Republican primary in New York by 35.2%, or by 307,024 New York Republican closed primary popular votes. and he only came up with 60K in the General Election? Keep in mind that the 307,024 votes only represents 35.2% of registered Republicans in this state, so in theory (according to the vote totals) 100's of thousands of registered Republicans (all except 60K) voted for Hillary Clinton. This is just too much to swallow.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Republican Popular Vote!

In my state of Colorado, we have a very large predominately Hispanic, Democrat county that Trump won by a mere 400 votes. This county has never gone to a Republican, until now. Republicans always get slaughtered in this county.

Do a recount NOW. Because if this vote gets certified, and Trump is sworn into office, and this comes out later, all hell will break loose in this country.
Last edited:
Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.

Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?

Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.
So you are claiming a massive nationwide recount wouldn't cost the Makers a dime?
IF a recall were to be held the SC would rule it must be nationwide to be fair to all parties.
They didn't allow Gore to only 'cherry pick' counties that traditionally had the highest LIB votes.
Remember that.
The fact is the negroes sat on the fucking porch. The DEMs should have opened their eyes when the negro 'firewall' stayed home in 2014.
'Educated' young white woman never showed up at Hillary's rallies. The DEMs should have noticed.
Latinos with jobs voted for Trump.
The blue collar working class turned out at Trump's rallies. The DEMs should have taken notice.
Every time some fucking MSNBC talking head sneered at the "fly over rednecks' Trump got another 50K votes.
The LIB controlled MSM attacked Trump and are still attacking him know matter what he does.
They are looking like assholes now!
The DEMs wrote a new the book titled: How To Lose What Should Have Been The easiest Election In US History In Ten Easy Steps'.
Fucking bunch of LIB 'man-bun metro-boys and young women who begin every sentence with "No you're right" and end it with a question mark.

Why are there so many ignorant people on this board??? This isn't a national recount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There won't be a recount.
Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.

Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?

Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.
So you are claiming a massive nationwide recount wouldn't cost the Makers a dime?
IF a recall were to be held the SC would rule it must be nationwide to be fair to all parties.
They didn't allow Gore to only 'cherry pick' counties that traditionally had the highest LIB votes.
Remember that.
The fact is the negroes sat on the fucking porch. The DEMs should have opened their eyes when the negro 'firewall' stayed home in 2014.
'Educated' young white woman never showed up at Hillary's rallies. The DEMs should have noticed.
Latinos with jobs voted for Trump.
The blue collar working class turned out at Trump's rallies. The DEMs should have taken notice.
Every time some fucking MSNBC talking head sneered at the "fly over rednecks' Trump got another 50K votes.
The LIB controlled MSM attacked Trump and are still attacking him know matter what he does.
They are looking like assholes now!
The DEMs wrote a new the book titled: How To Lose What Should Have Been The easiest Election In US History In Ten Easy Steps'.
Fucking bunch of LIB 'man-bun metro-boys and young women who begin every sentence with "No you're right" and end it with a question mark.

Why are there so many ignorant people on this board??? This isn't a national recount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There won't be a recount.

Jill Stein is filing for a recount in 3 battleground states. If they find anything out of order in any one, (any county, any precinct) the U.S. Supreme Court will then step into this.
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

“Over the last 48 to 72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.

Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the Nov. 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states."
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States
Last edited:
Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?

Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.
So you are claiming a massive nationwide recount wouldn't cost the Makers a dime?
IF a recall were to be held the SC would rule it must be nationwide to be fair to all parties.
They didn't allow Gore to only 'cherry pick' counties that traditionally had the highest LIB votes.
Remember that.
The fact is the negroes sat on the fucking porch. The DEMs should have opened their eyes when the negro 'firewall' stayed home in 2014.
'Educated' young white woman never showed up at Hillary's rallies. The DEMs should have noticed.
Latinos with jobs voted for Trump.
The blue collar working class turned out at Trump's rallies. The DEMs should have taken notice.
Every time some fucking MSNBC talking head sneered at the "fly over rednecks' Trump got another 50K votes.
The LIB controlled MSM attacked Trump and are still attacking him know matter what he does.
They are looking like assholes now!
The DEMs wrote a new the book titled: How To Lose What Should Have Been The easiest Election In US History In Ten Easy Steps'.
Fucking bunch of LIB 'man-bun metro-boys and young women who begin every sentence with "No you're right" and end it with a question mark.

Why are there so many ignorant people on this board??? This isn't a national recount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There won't be a recount.

Jill Stein is filing for a recount in 3 battleground states. If they find anything out of order in any one, (any county, any precinct) the U.S. Supreme Court will then step into this.
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

“Over the last 48 to 72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.

Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the Nov. 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states."
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

And she said herself that a recount may not actually happen. I say it won't.
Hillary and her fans pretended to be the "accepting of democracy" side.

Can you believe it?

They certainly were frausters, and I think the recount may reveal some good old fraud, but not by Trump.
Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.
So you are claiming a massive nationwide recount wouldn't cost the Makers a dime?
IF a recall were to be held the SC would rule it must be nationwide to be fair to all parties.
They didn't allow Gore to only 'cherry pick' counties that traditionally had the highest LIB votes.
Remember that.
The fact is the negroes sat on the fucking porch. The DEMs should have opened their eyes when the negro 'firewall' stayed home in 2014.
'Educated' young white woman never showed up at Hillary's rallies. The DEMs should have noticed.
Latinos with jobs voted for Trump.
The blue collar working class turned out at Trump's rallies. The DEMs should have taken notice.
Every time some fucking MSNBC talking head sneered at the "fly over rednecks' Trump got another 50K votes.
The LIB controlled MSM attacked Trump and are still attacking him know matter what he does.
They are looking like assholes now!
The DEMs wrote a new the book titled: How To Lose What Should Have Been The easiest Election In US History In Ten Easy Steps'.
Fucking bunch of LIB 'man-bun metro-boys and young women who begin every sentence with "No you're right" and end it with a question mark.

Why are there so many ignorant people on this board??? This isn't a national recount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There won't be a recount.

Jill Stein is filing for a recount in 3 battleground states. If they find anything out of order in any one, (any county, any precinct) the U.S. Supreme Court will then step into this.
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

“Over the last 48 to 72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.

Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the Nov. 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states."
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

And she said herself that a recount may not actually happen. I say it won't.

The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

“The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates,” Commission Administrator Michael Haas said in a statement on the agency's website.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin
So you are claiming a massive nationwide recount wouldn't cost the Makers a dime?
IF a recall were to be held the SC would rule it must be nationwide to be fair to all parties.
They didn't allow Gore to only 'cherry pick' counties that traditionally had the highest LIB votes.
Remember that.
The fact is the negroes sat on the fucking porch. The DEMs should have opened their eyes when the negro 'firewall' stayed home in 2014.
'Educated' young white woman never showed up at Hillary's rallies. The DEMs should have noticed.
Latinos with jobs voted for Trump.
The blue collar working class turned out at Trump's rallies. The DEMs should have taken notice.
Every time some fucking MSNBC talking head sneered at the "fly over rednecks' Trump got another 50K votes.
The LIB controlled MSM attacked Trump and are still attacking him know matter what he does.
They are looking like assholes now!
The DEMs wrote a new the book titled: How To Lose What Should Have Been The easiest Election In US History In Ten Easy Steps'.
Fucking bunch of LIB 'man-bun metro-boys and young women who begin every sentence with "No you're right" and end it with a question mark.

Why are there so many ignorant people on this board??? This isn't a national recount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There won't be a recount.

Jill Stein is filing for a recount in 3 battleground states. If they find anything out of order in any one, (any county, any precinct) the U.S. Supreme Court will then step into this.
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

“Over the last 48 to 72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.

Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the Nov. 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states."
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

And she said herself that a recount may not actually happen. I say it won't.

The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

“The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates,” Commission Administrator Michael Haas said in a statement on the agency's website.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin

What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.
Why are there so many ignorant people on this board??? This isn't a national recount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There won't be a recount.

Jill Stein is filing for a recount in 3 battleground states. If they find anything out of order in any one, (any county, any precinct) the U.S. Supreme Court will then step into this.
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

“Over the last 48 to 72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.

Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the Nov. 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states."
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

And she said herself that a recount may not actually happen. I say it won't.

The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

“The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates,” Commission Administrator Michael Haas said in a statement on the agency's website.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin

What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.

Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?
There won't be a recount.

Jill Stein is filing for a recount in 3 battleground states. If they find anything out of order in any one, (any county, any precinct) the U.S. Supreme Court will then step into this.
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

“Over the last 48 to 72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.

Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the Nov. 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states."
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

And she said herself that a recount may not actually happen. I say it won't.

The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

“The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates,” Commission Administrator Michael Haas said in a statement on the agency's website.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin

What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.

Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.
Jill Stein is filing for a recount in 3 battleground states. If they find anything out of order in any one, (any county, any precinct) the U.S. Supreme Court will then step into this.
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

“Over the last 48 to 72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.

Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the Nov. 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states."
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

And she said herself that a recount may not actually happen. I say it won't.

The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

“The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates,” Commission Administrator Michael Haas said in a statement on the agency's website.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin

What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.

Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.

So...if things get reversed will Trump accept defeat? Will he take it to the Supreme Court?
And she said herself that a recount may not actually happen. I say it won't.

The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

“The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates,” Commission Administrator Michael Haas said in a statement on the agency's website.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin

What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.

Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.

So...if things get reversed will Trump accept defeat? Will he take it to the Supreme Court?

They kept counting until the got the result they wanted to elect franken, what makes you think that would change. The only way I would trust a recount is if someone independent from another State did it and they could prove all records are accounted for.
The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin

What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.

Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.

So...if things get reversed will Trump accept defeat? Will he take it to the Supreme Court?

They kept counting until the got the result they wanted to elect franken, what makes you think that would change. The only way I would trust a recount is if someone independent from another State did it and they could prove all records are accounted for.

Wait, so you were against the recount because Trump won...and there was never any recounts that went in favor of Republicans... though that isn't true as the recount in Florida and the "hanging Chad" thing got Bush elected. Now you are saying if there is a hand recount of the paper ballots and it changes to make Hillary the winner that you don't trust it.

So that's what this is really about? Right now Trump is the winner regardless of whether it was a fair election, and if it turns out there were discrepancies, then obviously the Liberals cheated to change it?
Hillary already conceded the election hello. Liberals have sour grapes, liberals are sore losers, talk about un-sportsman like conduct. The filth are showing their true colors everyone take a good long look at the left and remember why you defeated them. I hope they keep it up because in 2 years we'll kick the shit out of them again.

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