"Just say NO!"

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
"Sobering reality of America's drug war After 40 years and $1 trillion, the U.S. war on drugs has met none of its goals."
From an article posted here:

The hysteria surrounding illegal immigrants who simply want to work, escape the violence in their home and have their children attend schools much better then was available to them is a canard. The real problem is drug smuggeling and the insanity of doing the same thing over and over and over again for 40 years.

The Justice Dept. needs to remove MJ from the list of schedule I drugs, and each state should be allowed to regulate MJ production, sales, possession and use.
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Twenty-two hits, and not one comment. No wonder people troll, real issues, not politicized, don't stir the emotions. Thinking and offering solutions and not fixing blame on Obama or Bush, Reagan or Carter blame must be too boring.
Twenty-two hits, and not one comment. No wonder people troll, real issues, not politicized, don't stir the emotions. Thinking and offering solutions and not fixing blame on Obama or Bush, Reagan or Carter blame must be too boring.

Wry....I was one of the hits. However, I have no answers to offer. Do we give up on the war against drugs? That would be wrong, IMHO. But, we certainly cannot afford to keep throwing money at a failed and obviously flawed program either. So, what is the solution? I have no idea.
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Ok, I'll say it. No.

Well Count, I not surprised.

Yank, the war on drugs is a total failure. Prohibition didn't work for alcohol and hasn't worked for recreational drugs.
I haven't smoked MJ since college, nearly 40 years ago, and even then only did so socially (and usually ended up at doggie diner eating more than I needed or wanted).
That said, the enforcement of MJ laws is costly, and along with crack has been the main reason for gangs and criminal enterprise.
Crack is bad, and in the training I had characterized crack as the most addictive drug of any recreational substances. I don't propose crack being decriminalized or meth as both destroyed the body (ever see the teeth of a long time meth user?) and crack depletes brain chemicals and lead to long term depression.
Also, by removing MJ from schedule I states would be allowed to regulate and tax it's production and sale. Revenue raised might be used for alcohol and other drug treatment and help reduce the debt of states and local jurisdictions.
Makes sense, but, as the Count demonstrated, reason can't convince the ignorant.
"Sobering reality of America's drug war After 40 years and $1 trillion, the U.S. war on drugs has met none of its goals."
From an article posted here:

The hysteria surrounding illegal immigrants who simply want to work, escape the violence in their home and have their children attend schools much better then was available to them is a canard. The real problem is drug smuggeling and the insanity of doing the same thing over and over and over again for 40 years.

The Justice Dept. needs to remove MJ from the list of schedule I drugs, and each state should be allowed to regulate MJ production, sales, possession and use.

You're so lame.
Dealing with a post like that is like dealing with a teenager's bedroom. All you can do sometimes is avert your eyes and walk away, and hope that new life forms and new civilizations are not being created in there.
"Sobering reality of America's drug war After 40 years and $1 trillion, the U.S. war on drugs has met none of its goals."
From an article posted here:

The hysteria surrounding illegal immigrants who simply want to work, escape the violence in their home and have their children attend schools much better then was available to them is a canard. The real problem is drug smuggeling and the insanity of doing the same thing over and over and over again for 40 years.

The Justice Dept. needs to remove MJ from the list of schedule I drugs, and each state should be allowed to regulate MJ production, sales, possession and use.

You're so lame.
He probably thinks this thread is about him.

He's so laaaaaaame. I'll bet he thinks this thread is about him.

Doesn't he? Doesn't he?
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"Sobering reality of America's drug war After 40 years and $1 trillion, the U.S. war on drugs has met none of its goals."
From an article posted here:

The hysteria surrounding illegal immigrants who simply want to work, escape the violence in their home and have their children attend schools much better then was available to them is a canard. The real problem is drug smuggeling and the insanity of doing the same thing over and over and over again for 40 years.

The Justice Dept. needs to remove MJ from the list of schedule I drugs, and each state should be allowed to regulate MJ production, sales, possession and use.[/quote
You're so lame.

Thanks for sharing Jarhead. Though, I had supposed conservtives supported states rights. I guess only on those issues which matter (to them).
Careful jarhead, S&M is a bit too obsequious - you may want to ... nah, you're a Marine, you have no taste (a clear consequence of ending up without female company, drunk and hard-up, while on liberty - a situation the Navy never experienced).
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Hmmmm . . . the "War" on drugs.

Does that mean that drug users are enemy combatants? Holy bongs! We could stick 'em in a detention center, deny them an attorney, keep them there forever - hell, we could even water board 'em!!!

Prime example why the new law is going to nothing for the drug violence in Arizona.
"Sobering reality of America's drug war After 40 years and $1 trillion, the U.S. war on drugs has met none of its goals."
From an article posted here:

The hysteria surrounding illegal immigrants who simply want to work, escape the violence in their home and have their children attend schools much better then was available to them is a canard. The real problem is drug smuggeling and the insanity of doing the same thing over and over and over again for 40 years.

The Justice Dept. needs to remove MJ from the list of schedule I drugs, and each state should be allowed to regulate MJ production, sales, possession and use.

It is interesting to me that you bring up the issue of illegals yourself.

There is no denying that the drug cartels need contacts in this country to operate, sell and smuggle. Who better to use then the illegals. Make no mistake a good deal of the illegals are here just for criminal drug purposes.
"Sobering reality of America's drug war After 40 years and $1 trillion, the U.S. war on drugs has met none of its goals."
From an article posted here:

The hysteria surrounding illegal immigrants who simply want to work, escape the violence in their home and have their children attend schools much better then was available to them is a canard. The real problem is drug smuggeling and the insanity of doing the same thing over and over and over again for 40 years.

The Justice Dept. needs to remove MJ from the list of schedule I drugs, and each state should be allowed to regulate MJ production, sales, possession and use.

It is interesting to me that you bring up the issue of illegals yourself.

There is no denying that the drug cartels need contacts in this country to operate, sell and smuggle. Who better to use then the illegals. Make no mistake a good deal of the illegals are here just for criminal drug purposes.

Even if what you say is correct, and let's assume everyone who crosses the border into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, are seeking work as drug dealers, isn't allowing each state in the union the right to regulate MJ a way to limit jobs for drug dealers?
If it's legal and regulated, whose going to buy from the dealer on the corner?
Even if what you say is correct, and let's assume everyone who crosses the border into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, are seeking work as drug dealers, isn't allowing each state in the union the right to regulate MJ a way to limit jobs for drug dealers?
If it's legal and regulated, whose going to buy from the dealer on the corner?

You seem to have a thing with pot dont you? Its not pot that they are mostly dealing in. Its crack and meth.

Now don't be putting words in my mouth. I did not say ALL of the illegals, I said a good deal of the illegals .
Using the legitimate issue of the Federal Govt. Securing our border, as is their job, to segweh into legelizing MJ is,........ Weird.
Even if what you say is correct, and let's assume everyone who crosses the border into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, are seeking work as drug dealers, isn't allowing each state in the union the right to regulate MJ a way to limit jobs for drug dealers?
If it's legal and regulated, whose going to buy from the dealer on the corner?

You seem to have a thing with pot dont you? Its not pot that they are mostly dealing in. Its crack and meth.

Now don't be putting words in my mouth. I did not say ALL of the illegals, I said a good deal of the illegals .

I'm suggesting an alternative to what we've been doing for 40 years.
The immigration issue is a canard. I have no interest in you or putting words in your mouth.
I'm suggesting an alternative to what we've been doing for 40 years.
The immigration issue is a canard. I have no interest in you or putting words in your mouth.

How about this for an alternative:

We gather up all of the gangsters and put them together. Tell them that who ever comes out alive at the end can deal as much drugs as they want. Please feel to kill each other!

We stop paying for rehabs and medical care. Let the addicts just curl up and die.

You cant pick and choose what drugs you legalize. If you legalize pot there will be an argument to legalize them all. But for what its worth I think taxing drugs is a great idea!

Whew, load of my mind! I have no interest in your either.


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