Just in case you forgot

what he's [Barr] doing now.

What Bar is doing now is ending an illegal prosecution based on forcing Flynn to plead guilty in order to protect his son from abuse by the liberal deep state.
No. What he's doing now is tRump's dirty work, just like he has all along.

Nothing new.
It’s very new. It turns out that Peter struck and Lisa page doctored the 302 reports so there was no possible evidence on which to accuse general Flynn of lying. Typical libcommie You know nothing about the case so should not even be here offering inane comments.
But that isn't true. It is in fact the bullshit that was tired months ago by Flynn's lawyers in cooperation with RWNJ "media" to get the charges dismissed. It wasn't true then either.
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Anyone will lie to protect their children from abuse so it means nothing.
No one was abusing Flynn's children.
The FBI was abusing them.
No, they weren't.

You morons will just believe any damn thing faux and company tell you.
Fox did not tell us, the FBI just released the information from their own files. You are a liberal you know nothing about the case.
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Anyone will lie to protect their children from abuse so it means nothing.
No one was abusing Flynn's children.
The FBI was abusing them.
No, they weren't.

You morons will just believe any damn thing faux and company tell you.
Fox did not tell us, the FBI just released the information from their own files. You are a liberal you know nothing about the case.
Fox told you how to interpret the info the FBI released. Without their "help" you would be able to see what it really says.

Which isn't anything close to their claims.
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Anyone will lie to protect their children from abuse so it means nothing.
No one was abusing Flynn's children.
The FBI was abusing them.
No, they weren't.

You morons will just believe any damn thing faux and company tell you.
Fox did not tell us, the FBI just released the information from their own files. You are a liberal you know nothing about the case.
Fox told you how to interpret the info the FBI released. Without their "help" you would be able to see what it really says.

Which isn't anything close to their claims.
Are you saying that Lisa page did not doctor the 302 reports or are you saying you have no idea what you’re talking about as usual? See why we say they were liberalism is pure ignorance?
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Anyone will lie to protect their children from abuse so it means nothing.
No one was abusing Flynn's children.
The FBI was abusing them.
No, they weren't.

You morons will just believe any damn thing faux and company tell you.
Fox did not tell us, the FBI just released the information from their own files. You are a liberal you know nothing about the case.
Fox told you how to interpret the info the FBI released. Without their "help" you would be able to see what it really says.

Which isn't anything close to their claims.
Are you saying that Lisa page did not doctor the 302 reports or are you saying you have no idea what you’re talking about as usual? See why we say they were liberalism is pure ignorance?
She did not.
Here's an explanation of Flynn's crimes.

He wasn't coerced into lying. The FBI didn't force him to lie. There was no trap. It was not a deep state plot.

It was a real crime.
Flynn didn't lie, moron. Stozk doctored the 302s to make it appear that he lied. Flynn did nothing. He was framed, and you're defending the criminals who framed him. That's how we know that you're sleazy lying douchebag.
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Those memos don't say what breightbart told you they did.

No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Anything he said about the phone call was not material. Yawn.
Here's an explanation of Flynn's crimes.

He wasn't coerced into lying. The FBI didn't force him to lie. There was no trap. It was not a deep state plot.

It was a real crime.
Flynn didn't lie, moron. Stozk doctored the 302s to make it appear that he lied. Flynn did nothing. He was framed, and you're defending the criminals who framed him. That's how we know that you're sleazy lying douchebag.
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Those memos don't say what breightbart told you they did.
Hmmm, no. He never lied to the FBI. That's what the DOJ report says.

Once again, you didn't read the FBI Report, did you? Of course not.

Did you read General Flynn's Plea Agreement when he admitted to his crimes?

In consideration of your client's guilty plea to the above offense, your client will not be further prosecuted criminally by this Office for the conduct set forth in the attached Statement of the Offense. . . .


I have read every page of this Agreement and have discussed it with my attorneys, Robert K. Kelner and Stephen P. Anthony. I fully understand this Agreement and agree to it without reservation. I do this voluntarily and of my own free will, intending to be legally bound. No threats have been made to me nor am I under the influence of anything that could impede my ability to understand this Agreement fully. I am pleading guilty because I am in fact guilty of the offense identified in this Agreement. I reaffirm that absolutely no promises, agreements, understandings, or conditions have been made or entered into in connection with my decision to plead guilty except those set forth in this Agreement. I am satisfied with the legal services provided by my attorneys in connection with this Agreement and matters related to it.

In Section D, under Appeal of rights, Flynn agreed to:

"Your client agrees to waive the right to appeal the sentence in this case",

Flynn admitted to having had the best legal counsel available to him and denied he was coerced in any way.

He hasn't a leg to stand on.

And here are all of the crimes Michael Flynn was originally charged with:

Thanks for the link.


Wow! That's a fucking lie.
The FBI didn't force him to lie.
Anyone can be accused of lying under section 1001. But Flynn did not even lie, why would he? It was fine to talk to Russia. It was his job. He plead guilty only because he loved his son and wanted to protect him from deeply corrupt FBI agents trying to collect on their insurance policy to remove Trump from office in a coup .
But he did.

Then he got caught.

Then he admitted it.

Them he pled guilty.

Case closed.

Apparently you know nothing about how blackmail works.
ok let’s get dimensions
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Anyone will lie to protect their children from abuse so it means nothing.
No one was abusing Flynn's children.
The FBI was abusing them.
No, they weren't.

You morons will just believe any damn thing faux and company tell you.
Fox did not tell us, the FBI just released the information from their own files. You are a liberal you know nothing about the case.
Fox told you how to interpret the info the FBI released. Without their "help" you would be able to see what it really says.

Which isn't anything close to their claims.
Are you saying that Lisa page did not doctor the 302 reports or are you saying you have no idea what you’re talking about as usual? See why we say they were liberalism is pure ignorance?
She did not.
ok let’s get dimensions
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Anyone will lie to protect their children from abuse so it means nothing.
No one was abusing Flynn's children.
The FBI was abusing them.
No, they weren't.

You morons will just believe any damn thing faux and company tell you.
Fox did not tell us, the FBI just released the information from their own files. You are a liberal you know nothing about the case.
Fox told you how to interpret the info the FBI released. Without their "help" you would be able to see what it really says.

Which isn't anything close to their claims.
Are you saying that Lisa page did not doctor the 302 reports or are you saying you have no idea what you’re talking about as usual? See why we say they were liberalism is pure ignorance?
She did not.
Any reason to say that or do you just lack the IQ to know that a reason is necessary?
The FBI didn't force him to lie.
Anyone can be accused of lying under section 1001. But Flynn did not even lie, why would he? It was fine to talk to Russia. It was his job. He plead guilty only because he loved his son and wanted to protect him from deeply corrupt FBI agents trying to collect on their insurance policy to remove Trump from office in a coup .
But he did.

Then he got caught.

Then he admitted it.

Them he pled guilty.

Case closed.

Apparently you know nothing about how blackmail works.
Yes, they blackmailed Flynn by threatening to ruin his son's life, and worse, they apparently used falsified evidence,much like they did before the FISA court. There were 2 FBI agents at the meeting with Flynn. One has since disappeared, the one who took the only notes on the meeting. But no matter, Strzok had his adulterous girlfriend (also a rabid bigoted Trump hater) stand in for the disappeared agent and "edit"( never done in FBI history) the 302 reports on the meeting with Flynn though she was not at the meeting and had no idea what transpired there.

When heroic Republicans flushed this information out of the FBI after a 3 year effort the Justice Department had to drop the case!!
And the answer to his question was "play it by the book".

and play it by the book meant squeeze him threatening to abuse his son!!

His son was equally involved in the crimes that Flynn plead guilty to. Charging him with crimes that he committed is not abuse.
They threatened to charge him for FARA. The same thing they let the Podesta’s walk for.

Actually they threatened to charge his son with the Logan act, one of the things they threatened Flynn with.


If he was not guilty, why would he be afraid of that?

They already bankrupted him, he didn't want the same for his son. The law requires a guilty plea be informed and voluntary, Flynn's was neither, FBI documents prove that. Brady and exculpatory evidence were withheld form his defense team. The original 302s, from the interviewing agents, have yet to be provided. That's why Barr is dismissing it.


Barr is dimissing it because he's a criminal hack, just like his boss.

Oh right, a former AG who was previously confirmed by a voice vote, of course that was before he accepted Trump's offer. Now would you like to provide some effort of actually addressing the points I made in my post? Surely your handlers have prepared you commies with more than just ad homs against Barr. Well maybe not, facts are a hard thing to refute.


Barr has been consistently undermining the rule of law since he wrote that Summary of the Mueller Report which lied and said the report exonerated Trump, because it did no such thing.

Since that time Barr has blocked access by the House to the Mueller Grand Jury Testimony. The SC order Barr to turn it over and do it now. Interfered with the Roger Stone sentencing and now this travesty of justice.

Flynn plead guilty to multiple crimes but was only charged with lying to the FBI. So you're right, the facts in his Plea Agreement and his elocution are hard to refute. Take illegal payments from the Russians. Acting as an agent for the Turkish government while awaiting confirmation as the NSA, all while failing to notify the State Department he was an agent of a foreign government.

The idea that General Flynn was an innocent man caught in an FBI "perjury trap" is laughable. A career military officer didn't know it was illegal to lie to the FBI? And if nothing Flynn was saying or doing with the Russians was illegal, why did he lie about it? Why did Trump tell the American people that Flynn had lied to Mike Pence if Flynn hadn't lied to Pence? If Flynn had done nothing wrong, why did Trump fire him in the first place?

You keep making these false claims about Barr, Flynn but 4 career prosecutors have now resigned from the Justice Department and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court as well as numerous judges in the various court cases over his stonewalling of Congressional oversight have all said the same thing: This is judicial interference which undermines the rule of law in the nation, and Trump and Barr should cut it out right fucking now.

So don't try this gaslighting bullshit with the liberals here. We're been watching this administration like a hawk. The entire WORLD is watching this administration like a hawk and you're not fooling anyone.

All you've been watching is fake news, some of those career prosecutors you're so proud of, may wind up being disbarred at minimum. It's clear you're not aware of or just ignoring the new evidence that has come out in the last couple of weeks. Don't expect your beloved MSM to tell you about it.

And the answer to his question was "play it by the book".

and play it by the book meant squeeze him threatening to abuse his son!!

His son was equally involved in the crimes that Flynn plead guilty to. Charging him with crimes that he committed is not abuse.
They threatened to charge him for FARA. The same thing they let the Podesta’s walk for.

Actually they threatened to charge his son with the Logan act, one of the things they threatened Flynn with.


If he was not guilty, why would he be afraid of that?

They already bankrupted him, he didn't want the same for his son. The law requires a guilty plea be informed and voluntary, Flynn's was neither, FBI documents prove that. Brady and exculpatory evidence were withheld form his defense team. The original 302s, from the interviewing agents, have yet to be provided. That's why Barr is dismissing it.


Barr is dimissing it because he's a criminal hack, just like his boss.

Oh right, a former AG who was previously confirmed by a voice vote, of course that was before he accepted Trump's offer. Now would you like to provide some effort of actually addressing the points I made in my post? Surely your handlers have prepared you commies with more than just ad homs against Barr. Well maybe not, facts are a hard thing to refute.


You are trying to ignore all the obviously political actions he has taken since he took his current job,

You mean like Holder dismissing the case against the Black Panthers AFTER the government had a judgement against them? Barr has more integrity in his farts than Holder will ever have.


This deflection won't work. The Black Panthers are a nothing burger compared to the crimes of General Flynn, selling out his country to the Russians immediately after the Russian government was caught redhanded interfering in the US elections. As a result of that election interference, and his failure to capture the popular vote, Trump will always be seen a someone who acquired the Presidency illegitimately.

But Trump is the worst President in history and now he's making promises to Putin. Again. After his complete bungling of the Corona virus response. With 10's of thousands of people dying, he's cosying up to the Russians right before the election.

Run along dip shit, you've been swallowing the MSMs propaganda hook, line and sinker.

Here's an explanation of Flynn's crimes.

He wasn't coerced into lying. The FBI didn't force him to lie. There was no trap. It was not a deep state plot.

It was a real crime.
Flynn didn't lie, moron. Stozk doctored the 302s to make it appear that he lied. Flynn did nothing. He was framed, and you're defending the criminals who framed him. That's how we know that you're sleazy lying douchebag.
No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Those memos don't say what breightbart told you they did.

Bullshit, the FBI testified in congress that Flynn didn't lie to them, then suddenly the original 302s vanished and new edited versions appeared. And the FBIs tune changed, unfortunately, for them, they can't make that congressional record vanish.

No, he actually lied. Then he admitted it.

Anyone will lie to protect their children from abuse so it means nothing.
No one was abusing Flynn's children.
The FBI was abusing them.
No, they weren't.

You morons will just believe any damn thing faux and company tell you.
Fox did not tell us, the FBI just released the information from their own files. You are a liberal you know nothing about the case.
Fox told you how to interpret the info the FBI released. Without their "help" you would be able to see what it really says.

Which isn't anything close to their claims.

You'll be seeing how Judge Sullivan views the DOJs misconduct in a couple of days.

Bullshit, the FBI testified in congress that Flynn didn't lie to them,
No...they did not

From 2 years ago:


LMAO! The first line of the OP article:
"Russian intelligence services intervened in the 2016 U.S. election to help elect Donald Trump."

Now post where the proof that's what happened is. Tell me exactly what they did and post the proof of it.
Did. Not. Happen.

Total BS. GTFO here with that garbage!

That is Fake News! All the way.

Butthurt propagangist writes a butthurt article for "The Atlantic" and instead of having integrity, they publish it.
No proof, no nothing. Garbage! Grah!
Then start going after Congressional Democrats for taking bribes in a money-laundering scheme.

Our entire intelligence community disagrees with you. Of course, Putin says you are right.
Of course you have proof of that, correct? There is no link to proof in that article, that's for sure.
You love the article for the confirmation bias, but I dislike it for the lying BS propaganda it is.
That article is the epitome of "Fake News", the gold standard.
It should be used as an example of such in schools.

Or course we have proof of that. The US Senate Investigation. The Mueller Report. The CIA and the FBI. The Trump, Putin, Trump cultists, and Russian trolls.

Which are you Duke? 53,000 posts in just over 39 months.
Here's an explanation of Flynn's crimes.

He wasn't coerced into lying. The FBI didn't force him to lie. There was no trap. It was not a deep state plot.

It was a real crime.

After reading the article, this now a TDS thread


David Frum.....what a self-serving jackass.
Total BS article from years back. :cuckoo:
Oh man! They changed the date on the article since last night! :aargh:
Did they really do that?
Pretty sure it said 2018 last night.
I could be thinking of a different article, too.
It was relatively new.

And it isn't "bullshit", it's factual reporting.

I know that's anathema to you tRumpkins but reality is what it is.
No sources or bibliography. Fuck right the hell off with that. :funnyface:
You have to read the article. There are links to sources and quoted documents all through it.

Next time really read it before commenting.

You will look less foolish.

Probably not much less, but every little bit helps someone like you.
Bullshit! There is nothing there, dork!
Here's an explanation of Flynn's crimes.

He wasn't coerced into lying. The FBI didn't force him to lie. There was no trap. It was not a deep state plot.

It was a real crime.

If only the evidence supported your propaganda...but it doesn't.

Transcripts say Agents were about to close the case on Flynn due to a lack of evidence.

Transcripts prove Agents did not believe Flynn lied.

Comey bragged about setting Flynn up...

There was no reason to investigate Flynn further...or at all. It was a perjury trap...and Barry & Biden both knew everything


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