Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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Just remember - the Democrats created the new era of a lawless society. They will not allow one of their own to be investigated, much less actually prosecuted…
“Propaganda” :lmao:

Every liberal thinks actual journalism filled with facts (which are inconvenient for their failed ideology) is “propaganda” :laugh:
Sure, post a fact that would convince that the 2020 election was fraudulent.
Sure, post a fact that would convince that the 2020 election was fraudulent.
The article wasn’t about the 2020 election 🤦‍♂️

You continue to humiliate yourself and illustrate to the world why you’re a Dumbocrat (ie uneducated, confused, and uninformed).
Just remember - the Democrats created the new era of a lawless society:
The FBI’s investigation of Trump began without any evidence as a predicate, the Durham report found.
In typical fascist fashion, the Democrats prosecute innocent people simply for not bowing to the Democrats fucked-up fascist ideology.
Just remember - the Democrats created the new era of a lawless society:

In typical fascist fashion, the Democrats prosecute innocent people simply for not bowing to the Democrats fucked-up fascist ideology.
John Durham hilarious.

Opinion piece report from a fuckup
John Durham hilarious.
Get some new material already, high school dropout. Every time some exposes the ignorance, failure, or corruption in the Dumbocrat Party, you panic and state “XYZ hilarious” :rolleyes:


Opinion piece report from a fuckup
“Opinion piece” :lmao:

He’s not a journalist, you ignorant high school dropout. He was assigned special council by the Attorney General. It was an official report after a thorough investigation.

Seriously, why are you such an asshole? You get so triggered by anything that exposes the Democrat Party for who they really are. It’s creepy how much you worship them.
Democrats created the new era of lawlessness…
Just remember - the Democrats created the new era of a lawless society. This is what happens when Democrats in power refuse to enforce the law / protect the people. Citizens are forced to protect themselves...
Just remember - the Democrats created the new era of a lawless society. This is what happens when Democrats in power refuse to enforce the law / protect the people. Citizens are forced to protect themselves...

And the repeat crime victim is now going to be prosecuted, for doing the job that law enforcement refused to do.

How much you wanna bet that the other subhuman criminal piece of shit that got away, after firing gunshots at the victim, will not be caught, and if it is caught, will not be prosecuted?

A law enforcement system that refuses to do the job of catching and prosecuting subhuman criminal shit should be considered to have forfeited any authority to prosecute crime victims for anything that they do to subhuman criminal shit.

The right to protect ourselves, our families, and our property is inherent in us, as individuals. We delegate this authority to government, because when government does the job properly it does so with greater accuracy, fairness, and consistency than can be achieved by vigilantism.

But where government refuses to do this job, the right reverts back to us. Vigilantism is an entirely legitimate response to this sort of government malfeasance.

It's too bad that Mr. Mejia didn't put down both those subhuman pieces of criminal shit.
Just remember - the Democrats created the new era of a lawless society. They are openly refusing to prosecute criminals, but actively pursuing ways to prosecute law abiding citizens...
"NYPD sources confirm the shooter was not licensed to carry that specific gun"
Hey liberal assholes? The US Constitution absolutely licenses him to carry that specific gun
Every last one of them is going to throw a tantrum like a toddler, but the ignoring of law “sanctuary” nonsense started with them and their bullshit “sanctuary city”.

You wanted it…you got it. Sheriffs across the nation are properly upholding the US Constitution as they took an oath to do. Any new federal gun laws by Joe Biden and the Democrats will be useless.
Yeah, the Democrats are not good for a decent society, however, the major culprits in the rampant crime are the George Soros funded District Attornies that run for office and because of the huge amounts of money poured into their candidacy, they win, 90% of the time and then don't prosecute the criminals, except in the most extreme cases.
What is needed is for rich scum like Soros and his son to be gone. The Philippines has or at least had, an arrest warrant out for Soros with a standing death penalty if caught and Hungary also has restrictions on him.
Personally, as far as I'm concerned, he and his scum son, are seditious garbage that need to be deported or in prison.
Yeah, the Democrats are not good for a decent society, however, the major culprits in the rampant crime are the George Soros funded District Attornies that run for office and because of the huge amounts of money poured into their candidacy, they win, 90% of the time and then don't prosecute the criminals, except in the most extreme cases.
You are spot-on. The most aggravating part is that Soros has never lived in any of these cities in which he influenced the outcome. That alone is criminal. He has no business trying to impact the society of cities and states that he does not reside.
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