Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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That dont exist for the crime they charged him with...

Then, how did the New York district attorney managed to file 34 such charges and obtain convictions for them last year if the charges don’t exist?

Maybe it’s time you start listening to right wing media and started checking things out for yourself.
Then, how did the New York district attorney managed to file 34 such charges and obtain convictions for them last year if the charges don’t exist?

Maybe it’s time you start listening to right wing media and started checking things out for yourself.

What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?

You’re the guy that’s claiming Alvin Bragg can’t charge Trump because the chargers don’t exist. If the charges don’t exist, how could Bragg have 34 other companies with the same thing?
You’re the guy that’s claiming Alvin Bragg can’t charge Trump because the chargers don’t exist. If the charges don’t exist, how could Bragg have 34 other companies with the same thing?

Because he is a democrat seeking to persecute Trump…….the statutes for everything he wanted to do to Trump ran out and of those at most they are misdemeanors ……..and the underlying crime?

Je would not say what it was…..

This is nothing more than a Soviet show trial you ignorant clod
You’re the guy that’s claiming Alvin Bragg can’t charge Trump because the chargers don’t exist. If the charges don’t exist, how could Bragg have 34 other companies with the same thing?

Here.…a look at this soviet show trial….

That’s exactly right, and it’s not just that this is about a federal election or a federal candidate. The legal basis for this charge appears to be the Federal Election Campaign Act, and that statute has a preëmption clause, which, to paraphrase, basically says this federal statute takes the place of state statutes in this related area. A case like this is for federal prosecutors on a federal question in federal courts, and it is not for state prosecutors and state courts. That’s not true for every election issue, but that is the meaning of the preëmption clause in that statute.
But, regardless of what the legal standard is, it is very hard to find examples in New York where prosecutors brought cases and courts validated using internal documents as proof of intent to defraud, which may relate to how hard it is to establish intent to defraud. You really, in practice, need a scheme with a target, and so that’s one concern I have about bending the law or bending the practice to go after this particular case. This also appears to be the first time in American history, at least as recorded by courts, where a state prosecutor has brought a case in which either the direct crime or what’s called the predicate crime is from the Federal Election Campaign Act, which was passed in 1971. That’s a really big problem.
, but this crime, or this allegation, is such a stretch of both state law and federal jurisdiction that I think it is part of this escalation story.
The embarrassment is how the indictment reflected a pushing the envelope of state and federal law that suggested a prosecution in search of a crime because of partisan politics

Because he is a democrat seeking to persecute Trump…….the statutes for everything he wanted to do to Trump ran out and of those at most they are misdemeanors ……..and the underlying crime?

Je would not say what it was…..

This is nothing more than a Soviet show trial you ignorant clod

I wasn’t aware you had a law degree and had been called to the New York state bar. Or are you simply parroting the lies been been fed by Fox News and other questionable sources?

It’s really fucking sad. When the only real defence you have for the criminal behaviour of the man you voted for twice, is that the statute of limitations has run out on these crimes.

The problem for you is that there is no statute of limitation’s on tax evasion in the state of New York. Trump isn’t being charged with paying off a porn star. Trumps being charged for claiming a tax deduction for paying off the porn star.

The charges are for falsifying his corporate records. But please continue to believe right wing media lies.
I wasn’t aware you had a law degree and had been called to the New York state bar. Or are you simply parroting the lies been been fed by Fox News and other questionable sources?

It’s really fucking sad. When the only real defence you have for the criminal behaviour of the man you voted for twice, is that the statute of limitations has run out on these crimes.

The problem for you is that there is no statute of limitation’s on tax evasion in the state of New York. Trump isn’t being charged with paying off a porn star. Trumps being charged for claiming a tax deduction for paying off the porn star.

The charges are for falsifying his corporate records. But please continue to believe right wing media lies.

No shithead….leftist legal scholars, like the one I quoted and linked to state the charges are fake……..

Paying off a porn star isn’t illegal you dumb ass…..that isn’t what the fake charges are about….

You are such a fucking moron……a child who thinks that getting what you want is more important than legal principals that have kept our country free for over 246 years……until Bragg ended it…
Here.…a look at this soviet show trial….

That’s exactly right, and it’s not just that this is about a federal election or a federal candidate. The legal basis for this charge appears to be the Federal Election Campaign Act, and that statute has a preëmption clause, which, to paraphrase, basically says this federal statute takes the place of state statutes in this related area. A case like this is for federal prosecutors on a federal question in federal courts, and it is not for state prosecutors and state courts. That’s not true for every election issue, but that is the meaning of the preëmption clause in that statute.
But, regardless of what the legal standard is, it is very hard to find examples in New York where prosecutors brought cases and courts validated using internal documents as proof of intent to defraud, which may relate to how hard it is to establish intent to defraud. You really, in practice, need a scheme with a target, and so that’s one concern I have about bending the law or bending the practice to go after this particular case. This also appears to be the first time in American history, at least as recorded by courts, where a state prosecutor has brought a case in which either the direct crime or what’s called the predicate crime is from the Federal Election Campaign Act, which was passed in 1971. That’s a really big problem.
, but this crime, or this allegation, is such a stretch of both state law and federal jurisdiction that I think it is part of this escalation story.
The embarrassment is how the indictment reflected a pushing the envelope of state and federal law that suggested a prosecution in search of a crime because of partisan politics

It’s all so unfair!!!!!

I’ve noticed that you’ve gone from claiming that Trump is innocent of any and all crimes to claiming that his prosecution for crimes he committed is “political”.

Nobody on the Republican side is claiming that Trump is innocent of any of the things that he’s being investigated for or charged with, only that his prosecution is “political”.

Gym Jordan has weaponized the judicial and oversight committees to protect Trump, and judicially harass and threaten anyone prosecuting your criminal ex-president while the manufacture scandals against the Bidens.

Democrats stood back and let you attack the Clintons in the same way. 30 years on, and you have yet to produce a single shred of evidence the Clintons are corrupt.

It was a mistake to give Republicans a pass on their slander and lies. Democrats should’ve called them long ago, but they now recognize the damage that’s been done.

The lawsuits are piling up for Republicans. All of the people that Donald Trump harassed and slandered with false allegations, and fired retaliation for their “disloyalty”, have sued and are winning.

Trump is becoming increasingly unhinged and toxic. His performance on the other night is the best indicator yet that he’s suffering from some form of dementia.

His insistence that he has some sort of right to assault women, because “it’s been that way for 1 million years” is an indicator that he has completely lost touch with reality, as is his refusal to acknowledge that the American people elected Joe Biden.

CNN is now in a precarious legal position for having knowingly allowed Donald Trump to go on the air and lie to the American people.

This entire attack on the Biden family, is to distract Republican voters from the Donald Trump’s deepening insanity.
The duopoly is an equal opportunity criminal organization; both of its halves operate above the law.
No shithead….leftist legal scholars, like the one I quoted and linked to state the charges are fake……..

Paying off a porn star isn’t illegal you dumb ass…..that isn’t what the fake charges are about….

You are such a fucking moron……a child who thinks that getting what you want is more important than legal principals that have kept our country free for over 246 years……until Bragg ended it…

Paying off a porn star isn’t illegal, but falsifying corporate records to evade taxes is. Trump isn’t being charged for paying off a porn star. He’s being charged with falsifying corporate records and evading taxes. One charge for each check made payable to Michael Cohen to reimburse him for these payments.

If the charges were illegal, Trump would’ve filed a Motion to Dismiss and Trump’s lawyers haven’t even attempted to do thst.

Once the case is before the courts, media speculation as to the validity of the charges is irrelevant. What matters are the judge’s rulings on the Motions, and Trump has lost nearly every Motion he’s filed in all of his current cases before the courts.
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The duopoly is an equal opportunity criminal organization; both of its halves operate above the law.

No, it doesn’t and no they don’t. That’s the bullshit lie Republicans tell every time they get caught.

Republicans keep claiming that Democrats are doing the same things that they’re doing but they have yet to produce a shred of evidence that they are.

When Anthony Wiener was arrested, Nancy Pelosi had his office packed up and had him escorted from the building. George Santos is back in the House, vowing to run for re-election.

Santos says that he would never have been elected if he had told the truth. No remorse, no shame. This is the same Republican Party, which impeached Bill Clinton for a lie about a consensual blow job, because “character matters”.

Republicans have always been able to “talk the talk” about crime and corruption, and being the party of “law and order”. Since Richard Nixon, there hasn’t been a single Republican, president or administration, whose Administration has not been plagued with corruption, bribery, and criminal behaviour.

Republicans are not being investigated and prosecuted by Democrats, they’re being investigated and prosecuted by other Republicans.

More than 200 Republicans have been investigated by a Republican lead FBI, arrested, and convicted by the DOJ under a Republican President. Every Director of the FBI ever appointed is a card-carrying Republican, including Robert Mueller, James Comey, and Christopher Wray, who was appointed by Donald Trump himself.

So quit, trying to claim that both parties are crime organizations because the facts and the arrest records say otherwise.
Paying off a porn star isn’t illegal, but falsifying corporate records to evade taxes is. Trump isn’t being charged for paying off a porn star. He’s being charged with falsifying corporate records and evading taxes. One charge for each check made payable to Michael Cohen to reimburse him for these payments.

If the charges were illegal, Trump would’ve filed a Motion to Dismiss and Trump’s lawyers haven’t even attempted to do thst.

Once the case is before the courts, media speculation as to the validity of the charges is irrelevant. What matters are the judge’s rulings on the Motions, and Trump has lost nearly every Motion he’s filed in all of his current cases before the courts.

He didn't do any of those things......you are an idiot, willing to throw away one of the best justice systems in the world simply because you are an ignorant child...
He didn't do any of those things......you are an idiot, willing to throw away one of the best justice systems in the world simply because you are an ignorant child...

Trump did all of those things and many, many more, and we’ve seen the evidence that he did. He didn’t even try to hide what he was doing. He was posting it daily and his Twitter account.

Unless Donald Trump is charged and convicted for at least some of the crimes that he has openly and publicly committed all of his adult life, and publically bragged about, you don’t have a justice system at all.

And as for the “best justice system in the world“, nothing could be further from the truth. Guys like Trump couldn’t buy their way out of jail every time they’re caught breaking the law. Black and brown defendants, arms convicted, and sent to jail at seven times the rate of white defendants. The USA has more people in jail than any other nation in the world, by far. And still you have high crime rates. Somethings not working.

Trump has been “settling” cases since his father’s company was charged with federal racial discrimination in the 1970s. He settled the $100 million dollar fraud trial right after he was declared the winner in 2016.
Trump did all of those things and many, many more, and we’ve seen the evidence that he did. He didn’t even try to hide what he was doing. He was posting it daily and his Twitter account.

Unless Donald Trump is charged and convicted for at least some of the crimes that he has openly and publicly committed all of his adult life, and publically bragged about, you don’t have a justice system at all.

And as for the “best justice system in the world“, nothing could be further from the truth. Guys like Trump couldn’t buy their way out of jail every time they’re caught breaking the law. Black and brown defendants, arms convicted, and sent to jail at seven times the rate of white defendants. The USA has more people in jail than any other nation in the world, by far. And still you have high crime rates. Somethings not working.

Trump has been “settling” cases since his father’s company was charged with federal racial discrimination in the 1970s. He settled the $100 million dollar fraud trial right after he was declared the winner in 2016.

No........you idiots are children who want what you want...now......and screw the future....and that is what you have done with the arrest of Trump.......you want the pile of ashes as long as you get to be king of the ash heap.
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