Just some questions about "#BlackLivesMatter"


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
After what we saw with Governor O'Malley attempting to defend the sanctity of all life, and being booed off the stage by a raucous crowd of liberal protesters for having the temerity to assert that all lives matter, it got me wondering...

If you're one of those types, and only #BlackLivesMatter, then what of yours? Do not all lives matter? If not, then what does that say about how you value your own? Doesn't that say that you value your life less? That your life doesn't matter? What does that say of your overall valuance of human life in general?

If you're an African American who holds that type of position, don't you think it's a bit racist to think that only the lives your fellow African Americans matter more than a white person's? Or any other race? What about the life of a white cop? What about an African American who chose a career in law enforcement? What happens when he takes down some black thug in the street in a scenario similar to Brian Wilson's? What happens when you have #BlackLivesMatter in one hand, and #NoJusticeNoPeace in the other?

Yeah. I didn't think as much. This whole movement is based on selective application. Only certain #BlackLivesMatter. Not all life matters it seems, unless you're black, and not of law enforcement.

And as for the insistent bunch, if black lives really do matter, shouldn't we be discussing the black on black crime happening in America? Why do only "black lives matter?" Shouldn't we value all life equally?
Tampon, are you some kind of idiot?

The argument of black lives matter is that we don't treat blacks like their lives matter. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and now Sandra Bland. Black lives snuffed out for no good reason and no one being held accountable.
Tampon, are you some kind of idiot?

The argument of black lives matter is that we don't treat blacks like their lives matter. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and now Sandra Bland. Black lives snuffed out for no good reason and no one being held accountable.

Yeah, sure. A representative of the "party of inclusiveness" speaks. Just a passing question: Do you mourn for the servicemen who died in Chattanooga? Or do their lives not matter as much as a black person's ?

Did you miss the part where Sandra Bland tried and failed to commit suicide previously before she died? This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're also blatantly lying about each and every one of those cases. Trayvon tried to kill a man. Micheal Brown tried to kill a police officer, and Sandra Bland was her own worst enemy. She hid her condition from people who could have helped her. All these instances prove you a liar, and nothing more than an instigator of hatred.

Woman who died in Texas jail cell mentioned previous suicide attempt Fox News
Yeah, sure. A representative of the "party of inclusiveness" speaks. Just a passing question: Do you mourn for the servicemen who died in Chattanooga? Or do their lives not matter as much as a black person's ?

The Servicemen in TN didn't have a killer who got a pass. They shot and killed that guy. If they had caught him alive, they'd have prosecuted the shit out of him.

Did you miss the part where Sandra Bland tried and failed to commit suicide previously before she died? This is exactly what I'm talking about.

The article you posted says this information comes from the same people who let her hang herself and arrested her on petty charges. Yeah, that's credible.

You're also blatantly lying about each and every one of those cases. Trayvon tried to kill a man. Micheal Brown tried to kill a police officer,

According to the people who did the shooting. Right. You know, that cop in NC who shot the guy in the back also claimed the man went for his taser until the video showed up. Not that having video makes a difference, just ask Eric Garner.

and Sandra Bland was her own worst enemy. She hid her condition from people who could have helped her. All these instances prove you a liar, and nothing more than an instigator of hatred.

It strikes me if you have a person who is suicidal and you know she is suicidal, which is what Sheriff Cleetus and Deputy Billy-bob are now claiming, you don't put her in a stressful situation and leave her unattended.
Yeah, sure. A representative of the "party of inclusiveness" speaks. Just a passing question: Do you mourn for the servicemen who died in Chattanooga? Or do their lives not matter as much as a black person's ?

The Servicemen in TN didn't have a killer who got a pass. They shot and killed that guy. If they had caught him alive, they'd have prosecuted the shit out of him.

Did you miss the part where Sandra Bland tried and failed to commit suicide previously before she died? This is exactly what I'm talking about.

The article you posted says this information comes from the same people who let her hang herself and arrested her on petty charges. Yeah, that's credible.

You're also blatantly lying about each and every one of those cases. Trayvon tried to kill a man. Micheal Brown tried to kill a police officer,

According to the people who did the shooting. Right. You know, that cop in NC who shot the guy in the back also claimed the man went for his taser until the video showed up. Not that having video makes a difference, just ask Eric Garner.

and Sandra Bland was her own worst enemy. She hid her condition from people who could have helped her. All these instances prove you a liar, and nothing more than an instigator of hatred.

It strikes me if you have a person who is suicidal and you know she is suicidal, which is what Sheriff Cleetus and Deputy Billy-bob are now claiming, you don't put her in a stressful situation and leave her unattended.

Yeah, sure. A representative of the "party of inclusiveness" speaks. Just a passing question: Do you mourn for the servicemen who died in Chattanooga? Or do their lives not matter as much as a black person's ?

The Servicemen in TN didn't have a killer who got a pass. They shot and killed that guy. If they had caught him alive, they'd have prosecuted the shit out of him.

Did you miss the part where Sandra Bland tried and failed to commit suicide previously before she died? This is exactly what I'm talking about.

The article you posted says this information comes from the same people who let her hang herself and arrested her on petty charges. Yeah, that's credible.

You're also blatantly lying about each and every one of those cases. Trayvon tried to kill a man. Micheal Brown tried to kill a police officer,

According to the people who did the shooting. Right. You know, that cop in NC who shot the guy in the back also claimed the man went for his taser until the video showed up. Not that having video makes a difference, just ask Eric Garner.

and Sandra Bland was her own worst enemy. She hid her condition from people who could have helped her. All these instances prove you a liar, and nothing more than an instigator of hatred.

It strikes me if you have a person who is suicidal and you know she is suicidal, which is what Sheriff Cleetus and Deputy Billy-bob are now claiming, you don't put her in a stressful situation and leave her unattended.

Didn't see anything stating they knew about her suicide attempt before locking her up.
After what we saw with Governor O'Malley attempting to defend the sanctity of all life, and being booed off the stage by a raucous crowd of liberal protesters for having the temerity to assert that all lives matter, it got me wondering...

If you're one of those types, and only #BlackLivesMatter, then what of yours? Do not all lives matter? If not, then what does that say about how you value your own? Doesn't that say that you value your life less? That your life doesn't matter? What does that say of your overall valuance of human life in general?

If you're an African American who holds that type of position, don't you think it's a bit racist to think that only the lives your fellow African Americans matter more than a white person's? Or any other race? What about the life of a white cop? What about an African American who chose a career in law enforcement? What happens when he takes down some black thug in the street in a scenario similar to Brian Wilson's? What happens when you have #BlackLivesMatter in one hand, and #NoJusticeNoPeace in the other?

Yeah. I didn't think as much. This whole movement is based on selective application. Only certain #BlackLivesMatter. Not all life matters it seems, unless you're black, and not of law enforcement.

And as for the insistent bunch, if black lives really do matter, shouldn't we be discussing the black on black crime happening in America? Why do only "black lives matter?" Shouldn't we value all life equally?
Just remember that they have been so isolated from society that they have come to believe that their lives really don't matter.

How fucked up is that?

Perhaps you should be asking these questions of the people who have done this to them, all in the name of "caring".

After what we saw with Governor O'Malley attempting to defend the sanctity of all life, and being booed off the stage by a raucous crowd of liberal protesters for having the temerity to assert that all lives matter, it got me wondering...

If you're one of those types, and only #BlackLivesMatter, then what of yours? Do not all lives matter? If not, then what does that say about how you value your own? Doesn't that say that you value your life less? That your life doesn't matter? What does that say of your overall valuance of human life in general?

If you're an African American who holds that type of position, don't you think it's a bit racist to think that only the lives your fellow African Americans matter more than a white person's? Or any other race? What about the life of a white cop? What about an African American who chose a career in law enforcement? What happens when he takes down some black thug in the street in a scenario similar to Brian Wilson's? What happens when you have #BlackLivesMatter in one hand, and #NoJusticeNoPeace in the other?

Yeah. I didn't think as much. This whole movement is based on selective application. Only certain #BlackLivesMatter. Not all life matters it seems, unless you're black, and not of law enforcement.

And as for the insistent bunch, if black lives really do matter, shouldn't we be discussing the black on black crime happening in America? Why do only "black lives matter?" Shouldn't we value all life equally?
Just remember that they have been so isolated from society that they have come to believe that their lives really don't matter.

How fucked up is that?

Perhaps you should be asking these questions of the people who have done this to them, all in the name of "caring".


That's bullshit. You are awesome.

Black Americans do not believe that their lives don't matter. You cannot substantiate that claim. It is absurd.
In response to several senseless, needless cases of black people being killed by law enforcement officers.....and decades of justice system failure....a movement called Black Lives Matter was born.

This movement is not claiming that white lives don't matter. Or that all lives don't matter. It simply calls attention to a problem.

Almost immediately after the movement began, the social media world erupted with bigots and white realists yelling "but....don't white lives matter too?" In an attempt to MISINFORM others about the intent of the movement. It became a CLICHE on websites such as this. It became a DOG WHISTLE. Take a look.....every bigot here cried and whined that the Black Lives Matter movement was racist against white people. It was like a reflex.

Now....I expect that O'Malley wasn't aware of this when he got on that stage. He inadvertently blew that whistle....and got booed. Someone explained it to him....and he clarified himself.

The OP....on the other hand.....is aware of this putrid, lame response by bigots on social media. He is also aware of the reason for the growth of the Black Lives Matter movement. And....as a result...this thread is straight up bullshit concern trolling.

Just remember that they have been so isolated from society that they have come to believe that their lives really don't matter.

How fucked up is that?

Perhaps you should be asking these questions of the people who have done this to them, all in the name of "caring".

Right. It's those mean old liberals trying to make sure their kids don't starve, not the white rich bigots who won't give them jobs because they are too busy moving factories to China.

You are all over this problem, Mac.
Tampon, are you some kind of idiot?

The argument of black lives matter is that we don't treat blacks like their lives matter. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and now Sandra Bland. Black lives snuffed out for no good reason and no one being held accountable.

Yeah, sure. A representative of the "party of inclusiveness" speaks. Just a passing question: Do you mourn for the servicemen who died in Chattanooga? Or do their lives not matter as much as a black person's ?

Did you miss the part where Sandra Bland tried and failed to commit suicide previously before she died? This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're also blatantly lying about each and every one of those cases. Trayvon tried to kill a man. Micheal Brown tried to kill a police officer, and Sandra Bland was her own worst enemy. She hid her condition from people who could have helped her. All these instances prove you a liar, and nothing more than an instigator of hatred.

Woman who died in Texas jail cell mentioned previous suicide attempt Fox News
Zealots don't/won't examine the negative consequences of their actions.

They won't acknowledge wrongs done by their "side" of the issue.

Animated by their narcissism, they just keep pushing their agenda with their eyes closed to contrary evidence.

Zealots don't/won't examine the negative consequences of their actions.

They won't acknowledge wrongs done by their "side" of the issue.

Animated by their narcissism, they just keep pushing their agenda with their eyes closed to contrary evidence.

Uh, no, dumbass.

The "issue' here is do cops treat black suspects differently than white suspects.

As if the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland and a host of others hasn't already proven that point.

Yet White Suspects like Cliven Bundy (pointed guns at Federal officers) James Joker Holmes and Dylan Roof are treated like kids gloves even after committing horrific crimes.

So let me get this straight. They buy Dylan Roof a lunch at Burger King after they take him into custody after he slaughtered 9 people, but man, they are going to LIGHT YOU UP because Sandra Bland didn't put our her cigarette fast enough.
Simply put, Mac thinks that any public policy aimed at assisting minorities in their effort to gain equal footing in this country....following two centuries of institutional racism.........is detrimental to minorities.

The failed reasoning? If you tell black Americans that they deserve said assistance by implementing said policies....you are telling them that they aren't good enough to make it on their own. You are thereby isolating them from the rest of society.....and keeping them down. This is especially true when it comes to criminal justice reform. All that does is give those blacks excuses for their poor behavior!

It would help the black community more if you ignore the past and current injustices that it faces......so it's members can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and gain glory through struggle.

Isn't that brilliant! This claim never comes with any details, though. It's bullshit.
Tampon, are you some kind of idiot?

The argument of black lives matter is that we don't treat blacks like their lives matter. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and now Sandra Bland. Black lives snuffed out for no good reason and no one being held accountable.

great job nutcase!! all 3 examples you cited are cases where nothing was found to have been done wrongfully!!

keep up the good work!
Simply put, Mac thinks that any public policy aimed at assisting minorities in their effort to gain equal footing in this country....following two centuries of institutional racism.........is detrimental to minorities.

The failed reasoning? If you tell black Americans that they deserve said assistance by implementing said policies....you are telling them that they aren't good enough to make it on their own. You are thereby isolating them from the rest of society.....and keeping them down. This is especially true when it comes to criminal justice reform. All that does is give those blacks excuses for their poor behavior!

It would help the black community more if you ignore the past and current injustices that it faces......so it's members can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and gain glory through struggle.

Isn't that brilliant! This claim never comes with any details, though. It's bullshit.

YAWN; simply another left-wing clown addicted to racial pandering ^^^^
how are you helping people by telling them they face hopeless "institutional racism"???
why is it you losers equate pandering and patronizing with helping Black people?

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