Just in case Hillary calls for a recount before next Friday.........

And, which has been repeated umpteen million times, the ballots have to be loaded on to the machines using a file downloaded off the internet.

And your link for this would be?

I've already provided it multiple times, and people don't read it. What's the point?

You replied to me and I haven't seen it. I'm not adverse to learning new things.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever.

It doesn’t matter whether the voting machines are connected to the Internet. Shortly before each election, poll workers copy the ballot design from a regular desktop computer in a government office, and use removable media (like the memory card from a digital camera) to load the ballot onto each machine. That initial computer is almost certainly not well secured, and if an attacker infects it, vote-stealing malware can hitch a ride to every voting machine in the area.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.
Most likely the source code would be stolen from whatever Indian sweatshop it was compiled in. When you award contracts to the lowest bidder it is to be expected. Another possibility would be a vulnerability built into the machine itself by whatever Chinese sweatshop designed the machine itself.
And your link for this would be?

I've already provided it multiple times, and people don't read it. What's the point?

You replied to me and I haven't seen it. I'm not adverse to learning new things.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever.

It doesn’t matter whether the voting machines are connected to the Internet. Shortly before each election, poll workers copy the ballot design from a regular desktop computer in a government office, and use removable media (like the memory card from a digital camera) to load the ballot onto each machine. That initial computer is almost certainly not well secured, and if an attacker infects it, vote-stealing malware can hitch a ride to every voting machine in the area.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.

I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................
And your link for this would be?

I've already provided it multiple times, and people don't read it. What's the point?

You replied to me and I haven't seen it. I'm not adverse to learning new things.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever.

It doesn’t matter whether the voting machines are connected to the Internet. Shortly before each election, poll workers copy the ballot design from a regular desktop computer in a government office, and use removable media (like the memory card from a digital camera) to load the ballot onto each machine. That initial computer is almost certainly not well secured, and if an attacker infects it, vote-stealing malware can hitch a ride to every voting machine in the area.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.
Most likely the source code would be stolen from whatever Indian sweatshop it was compiled in. When you award contracts to the lowest bidder it is to be expected. Another possibility would be a vulnerability built into the machine itself by whatever Chinese sweatshop designed the machine itself.

Oh boy, more supposition and speculation, do you have any proof or just your hysteria? Maybe like one example of it actually happening.
I've already provided it multiple times, and people don't read it. What's the point?

You replied to me and I haven't seen it. I'm not adverse to learning new things.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever.

It doesn’t matter whether the voting machines are connected to the Internet. Shortly before each election, poll workers copy the ballot design from a regular desktop computer in a government office, and use removable media (like the memory card from a digital camera) to load the ballot onto each machine. That initial computer is almost certainly not well secured, and if an attacker infects it, vote-stealing malware can hitch a ride to every voting machine in the area.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.

I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.
Correct, but they get software updates from a central location. We are not allowed to examine the software before it is installed so we do not have any idea if it has been nefariously altered on-site or has built-in cheats from the get-go. We knew how every nut and bolt in the old machines worked but with these things the innards are secret.

I find it funny that none of these concerns have been raised in the last two presidential elections or the midterms. And if other States are like TX, the machines are also use in other State and local elections between the ones that have federal representatives on the ballot. Where was all this heartfelt concern for those elections?
The concerns have always been there but the right has no time for any of the various election integrity projects so you simply have not noticed.

They must have been pretty localized, I haven't seen any national hoopla like we have been seeing lately.
We just had an election season full of hacking incidents so it's natural we see some renewed concern. It was a big deal in the early-mid 2000s when a national call for trustworthy elections turned into a farce when the whole thing was handed to the private sector and developed behind closed doors.

Sounds to me like you folks should be electing people you can trust, you can't blame the machines, they only do what people tell them to do.
The machines were not designed and are not managed by anyone who was elected. it has been a hastily conceived private sector, lowest bidder thing from go. I say again, I have no expectations or agenda on this issue other than pointing out things we have known from day one about these stupid things.
Remember that Trump was planning to do the same thing if he lost .. Don't be a hypocrite.......

Published on Nov 14, 2016
--According to exit polls conducted by Edison Research, Hillary Clinton won four key battleground states (NC, PA, WI and FL), but ultimately lost those states according to computerized vote counts

Math Increasingly Suggests Election Fraud Against Hillary Clinton

Sounds like the exit polls were about as accurate the pre-election polls. People lied to the pollsters before the election, and they lied afterwards, and the Libs just can't accept it. It's getting pretty pathetic.
You replied to me and I haven't seen it. I'm not adverse to learning new things.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever.

It doesn’t matter whether the voting machines are connected to the Internet. Shortly before each election, poll workers copy the ballot design from a regular desktop computer in a government office, and use removable media (like the memory card from a digital camera) to load the ballot onto each machine. That initial computer is almost certainly not well secured, and if an attacker infects it, vote-stealing malware can hitch a ride to every voting machine in the area.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.

I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.

Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?
I've already provided it multiple times, and people don't read it. What's the point?

You replied to me and I haven't seen it. I'm not adverse to learning new things.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever.

It doesn’t matter whether the voting machines are connected to the Internet. Shortly before each election, poll workers copy the ballot design from a regular desktop computer in a government office, and use removable media (like the memory card from a digital camera) to load the ballot onto each machine. That initial computer is almost certainly not well secured, and if an attacker infects it, vote-stealing malware can hitch a ride to every voting machine in the area.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.
Most likely the source code would be stolen from whatever Indian sweatshop it was compiled in. When you award contracts to the lowest bidder it is to be expected. Another possibility would be a vulnerability built into the machine itself by whatever Chinese sweatshop designed the machine itself.

Oh boy, more supposition and speculation, do you have any proof or just your hysteria? Maybe like one example of it actually happening.
It has been shown that voting machines can be hacked but no one has ever had the political will to really check them out thoroughly. The federal government spent billions to buy the damned things on questionable contracts. It would be a shame to have to scrap them.
I find it funny that none of these concerns have been raised in the last two presidential elections or the midterms. And if other States are like TX, the machines are also use in other State and local elections between the ones that have federal representatives on the ballot. Where was all this heartfelt concern for those elections?
The concerns have always been there but the right has no time for any of the various election integrity projects so you simply have not noticed.

They must have been pretty localized, I haven't seen any national hoopla like we have been seeing lately.
We just had an election season full of hacking incidents so it's natural we see some renewed concern. It was a big deal in the early-mid 2000s when a national call for trustworthy elections turned into a farce when the whole thing was handed to the private sector and developed behind closed doors.

Sounds to me like you folks should be electing people you can trust, you can't blame the machines, they only do what people tell them to do.
The machines were not designed and are not managed by anyone who was elected. it has been a hastily conceived private sector, lowest bidder thing from go. I say again, I have no expectations or agenda on this issue other than pointing out things we have known from day one about these stupid things.

Sure they are, the Sec of State in each State is responsible for elections, elect one that will do things the way you want.

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.

I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.

Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?

Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.
You replied to me and I haven't seen it. I'm not adverse to learning new things.

America’s voting machines have serious cybersecurity problems. That isn’t news. It’s been documented beyond any doubt over the last decade innumerous peer-reviewed papers and state-sponsored studies by me and by other computer security experts. We’ve been pointing out for years that voting machines are computers, and they have reprogrammable software, so if attackers can modify that software by infecting the machines with malware, they can cause the machines to give any answer whatsoever.

It doesn’t matter whether the voting machines are connected to the Internet. Shortly before each election, poll workers copy the ballot design from a regular desktop computer in a government office, and use removable media (like the memory card from a digital camera) to load the ballot onto each machine. That initial computer is almost certainly not well secured, and if an attacker infects it, vote-stealing malware can hitch a ride to every voting machine in the area.

Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.
Most likely the source code would be stolen from whatever Indian sweatshop it was compiled in. When you award contracts to the lowest bidder it is to be expected. Another possibility would be a vulnerability built into the machine itself by whatever Chinese sweatshop designed the machine itself.

Oh boy, more supposition and speculation, do you have any proof or just your hysteria? Maybe like one example of it actually happening.
It has been shown that voting machines can be hacked but no one has ever had the political will to really check them out thoroughly. The federal government spent billions to buy the damned things on questionable contracts. It would be a shame to have to scrap them.

The only one I've seen that worked, a person would have to get alone time with each machine, I don't know any place that allows that. I also have no idea why the feds would buy them, States run their elections and evidently the feds didn't mandate which machines had to be used because different States us different ones.
Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.

I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.

Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?

Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.

Actually I could care less, if a problem exist it would be in traditionally blue States, and that would say not only can the not govern effectively, they can't even rig an election right. And so far no one with standing to challenge the count has done so.
Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.

I don't know, but I don't think three programming specialists from two large universities including an IVY League college would come up with the idea if that were the case.

Pardon me, considering what we're seeing coming out of colleges today, I'm not really too impressed by leftist academics. What's the old saying, people who can do....................

Oh for Christ sakes... If someone here gives information on something, then they have to back up their opinion with a source. Then if you provide a source that source needs to be unbiased with some kind of expert in the field providing proof. NOW it's not good enough to have an expert in the field providing proof, because if they are smart enough to be a college professor, especially a professor at a fucking IVY LEAGUE university... THAT'S not enough.

How about this, if you truly believe Trump won a fair election, you should be bending ass over backwards for this recount to happen to prove it.

Hey, I can throw together a string of what ifs, maybes, could bes and might bes as well as anyone including, leftist academics. Like I said before, do you have even one example of it actually happening?

Yep, they did it in their lab to prove it can be done.

And as has already been stated, the only way to prove it has been done, is by counting the paper ballots.

It's not costing you or the government a dime.

Sounds like Trump supporters are just scared of what might come out of this.
Making this a partisan issue would be highly counter productive.

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.
Most likely the source code would be stolen from whatever Indian sweatshop it was compiled in. When you award contracts to the lowest bidder it is to be expected. Another possibility would be a vulnerability built into the machine itself by whatever Chinese sweatshop designed the machine itself.

Oh boy, more supposition and speculation, do you have any proof or just your hysteria? Maybe like one example of it actually happening.
It has been shown that voting machines can be hacked but no one has ever had the political will to really check them out thoroughly. The federal government spent billions to buy the damned things on questionable contracts. It would be a shame to have to scrap them.

The only one I've seen that worked, a person would have to get alone time with each machine, I don't know any place that allows that. I also have no idea why the feds would buy them, States run their elections and evidently the feds didn't mandate which machines had to be used because different States us different ones.
All voting systems have to be approved by the FEC and the federal government supplied the states with grants to buy them. It was set up as slick as can be.
Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.
Most likely the source code would be stolen from whatever Indian sweatshop it was compiled in. When you award contracts to the lowest bidder it is to be expected. Another possibility would be a vulnerability built into the machine itself by whatever Chinese sweatshop designed the machine itself.

Oh boy, more supposition and speculation, do you have any proof or just your hysteria? Maybe like one example of it actually happening.
It has been shown that voting machines can be hacked but no one has ever had the political will to really check them out thoroughly. The federal government spent billions to buy the damned things on questionable contracts. It would be a shame to have to scrap them.

The only one I've seen that worked, a person would have to get alone time with each machine, I don't know any place that allows that. I also have no idea why the feds would buy them, States run their elections and evidently the feds didn't mandate which machines had to be used because different States us different ones.
All voting systems have to be approved by the FEC and the federal government supplied the states with grants to buy them. It was set up as slick as can be.

Don't know what the solution would be, how do you count 140-160 million ballots efficiently without computers?

Looks like a butt load of supposition and speculation to me. Wouldn't malware need the source code to know how to manipulate it? Just ask'n, I'm no programmer.
Most likely the source code would be stolen from whatever Indian sweatshop it was compiled in. When you award contracts to the lowest bidder it is to be expected. Another possibility would be a vulnerability built into the machine itself by whatever Chinese sweatshop designed the machine itself.

Oh boy, more supposition and speculation, do you have any proof or just your hysteria? Maybe like one example of it actually happening.
It has been shown that voting machines can be hacked but no one has ever had the political will to really check them out thoroughly. The federal government spent billions to buy the damned things on questionable contracts. It would be a shame to have to scrap them.

The only one I've seen that worked, a person would have to get alone time with each machine, I don't know any place that allows that. I also have no idea why the feds would buy them, States run their elections and evidently the feds didn't mandate which machines had to be used because different States us different ones.

In my polling place the machines appear to be independent of any other machine. At the end of the day the votes are tallied, posted on the door, and then sent to the county courthouse. It would apparently be extremely hard to change the vote between the polling place and the court house without someone knowing it. But then again we live in the woods so I doubt that hacking would target anything but large population areas.

Never the less, Trump didn't have the organization or the support to pull off such a massive election fraud. The Russians? It would seem that it would be very easy to spot hacking in what should be a very simple computer program. It is not like voting is anywhere near the same as sending someone to the Moon.
Is there a state being contested?

Jill Stein is calling for a recount and has raised 2 million dollars for it. You know there is really something screwy about the outcome of this election. In my state of Colorado, (Pueblo county) overwhelmingly an Hispanic--Democrat county went to Donald Trump. We have never seen that in this state.

I think a recount is good, especially in these states that showed her winning, PA, Mich, Florida, Ohio. We computer techs saying it could have been done, they have paper receipts just do it. Challenge it just to make certain Trump actually won.

The Kremilin sure broke out the champagne bottles fast when Trump won, just check it again to make certain. Clinton is now leading the popular vote by 2 million votes which is unheard of. These are overseas ballots that are coming in that haven't counted.

You would never accept the results of a recount if it proved Trump won and you know it!
The reason so many libs are in denial is b/c ALL the polls nationwide were fucking WRONG!
I posted a few months ago that traditional polling methodologies are now irrelevant.
When the cellphone took over polling models can't be trusted.
Even the fucking polling guru Nate Silver has said there's no way the electronic ballot machines could have been hacked.
You need to grow a pair and face your defeat like a man.
originally the Michigan University computer science project said there was a statistical anomaly where clinton got 7% less than the average vote for her in all other counties using ballots with paper trails... on the electronic voting machines with no paper trail...

But now, this is saying there is a second anomaly, where she won the exit polls in those specific states but did not win the vote.... so two things questionable.... the third could be, she was leading in the state polling right before the vote and a fourth reason added to those is we know the hackers in this election are experts at hacking, it's what they do....and we know their sole purpose of all the hacks and their timed releases, was to prevent Hillary from winning...AND we know hackers broke in to a few state's voter registration systems....

So, although Trump will probably still be the winner, there is enough reason to audit the electronic voting machines and overall vote in those questionable states.... just to be certain no hanky panky was going on...
Look at the demographics in the counties with electronic voting machines. There's a LOT of people in those counties with IQs in the low eighties.
Suuuure people who told their friends and families they would vote for Hillary but in reality voted for Trump are going to come out of the polling station and tell a fucking stranger they voted for Trump. Suuuuure.
Wise up!
Most likely the source code would be stolen from whatever Indian sweatshop it was compiled in. When you award contracts to the lowest bidder it is to be expected. Another possibility would be a vulnerability built into the machine itself by whatever Chinese sweatshop designed the machine itself.

Oh boy, more supposition and speculation, do you have any proof or just your hysteria? Maybe like one example of it actually happening.
It has been shown that voting machines can be hacked but no one has ever had the political will to really check them out thoroughly. The federal government spent billions to buy the damned things on questionable contracts. It would be a shame to have to scrap them.

The only one I've seen that worked, a person would have to get alone time with each machine, I don't know any place that allows that. I also have no idea why the feds would buy them, States run their elections and evidently the feds didn't mandate which machines had to be used because different States us different ones.
All voting systems have to be approved by the FEC and the federal government supplied the states with grants to buy them. It was set up as slick as can be.

Don't know what the solution would be, how do you count 140-160 million ballots efficiently without computers?

I do believe there should be some record. Maybe a print out of how a person voted would be one way. The problem is if we don't trust the system nothing will work. Consider the hanging chad.

The program for voting has to be super simple. How the machine switches votes and they call it a "calibration error" is anyone's guess.

I think some simple rules could be in place.

1. Machines are not connected to the Internet in any fashion they are stand alone.

2. I could write a macro in excel that would do the same thing that the voting machines do. But using something like excel means there could be hidden macros in the program. The program would need to be stand alone, a voting only program not some universal program that could be hacked.

3. Each polling station has the ability to count votes and compare them to the vote count of those who voted to ensure they match. Then each polling station signs off on the office count taken at the court house.

4. NO internet voting or registration.

Even with that said it would seem hard to believe that the party or person not in power at the time would have a very hard time fraudulently changing the vote.

It is more likely that early voting, absentee ballots and Internet voting would be very susceptible to fraud. Which is why Hillary will never challenge the election, she knows.
originally the Michigan University computer science project said there was a statistical anomaly where clinton got 7% less than the average vote for her in all other counties using ballots with paper trails... on the electronic voting machines with no paper trail...

But now, this is saying there is a second anomaly, where she won the exit polls in those specific states but did not win the vote.... so two things questionable.... the third could be, she was leading in the state polling right before the vote and a fourth reason added to those is we know the hackers in this election are experts at hacking, it's what they do....and we know their sole purpose of all the hacks and their timed releases, was to prevent Hillary from winning...AND we know hackers broke in to a few state's voter registration systems....

So, although Trump will probably still be the winner, there is enough reason to audit the electronic voting machines and overall vote in those questionable states.... just to be certain no hanky panky was going on...
Look at the demographics in the counties with electronic voting machines. There's a LOT of people in those counties with IQs in the low eighties.
Suuuure people who told their friends and families they would vote for Hillary but in reality voted for Trump are going to come out of the polling station and tell a fucking stranger they voted for Trump. Suuuuure.
Wise up!

I don't think that voting could be made any easier then it is in my polling place. The people who would have a problem with the electronic voting would have the same problem voting no matter what the system.

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