Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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I read it, my uneducated friend.

For starters, the link you are referring to was the last link of the article. It is not the first. So citing that link to bash the thread is a special kind of stupid. Which is what you specialize in for some reason.

Literally did not say that. But your illiteracy always trips you up. The fact is, Democrats have encouraged their followers to engage in heinous crimes and have instructed law enforcement to stand-down and allow those crimes to occur.

Now that it’s election time, they are trying to shift the blame to someone else.

Congrats on the most absurd excuse yet from a leftist. Even if your false claims about Republicans were true, how the fuck would that cause people to go commit crimes?? Explain it to us like we’re all 5.

Thank you for illustrating the corruption of the Democrat Party. They have literally weaponized government to attack anyone who refuses to bow to them. That’s what fascists do.

Bwahahaha!! The Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell proved you’re either lying or deeply ignorant of this subject matter. Either one doesn’t bode well for you.

Hell, Joe Biden himself accidentally admitted on video that he illegally bribed the Ukrainian government into firing the prosecutor investigating he and his dirty son.

Here it is sweetie…on video 😂

What business is it of yours, Democrats, or anyone else, how much money “MAGA” is raising? You’re clearly panicked. You should be. We’ve had enough of you fascist, pathological liars.

You’re openly admitting that you think that liberals should be able to commit crimes with impunity. You’re truly a Democrat to your core!

Unlike Trump, they do “take what they want” because dirt-bag Democrats (like you) desire a lawless society to collapse the US.

You see how you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome? Dude has been gone for 4 years now, and you can’t make a single post without ranting about him. He bent you lunatic fascists over and went to town on you pigs. And now you sick fascists are obsessed with him.

Democrats have NOT in any way encouraged their voters to commit any crimes. When your entire premise is based on that lie, your whole thread is garbage.

I did not say people should be able to commit crimes with impunity. I asked why would anyone believe that they should be held accountable when all of their politicians are just helping themselves to anything they want.

Leadership sets the tone for the country. When Donald Trump started bullying his enemies, calling them names, mocking the disabled, suspensions for bullying went up all around the nation.

When Donald Trump started trash talking China - mass shootings against Asians, and hate crimes against Asians skyrocketed.

For four years you've had a criminal and lawless president, and is now telling his supporters that he should be allowed to get away with all of his crimes, because Democrats get away with theirs. And you have the House telliing everyone that the Biden Crime Family is getting millions of dollars in bribery schemes.

The Republican Party is the party who has turned the nation into a pack of lawless criminals, with their own corruption and greed, and by the endlessly making false allegations against Democrats.
They're not counting all those Uighurs in concentration camps.

Yeah, they are counting. You have 1.9 million people in jails and prisons. Even counting the one million Urghurs in the camps, China has only 1.7 million.

Locking up black and brown people in prisons for pot possession, so they'll never be able to vote again, is no different than locking up Urghurs.

The USA is a police state.
Yeah, they are counting. You have 1.9 million people in jails and prisons. Even counting the one million Urghurs in the camps, China has only 1.7 million.
Nothing here changes the fact property crimes are up because Democrats refuse to prosecute them.
Democrats refuse to prosecute property crimes.
This encourages people to commit property crimes.
If these people vote, they vote for Democrats..

Prosecuting people isn't STOPPING CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have to solve the underlying reasons for the crime which is wages are too low, way too low, for living in the cities. $7.50 per hour is $1,300 per month. Even in the small town where I live and rents are cheaper than the cities, I couldn't live on $1,300 per month. Our rent in Toronto was more than $1,300 per month when we left there 10 years ago, and we had to pay utilities besides.

The minimum wage in the USA hasn't been raised since 2009. Wealth and wage inequity in the USA is the highest in the first world.
Every last one of them is going to throw a tantrum like a toddler, but the ignoring of law “sanctuary” nonsense started with them and their bullshit “sanctuary city”.

You wanted it…you got it. Sheriffs across the nation are properly upholding the US Constitution as they took an oath to do. Any new federal gun laws by Joe Biden and the Democrats will be useless.
Soros Soft on Crime Anti Police Anti Border Democommies own all of it

So you have no sollutions or ideas, you just want to blame Democrats for all of it.

Every time Republican fuck everything up, then turn around and blame Democrats for the mess YOU created. W crashed the economy - it was Clinton's fault.

YOU elected a criminal who stole from the American people daily. Just helped himself and said "Fuck you I've got mine". He's turned your entire nation against one another, and your awash in hate crimes and mass shootings. And it's the Democrats fault.

But hey, you're blaming Democrats for all of it.

Clean up your fucking messes.
So you have no sollutions or ideas, you just want to blame Democrats for all of it.

Every time Republican fuck everything up, then turn around and blame Democrats for the mess YOU created. W crashed the economy - it was Clinton's fault.

YOU elected a criminal who stole from the American people daily. Just helped himself and said "Fuck you I've got mine". He's turned your entire nation against one another, and your awash in hate crimes and mass shootings. And it's the Democrats fault.

But hey, you're blaming Democrats for all of it.

Clean up your fucking messes.
Build the Wall , Build Prisons and new wings for Jails , pay for Deputies , Guards , BP / ICE , Enforce / Secure the Borders , Deport Criminal Illegals & Visa Overstayers , Take away benefits from Illegals , End Catch & Release , punish Criminals , ...
Build the Wall , Build Prisons and new wings for Jails , pay for Deputies , Guards , BP / ICE , Enforce / Secure the Borders , Deport Criminal Illegals & Visa Overstayers , Take away benefits from Illegals , End Catch & Release , punish Criminals , ...

Punish, arrest harm. That's all you know. Hurt people. Take things away from poor people.

End humanity and kindness. Punish everyone. That's how you got into this mess in the first place. Trump terrorizing poor people.
Punish, arrest harm. That's all you know. Hurt people. Take things away from poor people.

End humanity and kindness. Punish everyone. That's how you got into this mess in the first place. Trump terrorizing poor people.
Burn Cities , Burn Courthouses & Police Stations & Take over by Force vast sections of Cities ( CHOP / CHAZ) riot and terrorize the Populace That is what you practice .
Now you have Republicans again making false claims on no evidence that Joe Biden and his entire family are corrupt and on the take, and illegally getting millions.
Aside from the mountains of evidence (like reality, that thing you sick leftists deny), how do you think Joe Biden became worth tens of millions of dollars as a career public servant?

It’s so sad that you lack common sense, critical thinking skills, the ability to just think for yourself, and so much more
You have over 1 million people in jail already. You have more people in jail, than China and Russia combined. The land of the free????? The USA is a card carrying police state.
Bwahaha!! From the fascist state of Canada - where if you tell the truth and accept science, and call an actual man a “man”, you get arrested.

Where an autistic child gets arrested for saying a dyke working for the Nazi brownshirts of Trudeau looks like a “lesbian”.

What you're doing now isn't working. You ran out of jails to put people long ago. And your only solution to rising crime is to arrest more people.
Yes, when people break the law, you arrest them. The fact that you fight against that illustrates the fact that you are either:

1. The most ignorant human on the planet

2. A Chinese or Russian disinformation account trying to destabilize the United States with propaganda

There is no other answer for comments as outrageous/absurd as yours. So which one is it, Canadian clown?
When people are being screwed over by the "elites" stealing millions
The so-called “elites” (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Sam Walton, etc.) never stole a penny. Not one penny.

The fact that you have to lie every time you post tells everyone everything they need to know about who you are at your core.
who they are told are stealing millions and getting away with it, why should they obey the law????
Because that’s what decent people do. I know decency is a concept lost on the disgusting left so I guess there is no way to explain it to someone like you.

I don’t have millions - yet I’ve never stolen a thing from anyone. And I’ve never burned a city to the ground. And I’ve never assaulted anyone. Because being a decent, law abiding citizen is just what people do when they aren’t disgusting leftist pigs.
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