Just to be clear.

If they try to disqualify Trump using the security state
What if they use evidence submitted to a grand jury and or a court of law instead?

You go on quibbling. I am not interested in any more of your ongoing dishonesty.

Toddle off, kid. You’re exposed enough already for what you are.
I’ll be right here, waiting for you to have an actual argument rather than trying to get me to run away.

I’m not weak like you.
let's watch as the attack of authoritarian perfidy began immediately after Trump won in 2016:

Now you know why they stole that election with the help of the media and the US security state. Trump pulled the cover off the plan to sell us out. Washington was not pleased with the people's choice so the security state went into action with diversity, equity, and inclusion along with transexualism. Let's not forget all that kneeling at sports events that suddenly appeared. Washington was not going down to the people again so mail-in voting became a card up their sleeves.

Everyone knows they cheated with loaded dice. It will be harder to pull off next time so they need to get rid of Trump with banana republic tactics. This is democracy? The world is laughing at us.
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You're adorable. :itsok:

So, smart guy. Maybe extrapolate on your fucking answer. 'Politics' is a lazy as fuck analogy. Take another bong hit if you need.
You’re still just a douche.

Your opinion that my answer of “politics” is “lazy” is worthless and wrong. If you don’t recognize what’s going on, as I’m sure you don’t, then you’ll never understand why politics is the answer.

Maybe you do need to sleep it off, goober.
I’ll be right here, waiting for you to have an actual argument rather than trying to get me to run away.

I’m not weak like you.
I’m not the one here who’s weak. That’s you, little one. You’re a fraud. You are dishonest and I find you unworthy of this much time.

So stick around. I don’t care. But everyone sees you now for what you are. Meanwhile, when you post, try to stay on topic. Your inability to be honest also should be rectified.
You're so out to lunch I bet you don't even know what the question is. :auiqs.jpg: Take another bong hit if you need to compose a cogent answer.
Your fail is noted. Hell, it’s perpetual.

If you go back to post 1, even as drunk and stupid as you are, you might find a clue about the thread topic.

Good luck.
Your fail is noted. Hell, it’s perpetual.

If you go back to post 1, even as drunk and stupid as you are, you might find a clue about the thread topic.

Good luck.
You're never anywhere near the topic. You're magaturd-eze is showing. You believe your opinion rules over all, we get it. :itsok: Can't argue with it.

You superficial nature is disappointing. Go fuck yourself, magaturd.
You're never anywhere near the topic. You're magaturd-eze is showing. You believe your opinion rules over all, we get it. :itsok: Can't argue with it.
Nah. That’s you. See? Your projection controls you. :itsok:
You superficial nature is disappointing. Go fuck yourself, magaturd.

Everything about you is disgusting. Go suck another bag of rancid dicks. Choke on them in fact. 👍

Now: back on topic.

The OP appears to be concerned that the political tools behind this unseemly attack on President Trump hope to secure a conviction of any felony against him. In that way they seem to believe that he will become ineligible to hold office.

That concern is off-base, but only because no law can be valid if it violates the Constitution. And the Constitution already states what the qualifications are for the Presidency.

See? On topic. You should try that someday.
The OP appears to be concerned that the political tools behind this unseemly attack on President Trump hope to secure a conviction of any felony against him.
Unseemly! You got da vapors, sweetheart? For fucks sake, you're a fucking block of wood. *pResident Trump wasn't 'attacked' you weeping pussy. He broke the law, and DOJ will hopefully crawl right up into him. I realize you don't understand such matters. It's why you're a magaturd. Embrace the suck! :113:
Unseemly! You got da vapors, sweetheart? For fucks sake, you're a fucking block of wood. *pResident Trump wasn't 'attacked' you weeping pussy. He broke the law, and DOJ will hopefully crawl right up into him. I realize you don't understand such matters. It's why you're a magaturd. Embrace the suck! :113:
Look. You need not try so hard to prove it. You’ve already established beyond all doubt that you’re a complete retarded. This IS an attack (a political attack) against Trump, you impervious block of stupid.

And don’t ask me to embrace you. Your are disgusting. I try not to step in dog shit on the sidewalk. I certainly wouldn’t embrace you.

You are the suck. Speaking of which, aren’t you overdue for your turn tossing Brandon’s salad?
You are the suck.
Yep, I'm the worst. You apparently believe you are the best of us. :auiqs.jpg: I'm sure that sort of outlook takes you far, and has made you the unquestionable success that you are today.
Speaking of which, aren’t you overdue for your turn tossing Brandon’s salad?
I'm never late to lovingly distill my president's hourly salad tossing and undergarment relocation, if necessary. I even give our current commander-in-chief a mint afterwards, to commemorate the occasion. :113:
You apparently believe you are the best of us.

Just vastly better than you and a few of your libtarded compatriots.

Of course, that’s not difficult. 😎

Notice: I’ve repeatedly advised you to try discussing the topic. But, for some reason, you refuse. I suppose it’s because you’re in over your head — as always. The topic again appears to be a concern that the politicized AG ON BEHALF OF BRANDON is attempting to get some bullshit felony conviction on Trump to disqualify him from holding office. But, as I stated before “no law can be valid if it violates the Constitution. And the Constitution already states what the qualifications are for the Presidency.”
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