Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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Refusing to secure the border is all bad. Democrats created the new era of a completely lawless society.
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This is what happens when you create a lawless society with tactics like “defund the police” and DA’s who promise not to prosecute actual crimes.
Remember - liberals proudly defunded the police and created the new era of a lawless society…
The Democrats first politicized - and then weaponized - the federal government. Ushering in the new era of lawless society.
Remember - the Democrats proudly created the new era of a lawless society…
The piece of shit dirt-bag Democrats have encouraged their followers to commit heinous crimes, have instructed law enforcement to stand down when crimes are committed, and refuse to prosecute those who are arrested.

After intentionally raising crime in the US, they are now looking for scapegoats as elections near.
The example of lawlessness on the grand scale certainly augments tolerance of it on the small. Illegal and immoral wars and economic policies initiated by both parties make criticism of minor offenses difficult. There is no excusing Democrats and Republicans. All that does not excuse petty thieves, either, it merely makes them easier to understand. What cannot be understood is pardoning one half of the duopoly to the benefit of the other.
The piece of shit dirt-bag Democrats have encouraged their followers to commit heinous crimes, have instructed law enforcement to stand down when crimes are committed, and refuse to prosecute those who are arrested.

After intentionally raising crime in the US, they are now looking for scapegoats as elections near.

What a stupid thread this is!!! Did you even read the article you linked to, or did you just see a headline blaming Democrats and go with it????? You're saying car companies wouldn't have to put locks on the cars, if Democrats would just prosecute car thieves.

It's not surprising that property crimes are skyrocketing in the USA. For 30 years now Republicans have been falsely accusing Democrats of financial crimes and corruption, with absolutely no evidence, no charges, and no witnesses. But Republicans have succeeded in convincing the voters that all Democrats are "criminals" and they're "getting away with it".

During the same time frame, people have witnessed Republicans being arrested and convicted of crimes of corruption, bribery, and fiscal malfeasance. Now you have Republicans again making false claims on no evidence that Joe Biden and his entire family are corrupt and on the take, and illegally getting millions.

While the entire MAGA Grift is raising millions off the lie of the stolen election, and the "persecution" of Donald Trump, who has mounted an all out assault on the rule of law to ensure he gets arrested.

If all of your government is full of crooks and thieves, why are poor people the only ones not allowed to steal??????? Why can't they just take what they want, like Trump does?????

You see how your orange faced baboon is undermining your nation in every way possible.
What a stupid thread this is!!! Did you even read the article you linked to, or did you just see a headline blaming Democrats and go with it?????
I read it, my uneducated friend.

For starters, the link you are referring to was the last link of the article. It is not the first. So citing that link to bash the thread is a special kind of stupid. Which is what you specialize in for some reason.
You're saying car companies wouldn't have to put locks on the cars, if Democrats would just prosecute car thieves.
Literally did not say that. But your illiteracy always trips you up. The fact is, Democrats have encouraged their followers to engage in heinous crimes and have instructed law enforcement to stand-down and allow those crimes to occur.

Now that it’s election time, they are trying to shift the blame to someone else.
It's not surprising that property crimes are skyrocketing in the USA. For 30 years now Republicans have been falsely accusing Democrats of financial crimes and corruption, with absolutely no evidence, no charges, and no witnesses. But Republicans have succeeded in convincing the voters that all Democrats are "criminals" and they're "getting away with it".
Congrats on the most absurd excuse yet from a leftist. Even if your false claims about Republicans were true, how the fuck would that cause people to go commit crimes?? Explain it to us like we’re all 5.
During the same time frame, people have witnessed Republicans being arrested and convicted of crimes of corruption, bribery, and fiscal malfeasance.
Thank you for illustrating the corruption of the Democrat Party. They have literally weaponized government to attack anyone who refuses to bow to them. That’s what fascists do.
Now you have Republicans again making false claims on no evidence that Joe Biden and his entire family are corrupt and on the take, and illegally getting millions.
Bwahahaha!! The Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell proved you’re either lying or deeply ignorant of this subject matter. Either one doesn’t bode well for you.

Hell, Joe Biden himself accidentally admitted on video that he illegally bribed the Ukrainian government into firing the prosecutor investigating he and his dirty son.

Here it is sweetie…on video 😂
While the entire MAGA Grift is raising millions off the lie of the stolen election, and the "persecution" of Donald Trump, who has mounted an all out assault on the rule of law to ensure he gets arrested.
What business is it of yours, Democrats, or anyone else, how much money “MAGA” is raising? You’re clearly panicked. You should be. We’ve had enough of you fascist, pathological liars.
If all of your government is full of crooks and thieves, why are poor people the only ones not allowed to steal???????
You’re openly admitting that you think that liberals should be able to commit crimes with impunity. You’re truly a Democrat to your core!
Why can't they just take what they want, like Trump does?????
Unlike Trump, they do “take what they want” because dirt-bag Democrats (like you) desire a lawless society to collapse the US.
You see how your orange faced baboon is undermining your nation in every way possible.
You see how you suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome? Dude has been gone for 4 years now, and you can’t make a single post without ranting about him. He bent you lunatic fascists over and went to town on you pigs. And now you sick fascists are obsessed with him.
If all of your government is full of crooks and thieves, why are poor people the only ones not allowed to steal? Why can't they just take what they want, like Trump does?
I mean, just look at this. It would be comical if it wasn’t so sad and detrimental to the United States.
Tuberville has said on numerous occasions, including this week, that Democrats could proceed with individual votes for each nominee. Instead, he’s objecting to “unanimous consent,” the Senate process of rubber-stamping an entire bloc of nominees without a recorded vote.
The Democrats are so lazy and so corrupt, they won’t even execute the most basic duties of their jobs.
County Jails & Regional Prisons are underfunded & Understaffed or closing down Wings or entirely
I suppose not prosecuting property crimes is a great way to keep prison populations down.

Of course, the questions bergs...
You have the right to property.
Government exists to protect yoru rights.
What do we do about governments that do not protect our rights?
Especally since Demcorats are unwilling to prosecute them - right?

You have over 1 million people in jail already. You have more people in jail, than China and Russia combined. The land of the free????? The USA is a card carrying police state.

What you're doing now isn't working. You ran out of jails to put people long ago. And your only solution to rising crime is to arrest more people.

Every day Republicans are telling people that politicians are stealing everything they can get. And Republicans are the only ones being arrested for it. When people are being screwed over by the "elites" stealing millions, or who they are told are stealing millions and getting away with it, why should they obey the law????

Word and lies have consequences. How did you think poor people would react when they're told by their media all day long how dishonest their elected officials are?

Why am I the only chump who doesn't just take what I want????
You have over 1 million people in jail already. You have more people in jail, than China and Russia combined. The land of the free????? The USA is a card carrying police state.

What you're doing now isn't working. You ran out of jails to put people long ago. And your only solution to rising crime is to arrest more people.

Every day Republicans are telling people that politicians are stealing everything they can get. And Republicans are the only ones being arrested for it. When people are being screwed over by the "elites" stealing millions, or who they are told are stealing millions and getting away with it, why should they obey the law????

Word and lies have consequences. How did you think poor people would react when they're told by their media all day long how dishonest their elected officials are?

Why am I the only chump who doesn't just take what I want????
China Executes promptly
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