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Apr 3, 2009

Former Members Appeal for Bipartisanship

Oct. 4, 2010, 4:44 p.m.
By Steven T. Dennis
Roll Call Staff

Former Members Appeal for Bipartisanship - Roll Call
A bipartisan group of more than 130 former Members of Congress is appealing to this year’s candidates to stick to the issues and push for common ground if elected.

The ad hoc group, called Former Members of Congress for Common Ground, is led by former Reps. John Porter (R-Ill.) and David Skaggs (D-Colo.). They accused Congress of a hyperpartisan atmosphere that has prevented action on a host of problems facing the country.

“Rome is burning and Congress has been fiddling,” Porter said in a conference call Monday.

Porter said the primary process and legislative redistricting have driven the two parties to ideological extremes and have made it harder to compromise.

He pointed to a lack of bipartisan action on jobs and the economy, huge deficits, education, and dependence on foreign oil as Congressional failures resulting from excessive partisan bickering.

The group signed a letter urging candidates to campaign “with decency and respect toward opponents, to be truthful in presenting information about self and opponents, to engage in good faith debate about the issues and each other’s record, to refrain from personal attack, and if elected, to behave in office according to these same principles.”

Listen to Porter and Skaggs as they answer questions from C-Span callers (real people across America, like you and me):

Congressional Bipartisanship - C-SPAN Video Library
Did either of those two outline what they wanted to do with this "bi-partisanship" they speak of? Any concrete ideas or just more "let's all get along" bullshit!

Unless they start talking about cutting spending and government control I aint listening.
Not a chance. It's time to crush them.

If that's your attitude, then you will go down in no time. Try listening to the video instead of burying your head in the sand. No nation has ever survived this type of civil war.
Did either of those two outline what they wanted to do with this "bi-partisanship" they speak of? Any concrete ideas or just more "let's all get along" bullshit!

Unless they start talking about cutting spending and government control I aint listening.

LISTEN TO THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeeezus....

They're not "recommending" any fix at all. What they RECOMMEND is that NOTHING will get fixed until the vitriolic partisanship ENDS. You won't have your way either. And they provide some recent history, because they've been there, proving that.
What's interesting is that C-Span's Washington Journal provides a live open forum. Most of their guests aren't there to lecture, which indeed can be boring. What is fascinating is the breadth of opinions, straight from the mouths of Americans, which is basically what we see here only in typeface. In other words, it's a chance to "listen to ourselves" as people voice some of the same opinions we can read, but without the advantage of tone and expression.
And if more Right wingers get elected in November it will be worse gridlock.

You mean worse gridlock than the present super majority of Dems in Congress and the White House, or the gridlock 4 years ago when Dems controlled just congress?

What's inyourface obvious is that this effort is to extinguish the very partisanship you seem to prefer be maintained. To what end? Who gives a shit who "started it"??? Is that a reason for any war to continue ad infinitum? Hell no.
Hillarious. How's that Hopey Changey thang working out again?

How the hell did so many get suckered so badly?
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And if more Right wingers get elected in November it will be worse gridlock.

You mean worse gridlock than the present super majority of Dems in Congress and the White House, or the gridlock 4 years ago when Dems controlled just congress?

What's inyourface obvious is that this effort is to extinguish the very partisanship you seem to prefer be maintained. To what end? Who gives a shit who "started it"??? Is that a reason for any war to continue ad infinitum? Hell no.

The problem is that ending the partisanship = stop fighting and submit; to which I say... hell no.
We're in full rebellion. Nobody voted for more of the same or less of the same as the last four years.
And if more Right wingers get elected in November it will be worse gridlock.

Now that would be something to cheer.

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