Just to be clear.

Your inability to comprehend is on you. And you also overlooked how Obumbler held on to Clinton’s docs. Lol. So, I guess there is precedent for not immediately giving the National Archives immediate physical possession. See further, Nixon and Johnson materials.

Are you incapable of ever admitting things? 😂
If the claim is that Obama took control of these 30 million documents and later gave them to the National Archives, it’s not in your Post article and it’s contradicted by the plain statement from the National Archives.

It’s not a lack of comprehension. You’re fabricating that which isn’t there. I won’t admit to seeing the fabrications.
If the claim is that Obama took control of these 30 million documents and later gave them to the National Archives, it’s not in your Post article and it’s contradicted by the plain statement from the National Archives.

It’s not a lack of comprehension. You’re fabricating that which isn’t there. I won’t admit to seeing the fabrications.
Actually, your comprehension is at issue.

And conveniently you also ignore the Nixon and Johnson and Clinton instances.

It’s ok. Don’t worry. You can pretend that only the bad orange man ever held onto such papers before turning them all over to the National Archive. I never expect honesty from you libtards.
Actually, your comprehension is at issue.

And conveniently you also ignore the Nixon and Johnson and Clinton instances.

It’s ok. Don’t worry. You can pretend that only the bad orange man ever held onto such papers before turning them all over to the National Archive. I never expect honesty from you libtards.
You’re trying to build this whole story off of one sentence in the article.

“At the end of his presidency, Barack Obama trucked 30 million pages of his administration’s records to Chicago, promising to digitize them and eventually put them online — a move that outraged historians.”

That’s it. That’s all you have. That’s what you’re trying to claim supports this story of yours and we don’t even really know what they’re talking about or what their source is.

This isn’t reading comprehension. This is you being caught repeating a lie and not being able to admit it.

I don’t know what you’re referring to with Nixon or LBJ, but don’t forget that the PRA was passed in 1979 AFTER Nixon had left.
If they try to disqualify Trump using the security state, democracy is over in the US. You know that right?

Democracy itself has long since been weaponized, Ray.

At that level of politics the electorate is just voting for a different side of the same coin as far as truly meaningful policy goes.

If meaningful change is expected, it has to start locally and transist from the bottom on up.
You’re trying to build this whole story off of one sentence in the article.

“At the end of his presidency, Barack Obama trucked 30 million pages of his administration’s records to Chicago, promising to digitize them and eventually put them online — a move that outraged historians.”

That’s it. That’s all you have. That’s what you’re trying to claim supports this story of yours and we don’t even really know what they’re talking about or what their source is.

This isn’t reading comprehension. This is you being caught repeating a lie and not being able to admit it.

I don’t know what you’re referring to with Nixon or LBJ, but don’t forget that the PRA was passed in 1979 AFTER Nixon had left.
Wrong. But that is indeed part of what I was referencing.

And other Presidents have also fails to turn over physical custody of documents to the NA immediately upon leaving office.

The point, as you obviously know, is that the brouhaha over a relatively brief of delay from Trump is a lot of absolutely nonsensical claptrap.

That you don’t care to admit that you were caught with your pants down is just confirmation of what I noted earlier. You lack honesty.
Wrong. But that is indeed part of what I was referencing.

And other Presidents have also fails to turn over physical custody of documents to the NA immediately upon leaving office.

The point, as you obviously know, is that the brouhaha over a relatively brief of delay from Trump is a lot of absolutely nonsensical claptrap.

That you don’t care to admit that you were caught with your pants down is just confirmation of what I noted earlier. You lack honesty.
Saying “wrong” isn’t an argument. It’s telling you can’t make one. This is not an honest discussion unless you do so.

Obama did not take his documents. The National Archives did. You’re making things up to justify Trump’s behavior which really doesn’t have precedent.
Saying “wrong” isn’t an argument. It’s telling you can’t make one. This is not an honest discussion unless you do so.
Responding to a simplistic assertion with an equally i embellished response doesn’t alter the quality of your initial post. If you don’t make a genuine argument, you don’t deserve a better reply. Try practicing what you preach.
Obama did not take his documents.

Yeah. He did. To digitize the.
The National Archives did.

According to a contradictory statement made years later? You seem more gullible than I would have guessed.
You’re making things up to justify Trump’s behavior which really doesn’t have precedent.
You ignore the evidence. Thus, you’re left with zero credibility. I guess pretending it isn’t right there before you dopey eyes is easier than admitting that you’re wrong.
That would depend on the political climate at the time Ray.

The FBI will be fully aware that their first task is to manage the climate in their favour. If they couldn't do that then they would be ready to move with alternative means that don't require a sympathetic American people.
so you don't give a fuck the FBI is running around prosecuting former and potential presidents.

what a doosh.
so you don't give a fuck the FBI is running around prosecuting former and potential presidents.

what a doosh.
Are former and potential presidents exempt from prosecution? Of course not.
Responding to a simplistic assertion with an equally i embellished response doesn’t alter the quality of your initial post. If you don’t make a genuine argument, you don’t deserve a better reply. Try practicing what you preach.

Yeah. He did. To digitize the.

According to a contradictory statement made years later? You seem more gullible than I would have guessed.

You ignore the evidence. Thus, you’re left with zero credibility. I guess pretending it isn’t right there before you dopey eyes is easier than admitting that you’re wrong.
There is no evidence. Precisely who was digitizing the records isn’t even stated in the article. Somehow you assumed Obama was doing it himself.

That’s not the case.

But the National Archives continue to own and control the documents. During the digitization project, a memorandum of understanding between the National Archives and the foundation said, “NARA will not be transferring control, custody, or ownership over any of the Records to the Foundation, the Vendor, or any other third party.”

There’s nothing contradictory. You’re just making shit up based on some vague unsourced sentences from a questionable newspaper.
There is no evidence. Precisely who was digitizing the records isn’t even stated in the article. Somehow you assumed Obama was doing it himself.

That’s not the case.

But the National Archives continue to own and control the documents. During the digitization project, a memorandum of understanding between the National Archives and the foundation said, “NARA will not be transferring control, custody, or ownership over any of the Records to the Foundation, the Vendor, or any other third party.”

There’s nothing contradictory. You’re just making shit up based on some vague unsourced sentences from a questionable newspaper.
I’m done with you. You don’t care to be honest, you are no longer worth my time.
You got caught lying and you aren’t man enough to admit it. Move along, kid.
Pretty lame how you accuse me of doing what you clearly did.

I provided my sources. You had a vague sentence in a Post article that doesn’t even say what you’re claiming.

Maybe you’re not lying. Maybe you really just believe what we you’re told to believe.
Pretty lame how you accuse me of doing what you clearly did.

I provided my sources. You had a vague sentence in a Post article that doesn’t even say what you’re claiming.

Maybe you’re not lying. Maybe you really just believe what we you’re told to believe.
Very lame how you’ve kept doing exactly that. Your game is old, tired and transparent.

Look. It’s obvious. You are a pussy who can’t admit that your argument was shot down.
Very lame how you’ve kept doing exactly that. Your game is old, tired and transparent.

Look. It’s obvious. You are a pussy who can’t admit that your argument was shot down.
My argument was verified by multiple sources which you can’t respond to with any coherent response.

So now this is what you’re reduced to. Very childish.
My argument was verified by multiple sources

which you can’t respond to with any coherent response.
Except I did. So, stop lying. It really isn’t working anyway.
So now this is what you’re reduced to. Very childish.
Again, your act is old, stale and ineffective. It’s ok. I really don’t expect honesty from you at this point.

Meanwhile, the fact remains you refuse to acknowledge anything. And that’s how I know for sure you’re aware of your own fail. 👍

Except I did. So, stop lying. It really isn’t working anyway.

Again, your act is old, stale and ineffective. It’s ok. I really don’t expect honesty from you at this point.

Meanwhile, the fact remains you refuse to acknowledge anything. And that’s how I know for sure you’re aware of your own fail. 👍
You didn’t. First, you claimed the National Archives lied. The second source you never responded to.

You were wrong. It’s okay. Just admit it.
Anyway: it is also true that the Presidential Records Act is written with a certain lack of precision.

44 U.S. Code § 2203 - Management and custody of Presidential records​

Says as follows:

Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.
It provides no time frame.

The entire act also distinguishes between private papers and Presidential records. Maybe the boxes contained more of his own papers than Presidential records? F so, maybe this explains his alleged statements about the boxes containing his stuff “not theirs.”

Additionally, and possibly of some significance under the circumstances (of an election the outcome of which was still being contested in the courts) the section and subdivision also addresses the prospect of consecutive terms. If Trump still believed that he had actually gotten cheated, it would follow that he’d be entitled to hold on to the materials during his next term should he later have won the court cases.
You didn’t. First, you claimed the National Archives lied. The second source you never responded to.

You were wrong. It’s okay. Just admit it.
You go on quibbling. I am not interested in any more of your ongoing dishonesty.

Toddle off, kid. You’re exposed enough already for what you are.

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