Just in case Hillary calls for a recount before next Friday.........

The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin

What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.

Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.

So...if things get reversed will Trump accept defeat? Will he take it to the Supreme Court?

Hillary already conceded the election hello.

For starters, it doesn’t matter if a losing candidate concedes, as far as the Electoral College process goes, according to Amy Bunk, director of legal affairs and policy at the Office of the Federal Register, among other experts.

Can a losing presidential candidate actually challenge election results? - The Boston Globe
That'll kill it...

“If they were interested in suing, they’d have to go to the particular state, and the state law would dictate if they have standing to sue,” Bunk said. The laws vary from state to state.

Such legal challenges would likely be dismissed fairly quickly unless there was sufficient evidence to back up the claim — such as widespread reports of voter fraud — and if a review could change the overall outcome of the election for an entire state, experts said.

“You have to have some legal basis,” said election law expert Derek T. Muller, an associate professor at Pepperdine University School of Law. “A generic claim that the system is rigged is not a sufficient cause of action.”
What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.

Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.

So...if things get reversed will Trump accept defeat? Will he take it to the Supreme Court?

They kept counting until the got the result they wanted to elect franken, what makes you think that would change. The only way I would trust a recount is if someone independent from another State did it and they could prove all records are accounted for.

Wait, so you were against the recount because Trump won...and there was never any recounts that went in favor of Republicans... though that isn't true as the recount in Florida and the "hanging Chad" thing got Bush elected. Now you are saying if there is a hand recount of the paper ballots and it changes to make Hillary the winner that you don't trust it.

So that's what this is really about? Right now Trump is the winner regardless of whether it was a fair election, and if it turns out there were discrepancies, then obviously the Liberals cheated to change it?

Oh bullshit, every independent recount found Bush won FL, that was the original call, the recount changed nothing, why do you insist on lying? The good thing is WI only has 23 days to complete the count, not the months they took with franken. If the recount jibes with the total voter count, yes, if new voters suddenly appear like they did with franken, not so much. They were pulling ballots out of car trunks for franken and it only changed the total count around a thousand votes, the hildabitch needs more than 10 thousand.
Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.

So...if things get reversed will Trump accept defeat? Will he take it to the Supreme Court?

They kept counting until the got the result they wanted to elect franken, what makes you think that would change. The only way I would trust a recount is if someone independent from another State did it and they could prove all records are accounted for.

Wait, so you were against the recount because Trump won...and there was never any recounts that went in favor of Republicans... though that isn't true as the recount in Florida and the "hanging Chad" thing got Bush elected. Now you are saying if there is a hand recount of the paper ballots and it changes to make Hillary the winner that you don't trust it.

So that's what this is really about? Right now Trump is the winner regardless of whether it was a fair election, and if it turns out there were discrepancies, then obviously the Liberals cheated to change it?

Oh bullshit, every independent recount found Bush won FL, that was the original call, the recount changed nothing, why do you insist on lying? The good thing is WI only has 23 days to complete the count, not the months they took with franken. If the recount jibes with the total voter count, yes, if new voters suddenly appear like they did with franken, not so much. They were pulling ballots out of car trunks for franken and it only changed the total count around a thousand votes, the hildabitch needs more than 10 thousand.

Honestly I think the recount will be challenged in court, because it can't change the outcome for the ones challenging.
Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.

So...if things get reversed will Trump accept defeat? Will he take it to the Supreme Court?

They kept counting until the got the result they wanted to elect franken, what makes you think that would change. The only way I would trust a recount is if someone independent from another State did it and they could prove all records are accounted for.

Wait, so you were against the recount because Trump won...and there was never any recounts that went in favor of Republicans... though that isn't true as the recount in Florida and the "hanging Chad" thing got Bush elected. Now you are saying if there is a hand recount of the paper ballots and it changes to make Hillary the winner that you don't trust it.

So that's what this is really about? Right now Trump is the winner regardless of whether it was a fair election, and if it turns out there were discrepancies, then obviously the Liberals cheated to change it?

Oh bullshit, every independent recount found Bush won FL, that was the original call, the recount changed nothing, why do you insist on lying? The good thing is WI only has 23 days to complete the count, not the months they took with franken. If the recount jibes with the total voter count, yes, if new voters suddenly appear like they did with franken, not so much. They were pulling ballots out of car trunks for franken and it only changed the total count around a thousand votes, the hildabitch needs more than 10 thousand.

Guess we'll see. The count is going forward.
I bet I know why Trump was saying that the election was rigged, he is a genius. He knew it would rally the masses in his favor and he was right once again.
You replied to me and I haven't seen it. I'm not adverse to learning new things.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever.

It doesn’t matter whether the voting machines are connected to the Internet. Shortly before each election, poll workers copy the ballot design from a regular desktop computer in a government office, and use removable media (like the memory card from a digital camera) to load the ballot onto each machine. That initial computer is almost certainly not well secured, and if an attacker infects it, vote-stealing malware can hitch a ride to every voting machine in the area.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.

I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.
So if the recounts take place and Trump actually gets more votes than initially counted will you SHUT THE FUCK UP??????
Didn't think so asshole!
You be whining and wailing and looking for anything to attack Trump with.
The first time that occurs you're on PI permanently!
I won't waste my time reading your bullshit posts.
Just keep pissing off the American people liberals, you snakes, you hacks, you oozing slug slime.

What, the 2 million plus MORE who voted for Hillary over the Orange-Haired Buffoon? If there was a recount (which I doubt), more people will be happy if Hillary is sworn in than Trumpie. Why? I reiterate 2 million more people voted for her...
Remember that Trump was planning to do the same thing if he lost .. Don't be a hypocrite.......

Published on Nov 14, 2016
--According to exit polls conducted by Edison Research, Hillary Clinton won four key battleground states (NC, PA, WI and FL), but ultimately lost those states according to computerized vote counts

Math Increasingly Suggests Election Fraud Against Hillary Clinton

A hypocrit? You mean like the left insisting that for the good of the Nation, Trump accept the results of the election?
Just keep pissing off the American people liberals, you snakes, you hacks, you oozing slug slime.

What, the 2 million plus MORE who voted for Hillary over the Orange-Haired Buffoon? If there was a recount (which I doubt), more people will be happy if Hillary is sworn in than Trumpie. Why? I reiterate 2 million more people voted for her...
Three million illegals voted for Hillary.
Let's do a recount facturing in this illegality.
Just keep pissing off the American people liberals, you snakes, you hacks, you oozing slug slime.

What, the 2 million plus MORE who voted for Hillary over the Orange-Haired Buffoon? If there was a recount (which I doubt), more people will be happy if Hillary is sworn in than Trumpie. Why? I reiterate 2 million more people voted for her...
Three million illegals voted for Hillary.
Let's do a recount facturing in this illegality.
Oh another fantasy....
Let's not forget Obama is a Muslim and wasn't born in the US...or that Hillary has had lots of different folks killed over the years....
Just keep pissing off the American people liberals, you snakes, you hacks, you oozing slug slime.

What, the 2 million plus MORE who voted for Hillary over the Orange-Haired Buffoon? If there was a recount (which I doubt), more people will be happy if Hillary is sworn in than Trumpie. Why? I reiterate 2 million more people voted for her...
Three million illegals voted for Hillary.
Let's do a recount facturing in this illegality.

And count the absentee military ballots.
Just keep pissing off the American people liberals, you snakes, you hacks, you oozing slug slime.

What, the 2 million plus MORE who voted for Hillary over the Orange-Haired Buffoon? If there was a recount (which I doubt), more people will be happy if Hillary is sworn in than Trumpie. Why? I reiterate 2 million more people voted for her...
Three million illegals voted for Hillary.
Let's do a recount facturing in this illegality.
Oh another fantasy....
Let's not forget Obama is a Muslim and wasn't born in the US...or that Hillary has had lots of different folks killed over the years....

Let's not forget how Obama ruined the economy and gave Iran nuclear weapons.

How's Nidal Malik Hasan doing?
Did you send him anything for Thanksgiving?
I bet I know why Trump was saying that the election was rigged, he is a genius. He knew it would rally the masses in his favor and he was right once again.

Trump was right. 65 MSM were on the beast payroll to praise her, trash Trump on every major TV and internet site.

Those undercover videos where they fess up to voter fraud. BO giving illegals go-ahead to vote.
I see one voter machine hack involves opening it up and changing an IC. Unlikely on the "day of". Not easy for common person. Does curtain give that much privacy?

IF any hacking it would seem more efficient to hack the "counter" machine? Turn every 100th vote to Beast no matter who it was for would get 1%.

To hack the software before it goes to each machine? Well, they would all show similar patterns? Not just one county out of whack?

There has to be some controls? I doubt Aunt Edna at the polling booth is loading her own homemade software from her nephew's USB stick?
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Just keep pissing off the American people liberals, you snakes, you hacks, you oozing slug slime.

What, the 2 million plus MORE who voted for Hillary over the Orange-Haired Buffoon? If there was a recount (which I doubt), more people will be happy if Hillary is sworn in than Trumpie. Why? I reiterate 2 million more people voted for her...
Three million illegals voted for Hillary.
Let's do a recount facturing in this illegality.
Oh another fantasy....
Let's not forget Obama is a Muslim and wasn't born in the US...or that Hillary has had lots of different folks killed over the years....
The day President Trump is sworn in is the same day he'll order 4K National Guards (99.999% REPs) to surround the government building in Hawaii, at one AM, where Obama's REAL long form BC is stored. NO ONE is allowed in!
A hand picked team chosen by President Trump will enter the building and seize the LFBC and hand deliver it to President Trump in person.
Same goes with ALL of Obama's admission applications and school history which Obama has spent millions of dollars in lawyers fees to stop them from being realised to the public.
Then we'll see.
All you Obama asslickers ought to be excited to finally have PROVE once and for all that your fuckinhg Messiah was who he said he is.
That he didn't list himself as a "foreign student" on any admissions applications so he could 'game the system' right?
Wisconsin will start counting ballots toward the end of next week. So it's definitely on. The reason for it, is that we have seen so many hacks get into government email accounts, leaks everywhere. 17 different intelligence agencies stating these leaks were coming from Russia.

So while the Reich wing was cheering all these hackings on--with Wikileaks a major source for the Reich wing pom-pom squad---at the same time it undermined the confidence in our National election.

So Wisconsin, Michigan & Pennsylvania--an audit of the votes will be done, just in order to restore confidence. They don't anticipate finding anything. However, if they find anything that is out of order, I imagine the U.S. Supreme Court will step into this immediately.
Green Party files for Wisconsin recount, audit - CNNPolitics.com
I see one voter machine hack involves opening it up and changing an IC. Unlikely on the "day of". Not easy for common person. Does curtain give that much privacy?

IF any hacking it would seem more efficient to hack the "counter" machine? Turn every 100th vote to Beast no matter who it was for would get 1%.

To hack the software before it goes to each machine? Well, they would all show similar patterns? Not just one county out of whack?

There has to be some controls? I doubt Aunt Edna at the polling booth is loading her own homemade software from her nephew's USB stick?

I am not so sure it would involve opening up a machine to install a device. In one precinct in Wisconsin--paper ballots were coming in with Hillary Clinton leading, yet on the electronic voting machines she was losing by 7 points.

This all started with all of these wiki-leaks. They were able to break in to supposedly secure DNC servers, several attempts were done to hack into county voter registration data. We don't know if any of those were successful. And no leaks were coming out of the RNC--it was all done against the DNC.

Then we have FBI director Comey going against long standing DOJ protocol to release information within 11 days of an election, after being warned by the DOJ to not send a letter to congress. We have Huma, Hillary Clinton's aid that has repeatedly stated she has no idea how her emails got on her x-husband's laptop. Now if the FBI in the New York office, along with Comey are willing to go to these measures, we can also assume they're very capable of knowing people that can manipulate electronic voting machines.

So Hell Yeah, do an audit of the votes to insure, that this election was not manipulated.
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Jill Stein is filing for a recount in 3 battleground states. If they find anything out of order in any one, (any county, any precinct) the U.S. Supreme Court will then step into this.
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

“Over the last 48 to 72 hours, reports have come in from experts, cyberexperts, who are reporting to us some very troubling news about the possibility of security breaches in voting results across this country,” Stein campaign manager David Cobb said in a video posted to Stein’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon.

Stein and others are seeking an audit and recount of the Nov. 8 voting results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, following reports that voting security experts alerted Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the possibility of hacks in key counties in those states."
Green Party Candidate to File for Vote Recount in 3 States

And she said herself that a recount may not actually happen. I say it won't.

The paperwork has been filed, and it is going to happen.

“The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates,” Commission Administrator Michael Haas said in a statement on the agency's website.

Green Party files for election recount in Wisconsin

What is there some 5th or 6th place losers joining her? Did you know Stein cost the hildabitch the election in WI, she took 16 times the margin between the hildabitch and Trump and now bitching about it. Give me a fucking break.

Still complaining? Look who is whining now! You said it wouldn't happen. No it would never happen! Now it is happening. You better just pray that it doesn't show discrepancies. If it does... and things continue in MI and PA... Trump loses.

Will Trump accept the loss? Will we have another POTUS determined by the Supreme court?

It's a fucking dem State, you know there will be discrepancies, I bet a butt load of paper records will suddenly disappear and show many Trump votes that were recorded electronically have no paper trail, or a butt load of paper hildabitch votes will suddenly appear that aren't shown on the machines. That would be the franken effect, where there were suddenly more votes than there were voters.

We cannot have discrepancies in any precinct across this nation. It has got to be spot on. You Reich wingers were cheering on all these wiki-leaks, and now all these wiki-leaks have undermined the confidence in our elections.

It was Trump who repeatedly stated that this election was rigged, so now let's make certain that it wasn't rigged. By auditing these votes in 3 battleground states and making certain they jive with the total count reported.
That'll kill it...

“If they were interested in suing, they’d have to go to the particular state, and the state law would dictate if they have standing to sue,” Bunk said. The laws vary from state to state.

Such legal challenges would likely be dismissed fairly quickly unless there was sufficient evidence to back up the claim — such as widespread reports of voter fraud — and if a review could change the overall outcome of the election for an entire state, experts said.

“You have to have some legal basis,” said election law expert Derek T. Muller, an associate professor at Pepperdine University School of Law. “A generic claim that the system is rigged is not a sufficient cause of action.”

It doesn't matter now, based on all these wiki-leaks and "attempted" hackings into county voter registrations, the state of Wisconsin is going to do an audit starting by the end of next week, to instill CONFIDENCE in the actual reported vote.

If there are discrepancies in this state, other states will agree to do the same. They would look like criminals if they didn't.

Furthermore the U.S. Supreme court will immediately be approached--and they may step into this ordering an audit and recount in every state to insure the integrity of the National election. If this happens, all hell will break loose, and ANYONE caught will more than likely be charged with Treason.

Now the Clinton campaign has jumped in here. Prior to this Jill Stein was leading the charge. I would assume that the Clinton campaign has seen good "indication" (not necessarily proof yet) that there may have been something going on, to come out of the woodwork now.
Clinton campaign: We are taking part in the recount - CNNPolitics.com
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