Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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Word and lies have consequences.
And yet you continue to lie every time you post. You clearly don’t believe your own bullshit.
How did you think poor people would react when they're told by their media all day long how dishonest their elected officials are?
They should educate themselves and stop voting Democrat. If they don’t, then they deserve to be in poverty and misery. If you vote for failed left-wing policy, you don’t deserve prosperity. You made a choice to live in poverty. You made your bed - time to lay down in it.
Why am I the only chump who doesn't just take what I want????
Spoken like a true disgusting leftist. Not only trying to make excuses for the failure of the Democrat Party, but also declaring decent people with actual morals to be “chumps”.
You have more people in jail, than China and Russia combined.
That’s because those nations don’t imprison people in posh country clubs like the Democrat Party does in the US. Those nations torture and execute people. That tends to deter dirt-bag leftists.

Additionally, both China and Russia are vastly inferior to the United States. It speaks volumes the the left idolizes the two nations that lead the world in oppression, fascism, human rights violations, and more. The left is always looking to lower the bar (because low is where the left lives)
Democrats have NOT in any way encouraged their voters to commit any crimes. When your entire premise is based on that lie, your whole thread is garbage.
Exposing your lies and your lack of knowledge is what I do best. This is seriously embarrassing for you…
Leadership sets the tone for the country. When Donald Trump started bullying his enemies, calling them names, mocking the disabled, suspensions for bullying went up all around the nation.
1. Those aren’t crimes, you fascist high school dropout

2. The Democrats started ALL of the “bullying”, “mocking”, “name calling”, etc.

The hung George W. Bush in effigy and set him on fire. The fucking President of the United States. That’s what the extremist fascists we call the “left” did. And don’t forget this gem…

The Republican Party is the party who has turned the nation into a pack of lawless criminals, with their own corruption and greed, and by the endlessly making false allegations against Democrats.
It wasn’t the Republican Party that encouraged both ANTIFA and BLM to riot and it wasn’t the Republican Party who then told law enforcement to stand down and allow it. And it’s not the Republican Party that has opened up the border and allowed an invasion of illegal aliens into the US.

It’s all dirt-bag leftists such as yourself. No amount of your crying about Trump will ever change the FACTS.
Is that really the hill you want to die on. You just lock everyone up. China executes them???? Seriously?????
Yes stupid, seriously. That is why China has a smaller prison population. You cannot put dead people in prison.
It wasn’t the Republican Party that encouraged both ANTIFA and BLM to riot and it wasn’t the Republican Party who then told law enforcement to stand down and allow it. And it’s not the Republican Party that has opened up the border and allowed an invasion of illegal aliens into the US.

It’s all dirt-bag leftists such as yourself. No amount of your crying about Trump will ever change the FACTS.
Folks…you can’t make this shit up. Let a leftist talk long enough, they will contradict themselves. EVERY TIME.

You ran out of jails to put people long ago. And your only solution to rising crime is to arrest more people.

why should they obey the law????

Word and lies have consequences. How did you think poor people would react when they're told by their media all day long how dishonest their elected officials are?

Why am I the only chump who doesn't just take what I want????

The USA is a police state.

Did you catch that? Canadian clown is adamant that crime is out of control in the US. She’s also adamant that the US is a “police state”.

Both can’t be true. If we’re a “police state” then there would be 0 crime out of fear. If crime is rampant, then we’re clearly not a “police state”.
The bottom right photo belongs to a Democrat (hence the reason you can’t show it with a Republican). The bottom left is a DEMOCRAT. He’s flipping off Trump at a rally 😂

And by the way - none of these things are crimes (except in the minds of the fascist left like you). Freedom of speech is 100% legal, even though you fascists hate it.
You have to solve the underlying reasons for the crime which is wages are too low, way too low, for living in the cities.
What a repugnant comment

“If you don’t like what you get paid - just assault people, loot, and burn cities down until you get a paycheck you like” - Dragonlady
You have to solve the underlying reasons for the crime which is wages are too low, way too low, for living in the cities.
Question, Canadian clown: if you don’t like wages, why don’t you get your lazy, useless ass up off the couch and get in the game? Why aren’t you starting a company in the US and paying every last employee $315,000 per year? Why?
The minimum wage in the USA hasn't been raised since 2009. Wealth and wage inequity in the USA is the highest in the first world.
And the US is the world’s elite superpower with the #1 economy. Our standard of living is higher than anywhere in the world.

Thank you for proving that you’re making shit up to draw attention away from the failures of the Democrat Party.
Love it! Sadly, the fascist Democraty Party will never do it. The left has no decency, no integrity, no morals, and no God.

This is what elected Democrats do:

So you have no sollutions or ideas, you just want to blame Democrats for all of it.
I have the solution. Enforce the law. If current punishments aren’t enough of a deterrent, make the punishments harsher.

If 3 months in prison doesn’t deter someone from stealing a pack of gum, make it 3 years in prison. If that doesn’t deter them, make it 30 years of brutal labor on a chain gang.

I guarantee you crime will stop quickly.
He's turned your entire nation against one another, and your awash in hate crimes and mass shootings. And it's the Democrats fault.
Correct. It’s the Democrats fault. Piece of shit marxist dictator Barack Obama divided the nation (divide and conquer was his favorite principle).

He told black people that whites were “evil” and “oppressed” them and the low-IQ left believed him. The result were assassination attempts on Republicans in Congress, assassination attempts on Supreme Court Justices who actually uphold the US Constitution as it is written, and ANTIA & BLM riots.
Punish, arrest harm. That's all you know. Hurt people. Take things away from poor people.
Yes stupid…that’s what you do with sociopaths. Criminals are not empathetic people, clown. Your stupidity and propaganda here is repugnant.
End humanity and kindness.
You don’t extend “humanity” and “kindness” to sociopaths, idiot. For fucks sake, read a book already.
Trump terrorizing poor people.
Everyone was much wealthier under President Trump, you high school dropout. Wages went up the most for the lower class.

  • The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country’s highest-paid workers
  • Low-wage workers experienced higher wages and increased entry-level pay
The bottom right photo belongs to a Democrat (hence the reason you can’t show it with a Republican). The bottom left is a DEMOCRAT. He’s flipping off Trump at a rally 😂

And by the way - none of these things are crimes (except in the minds of the fascist left like you). Freedom of speech is 100% legal, even though you fascists hate it.
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