Just remember: Democrats created the new era of a lawless society

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Punish, arrest harm. That's all you know. Hurt people. Take things away from poor people.

End humanity and kindness. Punish everyone. That's how you got into this mess in the first place. Trump terrorizing poor people.
No one forced them to steal, and the people they steal from are harmed. Do you care about them?


No one forced them to steal, and the people they steal from are harmed. Do you care about them?
No - as typical dirt-bag who steals every day, Dragonlady doesn’t give a shit about the people who were stolen from.

All she cares about is advancing an extremist left-wing fascist agenda.
your showing pictures of street violence which was neither incited by a politician or interfered with transfer of power.
“Street violence” 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

The entire purpose of the Democrats fascist Nazi Brownshirts known as “ANTIFA” was to “interfere with the transfer of power”.

Donald Trump curb-stomped Hitlery Clinton in an election and you fascists lost your shit. This was the nation’s capital on the day of President Trump’s inauguration - attempting to stop the proper transfer of power:


your showing pictures of street violence which was neither incited by a politician or interfered with transfer of power.
As always, dudmuck, it’s been an absolute pleasure exposing your lies, disinformation, and lack of knowledge. Especially your severe Trump Derangement Syndrome…

(Hint: there was 0 attempt to prevent the transfer of power on January 6th. That’s what you fascists did in 2017, again in 2018, again in 2019, and still more in 2020)

Right...but in the context of someone who has a "meltdown" over anything. Snowflakes are fragile. It doesn't apply to conservatives, sweetie. We're not the one's who ask for "safe spaces" and "cry closets" on college campuses.
Remember when they all wore safety pins in solidarity? So precious.
It cannot be said enough…
The American Dream is the promise that if you work hard, you can live a better life than the one you were born into. Political and economic freedom are essential for creating opportunity.

This means expressing political views without censorship or Government intimidation. It means building a business in a safe neighborhood, where everything you sell isn’t looted off the shelf. It means being about to buy a home and raise a family. It means your kids are safe at school and are taught reading and math, not CRT.

The Left’s new version of the American Dream is a total nightmare: a Soviet-style two-tiered system of justice, government censorship, rampant crime, unaffordable housing, and a degenerate education system” - Heritage Foundation
The fascist left has introduced a new lawless society as part of their comprehensive strategy for collapsing the US, blaming capitalism, and replacing it with a fascist state.
It cannot be said enough…

The fascist left has introduced a new lawless society as part of their comprehensive strategy for collapsing the US, blaming capitalism, and replacing it with a fascist state.
yep Cloward / Piven ( The Browning of America )
We all know why Democrats wanted to “Defund the Police”. The Democrats ushered in the era of lawlessness.
Just remember - the Democrats created the new era of a lawless society. It came back to bite them in the ass - just like I said it would. And now they are trying to force Texas to deal with their failed and ignorant policies.
Almost immediately, once magnanimous liberals—whether in Martha’s Vineyard, Chicago, or Manhattan—stopped virtue-signaling their support for open borders.
We all know why Democrats wanted to “Defund the Police”. The Democrats ushered in the era of lawlessness.
There will be running Street battles
The dirt-bag Democrats have created a lawless society…
They are emboldened by progressive criminal justice reform that seeks to decrease the penalty for property crimes
Dumbocrats always lower the bar. In education. In social norms. In law. In morals.
The left facilitated this invasion of the United States. It’s designed to collapse the US. The left will then blame “capitalism” and convince the people that national socialism will save us all. It’s the plan outlined by Cloward & Piven.

Americans continue to suffer because of the failed policies of the anti-American Democrat Party...
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